from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import numpy as np import imp import theano from theano.gof import Op, Apply from theano.gradient import DisconnectedType class PdbBreakpoint(Op): """ This is an identity-like op with the side effect of enforcing a conditional breakpoint, inside a theano function, based on a symbolic scalar condition. It automatically detects available debuggers and uses the first available in the following order: `pudb`, `ipdb`, or `pdb`. :type name: String :param name: name of the conditional breakpoint. To be printed when the breakpoint is activated. :note: WARNING. At least one of the outputs of the op must be used otherwise the op will be removed from the Theano graph due to its outputs being unused :note: WARNING. Employing the function inside a theano graph can prevent Theano from applying certain optimizations to improve performance, reduce memory consumption and/or reduce numerical instability. Detailed explanation: As of 2014-12-01 the PdbBreakpoint op is not known by any optimization. Setting a PdbBreakpoint op in the middle of a pattern that is usually optimized out will block the optimization. Example: .. code-block:: python import theano import theano.tensor as T from theano.tests.breakpoint import PdbBreakpoint input = T.fvector() target = T.fvector() # Mean squared error between input and target mse = (input - target) ** 2 # Conditional breakpoint to be activated if the total MSE is higher # than 100. The breakpoint will monitor the inputs, targets as well # as the individual error values breakpointOp = PdbBreakpoint("MSE too high") condition =, 100) mse, monitored_input, monitored_target = breakpointOp(condition, mse, input, target) # Compile the theano function fct = theano.function([input, target], mse) # Use the function print fct([10, 0], [10, 5]) # Will NOT activate the breakpoint print fct([0, 0], [10, 5]) # Will activate the breakpoint """ __props__ = ("name",) def __init__(self, name): = name def make_node(self, condition, *monitored_vars): # Ensure that condition is a theano tensor if not isinstance(condition, theano.Variable): condition = theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable(condition) # Validate that the condition is a scalar (else it is not obvious how # is should be evaluated) assert (condition.ndim == 0) # Because the user might be tempted to instantiate PdbBreakpoint only # once and apply it many times on different number of inputs, we must # create a new instance of the op here, define the instance attributes # (view_map and var_types) in that instance and then apply it on the # inputs. new_op = PdbBreakpoint( new_op.view_map = {} new_op.inp_types = [] for i in range(len(monitored_vars)): # Every output i is a view of the input i+1 because of the input # condition. new_op.view_map[i] = [i + 1] new_op.inp_types.append(monitored_vars[i].type) # Build the Apply node inputs = [condition] + list(monitored_vars) outputs = [inp.type() for inp in monitored_vars] return Apply(op=new_op, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) def perform(self, node, inputs, output_storage): condition = inputs[0] if condition: try: monitored = [np.asarray(inp) for inp in inputs[1:]] except Exception: raise ValueError("Some of the inputs to the PdbBreakpoint op " "'%s' could not be casted to NumPy arrays" % print("\n") print("-------------------------------------------------") print("Conditional breakpoint '%s' activated\n" % print("The monitored variables are stored, in order,") print("in the list variable 'monitored' as NumPy arrays.\n") print("Their contents can be altered and, when execution") print("resumes, the updated values will be used.") print("-------------------------------------------------") if imp.find_module('pudb'): import pudb pudb.set_trace() elif imp.find_module('ipdb'): import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() else: import pdb pdb.set_trace() # Take the new values in monitored, cast them back to their # original type and store them in the output_storage for i in range(len(output_storage)): output_storage[i][0] = self.inp_types[i].filter(monitored[i]) else: # Simply return views on the monitored variables for i in range(len(output_storage)): output_storage[i][0] = inputs[i + 1] def grad(self, inputs, output_gradients): return ([DisconnectedType()()] + output_gradients) def infer_shape(self, inputs, input_shapes): # Return the shape of every input but the condition (first input) return input_shapes[1:] def connection_pattern(self, node): nb_inp = len(node.inputs) nb_out = nb_inp - 1 # First input is connected to no output and every other input n is # connected to input n-1 connections = [[out_idx == inp_idx - 1 for out_idx in range(nb_out)] for inp_idx in range(nb_inp)] return connections