from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import os import unittest import sys from numpy.testing.nosetester import NoseTester # This class contains code adapted from NumPy, # numpy/testing/, # Copyright (c) 2005-2011, NumPy Developers class TheanoNoseTester(NoseTester): """ Nose test runner. This class enables running nose tests from inside Theano, by calling theano.test(). This version is more adapted to what we want than Numpy's one. """ def _test_argv(self, verbose, extra_argv): """ Generate argv for nosetest command :type verbose: int :param verbose: Verbosity value for test outputs, in the range 1-10. Default is 1. :type extra_argv: list :param extra_argv: List with any extra arguments to pass to nosetests. """ # self.package_path = os.path.abspath(self.package_path) argv = [__file__, self.package_path] argv += ['--verbosity', str(verbose)] if extra_argv: argv += extra_argv return argv def _show_system_info(self): import theano print("Theano version %s" % theano.__version__) theano_dir = os.path.dirname(theano.__file__) print("theano is installed in %s" % theano_dir) super(TheanoNoseTester, self)._show_system_info() def prepare_test_args(self, verbose=1, extra_argv=None, coverage=False, capture=True, knownfailure=True): """ Prepare arguments for the `test` method. Takes the same arguments as `test`. """ import nose.plugins.builtin # compile argv argv = self._test_argv(verbose, extra_argv) # numpy way of doing coverage if coverage: argv += ['--cover-package=%s' % self.package_name, '--with-coverage', '--cover-tests', '--cover-inclusive', '--cover-erase'] # Capture output only if needed if not capture: argv += ['-s'] # construct list of plugins plugins = [] if knownfailure: from numpy.testing.noseclasses import KnownFailure plugins.append(KnownFailure()) plugins += [p() for p in nose.plugins.builtin.plugins] return argv, plugins def test(self, verbose=1, extra_argv=None, coverage=False, capture=True, knownfailure=True): """ Run tests for module using nose. :type verbose: int :param verbose: Verbosity value for test outputs, in the range 1-10. Default is 1. :type extra_argv: list :param extra_argv: List with any extra arguments to pass to nosetests. :type coverage: bool :param coverage: If True, report coverage of Theano code. Default is False. :type capture: bool :param capture: If True, capture the standard output of the tests, like nosetests does in command-line. The output of failing tests will be displayed at the end. Default is True. :type knownfailure: bool :param knownfailure: If True, tests raising KnownFailureTest will not be considered Errors nor Failure, but reported as "known failures" and treated quite like skipped tests. Default is True. :returns: Returns the result of running the tests as a ``nose.result.TextTestResult`` object. """ from nose.config import Config from nose.plugins.manager import PluginManager from numpy.testing.noseclasses import NumpyTestProgram # Many Theano tests suppose device=cpu, so we need to raise an # error if device==gpu. if not os.path.exists('theano/'): try: from theano import config if config.device != "cpu": raise ValueError("Theano tests must be run with device=cpu." " This will also run GPU tests when possible.\n" " If you want GPU-related tests to run on a" " specific GPU device, and not the default one," " you should use the init_gpu_device theano flag.") except ImportError: pass # cap verbosity at 3 because nose becomes *very* verbose beyond that verbose = min(verbose, 3) self._show_system_info() cwd = os.getcwd() if self.package_path in os.listdir(cwd): # The tests give weird errors if the package to test is # in current directory. raise RuntimeError(( "This function does not run correctly when, at the time " "theano was imported, the working directory was theano's " "parent directory. You should exit your Python prompt, change " "directory, then launch Python again, import theano, then " "launch theano.test().")) argv, plugins = self.prepare_test_args(verbose, extra_argv, coverage, capture, knownfailure) # The "plugins" keyword of NumpyTestProgram gets ignored if config is # specified. Moreover, using "addplugins" instead can lead to strange # errors. So, we specify the plugins in the Config as well. cfg = Config(includeExe=True, plugins=PluginManager(plugins=plugins)) t = NumpyTestProgram(argv=argv, exit=False, config=cfg) return t.result def main(modulename): if 0: unittest.main() elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "--debug": module = __import__(modulename) tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(module) tests.debug() elif len(sys.argv) == 1: module = __import__(modulename) tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(module) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(tests) else: print("options: [--debug]")