# BSD 3-Clause License; see https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot4/blob/main/LICENSE """ This module is initially empty, a repository for dynamically adding new classes. The purpose of this namespace is to allow :doc:`uproot.model.VersionedModel` classes that were automatically generated from ROOT ``TStreamerInfo`` to be pickled, with the help of :doc:`uproot.model.DynamicModel`. In `Python 3.7 and later `__, attempts to extract items from this namespace generate new :doc:`uproot.model.DynamicModel` classes, which are used as a container in which data from pickled :doc:`uproot.model.VersionedModel` instances are filled. """ def __getattr__(name): import uproot g = globals() if name not in g: g[name] = uproot._util.new_class(name, (uproot.model.DynamicModel,), {}) return g[name]