# BSD 3-Clause License; see https://github.com/scikit-hep/uproot4/blob/main/LICENSE """ This module defines the entry-point for opening a file, :doc:`uproot.reading.open`, and the classes that are too fundamental to be models: :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` (``TFile``), :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` (``TDirectory`` or ``TDirectoryFile``), and :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey` (``TKey``). """ from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import struct import uuid try: from collections.abc import Mapping from collections.abc import MutableMapping except ImportError: from collections import Mapping from collections import MutableMapping import uproot import uproot.behaviors.TBranch from uproot._util import no_filter def open( path, object_cache=100, array_cache="100 MB", custom_classes=None, decompression_executor=None, interpretation_executor=None, **options # NOTE: a comma after **options breaks Python 2 ): """ Args: path (str or ``pathlib.Path``): The filesystem path or remote URL of the file to open. If a string, it may be followed by a colon (``:``) and an object path within the ROOT file, to return an object, rather than a file. Path objects are interpreted strictly as filesystem paths or URLs. Examples: ``"rel/file.root"``, ``"C:\\abs\\file.root"``, ``"http://where/what.root"``, ``"rel/file.root:tdirectory/ttree"``, ``Path("rel:/file.root")``, ``Path("/abs/path:stuff.root")`` object_cache (None, MutableMapping, or int): Cache of objects drawn from ROOT directories (e.g histograms, TTrees, other directories); if None, do not use a cache; if an int, create a new cache of this size. array_cache (None, MutableMapping, or memory size): Cache of arrays drawn from ``TTrees``; if None, do not use a cache; if a memory size, create a new cache of this size. custom_classes (None or MutableMapping): If None, classes come from uproot.classes; otherwise, a container of class definitions that is both used to fill with new classes and search for dependencies. decompression_executor (None or Executor with a ``submit`` method): The executor that is used to decompress ``TBaskets``; if None, a :doc:`uproot.source.futures.TrivialExecutor` is created. Executors attached to a file are ``shutdown`` when the file is closed. interpretation_executor (None or Executor with a ``submit`` method): The executor that is used to interpret uncompressed ``TBasket`` data as arrays; if None, a :doc:`uproot.source.futures.TrivialExecutor` is created. Executors attached to a file are ``shutdown`` when the file is closed. options: See below. Opens a ROOT file, possibly through a remote protocol. If an object path is given, the return type of this function can be anything that can be extracted from a ROOT file (subclass of :doc:`uproot.model.Model`). If an object path is not given, the return type is a :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` *and not* :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile`. ROOT objects can be extracted from a :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` but not a :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile`. Options (type; default): * file_handler (:doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` class; :doc:`uproot.source.file.MemmapSource`) * xrootd_handler (:doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` class; :doc:`uproot.source.xrootd.XRootDSource`) * http_handler (:doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` class; :doc:`uproot.source.http.HTTPSource`) * object_handler (:doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` class; :doc:`uproot.source.object.ObjectSource`) * timeout (float for HTTP, int for XRootD; 30) * max_num_elements (None or int; None) * num_workers (int; 1) * num_fallback_workers (int; 10) * begin_chunk_size (memory_size; 512) * minimal_ttree_metadata (bool; True) Any object derived from a ROOT file is a context manager (works in Python's ``with`` statement) that closes the file when exiting the ``with`` block. Therefore, the :doc:`uproot.reading.open` function can and usually should be used in a ``with`` statement to clean up file handles and threads associated with open files: .. code-block:: python with uproot.open("/path/to/file.root:path/to/histogram") as h: h.to_hist().plot() # file is now closed, even if an exception was raised in the block Other file entry points: * :doc:`uproot.reading.open` (this function): opens one file to read any of its objects. * :doc:`uproot.behaviors.TBranch.iterate`: iterates through chunks of contiguous entries in ``TTrees``. * :doc:`uproot.behaviors.TBranch.concatenate`: returns a single concatenated array from ``TTrees``. * :doc:`uproot.behaviors.TBranch.lazy`: returns a lazily read array from ``TTrees``. """ if isinstance(path, dict) and len(path) == 1: ((file_path, object_path),) = path.items() elif uproot._util.isstr(path): file_path, object_path = uproot._util.file_object_path_split(path) else: file_path = path object_path = None file_path = uproot._util.regularize_path(file_path) if not uproot._util.isstr(file_path) and not ( hasattr(file_path, "read") and hasattr(file_path, "seek") ): raise ValueError( "'path' must be a string, pathlib.Path, an object with 'read' and " "'seek' methods, or a length-1 dict of {{file_path: object_path}}, " "not {0}".format(repr(path)) ) file = ReadOnlyFile( file_path, object_cache=object_cache, array_cache=array_cache, custom_classes=custom_classes, decompression_executor=decompression_executor, interpretation_executor=interpretation_executor, **options # NOTE: a comma after **options breaks Python 2 ) if object_path is None: return file.root_directory else: return file.root_directory[object_path] open.defaults = { "file_handler": uproot.source.file.MemmapSource, "xrootd_handler": uproot.source.xrootd.MultithreadedXRootDSource, "http_handler": uproot.source.http.HTTPSource, "object_handler": uproot.source.object.ObjectSource, "timeout": 30, "max_num_elements": None, "num_workers": 1, "num_fallback_workers": 10, "begin_chunk_size": 512, "minimal_ttree_metadata": True, } must_be_attached = [ "TROOT", "TDirectory", "TDirectoryFile", "RooWorkspace::WSDir", "TTree", "TChain", "TProofChain", "THbookTree", "TNtuple", "TNtupleD", "TTreeSQL", ] class CommonFileMethods(object): """ Abstract class for :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` and :doc:`uproot.reading.DetachedFile`. The latter is a placeholder for file information, such as the :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.file_path` used in many error messages, without holding a reference to the active :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source`. This allows the file to be closed and deleted while objects that were read from it still exist. Also, only objects that hold detached file references, rather than active ones, can be pickled. The (unpickleable) objects that must hold a reference to an active :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` are listed by C++ (decoded) classname in ``uproot.must_be_attached``. """ @property def file_path(self): """ The original path to the file (converted to ``str`` if it was originally a ``pathlib.Path``). """ return self._file_path @property def options(self): """ The dict of ``options`` originally passed to the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` constructor. """ return self._options @property def root_version(self): """ Version of ROOT used to write the file as a string. See :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.root_version_tuple` and :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.fVersion`. """ return "{0}.{1:02d}/{2:02d}".format(*self.root_version_tuple) @property def root_version_tuple(self): """ Version of ROOT used to write teh file as a tuple. See :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.root_version` and :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.fVersion`. """ version = self._fVersion if version >= 1000000: version -= 1000000 major = version // 10000 version %= 10000 minor = version // 100 version %= 100 return major, minor, version @property def is_64bit(self): """ True if the ROOT file is 64-bit ready; False otherwise. A file that is larger than 4 GiB must be 64-bit ready, though any file might be. This refers to seek points like :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.fSeekFree` being 64-bit integers, rather than 32-bit. Note that a file being 64-bit is distinct from a ``TDirectory`` being 64-bit; see :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory.is_64bit`. """ return self._fVersion >= 1000000 @property def compression(self): """ A :doc:`uproot.compression.Compression` object describing the compression setting for the ROOT file. Note that different objects (even different ``TBranches`` within a ``TTree``) can be compressed differently, so this file-level compression is only a strong hint of how the objects are likely to be compressed. For some versions of ROOT ``TStreamerInfo`` is always compressed with :doc:`uproot.compression.ZLIB`, even if the compression is set to a different algorithm. See :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.fCompress`. """ return uproot.compression.Compression.from_code(self._fCompress) @property def hex_uuid(self): """ The unique identifier (UUID) of the ROOT file expressed as a hexadecimal string. See :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.uuid` and :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.fUUID`. """ if uproot._util.py2: out = "".join("{0:02x}".format(ord(x)) for x in self._fUUID) else: out = "".join("{0:02x}".format(x) for x in self._fUUID) return "-".join([out[0:8], out[8:12], out[12:16], out[16:20], out[20:32]]) @property def uuid(self): """ The unique identifier (UUID) of the ROOT file expressed as a Python ``uuid.UUID`` object. See :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.hex_uuid` and :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.fUUID`. """ return uuid.UUID(self.hex_uuid.replace("-", "")) @property def fVersion(self): """ Raw version information for the ROOT file; this number is used to derive :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.root_version`, :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.root_version_tuple`, and :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.is_64bit`. """ return self._fVersion @property def fBEGIN(self): """ The seek point (int) for the first data record, past the TFile header. Usually 100. """ return self._fBEGIN @property def fEND(self): """ The seek point (int) to the last free word at the end of the ROOT file. """ return self._fEND @property def fSeekFree(self): """ The seek point (int) to the ``TFree`` data, for managing empty spaces in a ROOT file (filesystem-like fragmentation). """ return self._fSeekFree @property def fNbytesFree(self): """ The number of bytes in the ``TFree`` data, for managing empty spaces in a ROOT file (filesystem-like fragmentation). """ return self._fNbytesFree @property def nfree(self): """ The number of objects in the ``TFree`` data, for managing empty spaces in a ROOT file (filesystem-like fragmentation). """ return self._nfree @property def fNbytesName(self): """ The number of bytes in the filename (``TNamed``) that is embedded in the ROOT file. """ return self._fNbytesName @property def fUnits(self): """ Number of bytes in the serialization of file seek points. Usually 4 or 8. """ return self._fUnits @property def fCompress(self): """ The raw integer describing the compression setting for the ROOT file. Note that different objects (even different ``TBranches`` within a ``TTree``) can be compressed differently, so this file-level compression is only a strong hint of how the objects are likely to be compressed. For some versions of ROOT ``TStreamerInfo`` is always compressed with :doc:`uproot.compression.ZLIB`, even if the compression is set to a different algorithm. See :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.compression`. """ return self._fCompress @property def fSeekInfo(self): """ The seek point (int) to the ``TStreamerInfo`` data, where :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers` are located. """ return self._fSeekInfo @property def fNbytesInfo(self): """ The number of bytes in the ``TStreamerInfo`` data, where :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers` are located. """ return self._fNbytesInfo @property def fUUID(self): """ The unique identifier (UUID) of the ROOT file as a raw bytestring (Python ``bytes``). See :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.hex_uuid` and :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.uuid`. """ return self._fUUID class DetachedFile(CommonFileMethods): """ Args: file (:doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile`): The active file object to convert into a detached file. A placeholder for a :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` with useful information, such as the :ref:`uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods.file_path` used in many error messages, without holding a reference to the active :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source`. This allows the file to be closed and deleted while objects that were read from it still exist. Also, only objects that hold detached file references, rather than active ones, can be pickled. The (unpickleable) objects that must hold a reference to an active :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` are listed by C++ (decoded) classname in ``uproot.must_be_attached``. """ def __init__(self, file): self._file_path = file._file_path self._options = file._options self._fVersion = file._fVersion self._fBEGIN = file._fBEGIN self._fEND = file._fEND self._fSeekFree = file._fSeekFree self._fNbytesFree = file._fNbytesFree self._nfree = file._nfree self._fNbytesName = file._fNbytesName self._fUnits = file._fUnits self._fCompress = file._fCompress self._fSeekInfo = file._fSeekInfo self._fNbytesInfo = file._fNbytesInfo self._fUUID_version = file._fUUID_version self._fUUID = file._fUUID _file_header_fields_small = struct.Struct(">4siiiiiiiBiiiH16s") _file_header_fields_big = struct.Struct(">4siiqqiiiBiqiH16s") class ReadOnlyFile(CommonFileMethods): """ Args: file_path (str or ``pathlib.Path``): The filesystem path or remote URL of the file to open. Unlike :doc:`uproot.reading.open`, it cannot be followed by a colon (``:``) and an object path within the ROOT file. object_cache (None, MutableMapping, or int): Cache of objects drawn from ROOT directories (e.g histograms, TTrees, other directories); if None, do not use a cache; if an int, create a new cache of this size. array_cache (None, MutableMapping, or memory size): Cache of arrays drawn from ``TTrees``; if None, do not use a cache; if a memory size, create a new cache of this size. custom_classes (None or MutableMapping): If None, classes come from uproot.classes; otherwise, a container of class definitions that is both used to fill with new classes and search for dependencies. decompression_executor (None or Executor with a ``submit`` method): The executor that is used to decompress ``TBaskets``; if None, a :doc:`uproot.source.futures.TrivialExecutor` is created. Executors attached to a file are ``shutdown`` when the file is closed. interpretation_executor (None or Executor with a ``submit`` method): The executor that is used to interpret uncompressed ``TBasket`` data as arrays; if None, a :doc:`uproot.source.futures.TrivialExecutor` is created. Executors attached to a file are ``shutdown`` when the file is closed. options: See below. Handle to an open ROOT file, the way to access data in ``TDirectories`` (:doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory`) and create new classes from ``TStreamerInfo`` (:ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers`). All objects derived from ROOT files have a pointer back to the file, though this is a :doc:`uproot.reading.DetachedFile` (no active connection, cannot read more data) if the object's :ref:`uproot.model.Model.classname` is not in ``uproot.reading.must_be_attached``: objects that can read more data and need to have an active connection (like ``TTree``, ``TBranch``, and ``TDirectory``). Note that a :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` can't be directly used to extract objects. To read data, use the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` returned by :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.root_directory`. This is why :doc:`uproot.reading.open` returns a :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` and not a :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile`. Options (type; default): * file_handler (:doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` class; :doc:`uproot.source.file.MemmapSource`) * xrootd_handler (:doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` class; :doc:`uproot.source.xrootd.XRootDSource`) * http_handler (:doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` class; :doc:`uproot.source.http.HTTPSource`) * object_handler (:doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` class; :doc:`uproot.source.object.ObjectSource`) * timeout (float for HTTP, int for XRootD; 30) * max_num_elements (None or int; None) * num_workers (int; 1) * num_fallback_workers (int; 10) * begin_chunk_size (memory_size; 512) * minimal_ttree_metadata (bool; True) See the `ROOT TFile documentation <https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTFile.html>`__ for a specification of ``TFile`` header fields. """ def __init__( self, file_path, object_cache=100, array_cache="100 MB", custom_classes=None, decompression_executor=None, interpretation_executor=None, **options # NOTE: a comma after **options breaks Python 2 ): self._file_path = file_path self.object_cache = object_cache self.array_cache = array_cache self.custom_classes = custom_classes self.decompression_executor = decompression_executor self.interpretation_executor = interpretation_executor self._options = dict(open.defaults) self._options.update(options) for option in ["begin_chunk_size"]: self._options[option] = uproot._util.memory_size(self._options[option]) self._streamers = None self._streamer_rules = None self.hook_before_create_source() Source, file_path = uproot._util.file_path_to_source_class( file_path, self._options ) self._source = Source( file_path, **self._options # NOTE: a comma after **options breaks Python 2 ) self.hook_before_get_chunks() if self._options["begin_chunk_size"] < _file_header_fields_big.size: raise ValueError( "begin_chunk_size={0} is not enough to read the TFile header ({1})".format( self._options["begin_chunk_size"], _file_header_fields_big.size, ) ) self._begin_chunk = self._source.chunk(0, self._options["begin_chunk_size"]) self.hook_before_interpret() ( magic, self._fVersion, self._fBEGIN, self._fEND, self._fSeekFree, self._fNbytesFree, self._nfree, self._fNbytesName, self._fUnits, self._fCompress, self._fSeekInfo, self._fNbytesInfo, self._fUUID_version, self._fUUID, ) = uproot.source.cursor.Cursor(0).fields( self._begin_chunk, _file_header_fields_small, {} ) if self.is_64bit: ( magic, self._fVersion, self._fBEGIN, self._fEND, self._fSeekFree, self._fNbytesFree, self._nfree, self._fNbytesName, self._fUnits, self._fCompress, self._fSeekInfo, self._fNbytesInfo, self._fUUID_version, self._fUUID, ) = uproot.source.cursor.Cursor(0).fields( self._begin_chunk, _file_header_fields_big, {} ) self.hook_after_interpret(magic=magic) if magic != b"root": raise ValueError( """not a ROOT file: first four bytes are {0} in file {1}""".format( repr(magic), file_path ) ) def __repr__(self): return "<ReadOnlyFile {0} at 0x{1:012x}>".format( repr(self._file_path), id(self) ) @property def detached(self): """ A :doc:`uproot.reading.DetachedFile` version of this file. """ return DetachedFile(self) def close(self): """ Explicitly close the file. (Files can also be closed with the Python ``with`` statement, as context managers.) After closing, new objects and classes cannot be extracted from the file, but objects with :doc:`uproot.reading.DetachedFile` references instead of :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` that are still in the :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.object_cache` would still be accessible. """ self._source.close() if hasattr(self._decompression_executor, "shutdown"): getattr(self._decompression_executor, "shutdown")() if hasattr(self._interpretation_executor, "shutdown"): getattr(self._interpretation_executor, "shutdown")() @property def closed(self): """ True if the file has been closed; False otherwise. The file may have been closed explicitly with :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.close` or implicitly in the Python ``with`` statement, as a context manager. After closing, new objects and classes cannot be extracted from the file, but objects with :doc:`uproot.reading.DetachedFile` references instead of :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` that are still in the :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.object_cache` would still be accessible. """ return self._source.closed def __enter__(self): self._source.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self._source.__exit__(exception_type, exception_value, traceback) if hasattr(self._decompression_executor, "shutdown"): getattr(self._decompression_executor, "shutdown")() if hasattr(self._interpretation_executor, "shutdown"): getattr(self._interpretation_executor, "shutdown")() @property def source(self): """ The :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` associated with this file, which is the "physical layer" that knows how to communicate with local file systems or through remote protocols like HTTP(S) or XRootD, but does not know what the bytes mean. """ return self._source @property def object_cache(self): """ A cache used to hold previously extracted objects, so that code like .. code-block:: python h = my_file["histogram"] h = my_file["histogram"] h = my_file["histogram"] only reads the ``"histogram"`` once. Any Python ``MutableMapping`` can be used as a cache (i.e. a Python dict would be a cache that never evicts old objects), though :doc:`uproot.cache.LRUCache` is a good choice because it is thread-safe and evicts least-recently used objects when a maximum number of objects is reached. """ return self._object_cache @object_cache.setter def object_cache(self, value): if value is None or isinstance(value, MutableMapping): self._object_cache = value elif uproot._util.isint(value): self._object_cache = uproot.cache.LRUCache(value) else: raise TypeError("object_cache must be None, a MutableMapping, or an int") @property def array_cache(self): """ A cache used to hold previously extracted arrays, so that code like .. code-block:: python a = my_tree["branch"].array() a = my_tree["branch"].array() a = my_tree["branch"].array() only reads the ``"branch"`` once. Any Python ``MutableMapping`` can be used as a cache (i.e. a Python dict would be a cache that never evicts old objects), though :doc:`uproot.cache.LRUArrayCache` is a good choice because it is thread-safe and evicts least-recently used objects when a size limit is reached. """ return self._array_cache @array_cache.setter def array_cache(self, value): if value is None or isinstance(value, MutableMapping): self._array_cache = value elif uproot._util.isint(value) or uproot._util.isstr(value): self._array_cache = uproot.cache.LRUArrayCache(value) else: raise TypeError( "array_cache must be None, a MutableMapping, or a memory size" ) @property def root_directory(self): """ The root ``TDirectory`` of the file (:doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory`). """ return ReadOnlyDirectory( (), uproot.source.cursor.Cursor(self._fBEGIN + self._fNbytesName), {}, self, self, ) def show_streamers(self, classname=None, version="max", stream=sys.stdout): """ Args: classname (None or str): If None, all streamers that are defined in the file are shown; if a class name, only this class and its dependencies are shown. version (int, "min", or "max"): Version number of the desired class; "min" or "max" returns the minimum or maximum version number, respectively. stream (object with a ``write(str)`` method): Stream to write the output to. Interactively display a file's ``TStreamerInfo``. Example with ``classname="TLorentzVector"``: .. code-block:: TVector3 (v3): TObject (v1) fX: double (TStreamerBasicType) fY: double (TStreamerBasicType) fZ: double (TStreamerBasicType) TObject (v1) fUniqueID: unsigned int (TStreamerBasicType) fBits: unsigned int (TStreamerBasicType) TLorentzVector (v4): TObject (v1) fP: TVector3 (TStreamerObject) fE: double (TStreamerBasicType) """ classname = uproot.model.classname_regularize(classname) if classname is None: names = [] for name, streamer_versions in self.streamers.items(): for version in streamer_versions: names.append((name, version)) else: names = self.streamer_dependencies(classname, version=version) first = True for name, version in names: for v, streamer in self.streamers[name].items(): if v == version: if not first: stream.write(u"\n") streamer.show(stream=stream) first = False @property def streamers(self): """ A list of :doc:`uproot.streamers.Model_TStreamerInfo` objects representing the ``TStreamerInfos`` in the ROOT file. A file's ``TStreamerInfos`` are only read the first time they are needed. Uproot has a suite of predefined models in ``uproot.models`` to reduce the probability that ``TStreamerInfos`` will need to be read (depending on the choice of classes or versions of the classes that are accessed). See also :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamer_rules`, which are read in the same pass with ``TStreamerInfos``. """ import uproot.streamers import uproot.models.TList import uproot.models.TObjArray import uproot.models.TObjString if self._streamers is None: if self._fSeekInfo == 0: self._streamers = {} else: key_cursor = uproot.source.cursor.Cursor(self._fSeekInfo) key_start = self._fSeekInfo key_stop = min(self._fSeekInfo + _key_format_big.size, self._fEND) key_chunk = self.chunk(key_start, key_stop) self.hook_before_read_streamer_key( key_chunk=key_chunk, key_cursor=key_cursor, ) streamer_key = ReadOnlyKey(key_chunk, key_cursor, {}, self, self) self.hook_before_read_decompress_streamers( key_chunk=key_chunk, key_cursor=key_cursor, streamer_key=streamer_key, ) ( streamer_chunk, streamer_cursor, ) = streamer_key.get_uncompressed_chunk_cursor() self.hook_before_interpret_streamers( key_chunk=key_chunk, key_cursor=key_cursor, streamer_key=streamer_key, streamer_cursor=streamer_cursor, streamer_chunk=streamer_chunk, ) classes = uproot.model.maybe_custom_classes(self._custom_classes) tlist = classes["TList"].read( streamer_chunk, streamer_cursor, {}, self, self.detached, None ) self._streamers = {} self._streamer_rules = [] for x in tlist: if isinstance(x, uproot.streamers.Model_TStreamerInfo): if x.name not in self._streamers: self._streamers[x.name] = {} self._streamers[x.name][x.class_version] = x elif isinstance(x, uproot.models.TList.Model_TList) and all( isinstance(y, uproot.models.TObjString.Model_TObjString) for y in x ): self._streamer_rules.extend([str(y) for y in x]) else: raise ValueError( """unexpected type in TList of streamers and streamer rules: {0} in file {1}""".format( type(x), self._file_path ) ) self.hook_after_interpret_streamers( key_chunk=key_chunk, key_cursor=key_cursor, streamer_key=streamer_key, streamer_cursor=streamer_cursor, streamer_chunk=streamer_chunk, ) return self._streamers @property def streamer_rules(self): """ A list of strings of C++ code that help schema evolution of ``TStreamerInfo`` by providing rules to evaluate when new objects are accessed by old ROOT versions. Uproot does not evaluate these rules because they are written in C++ and Uproot does not have access to a C++ compiler. These rules are read in the same pass that produces :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers`. """ if self._streamer_rules is None: self.streamers return self._streamer_rules def streamers_named(self, classname): """ Returns a list of :doc:`uproot.streamers.Model_TStreamerInfo` objects that match C++ (decoded) ``classname``. More that one streamer matching a given name is unlikely, but possible because there may be different versions of the same class. (Perhaps such files can be created by merging data from different ROOT versions with hadd?) See also :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamer_named` (singular). """ classname = uproot.model.classname_regularize(classname) streamer_versions = self.streamers.get(classname) if streamer_versions is None: return [] else: return list(streamer_versions.values()) def streamer_named(self, classname, version="max"): """ Returns a single :doc:`uproot.streamers.Model_TStreamerInfo` object that matches C++ (decoded) ``classname`` and ``version``. The ``version`` can be an integer or ``"min"`` or ``"max"`` for the minimum and maximum version numbers available in the file. The default is ``"max"`` because there's usually only one. See also :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers_named` (plural). """ classname = uproot.model.classname_regularize(classname) streamer_versions = self.streamers.get(classname) if streamer_versions is None or len(streamer_versions) == 0: return None elif version == "min": return streamer_versions[min(streamer_versions)] elif version == "max": return streamer_versions[max(streamer_versions)] else: return streamer_versions.get(version) def streamer_dependencies(self, classname, version="max"): """ Returns a list of :doc:`uproot.streamers.Model_TStreamerInfo` objects that depend on the one that matches C++ (decoded) ``classname`` and ``version``. The ``classname`` and ``version`` are interpreted the same way as :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamer_named`. """ classname = uproot.model.classname_regularize(classname) streamer = self.streamer_named(classname, version=version) out = [] if streamer is not None: streamer._dependencies(self.streamers, out) return out[::-1] @property def custom_classes(self): """ Either a dict of class objects specific to this file or None if it uses the common ``uproot.classes`` pool. """ return self._custom_classes @custom_classes.setter def custom_classes(self, value): if value is None or isinstance(value, MutableMapping): self._custom_classes = value else: raise TypeError("custom_classes must be None or a MutableMapping") @property def decompression_executor(self): """ An object satisfying the Executor interface; ``submit(task, *args, **kwargs)`` returns a Future, which blocks and returns ``task(*args, **kwargs)`` when its ``Future.result()`` is called. This executor is used to decompress ``TBasket`` data. Executors attached to a file are ``shutdown`` when the file is closed. """ return self._decompression_executor @decompression_executor.setter def decompression_executor(self, value): if value is None: value = uproot.source.futures.TrivialExecutor() if not hasattr(value, "submit"): raise TypeError("decompression_executor must have a 'submit' method") self._decompression_executor = value @property def interpretation_executor(self): """ An object satisfying the Executor interface; ``submit(task, *args, **kwargs)`` returns a Future, which blocks and returns ``task(*args, **kwargs)`` when its ``Future.result()`` is called. This executor is used to interpret arrays from uncompressed ``TBasket`` data. Executors attached to a file are ``shutdown`` when the file is closed. """ return self._interpretation_executor @interpretation_executor.setter def interpretation_executor(self, value): if value is None: value = uproot.source.futures.TrivialExecutor() if not hasattr(value, "submit"): raise TypeError("interpretation_executor must have a 'submit' method") self._interpretation_executor = value def remove_class_definition(self, classname): """ Removes all versions of a class, specified by C++ (decoded) ``classname``, from the :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.custom_classes`. If the file doesn't have a :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.custom_classes`, this function adds one, so it does not remove the class from the common pool. If you want to remove a class from the common pool, you can do so with .. code-block:: python del uproot.classes[classname] """ classname = uproot.model.classname_regularize(classname) if self._custom_classes is None: self._custom_classes = dict(uproot.classes) if classname in self._custom_classes: del self._custom_classes[classname] def class_named(self, classname, version=None): """ Returns or creates a class with a given C++ (decoded) ``classname`` and possible ``version``. * If the ``version`` is None, this function may return a :doc:`uproot.model.DispatchByVersion`. * If the ``version`` is an integer, ``"min"`` or ``"max"``, then it returns a :doc:`uproot.model.VersionedModel`. Using ``"min"`` or ``"max"`` specifies the minium or maximum version ``TStreamerInfo`` defined by the file; most files define only one so ``"max"`` is usually safe. If this file has :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.custom_classes`, the new class is added to that dict; otherwise, it is added to the global ``uproot.classes``. """ classname = uproot.model.classname_regularize(classname) classes = uproot.model.maybe_custom_classes(self._custom_classes) cls = classes.get(classname) if cls is None: streamers = self.streamers_named(classname) if len(streamers) == 0: unknown_cls = uproot.unknown_classes.get(classname) if unknown_cls is None: unknown_cls = uproot._util.new_class( uproot.model.classname_encode(classname, unknown=True), (uproot.model.UnknownClass,), {}, ) uproot.unknown_classes[classname] = unknown_cls return unknown_cls else: cls = uproot._util.new_class( uproot._util.ensure_str(uproot.model.classname_encode(classname)), (uproot.model.DispatchByVersion,), {"known_versions": {}}, ) classes[classname] = cls if version is not None and issubclass(cls, uproot.model.DispatchByVersion): if not uproot._util.isint(version): streamer = self.streamer_named(classname, version) if streamer is not None: version = streamer.class_version elif version == "max" and len(cls.known_versions) != 0: version = max(cls.known_versions) elif version == "min" and len(cls.known_versions) != 0: version = min(cls.known_versions) else: unknown_cls = uproot.unknown_classes.get(classname) if unknown_cls is None: unknown_cls = uproot._util.new_class( uproot.model.classname_encode( classname, version, unknown=True ), (uproot.model.UnknownClassVersion,), {}, ) uproot.unknown_classes[classname] = unknown_cls return unknown_cls versioned_cls = cls.class_of_version(version) if versioned_cls is None: cls = cls.new_class(self, version) else: cls = versioned_cls return cls def chunk(self, start, stop): """ Returns a :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Chunk` from the :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` that is guaranteed to include bytes from ``start`` up to ``stop`` seek points in the file. If the desired range is satisfied by a previously saved chunk, such as :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.begin_chunk`, then that is returned. Hence, the returned chunk may include more data than the range from ``start`` up to ``stop``. """ if self.closed: raise OSError("file {0} is closed".format(repr(self._file_path))) elif (start, stop) in self._begin_chunk: return self._begin_chunk else: return self._source.chunk(start, stop) @property def begin_chunk(self): """ A special :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Chunk` corresponding to the beginning of the file, from seek point ``0`` up to ``options["begin_chunk_size"]``. """ return self._begin_chunk def hook_before_create_source(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` constructor before the :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` is created. This is the first hook called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` constructor. """ pass def hook_before_get_chunks(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` constructor after the :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source` is created but before attempting to get any :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Chunk`, specifically the :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.begin_chunk`. """ pass def hook_before_interpret(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` constructor after loading the :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.begin_chunk` and before interpreting its ``TFile`` header. """ pass def hook_after_interpret(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` constructor after interpreting the ``TFile`` header and before raising an error if the first four bytes are not ``b"root"``. This is the last hook called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` constructor. """ pass def hook_before_read_streamer_key(self, **kwargs): """ Called in :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers` before reading the ``TKey`` associated with the ``TStreamerInfo``. This is the first hook called in :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers`. """ pass def hook_before_read_decompress_streamers(self, **kwargs): """ Called in :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers` after reading the ``TKey`` associated with the ``TStreamerInfo`` and before reading and decompressing the ``TStreamerInfo`` data. """ pass def hook_before_interpret_streamers(self, **kwargs): """ Called in :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers` after reading and decompressing the ``TStreamerInfo`` data, but before interpreting it. """ pass def hook_after_interpret_streamers(self, **kwargs): """ Called in :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers` after interpreting the ``TStreamerInfo`` data. This is the last hook called in :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers`. """ pass _directory_format_small = struct.Struct(">hIIiiiii") _directory_format_big = struct.Struct(">hIIiiqqq") _directory_format_num_keys = struct.Struct(">i") class ReadOnlyDirectory(Mapping): """ Args: path (tuple of str): Object path of the ``TDirectory`` as a tuple of nested ``TDirectory`` names. cursor (:doc:`uproot.source.cursor.Cursor`): Current position in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile`. context (dict): Auxiliary data used in deserialization. file (:doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile`): The open file object. parent (None or calling object): The previous ``read`` in the recursive descent. Represents a ``TDirectory`` from a ROOT file, most notably, the root directory (:ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.root_directory`). Be careful not to confuse :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` and :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory`: files are for accessing global information such as :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers` and directories are for data in local hierarchies. A :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` is a Python ``Mapping``, which uses square bracket syntax to extract objects: .. code-block:: python my_directory["histogram"] my_directory["tree"] my_directory["directory"]["another_tree"] Objects in ROOT files also have "cycle numbers," which allow multiple versions of an object to be retrievable using the same name. A cycle number may be specified after a semicolon: .. code-block:: python my_directory["histogram;2"] but without one, the directory defaults to the latest (highest cycle number). It's also possible to navigate through nested directories with a slash (``/``) instead of sequences of square brackets. The following are equivalent: .. code-block:: python my_directory["directory"]["another_tree"]["branch_in_tree"] # long form my_directory["directory/another_tree"]["branch_in_tree"] # / for dir my_directory["directory/another_tree/branch_in_tree"] # / for branch my_directory["/directory/another_tree/branch_in_tree"] # absolute my_directory["/directory////another_tree/branch_in_tree"] # extra /// As a Python ``Mapping``, :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` also has * :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory.keys`: names of objects in the ``TDirectory`` * :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory.values`: objects in the ``TDirectory`` * :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory.items`: 2-tuple (name, object) pairs. However, the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` versions of these methods have extra parameters for navigating a complex ROOT file. In addition, there is a * :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory.classnames`: returns a dict of (name, classname) pairs. with the same parameters. See the `ROOT TDirectoryFile documentation <https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTDirectoryFile.html>`__ for a specification of ``TDirectory`` header fields (in an image). """ def __init__(self, path, cursor, context, file, parent): self._path = path self._cursor = cursor.copy() self._file = file self._parent = parent self.hook_before_read(cursor=cursor) directory_start = cursor.index directory_stop = min(directory_start + _directory_format_big.size, file.fEND) chunk = file.chunk(directory_start, directory_stop) self.hook_before_interpret(chunk=chunk, cursor=cursor) ( self._fVersion, self._fDatimeC, self._fDatimeM, self._fNbytesKeys, self._fNbytesName, self._fSeekDir, self._fSeekParent, self._fSeekKeys, ) = cursor.fields(chunk, _directory_format_small, context, move=False) if self.is_64bit: ( self._fVersion, self._fDatimeC, self._fDatimeM, self._fNbytesKeys, self._fNbytesName, self._fSeekDir, self._fSeekParent, self._fSeekKeys, ) = cursor.fields(chunk, _directory_format_big, context) else: cursor.skip(_directory_format_small.size) if self._fSeekKeys == 0: self._header_key = None self._keys = [] else: keys_start = self._fSeekKeys keys_stop = min(keys_start + self._fNbytesKeys + 8, file.fEND) keys_cursor = uproot.source.cursor.Cursor(self._fSeekKeys) self.hook_before_read_keys( chunk=chunk, cursor=cursor, keys_cursor=keys_cursor ) if (keys_start, keys_stop) in chunk: keys_chunk = chunk else: keys_chunk = file.chunk(keys_start, keys_stop) self.hook_before_header_key( chunk=chunk, cursor=cursor, keys_chunk=keys_chunk, keys_cursor=keys_cursor, ) # header_key is never used, but we do need to seek past it ReadOnlyKey(keys_chunk, keys_cursor, {}, file, self, read_strings=True) num_keys = keys_cursor.field( keys_chunk, _directory_format_num_keys, context ) self.hook_before_keys( chunk=chunk, cursor=cursor, keys_chunk=keys_chunk, keys_cursor=keys_cursor, num_keys=num_keys, ) self._keys = [] for i in uproot._util.range(num_keys): key = ReadOnlyKey( keys_chunk, keys_cursor, {}, file, self, read_strings=True ) self._keys.append(key) self.hook_after_keys( chunk=chunk, cursor=cursor, keys_chunk=keys_chunk, keys_cursor=keys_cursor, num_keys=num_keys, ) def __repr__(self): return "<ReadOnlyDirectory {0} at 0x{1:012x}>".format( repr("/" + "/".join(self._path)), id(self) ) @property def path(self): """ Object path of the ``TDirectory`` as a tuple of nested ``TDirectory`` names. The root directory is an empty tuple, ``()``. See :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory.object_path` for the path as a string. """ return self._path @property def object_path(self): """ Object path of the ``TDirectory`` as a single string, beginning and ending with ``/``. The root directory is a single slash, ``"/"``. See :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory.path` for the path as a tuple of strings. """ return "/".join(("",) + self._path + ("",)).replace("//", "/") @property def file(self): """ The :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` in which this ``TDirectory`` resides. This property is useful for getting global information, in idioms like .. code-block:: python with uproot.open("/path/to/file.root") as handle: handle.file.show_streamers() """ return self._file def close(self): """ Close the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` in which this ``TDirectory`` resides. """ self._file.close() @property def closed(self): """ True if the :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory.file` is closed; False otherwise. """ return self._file.closed def __enter__(self): self._file.source.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self._file.source.__exit__(exception_type, exception_value, traceback) @property def cursor(self): """ A :doc:`uproot.source.cursor.Cursor` pointing to the seek point in the file where this ``TDirectory`` is defined (at the start of the ``TDirectory`` header). """ return self._cursor @property def parent(self): """ The object that was deserialized before this one in recursive descent, usually the containing object (or the container's container). """ return self._parent @property def is_64bit(self): """ True if the ``TDirectory`` is 64-bit ready; False otherwise. This refers to seek points like :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory.fSeekDir` being 64-bit integers, rather than 32-bit. Note that a file being 64-bit is distinct from a ``TDirectory`` being 64-bit; see :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.is_64bit`. """ return self._fVersion > 1000 @property def cache_key(self): """ String that uniquely specifies this ``TDirectory`` path, to use as part of object and array cache keys. """ return self.file.hex_uuid + ":" + self.object_path def keys( self, recursive=True, cycle=True, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=no_filter, ): u""" Args: recursive (bool): If True, descend into any nested subdirectories. If False, only return the names of objects directly accessible in this ``TDirectory``. cycle (bool): If True, include the cycle numbers in those names. filter_name (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by name. filter_classname (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by C++ (decoded) classname. Returns the names of the objects in this ``TDirectory`` as a list of strings. Note that this does not read any data from the file. """ return list( self.iterkeys( recursive=recursive, cycle=cycle, filter_name=filter_name, filter_classname=filter_classname, ) ) def values( self, recursive=True, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=no_filter, ): u""" Args: recursive (bool): If True, descend into any nested subdirectories. If False, only return objects directly accessible in this ``TDirectory``. filter_name (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by name. filter_classname (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by C++ (decoded) classname. Returns objects in this ``TDirectory`` as a list of :doc:`uproot.model.Model`. Note that this reads all objects that are selected by ``filter_name`` and ``filter_classname``. """ return list( self.itervalues( recursive=recursive, filter_name=filter_name, filter_classname=filter_classname, ) ) def items( self, recursive=True, cycle=True, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=no_filter, ): u""" Args: recursive (bool): If True, descend into any nested subdirectories. If False, only return (name, object) pairs directly accessible in this ``TDirectory``. cycle (bool): If True, include the cycle numbers in the names. filter_name (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by name. filter_classname (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by C++ (decoded) classname. Returns (name, object) pairs for objects in this ``TDirectory`` as a list of 2-tuples of (str, :doc:`uproot.model.Model`). Note that this reads all objects that are selected by ``filter_name`` and ``filter_classname``. """ return list( self.iteritems( recursive=recursive, cycle=cycle, filter_name=filter_name, filter_classname=filter_classname, ) ) def classnames( self, recursive=True, cycle=False, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=no_filter, ): u""" Args: recursive (bool): If True, descend into any nested subdirectories. If False, only return the names and classnames of objects directly accessible in this ``TDirectory``. cycle (bool): If True, include the cycle numbers in the names. filter_name (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by name. filter_classname (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by C++ (decoded) classname. Returns the names and C++ (decoded) classnames of the objects in this ``TDirectory`` as a dict of str \u2192 str. Note that this does not read any data from the file. """ return dict( self.iterclassnames( recursive=recursive, cycle=cycle, filter_name=filter_name, filter_classname=filter_classname, ) ) def iterkeys( self, recursive=True, cycle=True, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=no_filter, ): u""" Args: recursive (bool): If True, descend into any nested subdirectories. If False, only return the names of objects directly accessible in this ``TDirectory``. cycle (bool): If True, include the cycle numbers in those names. filter_name (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by name. filter_classname (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by C++ (decoded) classname. Returns the names of the objects in this ``TDirectory`` as an iterator over strings. Note that this does not read any data from the file. """ filter_name = uproot._util.regularize_filter(filter_name) filter_classname = uproot._util.regularize_filter(filter_classname) for key in self._keys: if (filter_name is no_filter or filter_name(key.fName)) and ( filter_classname is no_filter or filter_classname(key.fClassName) ): yield key.name(cycle=cycle) if recursive and key.fClassName in ("TDirectory", "TDirectoryFile"): for k1 in key.get().iterkeys( recursive=recursive, cycle=cycle, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=filter_classname, ): k2 = "{0}/{1}".format(key.name(cycle=False), k1) k3 = k2[: k2.index(";")] if ";" in k2 else k2 if filter_name is no_filter or filter_name(k3): yield k2 def itervalues( self, recursive=True, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=no_filter, ): u""" Args: recursive (bool): If True, descend into any nested subdirectories. If False, only return objects directly accessible in this ``TDirectory``. filter_name (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by name. filter_classname (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by C++ (decoded) classname. Returns objects in this ``TDirectory`` as an iterator over :doc:`uproot.model.Model`. Note that this reads all objects that are selected by ``filter_name`` and ``filter_classname``. """ for k, v in self.iteritems( recursive=recursive, cycle=False, filter_name=filter_name, filter_classname=filter_classname, ): yield v def iteritems( self, recursive=True, cycle=True, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=no_filter, ): u""" Args: recursive (bool): If True, descend into any nested subdirectories. If False, only return (name, object) pairs directly accessible in this ``TDirectory``. cycle (bool): If True, include the cycle numbers in the names. filter_name (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by name. filter_classname (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by C++ (decoded) classname. Returns (name, object) pairs for objects in this ``TDirectory`` as an iterator over 2-tuples of (str, :doc:`uproot.model.Model`). Note that this reads all objects that are selected by ``filter_name`` and ``filter_classname``. """ filter_name = uproot._util.regularize_filter(filter_name) filter_classname = uproot._util.regularize_filter(filter_classname) for key in self._keys: if (filter_name is no_filter or filter_name(key.fName)) and ( filter_classname is no_filter or filter_classname(key.fClassName) ): yield key.name(cycle=cycle), key.get() if recursive and key.fClassName in ("TDirectory", "TDirectoryFile"): for k1, v in key.get().iteritems( recursive=recursive, cycle=cycle, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=filter_classname, ): k2 = "{0}/{1}".format(key.name(cycle=False), k1) k3 = k2[: k2.index(";")] if ";" in k2 else k2 if filter_name is no_filter or filter_name(k3): yield k2, v def iterclassnames( self, recursive=True, cycle=True, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=no_filter, ): u""" Args: recursive (bool): If True, descend into any nested subdirectories. If False, only return the names and classnames of objects directly accessible in this ``TDirectory``. cycle (bool): If True, include the cycle numbers in the names. filter_name (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by name. filter_classname (None, glob string, regex string in ``"/pattern/i"`` syntax, function of str \u2192 bool, or iterable of the above): A filter to select keys by C++ (decoded) classname. Returns the names and C++ (decoded) classnames of the objects in this ``TDirectory`` as an iterator of 2-tuples of (str, str). Note that this does not read any data from the file. """ filter_name = uproot._util.regularize_filter(filter_name) filter_classname = uproot._util.regularize_filter(filter_classname) for key in self._keys: if (filter_name is no_filter or filter_name(key.fName)) and ( filter_classname is no_filter or filter_classname(key.fClassName) ): yield key.name(cycle=cycle), key.fClassName if recursive and key.fClassName in ("TDirectory", "TDirectoryFile"): for k1, v in key.get().iterclassnames( recursive=recursive, cycle=cycle, filter_name=no_filter, filter_classname=filter_classname, ): k2 = "{0}/{1}".format(key.name(cycle=False), k1) k3 = k2[: k2.index(";")] if ";" in k2 else k2 if filter_name is no_filter or filter_name(k3): yield k2, v def _ipython_key_completions_(self): """ Supports key-completion in an IPython or Jupyter kernel. """ return self.iterkeys() def __len__(self): return len(self._keys) + sum( len(x.get()) for x in self._keys if x.fClassName in ("TDirectory", "TDirectoryFile") ) def __contains__(self, where): try: self.key(where) except KeyError: return False else: return True def __iter__(self): return self.iterkeys() def classname_of(self, where, encoded=False, version=None): """ Returns the classname of the object selected by ``where``. If ``encoded`` with a possible ``version``, return a Python classname; otherwise, return a C++ (decoded) classname. The syntax for ``where`` is the same as in square brakets, namely that cycle numbers can be specified after semicolons (``;``) and nested ``TDirectories`` can be specified with slashes (``/``). Unlike the square bracket syntax, this method cannot descend into the ``TBranches`` of a ``TTree``. Note that this does not read any data from the file. """ key = self.key(where) return key.classname(encoded=encoded, version=version) def class_of(self, where, version=None): """ Returns a class object for the ROOT object selected by ``where``. If ``version`` is specified, get a :doc:`uproot.model.VersionedModel`; otherwise, get a :doc:`uproot.model.DispatchByVersion` or a versionless :doc:`uproot.model.Model`. The syntax for ``where`` is the same as in square brakets, namely that cycle numbers can be specified after semicolons (``;``) and nested ``TDirectories`` can be specified with slashes (``/``). Unlike the square bracket syntax, this method cannot descend into the ``TBranches`` of a ``TTree``. Note that this does not read any data from the file. """ key = self.key(where) return self._file.class_named(key.fClassName, version=version) def streamer_of(self, where, version): """ Returns a ``TStreamerInfo`` (:doc:`uproot.streamers.Model_TStreamerInfo`) for the object selected by ``where`` and ``version``. The syntax for ``where`` is the same as in square brakets, namely that cycle numbers can be specified after semicolons (``;``) and nested ``TDirectories`` can be specified with slashes (``/``). Unlike the square bracket syntax, this method cannot descend into the ``TBranches`` of a ``TTree``. Note that this does not read any data from the file. """ key = self.key(where) return self._file.streamer_named(key.fClassName, version) def key(self, where): """ Returns a ``TKey`` (:doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey`) for the object selected by ``where``. The syntax for ``where`` is the same as in square brakets, namely that cycle numbers can be specified after semicolons (``;``) and nested ``TDirectories`` can be specified with slashes (``/``). Unlike the square bracket syntax, this method cannot descend into the ``TBranches`` of a ``TTree`` (since they have no ``TKeys``). Note that this does not read any data from the file. """ where = uproot._util.ensure_str(where) if "/" in where: items = where.split("/") step = last = self for item in items[:-1]: if item != "": if isinstance(step, ReadOnlyDirectory): last = step step = step[item] else: raise uproot.KeyInFileError( where, because=repr(item) + " is not a TDirectory", keys=[key.fName for key in last._keys], file_path=self._file.file_path, ) return step.key(items[-1]) if ";" in where: at = where.rindex(";") item, cycle = where[:at], where[at + 1 :] try: cycle = int(cycle) except ValueError: item, cycle = where, None else: item, cycle = where, None last = None for key in self._keys: if key.fName == item: if cycle == key.fCycle: return key elif cycle is None and last is None: last = key elif cycle is None and last.fCycle < key.fCycle: last = key if last is not None: return last elif cycle is None: raise uproot.KeyInFileError( item, cycle="any", keys=self.keys(), file_path=self._file.file_path ) else: raise uproot.KeyInFileError( item, cycle=cycle, keys=self.keys(), file_path=self._file.file_path ) def __getitem__(self, where): if "/" in where or ":" in where: items = where.split("/") step = last = self for i, item in enumerate(items): if item != "": if isinstance(step, ReadOnlyDirectory): if ":" in item and item not in step: index = item.index(":") head, tail = item[:index], item[index + 1 :] last = step step = step[head] if isinstance(step, uproot.behaviors.TBranch.HasBranches): return step["/".join([tail] + items[i + 1 :])] else: raise uproot.KeyInFileError( where, because=repr(head) + " is not a TDirectory, TTree, or TBranch", keys=[key.fName for key in last._keys], file_path=self._file.file_path, ) else: last = step step = step[item] elif isinstance(step, uproot.behaviors.TBranch.HasBranches): return step["/".join(items[i:])] else: raise uproot.KeyInFileError( where, because=repr(item) + " is not a TDirectory, TTree, or TBranch", keys=[key.fName for key in last._keys], file_path=self._file.file_path, ) return step else: return self.key(where).get() @property def fVersion(self): """ Raw integer version of the ``TDirectory`` class. """ return self._fVersion @property def fDatimeC(self): """ Raw integer creation date/time. FIXME: include a property that converts this to a Python ``datetime``. """ return self._fDatimeC @property def fDatimeM(self): """ Raw integer date/time of last modification. FIXME: include a property that converts this to a Python ``datetime``. """ return self._fDatimeM @property def fNbytesKeys(self): """ Number of bytes in the collection of ``TKeys`` (header key, number of directory keys, and directory keys). """ return self._fNbytesKeys @property def fNbytesName(self): """ Number of bytes in the header up to its title. """ return self._fNbytesName @property def fSeekDir(self): """ File seek position (int) of the ``TDirectory``. """ return self._fSeekDir @property def fSeekParent(self): """ File seek position (int) of the parent object (``TDirectory`` or ``TFile``). """ return self._fSeekParent @property def fSeekKeys(self): """ File seek position (int) to the collection of ``TKeys`` (header key, number of directory keys, and directory keys). """ return self._fSeekKeys def hook_before_read(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` constructor before reading the ``TDirectory`` header fields. This is the first hook called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` constructor. """ pass def hook_before_interpret(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` constructor after reading the ``TDirectory`` header fields and before interpreting them. """ pass def hook_before_read_keys(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` constructor after interpreting the ``TDirectory`` header fields and before reading the chunk of ``TKeys``. """ pass def hook_before_header_key(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` constructor after reading the chunk of ``TKeys`` and before interpreting the header ``TKey``. """ pass def hook_before_keys(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` constructor after interpreting the header ``TKey`` and number of keys, and before interpeting the object ``TKeys``. """ pass def hook_after_keys(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` constructor after interpeting the object ``TKeys``. This is the last hook called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyDirectory` constructor. """ pass _key_format_small = struct.Struct(">ihiIhhii") _key_format_big = struct.Struct(">ihiIhhqq") class ReadOnlyKey(object): """ Args: chunk (:doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Chunk`): Buffer of contiguous data from the file :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Source`. cursor (:doc:`uproot.source.cursor.Cursor`): Current position in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile`. context (dict): Auxiliary data used in deserialization. file (:doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile`): The open file object. parent (None or calling object): The previous ``read`` in the recursive descent. read_strings (bool): If True, interpret the `fClassName`, `fName`, and `fTitle` attributes; otherwise, ignore them. Represents a ``TKey`` in a ROOT file, which aren't often accessed by users. See the `ROOT TKey documentation <https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTKey.html>`__ for a specification of ``TKey`` header fields. """ def __init__(self, chunk, cursor, context, file, parent, read_strings=False): self._cursor = cursor.copy() self._file = file self._parent = parent self.hook_before_interpret( chunk=chunk, cursor=cursor, context=context, file=file, parent=parent, read_strings=read_strings, ) ( self._fNbytes, self._fVersion, self._fObjlen, self._fDatime, self._fKeylen, self._fCycle, self._fSeekKey, self._fSeekPdir, ) = cursor.fields(chunk, _key_format_small, context, move=False) if self.is_64bit: ( self._fNbytes, self._fVersion, self._fObjlen, self._fDatime, self._fKeylen, self._fCycle, self._fSeekKey, self._fSeekPdir, ) = cursor.fields(chunk, _key_format_big, context) else: cursor.skip(_key_format_small.size) if read_strings: self.hook_before_strings( chunk=chunk, cursor=cursor, context=context, file=file, parent=parent, read_strings=read_strings, ) self._fClassName = cursor.string(chunk, context) self._fName = cursor.string(chunk, context) self._fTitle = cursor.string(chunk, context) else: self._fClassName = None self._fName = None self._fTitle = None self.hook_after_interpret( chunk=chunk, cursor=cursor, context=context, file=file, parent=parent, read_strings=read_strings, ) def __repr__(self): if self._fName is None or self._fClassName is None: nameclass = "" else: nameclass = " {0}: {1}".format(self.name(cycle=True), self.classname()) return "<ReadOnlyKey{0} (seek pos {1}) at 0x{2:012x}>".format( nameclass, self.data_cursor.index, id(self) ) @property def cursor(self): """ A :doc:`uproot.source.cursor.Cursor` pointing to the seek point in the file where this ``TKey`` starts (before its header fields). """ return self._cursor @property def data_cursor(self): """ A :doc:`uproot.source.cursor.Cursor` pointing to the seek point in the file where the data begins (the object to be read, after its copy of the ``TKey`` and before the object's number of bytes/version header). """ return uproot.source.cursor.Cursor(self._fSeekKey + self._fKeylen) @property def file(self): """ The :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile` in which this ``TKey`` resides. """ return self._file @property def parent(self): """ The object that was deserialized before this one in recursive descent, usually the containing object (or the container's container). """ return self._parent def name(self, cycle=False): """ The name of this ``TKey``, with semicolon (``;``) and cycle number if ``cycle`` is True. """ if cycle: return "{0};{1}".format(self.fName, self.fCycle) else: return self.fName def classname(self, encoded=False, version=None): """ The classname of the object pointed to by this ``TKey``. If ``encoded`` is True, the classname is a Python (encoded) classname (optionally with ``version`` number). If ``encoded`` is False, the classname is a C++ (decoded) classname. """ if encoded: return uproot.model.classname_encode(self.fClassName, version=version) else: return self.fClassName @property def object_path(self): """ Object path of the object pointed to by this ``TKey``. If an object path is not known (e.g. the object does not reside in a ``TDirectory``), this returns a message with the raw seek position. """ if isinstance(self._parent, ReadOnlyDirectory): return "{0}{1};{2}".format( self._parent.object_path, self.name(False), self._fCycle ) else: return "(seek pos {0})/{1}".format(self.data_cursor.index, self.name(False)) @property def cache_key(self): """ String that uniquely specifies this ``TKey``, to use as part of object and array cache keys. """ return "{0}:{1}".format(self._file.hex_uuid, self._fSeekKey) @property def is_64bit(self): """ True if the ``TKey`` is 64-bit ready; False otherwise. This refers to seek points like :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey.fSeekKey` being 64-bit integers, rather than 32-bit. """ return self._fVersion > 1000 @property def is_compressed(self): """ True if the object is compressed; False otherwise. Note: compression is determined by comparing ``fObjlen`` and ``fNbytes - fKeylen``; if they are the same, the object is uncompressed. """ return self.data_compressed_bytes != self.data_uncompressed_bytes @property def data_uncompressed_bytes(self): """ Number of bytes in the uncompressed object (excluding any keys) This is equal to :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey.fObjlen`. """ return self._fObjlen @property def data_compressed_bytes(self): """ Number of bytes in the compressed object (excluding any keys) This is equal to :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey.fNbytes` minus :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey.fKeylen`. """ return self._fNbytes - self._fKeylen def get(self): """ Returns the object pointed to by this ``TKey``, decompressing it if necessary. If the first attempt to deserialize the object fails with :doc:`uproot.deserialization.DeserializationError` and any of the models used in that attempt were predefined (not from :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers`), this method will try again with the file's own :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyFile.streamers`. (Some ROOT files do have classes that don't match the standard ``TStreamerInfo``; they may have been produced from private builds of ROOT between official releases.) """ if self._file.object_cache is not None: out = self._file.object_cache.get(self.cache_key) if out is not None: if isinstance(out.file, ReadOnlyFile) and out.file.closed: del self._file.object_cache[self.cache_key] else: return out if self._fClassName in must_be_attached: selffile = self._file parent = self else: selffile = self._file.detached parent = None if isinstance(self._parent, ReadOnlyDirectory) and self._fClassName in ( "TDirectory", "TDirectoryFile", ): out = ReadOnlyDirectory( self._parent.path + (self.fName,), self.data_cursor, {}, self._file, self, ) else: chunk, cursor = self.get_uncompressed_chunk_cursor() start_cursor = cursor.copy() cls = self._file.class_named(self._fClassName) context = {"breadcrumbs": (), "TKey": self} try: out = cls.read(chunk, cursor, context, self._file, selffile, parent) except uproot.deserialization.DeserializationError: breadcrumbs = context.get("breadcrumbs") if breadcrumbs is None or all( breadcrumb_cls.classname in uproot.model.bootstrap_classnames or isinstance(breadcrumb_cls, uproot.containers.AsContainer) or getattr(breadcrumb_cls.class_streamer, "file_uuid", None) == self._file.uuid for breadcrumb_cls in breadcrumbs ): # we're already using the most specialized versions of each class raise for breadcrumb_cls in breadcrumbs: if ( breadcrumb_cls.classname not in uproot.model.bootstrap_classnames ): self._file.remove_class_definition(breadcrumb_cls.classname) cursor = start_cursor cls = self._file.class_named(self._fClassName) context = {"breadcrumbs": (), "TKey": self} out = cls.read(chunk, cursor, context, self._file, selffile, parent) if self._fClassName not in must_be_attached: out._file = self._file.detached out._parent = None if self._file.object_cache is not None: self._file.object_cache[self.cache_key] = out return out def get_uncompressed_chunk_cursor(self): """ Returns an uncompressed :doc:`uproot.source.chunk.Chunk` and :doc:`uproot.source.cursor.Cursor` for the object pointed to by this ``TKey`` as a 2-tuple. """ cursor = uproot.source.cursor.Cursor(0, origin=-self._fKeylen) data_start = self.data_cursor.index data_stop = data_start + self.data_compressed_bytes chunk = self._file.chunk(data_start, data_stop) if self.is_compressed: uncompressed_chunk = uproot.compression.decompress( chunk, self.data_cursor, {}, self.data_compressed_bytes, self.data_uncompressed_bytes, ) else: uncompressed_chunk = uproot.source.chunk.Chunk.wrap( chunk.source, chunk.get( data_start, data_stop, self.data_cursor, {"breadcrumbs": (), "TKey": self}, ), ) return uncompressed_chunk, cursor @property def fNbytes(self): """ The total number of bytes in the compressed object and ``TKey``. """ return self._fNbytes @property def fVersion(self): """ Raw integer version of the ``TKey`` class. """ return self._fVersion @property def fObjlen(self): """ The number of bytes in the uncompressed object, not including its ``TKey``. """ return self._fObjlen @property def fDatime(self): """ Raw integer date/time when the object was written. FIXME: include a property that converts this to a Python ``datetime``. """ return self._fDatime @property def fKeylen(self): """ The number of bytes in the ``TKey``, not including the object. """ return self._fKeylen @property def fCycle(self): """ The cycle number of the object, which disambiguates different versions of an object with the same name. """ return self._fCycle @property def fSeekKey(self): """ File seek position (int) pointing to a second copy of this ``TKey``, just before the object itself. """ return self._fSeekKey @property def fSeekPdir(self): """ File seek position (int) to the ``TDirectory`` in which this object resides. """ return self._fSeekPdir @property def fClassName(self): """ The C++ (decoded) classname of the object or None if the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey` was constructed with ``read_strings=False``. """ return self._fClassName @property def fName(self): """ The name of the object or None if the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey` was constructed with ``read_strings=False``. """ return self._fName @property def fTitle(self): """ The title of the object or None if the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey` was constructed with ``read_strings=False``. """ return self._fTitle def hook_before_interpret(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey` constructor before interpeting anything. This is the first hook called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey` constructor. """ pass def hook_before_strings(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey` constructor after interpeting the header and before interpreting :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey.fClassName`, :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey.fName`, and :ref:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey.fTitle`. Only called if ``read_strings=True`` is passed to the constructor. """ pass def hook_after_interpret(self, **kwargs): """ Called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey` constructor after interpeting everything. This is the last hook called in the :doc:`uproot.reading.ReadOnlyKey` constructor. """ pass