/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_eve7 /// Helper script for showing of extracted / simplified geometries. /// By default shows a simplified ALICE geometry. /// /// \image html eve_show_extract.png /// \macro_code /// /// \author Matevz Tadel #include "TFile.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TGeoShape.h" #include #include #include namespace REX = ROOT::Experimental; void show_extract(const char* file="csg.root") { // disable browser cache - all scripts and html files will be loaded every time, useful for development // gEnv->SetValue("WebGui.HttpMaxAge", 0); auto eveMng = REX::REveManager::Create(); TFile::Open(file); TIter next(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys()); const TString extract_class("ROOT::Experimental::REveGeoShapeExtract"); REX::REveGeoShape *eve_shape = nullptr; while (auto key = (TKey *)next()) { if (extract_class == key->GetClassName()) { auto gse = (REX::REveGeoShapeExtract*) key->ReadObj(); eve_shape = REX::REveGeoShape::ImportShapeExtract(gse, 0); eveMng->AddGlobalElement(eve_shape); } } if (!eve_shape) { Error("show_extract.C", "No keys of class '%s'.", extract_class.Data()); return; } eve_shape->GetShape()->Draw("ogl"); }