/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_geom /// Definition of a simple geometry (the 4 ROOT characters) /// /// \macro_image /// \macro_code /// /// \author Andrei Gheata void rootgeom(bool vis = true) { // gStyle->SetCanvasPreferGL(true); TGeoManager *geom = new TGeoManager("simple1", "Simple geometry"); //--- define some materials TGeoMaterial *matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum", 0,0,0); TGeoMaterial *matAl = new TGeoMaterial("Al", 26.98,13,2.7); // //--- define some media TGeoMedium *Vacuum = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum",1, matVacuum); TGeoMedium *Al = new TGeoMedium("Root Material",2, matAl); //--- define the transformations TGeoTranslation *tr1 = new TGeoTranslation(20., 0, 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr2 = new TGeoTranslation(10., 0., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr3 = new TGeoTranslation(10., 20., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr4 = new TGeoTranslation(5., 10., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr5 = new TGeoTranslation(20., 0., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr6 = new TGeoTranslation(-5., 0., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr7 = new TGeoTranslation(7.5, 7.5, 0.); TGeoRotation *rot1 = new TGeoRotation("rot1", 90., 0., 90., 270., 0., 0.); TGeoCombiTrans *combi1 = new TGeoCombiTrans(7.5, -7.5, 0., rot1); TGeoTranslation *tr8 = new TGeoTranslation(7.5, -5., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr9 = new TGeoTranslation(7.5, 20., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr10 = new TGeoTranslation(85., 0., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr11 = new TGeoTranslation(35., 0., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr12 = new TGeoTranslation(-15., 0., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr13 = new TGeoTranslation(-65., 0., 0.); TGeoTranslation *tr14 = new TGeoTranslation(0,0,-100); TGeoCombiTrans *combi2 = new TGeoCombiTrans(0,0,100, new TGeoRotation("rot2",90,180,90,90,180,0)); TGeoCombiTrans *combi3 = new TGeoCombiTrans(100,0,0, new TGeoRotation("rot3",90,270,0,0,90,180)); TGeoCombiTrans *combi4 = new TGeoCombiTrans(-100,0,0, new TGeoRotation("rot4",90,90,0,0,90,0)); TGeoCombiTrans *combi5 = new TGeoCombiTrans(0,100,0, new TGeoRotation("rot5",0,0,90,180,90,270)); TGeoCombiTrans *combi6 = new TGeoCombiTrans(0,-100,0, new TGeoRotation("rot6",180,0,90,180,90,90)); //--- make the top container volume Double_t worldx = 110.; Double_t worldy = 50.; Double_t worldz = 5.; TGeoVolume *top = geom->MakeBox("TOP", Vacuum, 270., 270., 120.); geom->SetTopVolume(top); TGeoVolume *replica = geom->MakeBox("REPLICA", Vacuum,120,120,120); replica->SetVisibility(kFALSE); TGeoVolume *rootbox = geom->MakeBox("ROOT", Vacuum, 110., 50., 5.); rootbox->SetVisibility(kFALSE); //--- make letter 'R' TGeoVolume *R = geom->MakeBox("R", Vacuum, 25., 25., 5.); R->SetVisibility(kFALSE); TGeoVolume *bar1 = geom->MakeBox("bar1", Al, 5., 25, 5.); bar1->SetLineColor(kRed); R->AddNode(bar1, 1, tr1); TGeoVolume *bar2 = geom->MakeBox("bar2", Al, 5., 5., 5.); bar2->SetLineColor(kRed); R->AddNode(bar2, 1, tr2); R->AddNode(bar2, 2, tr3); TGeoVolume *tub1 = geom->MakeTubs("tub1", Al, 5., 15., 5., 90., 270.); tub1->SetLineColor(kRed); R->AddNode(tub1, 1, tr4); TGeoVolume *bar3 = geom->MakeArb8("bar3", Al, 5.); bar3->SetLineColor(kRed); TGeoArb8 *arb = (TGeoArb8*)bar3->GetShape(); arb->SetVertex(0, 15., -5.); arb->SetVertex(1, 0., -25.); arb->SetVertex(2, -10., -25.); arb->SetVertex(3, 5., -5.); arb->SetVertex(4, 15., -5.); arb->SetVertex(5, 0., -25.); arb->SetVertex(6, -10., -25.); arb->SetVertex(7, 5., -5.); R->AddNode(bar3, 1, gGeoIdentity); //--- make letter 'O' TGeoVolume *O = geom->MakeBox("O", Vacuum, 25., 25., 5.); O->SetVisibility(kFALSE); TGeoVolume *bar4 = geom->MakeBox("bar4", Al, 5., 7.5, 5.); bar4->SetLineColor(kYellow); O->AddNode(bar4, 1, tr5); O->AddNode(bar4, 2, tr6); TGeoVolume *tub2 = geom->MakeTubs("tub1", Al, 7.5, 17.5, 5., 0., 180.); tub2->SetLineColor(kYellow); O->AddNode(tub2, 1, tr7); O->AddNode(tub2, 2, combi1); //--- make letter 'T' TGeoVolume *T = geom->MakeBox("T", Vacuum, 25., 25., 5.); T->SetVisibility(kFALSE); TGeoVolume *bar5 = geom->MakeBox("bar5", Al, 5., 20., 5.); bar5->SetLineColor(kBlue); T->AddNode(bar5, 1, tr8); TGeoVolume *bar6 = geom->MakeBox("bar6", Al, 17.5, 5., 5.); bar6->SetLineColor(kBlue); T->AddNode(bar6, 1, tr9); rootbox->AddNode(R, 1, tr10); rootbox->AddNode(O, 1, tr11); rootbox->AddNode(O, 2, tr12); rootbox->AddNode(T, 1, tr13); replica->AddNode(rootbox, 1, tr14); replica->AddNode(rootbox, 2, combi2); replica->AddNode(rootbox, 3, combi3); replica->AddNode(rootbox, 4, combi4); replica->AddNode(rootbox, 5, combi5); replica->AddNode(rootbox, 6, combi6); top->AddNode(replica, 1, new TGeoTranslation(-150, -150, 0)); top->AddNode(replica, 2, new TGeoTranslation(150, -150, 0)); top->AddNode(replica, 3, new TGeoTranslation(150, 150, 0)); top->AddNode(replica, 4, new TGeoTranslation(-150, 150, 0)); //--- close the geometry geom->CloseGeometry(); //--- draw the ROOT box. // by default the picture will appear in the standard ROOT TPad. //if you have activated the following line in system.rootrc, //it will appear in the GL viewer //#Viewer3D.DefaultDrawOption: ogl geom->SetVisLevel(4); if (vis) top->Draw("ogle"); }