# Saffron2 options file used for the Gent plane test (default options). # Lines beginning with hashtag are ignored (can be used for comments). # Whitespace matters - no unndeed spaces - but empty lines is ok. # Command order as shown here needs to be kept. See wiki for option details. # Detector specification DetectorConfig=EightChanTestBench # Output file names. Optional extension to all output file names can also be # provided (.root will be added automatically). #HistosFileName=Saffron-histos_test #OutputExtension=_test2 # Run mode option ScriptMode=False # Baseline options. Can be a histos file made by the calib script, or SoLid database, or None (default). #BaselineLocation=None #BaselineLocation=SoLidDatabase BaselineLocation=RootFiles/baselineResults.root # Masked Channels (based on SafChanIndex) #MaskedChannel=0 # Algorithm/script chain. AppendAlgorithm=SRawBufferFiller AppendAlgorithm=SWaveformParser AppendAlgorithm=SDrawWaveforms #AppendAlgorithm=SCheckTestPattern #AppendAlgorithm=SCountWaveforms #AppendAlgorithm=SDeltaT #AppendAlgorithm=SWaveformChunkMon #AppendAlgorithm=SPeakFinder #AppendAlgorithm=SPeakMon # Number of cycles to process. CycleLimit=100 # Algorithm specific options. # AlgorithmOption:SUserAlgorithm:TestOptionInt=15 # AlgorithmOption:SUserAlgorithm:TestOptionDouble=1.235456 #AlgorithmOption:SPeakFinder:Threshold=50 #AlgorithmOption:SPeakFinder:IntegralRange=10 # Cycle time thresholds (in seconds) AlgorithmOption:SWaveformParser:maxcyclehtime=0.1 AlgorithmOption:SWaveformParser:maxgaphtime=1.0 #AlgorithmOption:SCheckTestPattern:targetpattern=11329 # Input file names - can be wildcard, and can have several. AppendInputFiles=test_thresh13037_ctr.bin