// Copyright (C) 2008-2015 National ICT Australia (NICTA) // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Written by Conrad Sanderson - http://conradsanderson.id.au //! \addtogroup gemm //! @{ //! for tiny square matrices, size <= 4x4 template class gemm_emul_tinysq { public: template arma_hot inline static void apply ( Mat& C, const TA& A, const TB& B, const eT alpha = eT(1), const eT beta = eT(0) ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); switch(A.n_rows) { case 4: gemv_emul_tinysq::apply( C.colptr(3), A, B.colptr(3), alpha, beta ); case 3: gemv_emul_tinysq::apply( C.colptr(2), A, B.colptr(2), alpha, beta ); case 2: gemv_emul_tinysq::apply( C.colptr(1), A, B.colptr(1), alpha, beta ); case 1: gemv_emul_tinysq::apply( C.colptr(0), A, B.colptr(0), alpha, beta ); default: ; } } }; //! emulation of gemm(), for non-complex matrices only, as it assumes only simple transposes (ie. doesn't do hermitian transposes) template class gemm_emul_large { public: template arma_hot inline static void apply ( Mat& C, const TA& A, const TB& B, const eT alpha = eT(1), const eT beta = eT(0) ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); const uword A_n_rows = A.n_rows; const uword A_n_cols = A.n_cols; const uword B_n_rows = B.n_rows; const uword B_n_cols = B.n_cols; if( (do_trans_A == false) && (do_trans_B == false) ) { arma_aligned podarray tmp(A_n_cols); eT* A_rowdata = tmp.memptr(); for(uword row_A=0; row_A < A_n_rows; ++row_A) { tmp.copy_row(A, row_A); for(uword col_B=0; col_B < B_n_cols; ++col_B) { const eT acc = op_dot::direct_dot_arma(B_n_rows, A_rowdata, B.colptr(col_B)); if( (use_alpha == false) && (use_beta == false) ) { C.at(row_A,col_B) = acc; } else if( (use_alpha == true ) && (use_beta == false) ) { C.at(row_A,col_B) = alpha*acc; } else if( (use_alpha == false) && (use_beta == true ) ) { C.at(row_A,col_B) = acc + beta*C.at(row_A,col_B); } else if( (use_alpha == true ) && (use_beta == true ) ) { C.at(row_A,col_B) = alpha*acc + beta*C.at(row_A,col_B); } } } } else if( (do_trans_A == true) && (do_trans_B == false) ) { for(uword col_A=0; col_A < A_n_cols; ++col_A) { // col_A is interpreted as row_A when storing the results in matrix C const eT* A_coldata = A.colptr(col_A); for(uword col_B=0; col_B < B_n_cols; ++col_B) { const eT acc = op_dot::direct_dot_arma(B_n_rows, A_coldata, B.colptr(col_B)); if( (use_alpha == false) && (use_beta == false) ) { C.at(col_A,col_B) = acc; } else if( (use_alpha == true ) && (use_beta == false) ) { C.at(col_A,col_B) = alpha*acc; } else if( (use_alpha == false) && (use_beta == true ) ) { C.at(col_A,col_B) = acc + beta*C.at(col_A,col_B); } else if( (use_alpha == true ) && (use_beta == true ) ) { C.at(col_A,col_B) = alpha*acc + beta*C.at(col_A,col_B); } } } } else if( (do_trans_A == false) && (do_trans_B == true) ) { Mat BB; op_strans::apply_mat_noalias(BB, B); gemm_emul_large::apply(C, A, BB, alpha, beta); } else if( (do_trans_A == true) && (do_trans_B == true) ) { // mat B_tmp = trans(B); // dgemm_arma::apply(C, A, B_tmp, alpha, beta); // By using the trans(A)*trans(B) = trans(B*A) equivalency, // transpose operations are not needed arma_aligned podarray tmp(B.n_cols); eT* B_rowdata = tmp.memptr(); for(uword row_B=0; row_B < B_n_rows; ++row_B) { tmp.copy_row(B, row_B); for(uword col_A=0; col_A < A_n_cols; ++col_A) { const eT acc = op_dot::direct_dot_arma(A_n_rows, B_rowdata, A.colptr(col_A)); if( (use_alpha == false) && (use_beta == false) ) { C.at(col_A,row_B) = acc; } else if( (use_alpha == true ) && (use_beta == false) ) { C.at(col_A,row_B) = alpha*acc; } else if( (use_alpha == false) && (use_beta == true ) ) { C.at(col_A,row_B) = acc + beta*C.at(col_A,row_B); } else if( (use_alpha == true ) && (use_beta == true ) ) { C.at(col_A,row_B) = alpha*acc + beta*C.at(col_A,row_B); } } } } } }; template class gemm_emul { public: template arma_hot inline static void apply ( Mat& C, const TA& A, const TB& B, const eT alpha = eT(1), const eT beta = eT(0), const typename arma_not_cx::result* junk = 0 ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_ignore(junk); gemm_emul_large::apply(C, A, B, alpha, beta); } template arma_hot inline static void apply ( Mat& C, const Mat& A, const Mat& B, const eT alpha = eT(1), const eT beta = eT(0), const typename arma_cx_only::result* junk = 0 ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_ignore(junk); // "better than nothing" handling of hermitian transposes for complex number matrices Mat tmp_A; Mat tmp_B; if(do_trans_A) { op_htrans::apply_mat_noalias(tmp_A, A); } if(do_trans_B) { op_htrans::apply_mat_noalias(tmp_B, B); } const Mat& AA = (do_trans_A == false) ? A : tmp_A; const Mat& BB = (do_trans_B == false) ? B : tmp_B; gemm_emul_large::apply(C, AA, BB, alpha, beta); } }; //! \brief //! Wrapper for ATLAS/BLAS dgemm function, using template arguments to control the arguments passed to dgemm. //! Matrix 'C' is assumed to have been set to the correct size (i.e. taking into account transposes) template class gemm { public: template inline static void apply_blas_type( Mat& C, const TA& A, const TB& B, const eT alpha = eT(1), const eT beta = eT(0) ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); if( (A.n_rows <= 4) && (A.n_rows == A.n_cols) && (A.n_rows == B.n_rows) && (B.n_rows == B.n_cols) && (is_cx::no) ) { if(do_trans_B == false) { gemm_emul_tinysq::apply(C, A, B, alpha, beta); } else { Mat BB(B.n_rows, B.n_rows); op_strans::apply_mat_noalias_tinysq(BB, B); gemm_emul_tinysq::apply(C, A, BB, alpha, beta); } } else { #if defined(ARMA_USE_ATLAS) { arma_extra_debug_print("atlas::cblas_gemm()"); arma_debug_assert_atlas_size(A,B); atlas::cblas_gemm ( atlas::CblasColMajor, (do_trans_A) ? ( is_cx::yes ? CblasConjTrans : atlas::CblasTrans ) : atlas::CblasNoTrans, (do_trans_B) ? ( is_cx::yes ? CblasConjTrans : atlas::CblasTrans ) : atlas::CblasNoTrans, C.n_rows, C.n_cols, (do_trans_A) ? A.n_rows : A.n_cols, (use_alpha) ? alpha : eT(1), A.mem, (do_trans_A) ? A.n_rows : C.n_rows, B.mem, (do_trans_B) ? C.n_cols : ( (do_trans_A) ? A.n_rows : A.n_cols ), (use_beta) ? beta : eT(0), C.memptr(), C.n_rows ); } #elif defined(ARMA_USE_BLAS) { arma_extra_debug_print("blas::gemm()"); arma_debug_assert_blas_size(A,B); const char trans_A = (do_trans_A) ? ( is_cx::yes ? 'C' : 'T' ) : 'N'; const char trans_B = (do_trans_B) ? ( is_cx::yes ? 'C' : 'T' ) : 'N'; const blas_int m = blas_int(C.n_rows); const blas_int n = blas_int(C.n_cols); const blas_int k = (do_trans_A) ? blas_int(A.n_rows) : blas_int(A.n_cols); const eT local_alpha = (use_alpha) ? alpha : eT(1); const blas_int lda = (do_trans_A) ? k : m; const blas_int ldb = (do_trans_B) ? n : k; const eT local_beta = (use_beta) ? beta : eT(0); arma_extra_debug_print( arma_str::format("blas::gemm(): trans_A = %c") % trans_A ); arma_extra_debug_print( arma_str::format("blas::gemm(): trans_B = %c") % trans_B ); blas::gemm ( &trans_A, &trans_B, &m, &n, &k, &local_alpha, A.mem, &lda, B.mem, &ldb, &local_beta, C.memptr(), &m ); } #else { gemm_emul::apply(C,A,B,alpha,beta); } #endif } } //! immediate multiplication of matrices A and B, storing the result in C template inline static void apply( Mat& C, const TA& A, const TB& B, const eT alpha = eT(1), const eT beta = eT(0) ) { gemm_emul::apply(C,A,B,alpha,beta); } template arma_inline static void apply ( Mat& C, const TA& A, const TB& B, const float alpha = float(1), const float beta = float(0) ) { gemm::apply_blas_type(C,A,B,alpha,beta); } template arma_inline static void apply ( Mat& C, const TA& A, const TB& B, const double alpha = double(1), const double beta = double(0) ) { gemm::apply_blas_type(C,A,B,alpha,beta); } template arma_inline static void apply ( Mat< std::complex >& C, const TA& A, const TB& B, const std::complex alpha = std::complex(1), const std::complex beta = std::complex(0) ) { gemm::apply_blas_type(C,A,B,alpha,beta); } template arma_inline static void apply ( Mat< std::complex >& C, const TA& A, const TB& B, const std::complex alpha = std::complex(1), const std::complex beta = std::complex(0) ) { gemm::apply_blas_type(C,A,B,alpha,beta); } }; //! @}