#! /usr/bin/python3 # If the code below looks horrible and unpythonic, do not panic. # # It is. # # This is a manual conversion from the original Perl script to # Python. Improvements are welcome. # from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals import argparse import os import re import sys import tempfile import io import errno import codecs import locale VERSION_STR = '''glib-mkenums version 2.58.3 glib-mkenums comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute copies of glib-mkenums under the terms of the GNU General Public License which can be found in the GLib source package. Sources, examples and contact information are available at http://www.gtk.org''' # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class Color: '''ANSI Terminal colors''' GREEN = '\033[1;32m' BLUE = '\033[1;34m' YELLOW = '\033[1;33m' RED = '\033[1;31m' END = '\033[0m' def print_color(msg, color=Color.END, prefix='MESSAGE'): '''Print a string with a color prefix''' if os.isatty(sys.stderr.fileno()): real_prefix = '{start}{prefix}{end}'.format(start=color, prefix=prefix, end=Color.END) else: real_prefix = prefix print('{prefix}: {msg}'.format(prefix=real_prefix, msg=msg), file=sys.stderr) def print_error(msg): '''Print an error, and terminate''' print_color(msg, color=Color.RED, prefix='ERROR') sys.exit(1) def print_warning(msg, fatal=False): '''Print a warning, and optionally terminate''' if fatal: color = Color.RED prefix = 'ERROR' else: color = Color.YELLOW prefix = 'WARNING' print_color(msg, color, prefix) if fatal: sys.exit(1) def print_info(msg): '''Print a message''' print_color(msg, color=Color.GREEN, prefix='INFO') def write_output(output): global output_stream print(output, file=output_stream) # Python 2 defaults to ASCII in case stdout is redirected. # This should make it match Python 3, which uses the locale encoding. if sys.stdout.encoding is None: output_stream = codecs.getwriter( locale.getpreferredencoding())(sys.stdout) else: output_stream = sys.stdout # Some source files aren't UTF-8 and the old perl version didn't care. # Replace invalid data with a replacement character to keep things working. # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=785113#c20 def replace_and_warn(err): # 7 characters of context either side of the offending character print_warning('UnicodeWarning: {} at {} ({})'.format( err.reason, err.start, err.object[err.start - 7:err.end + 7])) return ('?', err.end) codecs.register_error('replace_and_warn', replace_and_warn) # glib-mkenums.py # Information about the current enumeration flags = None # Is enumeration a bitmask? option_underscore_name = '' # Overridden underscore variant of the enum name # for example to fix the cases we don't get the # mixed-case -> underscorized transform right. option_lowercase_name = '' # DEPRECATED. A lower case name to use as part # of the *_get_type() function, instead of the # one that we guess. For instance, when an enum # uses abnormal capitalization and we can not # guess where to put the underscores. seenbitshift = 0 # Have we seen bitshift operators? enum_prefix = None # Prefix for this enumeration enumname = '' # Name for this enumeration enumshort = '' # $enumname without prefix enumname_prefix = '' # prefix of $enumname enumindex = 0 # Global enum counter firstenum = 1 # Is this the first enumeration per file? entries = [] # [ name, val ] for each entry sandbox = None # sandbox for safe evaluation of expressions output = '' # Filename to write result into def parse_trigraph(opts): result = {} for opt in re.split(r'\s*,\s*', opts): opt = re.sub(r'^\s*', '', opt) opt = re.sub(r'\s*$', '', opt) m = re.search(r'(\w+)(?:=(.+))?', opt) assert m is not None groups = m.groups() key = groups[0] if len(groups) > 1: val = groups[1] else: val = 1 result[key] = val return result def parse_entries(file, file_name): global entries, enumindex, enumname, seenbitshift, flags looking_for_name = False while True: line = file.readline() if not line: break line = line.strip() # read lines until we have no open comments while re.search(r'/\*([^*]|\*(?!/))*$', line): line += file.readline() # strip comments w/o options line = re.sub(r'''/\*(?!<) ([^*]+|\*(?!/))* \*/''', '', line, flags=re.X) line = line.rstrip() # skip empty lines if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue if looking_for_name: m = re.match(r'\s*(\w+)', line) if m: enumname = m.group(1) return True # Handle include files m = re.match(r'\#include\s*<([^>]*)>', line) if m: newfilename = os.path.join("..", m.group(1)) newfile = io.open(newfilename, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace_and_warn") if not parse_entries(newfile, newfilename): return False else: continue m = re.match(r'\s*\}\s*(\w+)', line) if m: enumname = m.group(1) enumindex += 1 return 1 m = re.match(r'\s*\}', line) if m: enumindex += 1 looking_for_name = True continue m = re.match(r'''\s* (\w+)\s* # name (?:=( # value \s*\w+\s*\(.*\)\s* # macro with multiple args | # OR (?:[^,/]|/(?!\*))* # anything but a comma or comment ))?,?\s* (?:/\*< # options (([^*]|\*(?!/))*) >\s*\*/)?,? \s*$''', line, flags=re.X) if m: groups = m.groups() name = groups[0] value = None options = None if len(groups) > 1: value = groups[1] if len(groups) > 2: options = groups[2] if flags is None and value is not None and '<<' in value: seenbitshift = 1 if options is not None: options = parse_trigraph(options) if 'skip' not in options: entries.append((name, value, options.get('nick'))) else: entries.append((name, value)) elif re.match(r's*\#', line): pass else: print_warning('Failed to parse "{}" in {}'.format(line, file_name)) return False help_epilog = '''Production text substitutions: \u0040EnumName\u0040 PrefixTheXEnum \u0040enum_name\u0040 prefix_the_xenum \u0040ENUMNAME\u0040 PREFIX_THE_XENUM \u0040ENUMSHORT\u0040 THE_XENUM \u0040ENUMPREFIX\u0040 PREFIX \u0040VALUENAME\u0040 PREFIX_THE_XVALUE \u0040valuenick\u0040 the-xvalue \u0040valuenum\u0040 the integer value (limited support, Since: 2.26) \u0040type\u0040 either enum or flags \u0040Type\u0040 either Enum or Flags \u0040TYPE\u0040 either ENUM or FLAGS \u0040filename\u0040 name of current input file \u0040basename\u0040 base name of the current input file (Since: 2.22) ''' # production variables: idprefix = "" # "G", "Gtk", etc symprefix = "" # "g", "gtk", etc, if not just lc($idprefix) fhead = "" # output file header fprod = "" # per input file production ftail = "" # output file trailer eprod = "" # per enum text (produced prior to value itarations) vhead = "" # value header, produced before iterating over enum values vprod = "" # value text, produced for each enum value vtail = "" # value tail, produced after iterating over enum values comment_tmpl = "" # comment template def read_template_file(file): global idprefix, symprefix, fhead, fprod, ftail, eprod, vhead, vprod, vtail, comment_tmpl tmpl = {'file-header': fhead, 'file-production': fprod, 'file-tail': ftail, 'enumeration-production': eprod, 'value-header': vhead, 'value-production': vprod, 'value-tail': vtail, 'comment': comment_tmpl, } in_ = 'junk' ifile = io.open(file, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace_and_warn") for line in ifile: m = re.match(r'\/\*\*\*\s+(BEGIN|END)\s+([\w-]+)\s+\*\*\*\/', line) if m: if in_ == 'junk' and m.group(1) == 'BEGIN' and m.group(2) in tmpl: in_ = m.group(2) continue elif in_ == m.group(2) and m.group(1) == 'END' and m.group(2) in tmpl: in_ = 'junk' continue else: sys.exit("Malformed template file " + file) if in_ != 'junk': tmpl[in_] += line if in_ != 'junk': sys.exit("Malformed template file " + file) fhead = tmpl['file-header'] fprod = tmpl['file-production'] ftail = tmpl['file-tail'] eprod = tmpl['enumeration-production'] vhead = tmpl['value-header'] vprod = tmpl['value-production'] vtail = tmpl['value-tail'] comment_tmpl = tmpl['comment'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=help_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--identifier-prefix', default='', dest='idprefix', help='Identifier prefix') parser.add_argument('--symbol-prefix', default='', dest='symprefix', help='Symbol prefix') parser.add_argument('--fhead', default=[], dest='fhead', action='append', help='Output file header') parser.add_argument('--ftail', default=[], dest='ftail', action='append', help='Output file footer') parser.add_argument('--fprod', default=[], dest='fprod', action='append', help='Put out TEXT every time a new input file is being processed.') parser.add_argument('--eprod', default=[], dest='eprod', action='append', help='Per enum text, produced prior to value iterations') parser.add_argument('--vhead', default=[], dest='vhead', action='append', help='Value header, produced before iterating over enum values') parser.add_argument('--vprod', default=[], dest='vprod', action='append', help='Value text, produced for each enum value.') parser.add_argument('--vtail', default=[], dest='vtail', action='append', help='Value tail, produced after iterating over enum values') parser.add_argument('--comments', default='', dest='comment_tmpl', help='Comment structure') parser.add_argument('--template', default='', dest='template', help='Template file') parser.add_argument('--output', default=None, dest='output') parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', default=False, action='store_true', dest='version', help='Print version information') parser.add_argument('args', nargs='*', help='Input files') options = parser.parse_args() if options.version: print(VERSION_STR) sys.exit(0) def unescape_cmdline_args(arg): arg = arg.replace('\\n', '\n') arg = arg.replace('\\r', '\r') return arg.replace('\\t', '\t') if options.template != '': read_template_file(options.template) idprefix += options.idprefix symprefix += options.symprefix # This is a hack to maintain some semblance of backward compatibility with # the old, Perl-based glib-mkenums. The old tool had an implicit ordering # on the arguments and templates; each argument was parsed in order, and # all the strings appended. This allowed developers to write: # # glib-mkenums \ # --fhead ... \ # --template a-template-file.c.in \ # --ftail ... # # And have the fhead be prepended to the file-head stanza in the template, # as well as the ftail be appended to the file-tail stanza in the template. # Short of throwing away ArgumentParser and going over sys.argv[] element # by element, we can simulate that behaviour by ensuring some ordering in # how we build the template strings: # # - the head stanzas are always prepended to the template # - the prod stanzas are always appended to the template # - the tail stanzas are always appended to the template # # Within each instance of the command line argument, we append each value # to the array in the order in which it appears on the command line. fhead = ''.join([unescape_cmdline_args(x) for x in options.fhead]) + fhead vhead = ''.join([unescape_cmdline_args(x) for x in options.vhead]) + vhead fprod += ''.join([unescape_cmdline_args(x) for x in options.fprod]) eprod += ''.join([unescape_cmdline_args(x) for x in options.eprod]) vprod += ''.join([unescape_cmdline_args(x) for x in options.vprod]) ftail = ftail + ''.join([unescape_cmdline_args(x) for x in options.ftail]) vtail = vtail + ''.join([unescape_cmdline_args(x) for x in options.vtail]) if options.comment_tmpl != '': comment_tmpl = unescape_cmdline_args(options.comment_tmpl) elif comment_tmpl == "": # default to C-style comments comment_tmpl = "/* \u0040comment\u0040 */" output = options.output if output is not None: (out_dir, out_fn) = os.path.split(options.output) out_suffix = '_' + os.path.splitext(out_fn)[1] if out_dir == '': out_dir = '.' fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=out_dir) os.close(fd) tmpfile = io.open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") output_stream = tmpfile else: tmpfile = None # put auto-generation comment comment = comment_tmpl.replace('\u0040comment\u0040', 'This file is generated by glib-mkenums, do ' 'not modify it. This code is licensed under ' 'the same license as the containing project. ' 'Note that it links to GLib, so must comply ' 'with the LGPL linking clauses.') write_output("\n" + comment + '\n') def replace_specials(prod): prod = prod.replace(r'\\a', r'\a') prod = prod.replace(r'\\b', r'\b') prod = prod.replace(r'\\t', r'\t') prod = prod.replace(r'\\n', r'\n') prod = prod.replace(r'\\f', r'\f') prod = prod.replace(r'\\r', r'\r') prod = prod.rstrip() return prod def warn_if_filename_basename_used(section, prod): for substitution in ('\u0040filename\u0040', '\u0040basename\u0040'): if substitution in prod: print_warning('{} used in {} section.'.format(substitution, section)) if len(fhead) > 0: prod = fhead warn_if_filename_basename_used('file-header', prod) prod = replace_specials(prod) write_output(prod) def process_file(curfilename): global entries, flags, seenbitshift, enum_prefix firstenum = True try: curfile = io.open(curfilename, encoding="utf-8", errors="replace_and_warn") except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: print_warning('No file "{}" found.'.format(curfilename)) return raise while True: line = curfile.readline() if not line: break line = line.strip() # read lines until we have no open comments while re.search(r'/\*([^*]|\*(?!/))*$', line): line += curfile.readline() # strip comments w/o options line = re.sub(r'''/\*(?!<) ([^*]+|\*(?!/))* \*/''', '', line) # ignore forward declarations if re.match(r'\s*typedef\s+enum.*;', line): continue m = re.match(r'''\s*typedef\s+enum\s*[_A-Za-z]*[_A-Za-z0-9]*\s* ({)?\s* (?:/\*< (([^*]|\*(?!/))*) >\s*\*/)? \s*({)?''', line, flags=re.X) if m: groups = m.groups() if len(groups) >= 2 and groups[1] is not None: options = parse_trigraph(groups[1]) if 'skip' in options: continue enum_prefix = options.get('prefix', None) flags = options.get('flags', None) if 'flags' in options: if flags is None: flags = 1 else: flags = int(flags) option_lowercase_name = options.get('lowercase_name', None) option_underscore_name = options.get('underscore_name', None) else: enum_prefix = None flags = None option_lowercase_name = None option_underscore_name = None if option_lowercase_name is not None: if option_underscore_name is not None: print_warning("lowercase_name overridden with underscore_name") option_lowercase_name = None else: print_warning("lowercase_name is deprecated, use underscore_name") # Didn't have trailing '{' look on next lines if groups[0] is None and (len(groups) < 4 or groups[3] is None): while True: line = curfile.readline() if not line: print_error("Syntax error when looking for opening { in enum") if re.match(r'\s*\{', line): break seenbitshift = 0 entries = [] # Now parse the entries parse_entries(curfile, curfilename) # figure out if this was a flags or enums enumeration if flags is None: flags = seenbitshift # Autogenerate a prefix if enum_prefix is None: for entry in entries: if len(entry) < 3 or entry[2] is None: name = entry[0] if enum_prefix is not None: enum_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([name, enum_prefix]) else: enum_prefix = name if enum_prefix is None: enum_prefix = "" else: # Trim so that it ends in an underscore enum_prefix = re.sub(r'_[^_]*$', '_', enum_prefix) else: # canonicalize user defined prefixes enum_prefix = enum_prefix.upper() enum_prefix = enum_prefix.replace('-', '_') enum_prefix = re.sub(r'(.*)([^_])$', r'\1\2_', enum_prefix) fixed_entries = [] for e in entries: name = e[0] num = e[1] if len(e) < 3 or e[2] is None: nick = re.sub(r'^' + enum_prefix, '', name) nick = nick.replace('_', '-').lower() e = (name, num, nick) fixed_entries.append(e) entries = fixed_entries # Spit out the output if option_underscore_name is not None: enumlong = option_underscore_name.upper() enumsym = option_underscore_name.lower() enumshort = re.sub(r'^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*_', '', enumlong) enumname_prefix = re.sub('_' + enumshort + '$', '', enumlong) elif symprefix == '' and idprefix == '': # enumname is e.g. GMatchType enspace = re.sub(r'^([A-Z][a-z]*).*$', r'\1', enumname) enumshort = re.sub(r'^[A-Z][a-z]*', '', enumname) enumshort = re.sub(r'([^A-Z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', enumshort) enumshort = re.sub(r'([A-Z][A-Z])([A-Z][0-9a-z])', r'\1_\2', enumshort) enumshort = enumshort.upper() enumname_prefix = re.sub(r'^([A-Z][a-z]*).*$', r'\1', enumname).upper() enumlong = enspace.upper() + "_" + enumshort enumsym = enspace.lower() + "_" + enumshort.lower() if option_lowercase_name is not None: enumsym = option_lowercase_name else: enumshort = enumname if idprefix: enumshort = re.sub(r'^' + idprefix, '', enumshort) else: enumshort = re.sub(r'/^[A-Z][a-z]*', '', enumshort) enumshort = re.sub(r'([^A-Z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', enumshort) enumshort = re.sub(r'([A-Z][A-Z])([A-Z][0-9a-z])', r'\1_\2', enumshort) enumshort = enumshort.upper() if symprefix: enumname_prefix = symprefix.upper() else: enumname_prefix = idprefix.upper() enumlong = enumname_prefix + "_" + enumshort enumsym = enumlong.lower() if firstenum: firstenum = False if len(fprod) > 0: prod = fprod base = os.path.basename(curfilename) prod = prod.replace('\u0040filename\u0040', curfilename) prod = prod.replace('\u0040basename\u0040', base) prod = replace_specials(prod) write_output(prod) if len(eprod) > 0: prod = eprod prod = prod.replace('\u0040enum_name\u0040', enumsym) prod = prod.replace('\u0040EnumName\u0040', enumname) prod = prod.replace('\u0040ENUMSHORT\u0040', enumshort) prod = prod.replace('\u0040ENUMNAME\u0040', enumlong) prod = prod.replace('\u0040ENUMPREFIX\u0040', enumname_prefix) if flags: prod = prod.replace('\u0040type\u0040', 'flags') else: prod = prod.replace('\u0040type\u0040', 'enum') if flags: prod = prod.replace('\u0040Type\u0040', 'Flags') else: prod = prod.replace('\u0040Type\u0040', 'Enum') if flags: prod = prod.replace('\u0040TYPE\u0040', 'FLAGS') else: prod = prod.replace('\u0040TYPE\u0040', 'ENUM') prod = replace_specials(prod) write_output(prod) if len(vhead) > 0: prod = vhead prod = prod.replace('\u0040enum_name\u0040', enumsym) prod = prod.replace('\u0040EnumName\u0040', enumname) prod = prod.replace('\u0040ENUMSHORT\u0040', enumshort) prod = prod.replace('\u0040ENUMNAME\u0040', enumlong) prod = prod.replace('\u0040ENUMPREFIX\u0040', enumname_prefix) if flags: prod = prod.replace('\u0040type\u0040', 'flags') else: prod = prod.replace('\u0040type\u0040', 'enum') if flags: prod = prod.replace('\u0040Type\u0040', 'Flags') else: prod = prod.replace('\u0040Type\u0040', 'Enum') if flags: prod = prod.replace('\u0040TYPE\u0040', 'FLAGS') else: prod = prod.replace('\u0040TYPE\u0040', 'ENUM') prod = replace_specials(prod) write_output(prod) if len(vprod) > 0: prod = vprod next_num = 0 prod = replace_specials(prod) for name, num, nick in entries: tmp_prod = prod if '\u0040valuenum\u0040' in prod: # only attempt to eval the value if it is requested # this prevents us from throwing errors otherwise if num is not None: # use sandboxed evaluation as a reasonable # approximation to C constant folding inum = eval(num, {}, {}) # make sure it parsed to an integer if not isinstance(inum, int): sys.exit("Unable to parse enum value '%s'" % num) num = inum else: num = next_num tmp_prod = tmp_prod.replace('\u0040valuenum\u0040', str(num)) next_num = int(num) + 1 tmp_prod = tmp_prod.replace('\u0040VALUENAME\u0040', name) tmp_prod = tmp_prod.replace('\u0040valuenick\u0040', nick) if flags: tmp_prod = tmp_prod.replace('\u0040type\u0040', 'flags') else: tmp_prod = tmp_prod.replace('\u0040type\u0040', 'enum') if flags: tmp_prod = tmp_prod.replace('\u0040Type\u0040', 'Flags') else: tmp_prod = tmp_prod.replace('\u0040Type\u0040', 'Enum') if flags: tmp_prod = tmp_prod.replace('\u0040TYPE\u0040', 'FLAGS') else: tmp_prod = tmp_prod.replace('\u0040TYPE\u0040', 'ENUM') tmp_prod = tmp_prod.rstrip() write_output(tmp_prod) if len(vtail) > 0: prod = vtail prod = prod.replace('\u0040enum_name\u0040', enumsym) prod = prod.replace('\u0040EnumName\u0040', enumname) prod = prod.replace('\u0040ENUMSHORT\u0040', enumshort) prod = prod.replace('\u0040ENUMNAME\u0040', enumlong) prod = prod.replace('\u0040ENUMPREFIX\u0040', enumname_prefix) if flags: prod = prod.replace('\u0040type\u0040', 'flags') else: prod = prod.replace('\u0040type\u0040', 'enum') if flags: prod = prod.replace('\u0040Type\u0040', 'Flags') else: prod = prod.replace('\u0040Type\u0040', 'Enum') if flags: prod = prod.replace('\u0040TYPE\u0040', 'FLAGS') else: prod = prod.replace('\u0040TYPE\u0040', 'ENUM') prod = replace_specials(prod) write_output(prod) for fname in sorted(options.args): process_file(fname) if len(ftail) > 0: prod = ftail warn_if_filename_basename_used('file-tail', prod) prod = replace_specials(prod) write_output(prod) # put auto-generation comment comment = comment_tmpl comment = comment.replace('\u0040comment\u0040', 'Generated data ends here') write_output("\n" + comment + "\n") if tmpfile is not None: tmpfilename = tmpfile.name tmpfile.close() try: os.unlink(options.output) except OSError as error: if error.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise error os.rename(tmpfilename, options.output)