import os,sys from shutil import copyfile import globals import config_parser import logger from slurm import get_slurm_dict, srun, write_command # ======================================================================================================== # ======================================================================================================== def default_config(arg_dict): """Generate default config file in current directory, pointing to MS, with fields and SLURM parameters set. Arguments: ---------- arg_dict : dict Dictionary of arguments passed into this script, which is inserted into the config file under various sections.""" filename = arg_dict['config'] MS = arg_dict['MS'] #Copy default config to current location copyfile('{0}/{1}'.format(globals.SCRIPT_DIR,globals.CONFIG),filename) #Add SLURM CL arguments to config file under section [slurm] slurm_dict = get_slurm_dict(arg_dict,globals.SLURM_CONFIG_KEYS) for key in globals.SLURM_CONFIG_STR_KEYS: if key in slurm_dict.keys(): slurm_dict[key] = "'{0}'".format(slurm_dict[key]) #Overwrite CL parameters in config under section [slurm] config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict=slurm_dict, conf_sec='slurm') #Add MS to config file under section [data] and dopol under section [run] config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'vis' : "'{0}'".format(MS)}, conf_sec='data') config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'dopol' : arg_dict['dopol']}, conf_sec='run', sec_comment='# Internal variables for pipeline execution') if not arg_dict['do2GC']: config_parser.remove_section(filename, 'selfcal') scripts = arg_dict['postcal_scripts'] i = 0 while i < len(scripts): if 'selfcal' in scripts[i][0] or 'bdsf' in scripts[i][0] or scripts[i][0] == '': scripts.pop(i) i -= 1 i += 1 config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'postcal_scripts' : scripts}, conf_sec='slurm') if not arg_dict['nofields']: #Don't call srun if option --local used if arg_dict['local']: mpi_wrapper = '' else: mpi_wrapper = srun(arg_dict) #Write and submit srun command to extract fields, and insert them into config file under section [fields] params = '-B -M {MS} -C {config} -N {nodes} -t {ntasks_per_node}'.format(**arg_dict) if arg_dict['dopol']: params += ' -P' if arg_dict['verbose']: params += ' -v' command = write_command(globals.UTILS_DIR+'/', params, mpi_wrapper=mpi_wrapper, container=arg_dict['container'],logfile=False,casa_script=False,casacore=True)'Extracting field IDs from measurement set "{0}" using CASA.'.format(MS)) logger.logger.debug('Using the following command:\n\t{0}'.format(command)) os.system(command) else: #Skip extraction of field IDs and assume we're not processing multiple SPWs'Skipping extraction of field IDs and assuming nspw=1.') config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'nspw' : 1}, conf_sec='crosscal') #If dopol=True, replace second call of xx_yy_* scripts with xy_yx_* scripts #Check in config (not CL args), in case forces dopol=False, and assume we only want to set this for 'scripts' dopol = config_parser.get_key(filename, 'run', 'dopol') if dopol: count = 0 for ind, ss in enumerate(arg_dict['scripts']): if ss[0] == '' or ss[0] == '': count += 1 if count > 2: if ss[0] == '': arg_dict['scripts'][ind] = ('',arg_dict['scripts'][ind][1],arg_dict['scripts'][ind][2]) if ss[0] == '': arg_dict['scripts'][ind] = ('',arg_dict['scripts'][ind][1],arg_dict['scripts'][ind][2]) config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'scripts' : arg_dict['scripts']}, conf_sec='slurm')'Config "{0}" generated.'.format(filename)) return # ======================================================================================================== def default_config_iris(arg_dict): """Generate default config file in current directory, pointing to MS, with fields and SLURM parameters set. Arguments: ---------- arg_dict : dict Dictionary of arguments passed into this script, which is inserted into the config file under various sections.""" filename = arg_dict['config'] MS = arg_dict['MS'] #Copy default config to current location copyfile('{0}/{1}'.format(globals.SCRIPT_DIR,globals.IRISCONFIG),filename) #Add MS to config file under section [data] and dopol under section [run] config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'vis' : "'{0}'".format(MS)}, conf_sec='data') config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'dopol' : arg_dict['dopol']}, conf_sec='run', sec_comment='# Internal variables for pipeline execution') if not arg_dict['do2GC']: config_parser.remove_section(filename, 'selfcal') scripts = arg_dict['postcal_scripts'] i = 0 while i < len(scripts): if 'selfcal' in scripts[i][0] or 'bdsf' in scripts[i][0] or scripts[i][0] == '': scripts.pop(i) i -= 1 i += 1 config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'postcal_scripts' : scripts}, conf_sec='iris') if not arg_dict['nofields']:'Field extraction not available for IRIS.') #Skip extraction of field IDs and assume we're not processing multiple SPWs'Skipping extraction of field IDs') #config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'nspw' : 1}, conf_sec='crosscal') #If dopol=True, replace second call of xx_yy_* scripts with xy_yx_* scripts #Check in config (not CL args), in case forces dopol=False, and assume we only want to set this for 'scripts' dopol = config_parser.get_key(filename, 'run', 'dopol') if dopol: count = 0 for ind, ss in enumerate(arg_dict['scripts']): if ss[0] == '' or ss[0] == '': count += 1 if count > 2: if ss[0] == '': arg_dict['scripts'][ind] = ('',arg_dict['scripts'][ind][1],arg_dict['scripts'][ind][2]) if ss[0] == '': arg_dict['scripts'][ind] = ('',arg_dict['scripts'][ind][1],arg_dict['scripts'][ind][2]) config_parser.overwrite_config(filename, conf_dict={'scripts' : arg_dict['scripts']}, conf_sec='iris')'Config "{0}" generated.'.format(filename)) return # ========================================================================================================