C C TAUMC Common block for the properties of taus which have decayed C in Neut. Included energy, polarization decay mode C C First Added 2004/04/04 C.W. Walter COMMON / TAUMC / TAUMOM, TAUDCY, TAUDIR, POLTAU REAL TAUMOM ! Momentum of Tau in GeV/c REAL TAUDIR(3) ! Direction of Tau INTEGER TAUDCY ! Decay mode REAL POLTAU(3) ! Polarization of Tau C The info below is for using this common in a PAW ntuple bank. CHARACTER*60 TAUMCTAGS(1) CHARACTER*60 TAUMCTAG EQUIVALENCE (TAUMCTAG, TAUMCTAGS(1)) C *********************************************************************** DATA TAUMCTAGS/ & 'TAUMOM:R, TAUDCY:I, TAUDIR(3):R, POLTAU(3):R'/