************************************************************************ * ---------------------------- Real Function dcohnekart(E,Q2,nu,t,x,y,z) * ---------------------------- * * (Purpose) * Return differential corss-section depending on E,Q2,nu,t * * (Input) * E : Incident Neutrino Energy ( GeV ) * Q2 : Momentum Transfer from leptonic sector (GeV^2) * nu : Energy Transfer (GeV) * t : Momentum Transfer in hadronic system (GeV^2) * * (Output) * dcohnekart : differential corss-section(dsigma/(dQ2*dnu*dt)) * * (Creation Date and Author) * 2007.01.08 ; G.Mitsuka * 2007.11.05 ; G.Mitsuka -- function and subroutine are replaced * to each fortran file * * (Comment) * Kinematics of this routine is based on * Physical Revew D 74, 054007(2006) A.Kartavtsev et al. * ************************************************************************ implicit none #include "nework.h" #include "necard.h" #include "pdf804/w50516.inc" real E,Q2,nu,t,Q2max,Mn,xi,tmax real Gf,Vud,fpi,L00,Lll,Ll0,Mpi real Mlep,q32,Pi,Mpr,Mnt real buf1,buf2,buf3,x,y,z,BRNTC2 real*8 fndsigmapidt external fndsigmapidt PARAMETER ( xi = 3. ) ! Not used PARAMETER ( Pi = 3.14159265 ) PARAMETER ( Gf = 1.16637E-5 ) PARAMETER ( fpi = 0.092 ) PARAMETER ( Vud = 0.9740 ) parameter ( Q2max = 0.2 ) parameter ( tmax = 0.05 ) PARAMETER ( BRNTC2 = 1.E-24 ) C Initialize CALL MCMASSGV(IPNE(5),Mpi) CALL MCMASSGV(2212,Mpr) CALL MCMASSGV(2112,Mnt) Mn = NUMBNDP*Mpr + NUMBNDN*Mnt dcohnekart = 0. buf2 = fpi**2/Q2 q32 = Q2+nu**2 C In NC, lepton(neutrino) mass is negligible if(abs(modene).eq.36) then buf1 = Gf**2*nu/(4*(2*Pi)**2*E**2) L00 = 2*(Q2*(2*E-nu))**2/(Q2*q32)-2*Q2 buf3 = L00 C In CC, lepton(e,mu,tau) mass correction should be applied else CALL MCMASSGV(IPNE(3),Mlep) buf1 = Gf**2*Vud**2*nu/(2*(2*Pi)**2*E**2) C density matrix elements L00 = 2*(Q2*(2*E-nu)-nu*Mlep**2)**2/(Q2*q32)-2*(Q2+Mlep**2) Lll = 2*Mlep**2*(Mlep**2/Q2+1.) Ll0 = 2*Mlep**2*(Q2*(2*E-nu)-nu*Mlep**2)/(Q2*sqrt(q32)) if(L00.lt.0..or.Lll.lt.0..or.Ll0.lt.0.) goto 100 buf3 = L00 + Lll*(Mpi**2/(Q2+Mpi**2))**2 & + 2*Ll0*Mpi**2/(Q2+Mpi**2) endif C dcohnekart is the differential cross section off Carbon nucleus, C where fndsigmapidt is dsigma(pi+12C->pi+12C)/dt dcohnekart = buf1*buf2*buf3*fndsigmapidt(dble(nu),dble(t)) & *BRNTC2*1.D+40 100 return end