/* * Generated automatically by fh2h.pl * !!! DO NOT EDIT !!! * Edit the original fortran header file instead * or fix fh2h.pl if there is a translation bug. */ #ifndef FH2H_MCGENPAR_H #define FH2H_MCGENPAR_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef IMPLICIT #define IMPLICIT /* Only to point out implicit types */ #endif /*------ fortran header (without commons and data statements) ----------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /**/ /* INCLUDE FILE FOR MC ( mcgenpar.h )*/ /**/ /* FLAG OF NUCLEAR INTERATION*/ /**/ /*-------------------------------------------------------*/ /**/ /* COMMON /NEGENPAR/ */ /**/ /* NPARENT : PARENT NUCLEON ( NOT YET SUPPORTED )*/ /* 0 : H2O ( DEFAULT )*/ /* 1 : H2*/ /* 2 : O*/ /**/ /* NUCFLG1 : FLAG OF NUCLEAR INTERATION IN O16*/ /* 0 : CONSIDER NUCLEAR INT. ( DEFAULT )*/ /* 1 : IGNORE NUCLEAR INT.*/ /**/ /* NUCFLG2 : FLAG OF NUCLEAR INTERATION IN WATER*/ /* 0 : CONSIDER NUCLEAR INT. ( DEFAULT )*/ /* 1 : IGNORE NUCLEAR INT.*/ /**/ /*common negenpar was here*/ /*------ common blocks -------------------------------------------------*/ extern struct negenpar_common { int npaernt; int nucflg1; int nucflg2; } negenpar_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct negenpar_common *negenpar; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct negenpar_common *negenpar = &negenpar_; #endif /*------ data statements -----------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef NO_STATIC_DATA #endif /* #ifndef NO_STATIC_DATA */ /*------ end of fortran header -----------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* #ifndef FH2H_MCGENPAR_H */