/* * Generated automatically by fh2h.pl * !!! DO NOT EDIT !!! * Edit the original fortran header file instead * or fix fh2h.pl if there is a translation bug. */ #ifndef FH2H_NECARD_H #define FH2H_NECARD_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef IMPLICIT #define IMPLICIT /* Only to point out implicit types */ #endif /*------ fortran header (without commons and data statements) ----------*/ /*************************************************************************/ /* --------*/ /* NECARD.H*/ /* --------*/ /**/ /* (Purpose)*/ /* COMMON for CARD on NEUT*/ /**/ /* (Variables)*/ /* NEFRMFLG : ( NEUT-FERM ) Flag on Fermi motion*/ /* 0 : on ( default ) */ /* 1 : off*/ /* NEPAUFLG : ( NEUT-PAUL ) Flag on Pauli brokking*/ /* 0 : on ( default ) */ /* 1 : off*/ /* NENEFO16 : ( NEUT-NEFF ) Flag on Nuclear effect in O16*/ /* 0 : on ( default ) */ /* 1 : off*/ /* NENEFMODL: ( NEUT-MODL ) Select model for low energy pion*/ /* 0 : default (Salcedo et. al)*/ /* 1 : Tuned to pion scattering data*/ /* NENEFMODH: ( NEUT-MODH ) Select model for high energy pion*/ /* 0 : default*/ /* 1 : proton/neutron separated*/ /* NENEFKINH: ( NEUT-KINH ) Select kinematical model for */ /* hi-nrg pion inelastic scattering*/ /* 0 : Isotropic resonance decay*/ /* 1 : SAID WI08 Phase Shifts*/ /* neabspiemit : ( NEUT-neabspiemit ) Flag on Nucleon Ejection*/ /* 0 : off */ /* 1 : on ( default ) */ /* NUSIM : Neutrino Simulation Flag*/ /* 1 : Neutrino Simulation (default)*/ /* 0 : Other (piscat, gampi)*/ /**/ /* NEMODFLG : ( NEUT-MODE ) Flag on Interaction mode on neutrino int.*/ /* 0 : normal ( default )*/ /* -1 : input cross section by CRSNEUT*/ /* n : sellect one mode ( n > 0 ) See nemodsel.F*/ /* n = 1 : charged current Q.E. */ /* n = 11,12,13*/ /* : charged current Single pi production */ /* n = 21 : charged current Multi pi production*/ /* n = 31,32,33,34*/ /* : neutral current Single pi production */ /* n = 41 : neutral current Multi pi production*/ /* n = 51,52 : neutral current elastic*/ /* n = 22,42,43 : single eta production */ /* n = 23,44,45 : single K production */ /* */ /* CRSNEUT(28) : ( NEUT-CRS ) Multiplied factor to cross section*/ /* on each mode. See nemodsel.F*/ /* CRSNEUTB(28) : ( NEUT-CRSB ) Multiplied factor to cross section*/ /* on each mode. See nemodsel.F*/ /**/ /* NECOHEPI : ( NEUT_COHEPI ) Select Coherent pi model*/ /* 0 : Rein & Sehgal*/ /* 1 : Kartavtsev */ /**/ /* NEPDF : ( NEUT-Select Parton distribution function*/ /* n = 7 : GRV94*/ /* n =12 : GRV98*/ /**/ /* NEBODEK : ( NEUT- urn off/on Bodek-Yang correction*/ /* 0 : off*/ /* 1 : on */ /**/ /* ITAUFLGCORE : control Tau run mode(this is not set here)*/ /**/ /* NUMBNDN : total number of neutron (e.g. H2O => 8 , Fe => 30)*/ /* NUMBNDP : total number of bound proton (e.g. H2O => 8 , Fe => 26)*/ /* NUMFREP : total number of free proton (e.g. H2O => 2 , Fe => 0)*/ /* NUMATOM : atomic number (e.g. O =>16 , Fe => 56)*/ /**/ /* IPILESSDCY: Pion less delta deacy ( 1 : on / 0: off )*/ /* RPILESSDCY: Fraction of pion less delta deacy ( default 0.2 )*/ /**/ /* NEIFF: Tells which form factors are used (see rsdcrs)*/ /* NENRTYPE: For R-S form factors, there is two separate*/ /**/ /* QUIET : Screen output verbosity*/ /* 0 : Default (prints all initial state info)*/ /* 1 : Print only neutrino energy*/ /* 2 : Prints almost nothing (except PYTHIA output)*/ /**/ /**/ /* */ /* (Creation Date and Author)*/ /* 1995.11.17 ; K.Kaneyuki*/ /* 1997.12.01 ; J.Kameda modify to consider eta*/ /* 1998.03.01 ; J.Kameda modify to consider K*/ /* 2006.??.?? ; G.Mitsuka added NEPDF & NEBODEK */ /* 2006.12.30 ; Y.Hayato move flux /detector dependent part to*/ /* necardfx.h*/ /* 2007.01.08 ; G.Mitsuka add NECOHEPI*/ /* 2007.08.31 ; G.Mitsuka rename ITAUFLG to ITAUFLGCORE*/ /* not to conflict with neutflux*/ /* 2007.11.05 ; G.Mitsuka add target material information*/ /* 2010.06 ; P.de Perio - add model select for high energy pions*/ /* - add kinematical model select for high */ /* energy pion inelastic scattering*/ /* 2012.12 ; P.Rodrigues added form factors*/ /**/ /*************************************************************************/ /*common neutcard was here*/ /*common neutdis was here*/ /*common neut1pi was here*/ /*common neutcoh was here*/ /*common neuttarget was here*/ /*common neutpiabs was here*/ /*common neutpiless was here*/ /*------ common blocks -------------------------------------------------*/ extern struct neutcard_common { int nefrmflg; int nepauflg; int nenefo16; int nenefmodl; int nenefmodh; int nenefkinh; int nemodflg; int neselmod; float crsneut[28]; float crsneutb[28]; int itauflgcore; int nusim; int quiet; } neutcard_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct neutcard_common *neutcard; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct neutcard_common *neutcard = &neutcard_; #endif extern struct neutdis_common { int nepdf; int nebodek; } neutdis_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct neutdis_common *neutdis; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct neutdis_common *neutdis = &neutdis_; #endif extern struct neut1pi_common { float xmanffres; float xmvnffres; float xmarsres; float xmvrsres; int neiff; int nenrtype; float rneca5i; float rnebgscl; } neut1pi_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct neut1pi_common *neut1pi; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct neut1pi_common *neut1pi = &neut1pi_; #endif extern struct neutcoh_common { int necohepi; } neutcoh_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct neutcoh_common *neutcoh; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct neutcoh_common *neutcoh = &neutcoh_; #endif extern struct neuttarget_common { int numbndn; int numbndp; int numfrep; int numatom; } neuttarget_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct neuttarget_common *neuttarget; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct neuttarget_common *neuttarget = &neuttarget_; #endif extern struct neutpiabs_common { int neabspiemit; } neutpiabs_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct neutpiabs_common *neutpiabs; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct neutpiabs_common *neutpiabs = &neutpiabs_; #endif extern struct neutpiless_common { int ipilessdcy; float rpilessdcy; } neutpiless_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct neutpiless_common *neutpiless; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct neutpiless_common *neutpiless = &neutpiless_; #endif /*------ data statements -----------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef NO_STATIC_DATA #endif /* #ifndef NO_STATIC_DATA */ /*------ end of fortran header -----------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* #ifndef FH2H_NECARD_H */