* ----------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE NERANBLL2(AA,PIN,OPOS,XPOS) * ----------------------------------------------------- * * ( purpose ) * Return random position in nuclei from squared density * (consider formation zone) * * If (PIN == 0) : XPOS is selected randomly without formation zone * * If (PIN > 0) : XPOS is modified considering formation zone. * OPOS is used for the original position * * ( input ) * AA : number of nucleons (dummy) * PIN(3) : momentum of the particle in GeV * OPOS(3): initial position * ( output ) * XPOS(3) : position (FERMI) C C --- Taken from efranbll C C C IMPLICIT NONE REAL*4 AA, pin(3), opos(3) real*4 xpos(3) real*4 pos(3) #include #include C FOR FORMATION ZONES REAL FORMLENGTH, RNFORMLENGTH REAL MU2, FM2GEV DATA MU2/0.08/, FM2GEV/5.07/ C--- initialization INTEGER*4 ICALL DATA ICALL/0/ real*4 RLU external RLU real*4 efrho external efrho real*4 RMAX,dismax,R,HIT,DEN,pabs integer*4 i,idum,j C ICALL=ICALL+1 IF(ICALL.NE.1)GO TO 200 C RMAX=2.5*C DISMAX=0. DO 100 I=1,50 R=RMAX/50.*FLOAT(I) DEN=EFRHO(R)*EFRHO(R) IF(DEN.LT.DISMAX)GO TO 100 DISMAX=DEN 100 CONTINUE 200 continue PABS=SQRT(PIN(1)**2+PIN(2)**2+PIN(3)**2) C--- formation zone correction IF (PABS.ne.0.) then C-- PABS != 0 -> use original position from caller function. POS(1)=OPOS(1) POS(2)=OPOS(2) POS(3)=OPOS(3) C FORMLENGTH=PABS/1000./MU2/FM2GEV ! Bug in version<= FORMLENGTH=PABS/MU2/FM2GEV RNFORMLENGTH=-1.*FORMLENGTH*LOG(RLU(IDUM)) DO J=1,3 IF (IFORMLEN.ge.1) THEN C-- formation zone XPOS(J)=POS(J)+(PIN(J)/PABS)*RNFORMLENGTH ELSE C-- Not use formation zone XPOS(J)=POS(J) ENDIF END DO RETURN else C-- PABS == 0 -> use original position from caller function. 300 continue R=RLU(IDUM)*RMAX HIT=RLU(IDUM)*DISMAX DEN=EFRHO(R)*EFRHO(R) IF(HIT.GT.DEN)GO TO 300 C CALL RNDIR(POS) XPOS(1)=POS(1)*R XPOS(2)=POS(2)*R XPOS(3)=POS(3)*R return endif write(*,*) 'neranbll2:What?' END