Subroutine nudeex_n(piabs,shell,nout,idout,pout) C C+ Return particles from de-excitation of Oxygen-16 C+ C+ Input: C+ piabs (logical) .true. if a pion was absorbed C+ shell (integer) 0: determine shell randomly C+ 1: s(1/2) C+ 2: p(3/2) C+ 3: the other shell states C+ Output: C+ nout (integer) number of particles from de-excitation C+ idout() (integer) PDG codes of emitted particles C+ pout(4,) (real) momentum (in MeV) of emitted particles C+ C+ Creation Date and Author: C+ 2011.02.04 ; First version by K.Ueno, pion absorption case by T.Mori C+ 2011.09.25 ; Update of spectroscopic factors by K.Ueno C+ 2011.10.27 ; Update of the excitation-energy region of the s-hole state by K.Ueno C+ implicit none integer maxout parameter (maxout = 5) logical piabs integer shell, nout, idout(maxout) real pout(4,maxout) integer max_ngamma_neut parameter (max_ngamma_neut = maxout) real etotal_gamma, sint, cost, phi, ecum(max_ngamma_neut) real rmode, cum, pmom, el, eg1, eg2, ep, en, ex integer ip, initial, mode real rlu, xrndm integer dummy, lunout parameter (lunout = 6) integer proton_code, neutron_code, photon_code parameter (proton_code = 2212) parameter (neutron_code = 2112) parameter (photon_code = 22) real proton_mass, neutron_mass, photon_mass parameter (proton_mass = 938.27) parameter (neutron_mass = 939.56) parameter (photon_mass = 0.) real n14_mass, o14_mass parameter (n14_mass = 13043.78) ! Mass of N14 g.s. (MeV) parameter (o14_mass = 13048.92) ! Mass of O14 g.s. (MeV) real n14p_eth, o14n_eth parameter (n14p_eth = 7.3 ) ! Eth (MeV) of 2-body decay from O15 to N14+p parameter (o14n_eth = 13.22) ! Eth (MeV) of 2-body decay from O15 to O14+n real qq2pi parameter (qq2pi = 6.283185) C C+ Data from Ejiri's paper & Benhar's paper C+ Use 18.8% for s(1/2), 37.5% for p(3/2) 6.32 MeV state, C+ Assume 6.18 MeV : 6.32 MeV = 0.44 : 0.41 C integer max_shell parameter (max_shell = 3) real prob_shell(max_shell) data prob_shell/0.188,0.375,0.437/ ! s(1/2), p(3/2), the others C+ Description of p-shell neutron hole modes integer pn_hole parameter (pn_hole = 1) real br_pnmode(pn_hole) data br_pnmode/0.375/ real norm_br_pnmode data norm_br_pnmode/0.375/ ! Total branching ratio relative to those above real e_pngamma(pn_hole) data e_pngamma /6.18/ C+ Description of s-shell neutron hole modes (O15 --> N13+d, N12+t, O14+n, N14+p) integer s_hole parameter (s_hole = 21) real br_smode(s_hole) data br_smode $ /0.03,0.0417,0.0167,0.0288,0.058, $ 0.0674,0.0504,0.0288,0.0162,0.0034,0.0012,0.0023,0.0196,0.0661, $ 0.0115,0.0041,0.0279,0.0196,0.0095,0.319,0.1778/ real norm_br_smode data norm_br_smode/1./ ! Total branching ratio relative to those above real e_sgamma(s_hole) data e_sgamma $ /3.09,3.68,3.68,3.85,4.44, $ 0.,4.92,3.38,5.69,5.11,5.83,5.11,6.44,7.03, $ 0.,6.73,6.09,6.73,7.34,0.,0./ real e_slevel(s_hole) data e_slevel $ /3.09,3.68,3.85,3.85,4.44, $ 0.,4.92,5.69,5.69,5.83,5.83,6.45,6.45,7.03, $ 0.,6.73,7.34,7.34,7.34,0.,0./ C+ Description of pion absorprion integer max_gamma_piabs parameter (max_gamma_piabs = 11) real br_pigamma(max_gamma_piabs), e_pigamma(max_gamma_piabs,2) data br_pigamma $ /0.002,0.048,0.013,0.003,0.019,0.01,0.04,0.007,0.005,0.017,0.836/ data e_pigamma $ /2.79,1.63,0.72,2.31,3.68,3.85,4.44,5.11,5.27,6.13,0., ! 1st deex $ 2.31,2.31,0. ,0. ,0. ,0. ,0. ,0. ,0. ,0. ,0./ ! 2nd deex C C include '' C include '' C C+ Entry point nout = 0 call vzero(idout,maxout) call vzero(pout,4*maxout) eg1 = 0. eg2 = 0. ep = 0. en = 0. rmode = RLU(dummy) mode = 1 if (.not.piabs) then C C+ If no pion absorption, using the following papers: C+ H.Ejiri, Phys. Rev. C48, 1442 (1993) C+ O.Benhar et al., Phys. Rev. D72, 053005 (2005) C+ A.M.Ankowski et al., nucl-th/1110.0679v1 (2011) C+ K.Kobayashi et al., nucl-ex/0604006 (2006) C+ M.Yosoi, PhD thesis, Univ. of Kyoto (2003) C if (shell.eq.0) then ! Determine level of hole initial = 1 xrndm = RLU(dummy) cum = prob_shell(initial) do while( initial = initial + 1 cum = cum + prob_shell(initial) enddo else initial = shell endif C C+ Short-cut: neglect de-excitation from other than s(1/2) and p(3/2) states C if (initial.eq.3) return C C+ Select final state based on flavor and level of hole C if(initial.eq.1) then ! s(1/2) hole C C+ To give the energy of the nucleon from 2-body decay of 15N or 15O, C+ this code determines the excitation energy. C+ Benhar's paper suggests the distribution is almost uniform in 10.65 < Ex < 50.15 MeV C+ over the nucleon momentum range from 0 to 300 MeV/c. C ex = 39.5*RLU(dummy) + 10.65 cum = br_smode(mode)/norm_br_smode do while ( mode = mode + 1 cum = cum + br_smode(mode)/norm_br_smode enddo if ( then write(lunout,*) 'nudeex: error locating s(1/2) hole' return endif eg1 = e_sgamma(mode) el = e_slevel(mode) if( then ! O15 --> N14+p ep = max(0.,(ex-el-n14p_eth) $ *(n14_mass+el)/(proton_mass+n14_mass+el)) else if( then ! O15 --> O14+n en = max(0.,(ex-el-o14n_eth) $ *(o14_mass+el)/(neutron_mass+o14_mass+el)) else if(mode.eq.20) then ! proton from 3-body decay of O15 ep = 5.*RLU(dummy) else if(mode.eq.21) then ! neutron from 3-body decay of O15 en = 5.*RLU(dummy) endif else if(initial.eq.2) then ! p(3/2) hole cum = br_pnmode(mode)/norm_br_pnmode do while ( mode = mode + 1 cum = cum + br_pnmode(mode)/norm_br_pnmode enddo if ( then write(lunout,*) 'nudeex: error locating p(3/2) neutron hole' return endif eg1 = e_pngamma(mode) endif else C C+ Come here if a pion was absorbed. Using the following paper: C+ H.D.Engelhardt et al., Nucl. Phys. A258, 480 (1976) C cum = br_pigamma(mode) do while ( mode = mode + 1 cum = cum + br_pigamma(mode) enddo eg1 = e_pigamma(mode,1) eg2 = e_pigamma(mode,2) endif C C+ Fill output particles C if ( then nout = nout + 1 idout(nout) = photon_code pout(4,nout) = eg1 endif if ( then nout = nout + 1 idout(nout) = photon_code pout(4,nout) = eg2 endif if ( then nout = nout + 1 idout(nout) = proton_code pout(4,nout) = proton_mass + ep endif if ( then nout = nout + 1 idout(nout) = neutron_code pout(4,nout) = neutron_mass + en endif do ip = 1, nout cost = min(max(2.*(RLU(dummy)-0.5),-1.),1.) if (abs(cost).eq.1.) then sint = 0. else sint = sqrt(1.-cost**2) endif phi = qq2pi*RLU(dummy) if (idout(ip).eq.proton_code) then pmom = sqrt(pout(4,ip)**2 - proton_mass**2) else if (idout(ip).eq.neutron_code) then pmom = sqrt(pout(4,ip)**2 - neutron_mass**2) else pmom = pout(4,ip) endif pout(1,ip) = pmom*cos(phi)*sint pout(2,ip) = pmom*sin(phi)*sint pout(3,ip) = pmom*cost enddo return end