*********************************************************************** * SUBROUTINE RSTCRSGAMRD(LUNI,IPIN,IEMAX,ETBL,XNUCRS) * * ( purpose ) * read cross-section table from the file (LUNI) * * ( input ) * LUNI : Logical Unit number for the cross-section table * IPIN : Particle code (12,14,16) * IEMAX : Number of energy bins (Number of lines) * ETBL(IEMAX) : Energy table ( reference ) * * ( output ) * XNUCRS(17,2,IEMAX) : Cross-section table * * ( creation date and author ) * 2010.Oct. ; use file for the cross-section table by Y.Hayato * * ( comment ) * for single pi prod. * IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER*4 LUNI,IEMAX,IPIN REAL*4 ETBL(IEMAX),XNUCRS(17,2,IEMAX) INTEGER*4 IP,I33FLG INTEGER*4 IPTMP,I33TMP INTEGER*4 I,J,IOFST REAL*4 ETMP,EDIFF DO 10 IP=IPIN,-1*IPIN,-2*IPIN DO 20 I33FLG=1,1 DO 30 I=1,IEMAX IOFST = 0 if (ip.lt.0) then IOFST=10 endif do 40 J=1,7 XNUCRS(J+IOFST,I33FLG,I)=0. 40 continue read (LUNI,1000) IPTMP,I33TMP,ETMP, $ XNUCRS(1+IOFST,1,I),XNUCRS(2+IOFST,1,I), $ XNUCRS(3+IOFST,1,I) EDIFF = abs(ETMP-ETBL(I)) if ((IPTMP.ne.IP).or.(I33TMP.ne.I33FLG). $ or.(EDIFF.gt.0.01)) $ then write(*,*) 'Corrupted? Expected IP,I33FLG,E=', $ IP,',',I33FLG,',',ETBL(I), $ ' but IP,I33FLG,E=',IPTMP,',',I33TMP,',',ETMP stop endif 30 continue 20 continue 10 continue 1000 format (I4,I2,F8.2,7E13.6) return end