c --------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine absgen_three(s) implicit none real*4 s C real*4 EandP(4) C real*4 p1cm(4),p2cm(4),p3cm(4),p4cm(4) C real*4 p1lab(4),p2lab(4),p3lab(4),p4lab(4) real*4 mn/0.93893/ C real*4 tecm,amass(18),pcm(5,18),wt C integer*4 lpdg,npdg(4) C integer*4 np,kgenev integer*4 iseq(3,6)/1,2,3,1,3,2,2,1,3, & 2,3,1,3,1,2,3,2,1/ logical ierr #include "absneject.h" C common /labEandP/ lpdg,EandP C common /cmnucleons/ p1cm,p2cm,p3cm,p4cm C common /labnucleons/ npdg,p1lab,p2lab,p3lab,p4lab #include "absgeninout.h" C COMMON /NEGENIN / NP, TECM, AMASS, KGENEV C COMMON /NEGENOUT/ PCM, WT real*4 wtmax,xr integer*4 ixr integer*4 j1,j2,j3 np = 3 kgenev = 0 amass(1) = mn amass(2) = mn amass(3) = mn tecm = sqrt(s) wtmax = 0.5 160 call absgenbod(ierr) if (ierr) then write (6,*) "error from absgenbod" return end if call ranlux(xr,1) xr = wtmax*xr if (wt.lt.xr) go to 160 c Randomize to make sure there is no bias call ranlux(xr,1) ixr = 6.*xr + 1. write (77,*) ixr j1 = iseq(1,ixr) j2 = iseq(2,ixr) j3 = iseq(3,ixr) p1cm(1) = pcm(4,j1) p1cm(2) = pcm(1,j1) p1cm(3) = pcm(2,j1) p1cm(4) = pcm(3,j1) p2cm(1) = pcm(4,j2) p2cm(2) = pcm(1,j2) p2cm(3) = pcm(2,j2) p2cm(4) = pcm(3,j2) p3cm(1) = pcm(4,j3) p3cm(2) = pcm(1,j3) p3cm(3) = pcm(2,j3) p3cm(4) = pcm(3,j3) end