C --------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine eftrcomega(xin,pin,kin,nflag) C --------------------------------------------------------------------- C [input] C xin(3) : decay position in nucleus [fm] C pin(3) : initial omega momentum [MeV/c^2] C C [output] C common : OMEGAOUT C -------------------------------------------------------------- C 99/5/7 for proton decay MC of omega mode (Y.H) C 03/4/4 modified for ATMnu MC (M.Ishitsuka) C -------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none #include C -- function real effrmgas C -- argument(input) integer kin real xin(3),pin(3) C -- argument(output) integer fin_id(3),nump,log real xout(3),pfi(3,3) C -- for tracking real x(3),p(3),absp,dir(3),step,distance,pferm,rmax real pf(3,3),pn(3) integer log_a,log_b,log_c,log_d,type,fpid(3) * data pferm/260/ ! use function effrmgas insted of this real dum integer i,j,ii INTEGER IPP,IP0,NL,NH INTEGER NFLAG INTEGER NOMEGATL, LOOPOMEGA INTEGER IPINTOMEGA(50), IPIORIOMEGA(50) REAL PINTOMEGA(3,50), XINTOMEGA(3,50) COMMON /OMEGAOUT/ NOMEGATL,IPINTOMEGA,PINTOMEGA & ,XINTOMEGA,IPIORIOMEGA,LOOPOMEGA C ---------------- start program C =============== C initialize C =============== ii=1 ! pauli blocking counter type=0 log_a=0 log_b=0 log_c=0 log_d=0 C =============== C program start C =============== do i=1,3 x(i)=xin(i) p(i)=pin(i) enddo C -- determine the tracing limit from radius of nucleus rmax= cc2 ! -- 2.5 * (radius) * step= rmax/100. ! -- consider max 100 steps. step= rmax/1000. ! -- consider max 1000 steps. C ========================================================= C start point of loop for tracing C ========================================================= 100 continue absp=sqrt(p(1)**2+p(2)**2+p(3)**2) if(absp .le. 0.001)then absp= 0.001 dir(1)= 0.001 dir(2)= 0.0 dir(3)= 0.0 else dir(1)=p(1)/absp dir(2)=p(2)/absp dir(3)=p(3)/absp endif x(1)=x(1)+dir(1)*step x(2)=x(2)+dir(2)*step x(3)=x(3)+dir(3)*step distance=sqrt(x(1)**2+x(2)**2+x(3)**2) if(distance .gt. rmax) then ! escape from nucleus distance=rmax+0.001 c do i=1,3,1 c x(i) = -9999. c enddo log_b=3 type=7 goto 900 ! and decay endif C========================================================== C subroutine efprobom determine what will happen. C---------------------------------------------------------- C event C 1: omN - piN C 2: omN - rhoN(pipiN) C 3: omN - rhopiN(pipipiN) C 4: omN - pipiN C 5: omN - omN C 6: omN - sigmaN(pipiN) C 7: decay C 8: nothing C========================================================== call efprobom(absp,distance,step,type) if(type.eq.8) goto 100 C=================================================================== C determine kinematics for each process C=================================================================== C efkinom C [input] C type: kinematics type (see above) C p(3): momentum vector of omega C [output] C type: decay branch (only for decay) C 11 pi+pi-pi0 C 12 pi0gamma C 13 pi+pi- C pf(3,3): final state momentum(pi,.. etc. not nucleon) C pn(3) : final state nucleon momentum(to check pauli blocking) C fpid(3): final state particle ID(as PDG code) C nump: number of particles at final state C------------------------------------------------------------------- 900 continue call efkinom(type,p,pf,fpid,pn,nump) * print *,'efkinom: ',type,fpid,pf C processing interaction * get fermi surface momentum at given radii. pferm=effrmgas(dum,dum,distance) * consider pauli blocking ----------------- if((type.ge.1).and.(type.le.6).and. & (sqrt(pn(1)**2+pn(1)**2+pn(1)**2).lt.pferm)) then ii=ii+1 type=0 goto 100 * log varible ------------------------------ else if((type.ge.1).and.(type.le.6)) then log_a=log_a+1 log_d=log_d*10+type if(type.ne.5)then ! finish at this interaction log_b=2 log_c=4 else ! need futher process type=0 do i=1,3 p(i)=pf(i,1) enddo goto 100 endif endif C processing decay if(type.gt.10)then log_c=type-10 if(log_b.eq.0) log_b=1 endif C== finish (prepare output argument) log=log_d*10000+log_c*1000+log_b*100+log_a*10 do j=1,nump fin_id(j)=fpid(j) do i=1,3 pfi(i,j)=pf(i,j) enddo enddo do i=1,3 xout(i)=x(i) enddo IF(NOMEGATL.GE.50)NOMEGATL=49 NL=NOMEGATL+1 NH=NOMEGATL+nump IF(NH.GT.50) THEN WRITE(6,600) 600 FORMAT(' ********** ERROR MULTIPLICITY > 50 IN OMEGA-DECAY ******') NH=50 END IF C DO IPP=NL,NH IP0=IPP-NOMEGATL IPIORIOMEGA(IPP)=LOOPOMEGA PINTOMEGA(1,IPP)=pfi(1,IP0) PINTOMEGA(2,IPP)=pfi(2,IP0) PINTOMEGA(3,IPP)=pfi(3,IP0) XINTOMEGA(1,IPP)=xout(1) XINTOMEGA(2,IPP)=xout(2) XINTOMEGA(3,IPP)=xout(3) IPINTOMEGA(IPP)=fin_id(IP0) ENDDO NOMEGATL=NH NFLAG=1 return end