/* * rules to build a library from objects in subdirs * VF 180897 ArchiveLibraryBuild has been introduced * VF 180897 SubdirLibraryBuild2 has been removed * GF. 180895 * VF. 111195 for Windows NT 3.51 * VF. 200596 for Windows NT 3.51 * * use this rules with: * Imakefile: * SubdirLibraryTarget(libname,subdirlist) * where: libname: name of library to make * subdirlist: list of subdirectories to take $(OBJS) files from * * and invoke make with : * make library * to get library libname up to date. * * At the moment ONLY one library per Imakefile/Makefile is allowed. * * * make library does: * 1) in rule library: * through dependency make shure that libhelp rules is always * followed * when this is back, relaunch make to check if the actual LIBRARY * needs to be rebuild; this cannot be done in the original make, * as checking of stamps is done before the rules are followed, * ie. the library would always be recreated, as we have to follow * the subdirectory rules always. * 2) in rule libhelp: * intermediate thing to allow submake to start at this place * 3) in rule LOCALSTAMP: * check if local $(OBJS) need recompilation (implicit) * if any object was changed, remove $(STAMP) and * touch local stamp "LOCALSTAMP". * side effect if there are no objects: create local stamp LOCALSTAMP * * 4) in rule SUBDIRSTAMP: * visit all sub directories and start at 2). $(STAMP) is set to * "directory/SUBDIRSTAMP" to allow the submake to commucate any * changes back. * if stamp SUBDIRSTAMP was deleted by any of the sub-makes, * remove the $(STAMP), ie, communicate changes back up, and * touch SUBDIRSTAMP. Note that at the top level * $(STAMP)=LOCALSTAMP, ie. any change in a subdirectory cause * this fiel to disappear, and in turn the $(LIBRARY) to be * recreated through rule 1) and 5) * 5) rule $(LIBRARY) * receate $(LIBRARY) when LOCALSTAMP is newer from objects in * subdirs. This may run LOCALSTAMP rule again to create * LOCALSTAMP, if this was deleted. * */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define ArchiveLibraryBuild(libname,version) @@\ LibraryTargetName(libname): version/objects.list @@\ @echo rebuild version library $@ in $(CURRENT_DIR) @@\ RemoveFile($@) @@\ MakeLibrary($@,$(indirectfile)$(VERDIR)objects.list) /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define SubdirLibraryObjects2old(dirs) @@\ ifeq ($(MAKEOBJECTLIST),1) @@\ $(VERDIR)objects.list:: $(basename $($(VEROBJS))) @@\ @@\ $(basename $($(VEROBJS))):: ; @if NOT Quote($@) == "" echo $(addsuffix .Osuf, Win32Path($@)) >> Win32Path( $(VERDIR)objects.list) @@\ else @@\ @@\ $(VERDIR)objects.list:: $(foreach dir,dirs,$(dir)/Makefile) @@\ @@\ $(VERDIR)objects.list:: $($(VEROBJS)) Makefile \ @@\ $(foreach dir,dirs,$(dir)/$(VERDIR)objects.list) @@\ @if NOT "$(VERSION)" == "" if NOT EXIST $(VERSION)\NUL mkdir $(VERSION) @@\ RemoveFile($@) @@\ $(MAKE) MAKEOBJECTLIST=1 VERSION=$(VERSION) $(VERDIR)objects.list @@\ if NOT Quote($(firstword dirs)) == "" \ @@\ for %d in ( Win32Path(dirs) ) do \ @@\ ( pushd %d & \ @@\ SedCmd -e "\=^[^\\]=s=^.=%d\\&=" $@ >> Win32Path( ../$@ ) & \ @@\ popd) @@\ @@\ $(foreach dir,dirs,$(dir)/$(VERDIR)objects.list):: @@\ @ echo checking $(CURRENT_DIR)/FirstDir($@) @@\ @ $(MAKE) -C FirstDir($@) VERSION=$(VERSION) \ @@\ $(VERDIR)objects.list @@\ endif /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define SubdirLibraryObjects2(dirs) @@\ $(foreach ver,Libversions,$(ver)/objects.list):: \ @@\ $(foreach dir,dirs,$(dir)/Makefile) @@\ @@\ define build-object-list @@\ if NOT Quote($(@D))=="" if NOT EXIST Win32Path($(@D))NUL mkdir Win32Path($(patsubst %/,%,$(@D))) @@\ @RemoveFile($@) @@\ if NOT $(QUOTE)$(strip $(word 1,$($(patsubst %/,%,$(@D))_OBJS)))$(QUOTE) == "" \ @@\ for %f in (Win32Path($($(patsubst %/,%,$(@D))_OBJS))) do echo %f >> Win32Path($@) @@\ @if NOT $(QUOTE)$(strip $(firstword dirs))$(QUOTE) == "" \ @@\ for %d in ( Win32Path(dirs) ) do \ @@\ ( pushd %d & \ @@\ SedCmd -e "\=^[^\\]=s=^.=%d\\&=" Win32Path($@) >> Win32Path( ../$@ ) & \ @@\ popd ) @@\ endef @@\ @@\ ifeq ($(strip $(VERSION)),archive) @@\ archive/objects.list:: Makefile $(archive_OBJS) \ @@\ $(foreach dir,dirs,$(dir)/archive/objects.list) @@\ $(build-object-list) @@\ @@\ else @@\ archive/objects.list:: @@\ $(MAKE) VERSION=archive archive/objects.list @@\ @@\ endif @@\ debug/objects.list:: Makefile $(debug_OBJS) \ @@\ $(foreach dir,dirs,$(dir)/debug/objects.list) @@\ $(build-object-list) @@\ @@\ shared/objects.list:: Makefile $(shared_OBJS) \ @@\ $(foreach dir,dirs,$(dir)/shared/objects.list) @@\ $(build-object-list) @@\ @@\ $(foreach dir,dirs,$(foreach ver,Libversions,$(dir)/$(ver)/objects.list))::@@\ @ echo checking $(CURRENT_DIR)/FirstDir($@) @@\ @ $(MAKE) -C FirstDir($@) VERSION=$(filter Libversions,$(subst /, ,$@)) \ @@\ $(patsubst FirstDir($@)/%,%,$@)