/* $Id: hp.cf,v 1.13 2001/02/14 17:15:22 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hp.cf,v $ * Revision 1.13 2001/02/14 17:15:22 mclareni * CFIO needs the C compiler cc -Ae option for a Castor header file. * * Revision 1.12 1999/01/08 13:36:07 cernsoft * add options +Z for PIC and +DA1.1 for portability * * Revision 1.11 1997/06/05 08:51:11 mclareni * Old and new compilers seem to accept OptimisedFortranFlags +O2 * * Revision 1.10 1997/04/18 06:49:14 mclareni * New compiler needs OptimisedFortranFlags -O2, default -O is not Posix compliant * * Revision 1.9 1996/11/13 13:20:52 cernlib * Add #define SharedLibraryExtension .sl * * Revision 1.8 1996/05/01 11:54:43 gunter * Introduce new way of building libraries. * CVS:---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Revision 1.7 1996/03/08 17:12:11 cernlib * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.6 1996/03/06 11:04:19 cernlib * Imake.tmpl : Correct rule to run kuipc * fortran.rules: echo makedepend * site.def: undef MakeCmd before #define ( Sun has this defined to ..openwin...) * *.cf : small mods * * Revision 1.5 1996/03/04 17:30:41 cernlib * Parametrize Ansi C compiel options. other small mods * * Revision 1.4 1996/02/23 17:16:43 cernlib * add provsions for X11/ Motfid include files. * and some other small corrections * * Revision 1.3 1996/02/08 08:28:23 cernlib * hp.cf:remove +ESlit from cc options * imake.rules: new rules to get name of package lib ( incomplete ) * biglib.rules: add ranlib * * Revision 1.2 1995/12/21 11:32:20 cernlib * Imake files end 1995 * * Revision 1995/12/20 15:26:42 cernlib * X11R6 config files unmodified * * */ XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: hp.cf,v 1.70 94/10/28 20:47:55 dpw Exp $ #define OSName HP-UX 9.1 XCOMM operating system: OSName #define OSMajorVersion 9 #define OSMinorVersion 1 #define OSTeenyVersion 0 /* * C++ compiler setup. This file knows what options to use with * certain compilers, including HP C++ and CenterLine C++. * * For HP C++, define HasHPCplusplus to YES in site.def. * For CenterLine C++, define HasCenterLineCplusplus to YES in site.def. * For other compilers, define HasCplusplus to YES in site.def, and * check to see if you need to provide values for CplusplusOptions * and/or DefaultCplusplusOptions. * * In any case, you may also need to set CplusplusDependIncludes. */ #if HasHPCplusplus #ifndef HasCplusplus #define HasCplusplus YES #endif #ifndef DefaultCplusplusOptions #define DefaultCplusplusOptions -Aa #endif #ifndef CplusplusOptions #define CplusplusOptions -Aa #endif #ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/include/CC #endif #endif #if HasCenterLineCplusplus #ifndef HasCplusplus #define HasCplusplus YES #endif #ifndef OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags #define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags -O #endif #ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/local/CenterLine/clc++/pa-hpux8/incl #endif #endif #define SystemV YES #define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES #ifdef __hp9000s800 #define OptimizedCDebugFlags +O1 #define DefaultCCOptions -Aa +ESlit #define SharedLibraryCCOptions -Aa #define StandardDefines -Dhpux -DSYSV -D_HPUX_SOURCE #define ServerExtraDefines -DXOS -DBSTORE -DSOFTWARE_CURSOR -DNO_ALLOCA -DSCREEN_PIXMAPS -DMERGE_SAVE_UNDERS -DR5 -DHAS_IFREQ -DFORCE_SEPARATE_PRIVATE #include #else #define StandardDefines -Dhpux -DSYSV #if OSMajorVersion < 8 #define DefaultCCOptions -Wc,-Nd4000,-Ns4100,-Ne700,-Np200,-Nw300 #define PexCCOptions -Wp,-H150000 -Wc,-Nd4000,-Ns8100,-Ne700,-Np200 #else #define OptimizedCDebugFlags +O1 #define PexCCOptions -Wp,-H250000 #endif #define PexShmIPC NO #define LintOpts -ax -Nd4000 -Ns8000 -Ne700 -Np200 -Na25000 #endif #define MvCmd mv -f #define LdCombineFlags -r #define ExecableScripts YES #define HasVFork YES #define HasPoll YES #define RemoveTargetProgramByMoving YES #define ExpandManNames YES #define HasPutenv YES #define HasNdbm YES #define DBMLibrary /usr/lib/libdbm.a #define PrimaryScreenResolution 91 #define ExtensionOSDefines -DHPINPUT -DXTESTEXT1 #define XhpServer YES #define ServerExtraSysLibs -ldld #ifndef BuildXInputExt #define BuildXInputExt YES #endif #define HPFastScrolling YES #define BuildServer __hp9000s700 #define NeedBerklib (BuildServer|BuildFontServer) #define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_ISW_FUNCS #if OSMajorVersion < 6 || (OSMajorVersion == 6 && OSMinorVersion < 2) #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN /* no unix sockets */ #endif #if OSMajorVersion > 8 #define HasWChar32 YES #endif /* CERNlib modifications below */ #undef DefaultCCOptions #define DefaultCCOptions -Ae +Z +DA1.1 #define FortranCmd fort77 /* +ppu to add trailing underscore; +B to treat \ as escape * like all other Unixes do */ #define DefaultFCOptions +ppu +B +Z +DA1.1 #define OptimisedFortranFlags +O2 #define FortranSaveFlags -K #define CernlibSystem -DCERNLIB_HPUX -DCERNLIB_UNIX #define CERNLIB_HPUX #define CERNLIB_UNIX #define CcAnsiMode -Ae #define CcStrictAnsiMode -Aa #define MotifIncludes -I/usr/include/Motif1.2 #define X11Includes -I/usr/include/X11R5 #define SedCmd gsed /* sed is broken, returns 0 even * if cannot open input file */ #define SharedLibraryExtension .sl