/* $Id: sgi.cf,v 1.16 2001/04/04 14:46:32 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: sgi.cf,v $ * Revision 1.16 2001/04/04 14:46:32 mclareni * SGI cc does not have a -static option * * Revision 1.15 1999/11/19 09:17:37 mclareni * Add -static to the Fortran and C default options * * Revision 1.14 1999/03/09 13:46:34 cernsoft * For SGI 6.5 set -mips3 for portability * * Revision 1.12 1998/01/22 16:14:57 mclareni * Introduce cpp flag CERNLIB_QMIRIX64 for IRIX64 systems * * Revision 1.11 1998/01/09 17:03:03 mclareni * Add options for Irix 6.4, keeping 5.3 as Pre64 * * Revision 1.10 1996/05/15 13:40:32 cernlib * Comment ExtraLibraries, such that we don't put -lmalloc ... before cernlib * * Revision 1.9 1996/05/09 14:30:55 cernlib * use xargs as XargsCmd * * Revision 1.8 1996/05/01 11:56:59 cernlib * make possible to split cpp from f77 on sgi * * Revision 1.7 1996/04/11 15:23:17 cernlib * Add possiblity to build optimised for mips2 * * Revision 1.6 1996/03/08 17:12:14 cernlib * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.5 1996/03/06 11:04:21 cernlib * Imake.tmpl : Correct rule to run kuipc * fortran.rules: echo makedepend * site.def: undef MakeCmd before #define ( Sun has this defined to ..openwin...) * *.cf : small mods * * Revision 1.4 1996/03/04 17:31:00 cernlib * Parametrize Ansi C compiel options. other small mods * * Revision 1.3 1996/02/12 14:21:31 cernlib * a library now depends (indirectly) on all the objects therein * * Revision 1.2 1995/12/21 11:32:33 cernlib * Imake files end 1995 * * Revision 1995/12/20 15:26:43 cernlib * X11R6 config files unmodified * * */ XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: sgi.cf,v 1.43 94/06/03 21:38:45 matt Exp $ #define OSName IRIX 6.5 XCOMM operating system: OSName #define OSMajorVersion 6 #define OSMinorVersion 5 #define OSTeenyVersion 0 #if OSMajorVersion < 4 /* We do not guarantee this will work */ #define BootstrapCFlags -DX_WCHAR -DX_LOCALE -DX_USEBFUNCS -DSYSV #define StandardDefines -DX_WCHAR -DX_LOCALE -DX_USEBFUNCS -DSYSV #endif #define SystemV YES #define HasPutenv YES #define ExecableScripts YES #if OSMajorVersion > 3 #define SetTtyGroup YES #else #define SetTtyGroup NO #endif #define HasNdbm YES #define HasPoll YES #define Malloc0ReturnsNull YES #define ExpandManNames YES #define BuildXInputExt YES #if OSMajorVersion > 3 || (OSMajorVersion == 3 && OSMinorVersion > 2) #define NeedVarargsPrototypes YES #define NeedConstPrototypes YES #define NeedWidePrototypes NO #endif #if OSMajorVersion > 4 #define HasWChar32 YES #define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCTYPE_H #endif /* Extra libraries provide : yp, sysV malloc, shared libc, and widechar */ /*#define ExtraLibraries -lsun -lmalloc -lc_s -lw */ /* #include */ #define SymbolTables -Wf,-XNp9000,-XNd8000,-XNh2000 #define PexSymbolTables -Wf,-XNp15000,-XNd15000,-XNh2000 #define ServerSymbolTables -Wf,-XNp8000,-XNh2000,-XNd8000 /* this is for floating point, ANSI cpp */ #define sgiCCOptions -xansi -D__STDC__=1 -float #define DefaultCCOptions sgiCCOptions SymbolTables #define PexCCOptions sgiCCOptions PexSymbolTables #define ServerCCOptions sgiCCOptions ServerSymbolTables /* For SGI C++ compiler, need to search extra dirs in make depend */ #ifndef CplusplusDependIncludes #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/include/CC #endif /* At SGI, we don't need this */ /* at Cern we do... *#define ConstructMFLAGS NO /* build MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS */ /* Used only for compressed fonts */ #define UNCOMPRESSPATH /usr/bsd/uncompress /* Normally used only to conditionally chose the default font path order */ #define PrimaryScreenResolution 96 /* Override Imake.tmpl's "-X" flag */ #define LdCombineFlags -r /* Installation Build Parameters */ #define InstKmemFlags -m 2755 -g sys #define ArCmd ar scq /* for xdm or anyone else to use */ #define DefaultUserPath :/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/usr/bin:/bin:$(BINDIR):/etc:/usr/etc #define DefaultSystemPath /usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/bin:/etc:/usr/bin:/usr/etc:$(BINDIR) #define BuildServer NO #define ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME /* only need this for binary compatibility with their ddx */ #define ServerExtraDefines -DNEED_LINEHELPER /* Changed to a single shell command for pmake/smake */ /* * NormalLibObjCompile - compile fragment for a library object file * do ld -x to remove line number symbols for libraries */ #define NormalLibObjCompile(options) $(RM) $@ $*.os \ @@\ && $(CC) -c options $(CFLAGS) $*.c \ @@\ && $(LD) $(LDSTRIPFLAGS) -r $@ -o $*.os \ @@\ && $(MV) $*.os $@ #define LibObjCompile(dir,options) $(RM) $@ dir/$@ \ @@\ && $(CC) -c $(CCOPTIONS) $(ALLDEFINES) options $*.c \ @@\ && $(MV) $@ dir/$@ /* Cernlib additions */ #define XargsCmd xargs #undef DefaultCCOptions #ifdef IsMips2 #define DefaultCCOptions -mips2 #define DefaultFCOptions -mips2 -align32 #define FortranCppCmd f77 -P #define OptimisedFortranFlags -O -Olimit 2000 #define FortranSaveFlags -static #define CernlibSystem -DCERNLIB_SGI -DCERNLIB_UNIX #define CERNLIB_SGI #define CERNLIB_UNIX #elif defined(Pre64) #define DefaultCCOptions /**/ #define DefaultFCOptions #define FortranCppCmd f77 -P #define OptimisedFortranFlags -O -Olimit 2000 #define FortranSaveFlags -static #define CernlibSystem -DCERNLIB_SGI -DCERNLIB_UNIX #define CERNLIB_SGI #define CERNLIB_UNIX #else #define DefaultCCOptions -n32 -mips3 -OPT:Olimit=0 #define DefaultFCOptions -static -n32 -mips3 -OPT:Olimit=0 #define FortranCppCmd f77 -P #define OptimisedFortranFlags -O #define FortranSaveFlags -static #define InstallCmd /usr/local/bin/gnu/install #define CernlibSystem -DCERNLIB_QMIRIX64 -DCERNLIB_SGI -DCERNLIB_UNIX #define CERNLIB_QMIRIX64 #define CERNLIB_SGI #define CERNLIB_UNIX #endif #define CcAnsiMode -xansi #define CcStrictAnsiMode -ansi