* * $Id: hadriv.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:57 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: hadriv.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:57 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.43 by S.Giani *-- Author : *$ CREATE HADRIV.FOR *COPY HADRIV * *=== hadriv ===========================================================* * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Modified version of Hadrin created by Alfredo Ferrari, INFN-Milan * * * * Last change on 20-jun-92 by Alfredo Ferrari, INFN - MIlan * * * * hadriv: this is a modified version of Hadrin, used by the Eventv * * package for hadron-hadron interactions below 5 GeV * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * SUBROUTINE HADRIV ( N, PLAB, ELAB, CX, CY, CZ, ITTA ) #include "geant321/dblprc.inc" #include "geant321/dimpar.inc" #include "geant321/iounit.inc" * #include "geant321/finlsp.inc" #include "geant321/hadflg.inc" #include "geant321/metlsp.inc" #include "geant321/reac.inc" #include "geant321/redver.inc" #include "geant321/split.inc" * COMMON / FKGAMR / REDU, AMO, AMM (15) C COMMON / FKABLT / AM (110), GA (110), TAU (110), ICH (110), & IBAR (110), K1 (110), K2 (110) COMMON / FKCODS / COD1, COD2, COD3, COF1, COF2, COF3, SIF1, SIF2, & SIF3, ECM1, ECM2, ECM3, PCM1, PCM2, PCM3 COMMON / FKRUN / RUNTES, EFTES * PARAMETER ( AMPROT = 0.93827231D+00 ) DIMENSION WCHANN (40), WCUMCH (0:40), IKIK (40) DIMENSION ITPRF(110) REAL RNDM(1) LOGICAL LSWAP * SAVE IKIK,ITPRF DATA NNN / 0 / DATA IKIK / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, & 16, 17, 18 ,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, & 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 / DATA ITPRF/-1,-1,5*1,-1,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,6*1,-1,-1,-1,85*1/ C C----------------------------- C*** INPUT VARIABLES LIST: C*** SAMPLING OF HADRON NUCLEON INTERACTION FOR (ABOUT) 0.1 LE PLAB LE 6 C*** GEV/C LABORATORY MOMENTUM REGION C*** N - PROJECTILE HADRON INDEX C*** PLAB - LABORATORY MOMENTUM OF N (GEV/C) C*** ELAB - LABORATORY ENERGY OF N (GEV) C*** CX,CY,CZ - DIRECTION COSINES OF N IN THE LABORATORY SYSTEM C*** ITTA - TARGET NUCLEON INDEX C*** OUTPUT VARIABLES LIST OF PARTICLE CHARACTERISTICS IN /FINLSP/ C IR COUNTS THE NUMBER OF PRODUCED PARTICLES C*** ITR - PARTICLE INDEX, CXR,CYR,CZR - DIRECTION COSINES (LAB. SYST.) C*** ELR,PLR LAB. ENERGY AND LAB. MOMENTUM OF THE SAMPLED PARTICLE C*** RESPECT., UNITS (GEV/C AND GEV) C---------------------------- LOWP=0 IF (ITPRF( N ).LT.0) GO TO 99999 WRITE(LUNOUT,99998) N * STOP Commented out A. Fasso' 1989 IR=0 RETURN 99998 FORMAT (3(5H ****/), *45H FALSE USE OF THE PARTICLE TYPE INDEX, VALUE ,I4,3(5H ****/)) 99999 CONTINUE IATMPT=0 IF (ABS(PLAB-5.D0).GE.4.99999D0) THEN WRITE(LUNOUT,99996) PLAB * STOP Commented out A. Fasso' 1989 IR=0 RETURN 99996 FORMAT (3(5H ****/),64 *H PROJECTILE HADRON MOMENTUM OUTSIDE OF THE ALLOWED REGION, PLAB=, *1E15.5/,3(5H ****/)) END IF INEWHD = N + 1000 * ITTA IF ( INEWHD .NE. IOLDHD ) THEN CALL CALUMV (N,ITTA) ELSE IF ( (AMPROT-AM(1)) .GT. 1.D-6 ) THEN CALL CALUMV (N,ITTA) INEWHD = - INEWHD END IF IOLDHD = INEWHD 1009 CONTINUE IATMPT=0 LOWP=LOWP+1 1000 CONTINUE IMACH=0 REDU=2.D0 IW1=0 IF (LOWP.GT.20) GO TO 8 NNN=N * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | The following condition is never verified IF (NNN.NE.N) THEN RUNTES=0.D0 EFTES=0.D0 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* IS=1 IR=0 IST=1 NSTAB=25 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Select the reaction channel Ire: proton target IF ( ITTA .EQ. 1 ) THEN IRE = NURE(N,1) * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | neutron target ELSE IRE = NURE(N,2) END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Elastic scattering index: IELSCT = MIN (N,ITTA) + 1000 * MAX (N,ITTA) C C----------------------------- C*** IE,AMT,ECM,SI DETERMINATION C---------------------------- CALL FKSIGI(IRE,PLAB,N,IE,AMT,AMN,ECM,SI,ITTA) * +------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check if masses have been changed for annihilation treated with * | pseudo masses IF ( AMPROT - AM(1) .GT. 1.D-6 ) THEN IANTH = 1 SI = 1.D0 * | * +------------------------------------------------------------------* * | ELSE IANTH = -1 END IF * | * +------------------------------------------------------------------* ECMMH=ECM C C----------------------------- C ENERGY INDEX C IRE CHARACTERIZES THE REACTION C IE IS THE ENERGY INDEX C---------------------------- IF (SI.LT.1.D-10) GO TO 8 * The following condition should be always verified IF (N .LE.NSTAB) GO TO 1 RUNTES=RUNTES+1.D0 IF (RUNTES.LT.20.D0) WRITE(LUNOUT,602)N 602 FORMAT(3H N=,I10,30H THE PROEKTILE IS A RESONANCE ) IF(IBAR(N).EQ.1) N=8 IF(IBAR(N).EQ.-1) N=9 * **** Come here ( 1 continue ) every time we unsuccessfully selected * for more than 50 times the mass of the produced resonaces **** 1 CONTINUE IMACH=IMACH+1 IF (IMACH.GT.10) GO TO 8 ECM =ECMMH AMN2=AMN**2 AMT2=AMT**2 * CMS energy of the projectile ECMN=(ECM**2+AMN2-AMT2)/(2.D0*ECM) * It should never happen IF(ECMN.LE.AMN) ECMN=AMN * CMS momentum of the projectile (and of the target) PCMN=SQRT(ECMN**2-AMN2) GAM=(ELAB+AMT)/ECM BGAM=PLAB/ECM IF (IANTH.GE.0) ECM=2.1D0 * From this point starts the random choiche of the reaction channel: * it was extensively modified by A. Ferrari IST=0 * Initial energy index for the reaction IRE (index 0) IIEI=IEII(IRE) * Number of energy intervals for the reaction IRE IDWK=IEII(IRE+1)-IIEI * Initial index for the exit channel weights IIWK=IRII(IRE) * Initial index (for 0) of the exit channels IIKI=IKII(IRE) * Number of exit channels of reaction ire IKE =IKII(IRE+1)-IIKI * *** Shrinkage to the considered energy region for the use of weights HECM=ECM * The following cards assure that Ecm =< Umax + DUmax for this reaction * where: * Umax = max cms energy at which data are tabulated * DUmax = width of the last interval for the tabulated data HUMO=2.D0*UMO(IIEI+IDWK)-UMO(IIEI+IDWK-1) IF (HUMO.LT.ECM) ECM=HUMO * *** Interpolation preparation * Cms energy of the upper limit of the considered energy interval ECMO=UMO(IE) * Cms energy of the lower limit of the considered energy interval ECM1=UMO(IE-1) * Width of the considered interval DECM=ECMO-ECM1 * Width from actual value to the lower limit (note that if Ecm > Ecmo * it can be larger than Decm but it is always less than 2xdecm for the * above condition on Humo DEC0=ECM -ECM1 * Set to 1 the default total weight WACCUM = 1.D+00 WCUMCH (0) = 0.D+00 WCUMIE = 0.D+00 WCUMI0 = 0.D+00 WCSUM0 = 0.D+00 CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) RNDMIK = RNDM (1) IOUT1 = NRK (1,IIKI+1) IOUT2 = NRK (2,IIKI+1) IELCHK = MIN ( IOUT1, IOUT2 ) + 1000 * MAX ( IOUT1, IOUT2 ) * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Look for "inverse" reactions for which the elastic channel is not * | the first: for these reactions we must exchange the weight of * | the elastic channel with the charge exchange one at minimum, to * | fulfill the detailed balance theorem IF ( IELCHK .NE. IELSCT ) THEN LSWAP = .TRUE. IELCHA = IKCHXG (IRE) ICXCHA = 1 IKIK (1) = IELCHA IKIK (IELCHA) = 1 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Loop to find the elastic channel ELSE LSWAP = .FALSE. IELCHA = 1 ICXCHA = IKCHXG (IRE) END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Loop on the exit channels: * | Jkk = index for weights * | Ik = index for reaction * | usually they are the same, but for "inverse" reactions where the * | elastic and the charge exchange channels are exchanged, for these * | two channels they are crossed DO 2000 JKK = 1, IKE * | Ik : index of the exit channel under consideration IK = IKIK (JKK) * | Get the index for the weight of ikth channel at ieth energy (upper * | limit of the interval in energy) IWK = IIWK + (JKK-1) * IDWK + IE - IIEI * | Cumulative Weight of channels 1...ik at energy Ie WIEK = WK (IWK) * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Check if we are in the first interval: is so all the weights * | | are set to zero for Ie-1, for all channels, so set them to the * | | same value as for Ie to get the proper normalization to 1, * | | then possible thresholds are accounted for after IF ( IE .LE. IIEI+2 ) THEN WIEM1K = WIEK * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Cumulative Weight of channels 1...ik at energy Ie-1 ELSE WIEM1K = WK (IWK-1) END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | Compute the weight at Ie for this channel WIEK = WIEK - WCUMIE * | Compute the weight at Ie-1 for this channel WIEM1K = WIEM1K - WCUMI0 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | This channel is not open at energies Ie and Ie-1 IF ( WIEM1K + WIEK .LE. ANGLGB ) THEN WCHANN (JKK) = 0.D+00 WCUMCH (JKK) = WCUMCH (JKK-1) * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE * | | Set Eklim to a negative value to flag for Iefun it is a * | | cms energy and not a lab momentum: this is the cms threshold * | | for the exit channel ik EKLIM = - THRESH (IIKI+IK) * | | Iefun returns the energy index of upper limit of the interval * | | containing the threshold IELIM = IEFUN (EKLIM,IRE) EKLIM = - EKLIM WCHAN0 = WIEM1K + ( WIEK - WIEM1K ) * DEC0 / DECM WCSUM0 = WCSUM0 + WCHAN0 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Check if we are below threshold IF ( ECM .LE. EKLIM ) THEN WCHANN (JKK) = 0.D+00 WCUMCH (JKK) = WCUMCH (JKK-1) WCUMIE = WCUMIE + WIEK WCUMI0 = WCUMI0 + WIEM1K RNDRED = WCHAN0 WACCUM = WACCUM - RNDRED * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | We are above threshold ELSE WCUMIE = WCUMIE + WIEK WCUMI0 = WCUMI0 + WIEM1K ECMD = MAX ( EKLIM, ECM1 ) DEC = ECM - ECMD DECC = ECMO - ECMD WCHANN (JKK) = WIEM1K + ( WIEK - WIEM1K ) * DEC / DECC * | | | If we are beyond the last tabulated point and the xsec for * | | | this channel is going down it can happen that Wchann < 0 * | | | set it to 0 and correct according to the usual formalism WCHANN (JKK) = MAX ( WCHANN (JKK), ZERZER ) RNDRED = WCHAN0 - WCHANN (JKK) WACCUM = WACCUM - RNDRED * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Ielflg check: first of all check if this channel * | | | | is the elastic one and if so if reduction must be applied * | | | | to IF ( IK .EQ. IELCHA .AND. IELFLG .NE. 0 ) THEN * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Elastic scattering reduced due to collision in the * | | | | | nucleus and not with a free proton/neutron IF ( IELFLG .LT. 0 ) THEN IF ( IBAR (N) .NE. 0 ) THEN REDUC = PLAB / PPAMXB REDUC = PAUMXB * REDUC / ( 1.D+00 + REDUC**2 ) ELSE REDUC = PLAB / PPAMXM REDUC = PAUMXM * REDUC / ( 1.D+00 + REDUC**2 ) END IF RNDRED = WCHANN (JKK) * ( 1.D+00 - REDUC ) WCHANN (JKK) = WCHANN (JKK) - RNDRED * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Elastic scattering forbidden ELSE RNDRED = WCHANN (JKK) WCHANN (JKK) = 0.D+00 END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* WACCUM = WACCUM - RNDRED * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Icxflg check: first of all check if this channel * | | | | is the charge exchange one and if so if reduction must * | | | | be applied to ELSE IF ( IK .EQ. ICXCHA .AND. ICXFLG .NE. 0 )THEN * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Charge exchange reduced due to collision in the * | | | | | nucleus and not with a free proton/neutron IF ( ICXFLG .LT. 0 ) THEN IF ( IBAR (N) .NE. 0 ) THEN REDUC = PLAB / PPAMXB REDUC = PAUMXB * REDUC / ( 1.D+00 + REDUC**2 ) ELSE REDUC = PLAB / PPAMXM REDUC = PAUMXM * REDUC / ( 1.D+00 + REDUC**2 ) END IF RNDRED = WCHANN (JKK) * ( 1.D+00 - REDUC ) WCHANN (JKK) = WCHANN (JKK) - RNDRED * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Charge exchange forbidden ELSE RNDRED = WCHANN (JKK) WCHANN (JKK) = 0.D+00 END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* WACCUM = WACCUM - RNDRED END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* WCUMCH (JKK) = WCUMCH (JKK-1) + WCHANN (JKK) END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* RNDMCH = RNDMIK * WACCUM * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Check if a possible decrease/increase of this channel * | | | opened one of the already examinated channels IF ( RNDMCH .LT. WCUMCH (JKK-1) ) THEN * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Loop on the previous channels DO 1900 JPK = 1, JKK - 1 IF ( RNDMCH .LT. WCUMCH (JPK) ) THEN IK = IKIK (JPK) GO TO 2100 END IF 1900 CONTINUE * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Check if this one is the right channel ELSE IF ( RNDMCH .LT. WCUMCH (JKK) ) THEN GO TO 2100 END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 2000 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* IK = IELCHA WRITE (LUNERR,*)' **** Hadriv: elastic channel selected when', & ' prohibited ! ****',N,ELAB,PLAB * Finally we selected channel ik 2100 CONTINUE * *** Ik is the reaction channel *** * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Set to the default values the array Ikik IF ( LSWAP ) THEN IKIK (1) = 1 IKIK (IELCHA) = IELCHA END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* INRK=IKII(IRE)+IK * First resonance to be created IT1=NRK(1,INRK) * Second resonance to be created IT2=NRK(2,INRK) ECM=HECM I1001 =0 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Rejection loop for the choiche of the resonance masses 1001 CONTINUE IF (I1001.GT.50) GO TO 1 * | Selection of the resonance mass according to its width AM1=AMGA(IT1) * | Selection of the resonance mass according to its width AM2=AMGA(IT2) AMS=AM1+AM2 I1001=I1001+1 IF ( IT2*AMS .GT. IT2*ECM ) GO TO 1001 * |--<--<--<--<--<--< Loop back if m1+m2 > Ecm * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* IT11=IT1 IT22=IT2 IF (IANTH.GE.0) ECM=ELAB+AMT+0.00000001D0 AM11=AM1 AM22=AM2 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Direct (single) resonances IF (IT2.LE.0) THEN * | Random choice of decay channels of the direct resonance it1 KZ1=K1(IT1) IST=IST+1 IECO=0 * | Here was the mistake in the pseudo-masses treatment!!!!! * ECO=ECM ECO=ECMMH GAM=(ELAB+AMT)/ECO BGAM=PLAB/ECO CXS(1)=CX CYS(1)=CY CZS(1)=CZ GO TO 310 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF ( RNDM(1) .LT. 0.5D+00 ) THEN IT1=IT22 IT2=IT11 AM1=AM22 AM2=AM11 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* C C----------------------------- C THE FIRST PARTICLE IS DEFINED TO BE THE FORWARD GOING ONE AT SMALL T IBN=IBAR(N) IB1=IBAR(IT1) IT11=IT1 IT22=IT2 AM11=AM1 AM22=AM2 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF(IB1.NE.IBN) THEN IT1=IT22 IT2=IT11 AM1=AM22 AM2=AM11 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* C----------------------------- C***IT1,IT2 ARE THE CREATED PARTICLES C***MOMENTA AND DIRECTION COSINA IN THE CM - SYSTEM C------------------------ CALL TWOPAR(ECM1,ECM2,PCM1,PCM2,COD1,COD2,COF1,COF2,SIF1,SIF2, *IT1,IT2,ECM,ECMN,PCMN,N,AM1,AM2) IST=IST+1 ITS(IST)=IT1 AMM(IST)=AM1 C C----------------------------- C***TRANSFORMATION INTO LAB SYSTEM AND ROTATION C---------------------------- CALL TRAFO(GAM,BGAM,CX,CY,CZ,COD1,COF1,SIF1,PCM1,ECM1,PLS(IST), *CXS(IST),CYS(IST),CZS(IST),ELS(IST)) IST=IST+1 ITS(IST)=IT2 AMM(IST)=AM2 CALL TRAFO(GAM,BGAM,CX,CY,CZ,COD2,COF2,SIF2,PCM2,ECM2,PLS(IST),CXS *(IST),CYS(IST),CZS(IST),ELS(IST)) 200 CONTINUE C C----------------------------- C***TEST STABLE OR UNSTABLE C---------------------------- IF(ITS(IST).GT.NSTAB) GO TO 300 IR=IR+1 C C----------------------------- C***IR IS THE NUMBER OF THE FINAL STABLE PARTICLE C---------------------------- IF (REDU.LT.0.D0) GO TO 1009 ITR(IR)=ITS(IST) PLR(IR)=PLS(IST) CXR(IR)=CXS(IST) CYR(IR)=CYS(IST) CZR(IR)=CZS(IST) ELR(IR)=ELS(IST) IST=IST-1 IF(IST.GE.1) GO TO 200 GO TO 500 300 CONTINUE C C RANDOM CHOICE OF DECAY CHANNELS C---------------------------- C IT=ITS(IST) ECO=AMM(IST) GAM=ELS(IST)/ECO BGAM=PLS(IST)/ECO IECO=0 KZ1=K1(IT) 310 CONTINUE IECO=IECO+1 CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) VV=RNDM(1) IIK=KZ1-1 301 CONTINUE IIK=IIK+1 IF (VV.GT.WT(IIK)) GO TO 301 C C IIK IS THE DECAY CHANNEL C---------------------------- IT1=NZK(IIK,1) I310=0 1310 CONTINUE I310=I310+1 AM1=AMGA(IT1) IT2=NZK(IIK,2) AM2=AMGA(IT2) IF (IT2-1.LT.0) GO TO 110 IT3=NZK(IIK,3) AM3=AMGA(IT3) AMS=AM1+AM2+AM3 C C IF IIK-KIN.LIM.GT.ACTUAL TOTAL CM-ENERGY, DO AGAIN RANDOM IIK-CHOICE C---------------------------- IF (IECO.GT.10) THEN IATMPT=IATMPT+1 * Note: we can go to 8 also for too many iterations IF (IATMPT.GT.3) GO TO 8 GO TO 1000 END IF IF (I310.GT.50) GO TO 310 IF (AMS.GT.ECO) GO TO 1310 C C FOR THE DECAY CHANNEL C IT1,IT2, IT3 ARE THE PRODUCED PARTICLES FROM IT C---------------------------- IF (REDU.LT.0.D0) GO TO 1009 ITWTHC=0 REDU=2.D0 IF(IT3.EQ.0) GO TO 400 4001 CONTINUE ITWTH=1 CALL THREPD(ECO,ECM1,ECM2,ECM3,PCM1,PCM2,PCM3,COD1,COF1,SIF1, *COD2,COF2,SIF2,COD3,COF3,SIF3,AM1,AM2,AM3) GO TO 411 400 CONTINUE CALL TWOPAD(ECO,ECM1,ECM2,PCM1,PCM2,COD1,COF1,SIF1,COD2,COF2,SIF2, *AM1,AM2) ITWTH=-1 IT3=0 411 CONTINUE ITWTHC=ITWTHC+1 IF (REDU.GT.0.D0) GO TO 110 REDU=2.D0 IF (ITWTHC.GT.100) GO TO 1009 IF (ITWTH) 400,400,4001 110 CONTINUE ITS(IST)=IT1 IF (IT2.LE.0) GO TO 305 ITS(IST+1)=IT2 ITS(IST+2)=IT3 RX=CXS(IST) RY=CYS(IST) RZ=CZS(IST) AMM(IST)=AM1 CALL TRAFO(GAM,BGAM,RX,RY,RZ,COD1,COF1,SIF1,PCM1,ECM1, *PLS(IST),CXS(IST),CYS(IST),CZS(IST),ELS(IST)) IST=IST+1 AMM(IST)=AM2 CALL TRAFO(GAM,BGAM,RX,RY,RZ,COD2,COF2,SIF2,PCM2,ECM2, *PLS(IST),CXS(IST),CYS(IST),CZS(IST),ELS(IST)) IF (IT3.LE.0) GO TO 305 IST=IST+1 AMM(IST)=AM3 CALL TRAFO(GAM,BGAM,RX,RY,RZ,COD3,COF3,SIF3,PCM3,ECM3, *PLS(IST),CXS(IST),CYS(IST),CZS(IST),ELS(IST)) 305 CONTINUE GO TO 200 500 CONTINUE 631 CONTINUE RETURN 8 CONTINUE C C---------------------------- C C ZERO CROSS SECTION CASE C C---------------------------- C IR=1 ITR(1)=N CXR(1)=CX CYR(1)=CY CZR(1)=CZ ELR(1)=ELAB PLR(1)=PLAB RETURN END