* * $Id: dzdeos.F,v 1996/03/04 16:12:54 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: dzdeos.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/04 16:12:54 mclareni * Dzdoc/Zebpack * * #include "dzdoc/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE DZDEOS(*) ************************************************************************ *. * *...DZDEOS interprets the tag fields for the end of fields * *. * *. Characters 4 and 5 of the input line are tested against all possible* *. tags. If a valid tag is found, consistency checks are made. * *. If no valid tag line interpretation is possible, the line is * *. considered to end the highest precedence tag field. * *. * *. CALLS : none * *. CALLED : DZDBKC * *. COMMON : DZDINC,DZDTYP * *. * *. AUTHOR : M. Goossens DD/US * *. VERSION : 1.02(9) / 9 Jul 1986 * *. * *.********************************************************************** SAVE #include "dzdoc/bkstparq.inc" #include "dzdoc/bktgparq.inc" #include "dzdoc/bkwrp.inc" #include "dzdoc/tapes.inc" CHARACTER CTAG*2 #include "dzdoc/bktgdatq.inc" 1001 CONTINUE CTAG = CARD(4:5) IF (CARD(4:4).EQ.' ') THEN *-- End present highest precedence field C-- =============================================================== C- I States Precedence Action I C- I-------------------------------------------------------------I C- I CHOICE 4 close CHOICE bracket I C- I REPETITION 3 decrement REP level I C- I BIT/DATA/LINK 2 close BI/DA/LI field I C- I GENERAL 1 end of bank descr. I C-- =============================================================== IF (IREPLV.GT.0) THEN C- Precedence 3 --> decrement repetition level IREPLV = IREPLV - 1 ELSEIF (ISTATE.EQ.ISBITQ.OR.ISTATE.EQ.ISDATQ.OR. X ISTATE.EQ.ISLINQ ) THEN C- Precedence 2 --> decrease to GEN level ISTATE = ISGENQ ELSEIF (ISTATE.EQ.ISGENQ) THEN C- Precedence 1 --> end of bank description ISTATE = 0 ELSE C- Invalid state WRITE(LUNOUT,'(''0?? *B/ card indicating general EOS'', X '' but invalid state : ISTATE = '',I10)') ISTATE GO TO 998 ENDIF ELSEIF (CTAG.EQ.CBKTAC(ITGBIQ)) THEN *-- End of status bit field IF (ISTATE.NE.ISBITQ) THEN *-- We were NOT inside a BIT description field -> ignore EOS WRITE(LUNOUT,'(''0?? *B/BI card indicating end of bit '', X ''description field found and not inside bit field'')') GO TO 998 ELSE ISTATE = ISGENQ ENDIF ELSEIF (CTAG.EQ.CBKTAC(ITGDAQ)) THEN *-- End of data field IF (ISTATE.NE.ISDATQ) THEN *-- We were NOT inside a DATA description field -> ignore EOS WRITE(LUNOUT,'(''0?? *B/DA card indicating end of data'', X '' description field found and not inside data field'')') GO TO 998 ELSE ISTATE = ISGENQ ENDIF ELSEIF (CTAG.EQ.CBKTAC(ITGLIQ)) THEN *-- End of link field IF (ISTATE.NE.ISLINQ) THEN *-- We were NOT inside a LINK description field -> ignore EOS WRITE(LUNOUT,'(''0?? *B/LI card indicating end of link'', X '' description field found and not inside link field'')') GO TO 998 ELSE ISTATE = ISGENQ ENDIF ELSEIF (CTAG.EQ.CBKTAC(ITGRLQ)) THEN *-- End of ref link field IF (ISTATE.NE.ISRLIQ) THEN *-- We were NOT inside a RLINK description field -> ignore EOS WRITE(LUNOUT,'(''0?? *B/RL indicating end of Rlink'', X '' description found and not inside Rlink field'')') GO TO 998 ELSE ISTATE = ISGENQ ENDIF ELSEIF (CTAG.EQ.CBKTAC(ITGREQ)) THEN *-- End of repetition field IF (IREPLV.EQ.0) THEN *-- We were NOT inside a REP field -> ignore EOS WRITE(LUNOUT,'(''0?? *B/RE card indicating end of '', X ''REP field found and not inside REP field'')') GO TO 998 ELSE IREPLV = IREPLV - 1 ENDIF ELSE *-- No recognized tag -- IGNORE EOS WRITE(LUNOUT,'(''0?? '',A,'' card indicating end of '', X ''sequence for unrecognized tag field'')') CARD(1:5) GO TO 998 ENDIF GO TO 999 *-- Continuation card 998 RETURN 1 999 END