* * $Id: dzdnum.F,v 1996/03/04 16:12:54 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: dzdnum.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/04 16:12:54 mclareni * Dzdoc/Zebpack * * #include "dzdoc/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE DZDNUM(*) ************************************************************************ *. * *...DZDNUM identifies and decodes numeric tag fields. * *. * *. After a first search through the possible tags for the DZDOC bank * *. description, DZDNUM tries and interpret the tag as one or two * *. numbers. Possible values are a number, a * and a hyphen, separating * *. the two fields (if present). * *. When the number interpretation is impossible, the alternate return * *. is taken, else the numbers are written to INUM1/2 in /DZDTYP/ * *. * *. CALLS : DZDNDC * *. CALLED : DZDCAR * *. COMMON : DZDINC * *. * *. AUTHOR : M. Goossens DD/US * *. VERSION : 1.01(5) / 9 Jul 1986 * *. * *.********************************************************************** SAVE #include "zebra/bkfoparq.inc" #include "dzdoc/bknuparq.inc" #include "dzdoc/bkwrp.inc" #include "dzdoc/tapes.inc" 1001 CONTINUE *.. Find the length of the tag (delimited by the first blank) IBLANK = INDEX(CARD,' ') C- Tag too long IF (IBLANK.EQ.0) GO TO 998 *-- Possible numeric tag --> start parsing IBLANK = IBLANK - 1 *-- Range interpretation IMINUS = INDEX(CARD(:IBLANK),'-') IF (IMINUS.EQ.0) THEN *-- Only one number possible CALL DZDNDC(CARD(4:IBLANK),INUM1) INUM2 = 0 IF (INUM1.EQ.INUTGQ) THEN *-- Non-numeric range specification INUM1 = IBLANK/4 CALL VBLANK(IHNUM1,INUM1) CALL UCTOH(CARD(4:),IHNUM1,4,IBLANK-3) INUM1 = -INUM1*JFOSEQ ENDIF ELSE *-- Two numbers possible C- First field not filled in IF (IMINUS.EQ.4) GO TO 998 C- First number CALL DZDNDC(CARD(4:IMINUS-1),INUM1) IF (INUM1.EQ.INUTGQ) THEN *-- Non-numeric range specification INUM1 = (IMINUS-1)/4 CALL VBLANK(IHNUM1,INUM1) CALL UCTOH(CARD(4:),IHNUM1,4,IMINUS-4) INUM1 = -INUM1*JFOSEQ ENDIF C- Second number IF (IMINUS.EQ.IBLANK) THEN C- Indefinite second number INUM2 = INUINQ ELSE C- Get second number CALL DZDNDC(CARD(IMINUS+1:IBLANK),INUM2) IF (INUM2.EQ.0) GO TO 998 IF (INUM2.EQ.INUTGQ) THEN *-- Non-numeric range specification INUM2 = (IBLANK-IMINUS+3)/4 CALL VBLANK(IHNUM2,INUM2) CALL UCTOH(CARD(IMINUS+1:),IHNUM2,4,IBLANK-IMINUS) INUM2 = -INUM2*JFOSEQ ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF *-- Success -- The number interpretation holds GO TO 999 *-- Failure -- The number interpretation is impossible 998 WRITE(LUNOUT,'(''0?? Entry descriptor has invalid structure'', X /,1X,A)') CARD RETURN 1 999 END