* * $Id: dzdocm.F,v 1996/03/04 16:12:55 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: dzdocm.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/04 16:12:55 mclareni * Dzdoc/Zebpack * * #include "dzdoc/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE DZDOCM(LUNINP,LUNPRO,CHOPT) ************************************************************************ *. * *...DZDOCM is the master routine of the DZDOC package * *. * *. SUBROUTINE DZDOCM(LUNPRO,CHOPT) * *. * *. DZDOCM is the main user subroutine called from the main program * *. It reads the input file on stream LUNIN, and decodes it * *. according to given key words. * *. Bank descriptor cards start with *B in columns 1 and 2. * *. All other cards are ignored. * *. The structural information associated with these various data * *. items is stored in ZEBRA data structures for later retrieval. * *. * *. INPUT: * *. ------ *. LUNINP : Unit for bank descriptor cards * *. LUNPRO : Output unit for diagnostics * *. If LUNPRO= 0 then the default unit LUNOUT (6) is used * *. CHOPT : 'I' Only initialize the DZDOC system - Do not read cards * *. 'R' Write each bank descriptor as a separate entry into * *. the CWD of the declared RZ file with a key the bank * *. name (RZ file must be write accessible i.e. the file * *. must have been declared using RZMAKE or RZFILE) * *. * *. CALLS : DZDASM,DZDBKC,BNKSUM,CONSUM,DZDINI,LENNOC * *. CALLS : INDEXC,REFSUM,REPSUM,USRSUM * *. CALLED : User called (DZMAIN) * *. COMMON : DZDBSC,DZDBSN,DZDINC,DZDPAC,DZDPNC,DZDPRC,DZDRPC * *. COMMON : DZDRPN,DZDTAP,DZDTIN,DZDTOK,DZDTYP,DZDUSC,DZDUSN,QUEST * *. * *. AUTHOR : M. Goossens DD/US * *. VERSION : 2.04(36) / 1 Dec 1987 * *. * *.********************************************************************** SAVE CHARACTER*(*) CHOPT #include "zebra/bkfoparq.inc" #include "dzdoc/bkwrp.inc" #include "dzdoc/tapes.inc" #include "dzdoc/title.inc" #include "dzdoc/linout.inc" * From DZEBRA #include "zebra/zbcdk.inc" *-- Define which options are desired CALL DZDSCO(CHOPT,IFLOPT) *-- Initialize the system and calculate IO descriptors when needed LUNUSR = LUNPRO LUNIN = LUNINP CALL DZDINI C Only initialization desired IF (IFLOPT(MPOSIQ).NE.0) GO TO 999 CALL MZIOCH(JIOPBK,1,'5I -H') 1001 CONTINUE *-- Read new card and take action depending on first characters CALL DZDCRD(LUNIN,CARD,IRC) IF(IRC.NE.0)GOTO 999 * READ (LUNIN,'(A)',END=999) CARD IF (CARD(1:4).EQ.'*B..') THEN *---- *B.. CARD. -- Beginning of bank descriptor CALL DZDBKC(*999) ENDIF GO TO 1001 999 END