* * $Id: hcdire.inc,v 1.2 2003/02/07 12:13:37 couet Exp $ * * $Log: hcdire.inc,v $ * Revision 1.2 2003/02/07 12:13:37 couet * - The size of the HFNAME character string has been increased to 128. It * was 80 before. 80 was not long enough to support long file names one * can get using CASTOR files in a CHAIN command. The HFNAME length is now * defined as the parameter LENHFN. * * Revision 1996/01/16 17:07:51 mclareni * First import * * #ifndef CERNLIB_HBOOK_HCDIRE_INC #define CERNLIB_HBOOK_HCDIRE_INC * * * hcdire.inc * *CMZ : 4.20/03 28/07/93 09.33.32 by Rene Brun *-- Author : PARAMETER (NLPATM=100, MXFILES=50, LENHFN=128) COMMON /HCDIRN/NLCDIR,NLNDIR,NLPAT,ICDIR,NCHTOP,ICHTOP(MXFILES) + ,ICHTYP(MXFILES),ICHLUN(MXFILES) CHARACTER*16 CHNDIR, CHCDIR, CHPAT ,CHTOP COMMON /HCDIRC/CHCDIR(NLPATM),CHNDIR(NLPATM),CHPAT(NLPATM) + ,CHTOP(NLPATM) CHARACTER*(LENHFN) HFNAME COMMON /HCFILE/HFNAME(MXFILES) * #endif