/* * $Id: bugrep.c,v 1.4 2005/04/18 15:23:12 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: bugrep.c,v $ * Revision 1.4 2005/04/18 15:23:12 mclareni * Mods submitted by Kevin B. McCarty to fix insecure Cernlib uses of /tmp. * * Revision 1.3 1997/03/14 14:06:44 mclareni * WNT mods * * Revision 1.2 1996/10/18 12:43:55 couet * - prototype for ku_edit * - prototype for ku_npar * - add a call to ku_vers * * Revision 1996/03/01 11:38:58 mclareni * Paw * */ #include "paw/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_BUGREPORT) /*CMZ : 2.07/19 21/11/95 18.17.13 by Unknown*/ /*-- Author : Maarten Ballintijn 24/08/94*/ /* * bugreport.c - implementation of the bugreport command * */ /* arange external symbol ... */ #if defined(CERNLIB_QX_SC) #define bugreprt bugreprt_ #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) #pragma linkage(bugreprt,FORTRAN) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_QXCAPT) || defined(CERNLIB_QFMSOFT) #define bugreprt type_of_call BUGREPRT #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_VAX) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include char *pavers(); char *ku_vers(); char *hbvers(); char *hplvers(); char *igvers(); char *sivers(); #if 0 char *csvers(); char *mnvers(); #endif char *ku_expr( char * const s ); int ku_edit( char *, int); int ku_npar(); /* changed from R_OK, which already exists in unistd.h and is used for * something else... */ #define MAIL_OK 0 #define MAIL_ERROR 1 static char *br_uname_sysname; static char *br_uname_nodename; static char *br_uname_release; static char *br_uname_version; static char *br_uname_machine; #if defined(__osf__) #include #endif #include static char * str_new( char * const s ) { char *st; unsigned int len; len = strlen( s ) + 1; st = calloc( 1, len ); assert( s ); strcpy( st, s ); return st; } #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) #include static br_uname() { struct utsname un; if ( !br_uname_sysname ) { uname( &un ); br_uname_sysname = str_new( un.sysname ); br_uname_nodename = str_new( un.nodename ); br_uname_release = str_new( un.release ); br_uname_version = str_new( un.version ); br_uname_machine = str_new( un.machine ); } } #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) #include #include #include #include typedef struct _item_list_3_ { short int buflen; short int itemcode; char *bufaddr; int *retlen; } item_list_3; static char un_hw_name[31]; static int un_hw_name_len; static char un_node_swtype[5]; static int un_node_swtype_len; static char un_node_swvers[5]; static int un_node_swvers_len; static char un_nodename[16]; static int un_nodename_len; static char un_version[9]; static int un_version_len; static item_list_3 itmlst[] = { 31, SYI$_HW_NAME, un_hw_name, &un_hw_name_len, 4, SYI$_NODE_SWTYPE, un_node_swtype, &un_node_swtype_len, 4, SYI$_NODE_SWVERS, un_node_swvers, &un_node_swvers_len, 15, SYI$_NODENAME, un_nodename, &un_nodename_len, 8, SYI$_VERSION, un_version, &un_version_len, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static br_uname() { int r; if ( !br_uname_sysname ) { r = sys$getsyiw( 0, 0, 0, itmlst, 0, 0, 0); if ( !(r & 1 ) ) lib$signal( r ); br_uname_sysname = str_new( un_node_swtype ); br_uname_nodename = str_new( un_nodename ); br_uname_release = str_new( un_node_swvers ); br_uname_version = str_new( un_version ); br_uname_machine = str_new( un_hw_name ); } } #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_NEWLIB)) static br_uname() { if ( !br_uname_sysname ) { br_uname_sysname = "VM/CMS"; br_uname_nodename = "Unknown"; br_uname_release = "Unknown"; br_uname_version = "Unknown"; br_uname_machine = "IBM/370"; } } #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) static br_uname() { if ( !br_uname_sysname ) { br_uname_sysname = "Windows/NT"; br_uname_nodename = "Unknown"; br_uname_release = "Unknown"; br_uname_version = "Unknown"; br_uname_machine = "Intel"; } } #endif /* template for user info, !! keep identical to br_mail_motif !! */ static char *br_tmpl_user[] = { "-----------------------------------------------------------", "* Please fill in the following fields *", "", "Name:", "Institute:", "Phone number:", "Email address:", "", 0 }; #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) static #endif char *br_tmpl_bugrep[] = { "-----------------------------------------------------------", "* Give a short description of the bug *", "", "", "-----------------------------------------------------------", "* Describe how to repeat the problem *", "", "", "-----------------------------------------------------------", "* If known, suggest a way to fix *", "", "", "-----------------------------------------------------------", "Full version information will be automatically added below", "-----------------------------------------------------------", 0 }; #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) static #endif char *br_tmpl_comment[] = { "-----------------------------------------------------------", "* Give your suggestion, comment or gripe *", "", "", "", 0 }; #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) && !defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) && !defined(CERNLIB_VAX) #include #endif /* new function to create a temporary file without having a race condition * (currently only on UNIX) */ static char * br_create_tempfile(void) { static char * result = 0; #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) && !defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) && !defined(CERNLIB_VAX) int fd; char *tempdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); char filename[] = "/bugrepXXXXXX"; if ( tempdir && *tempdir ) { result = (char *)calloc( strlen( tempdir ) + strlen( filename ) + 1, 1 ); sprintf( result, "%s%s", tempdir, filename ); } else { result = (char *)calloc( strlen( "/tmp" ) + strlen( filename ) + 1, 1 ); sprintf( result, "/tmp%s", filename ); } if ( (fd = mkstemp(result)) < 0 ) { /* no need to print an error here as it will be done by other functions */ free( result ); result = 0; } else /* don't want to leave open file descriptors about. * unlike tmpfile(), mkstemp() doesn't delete the file automatically * when no one is using it, so it's ok to do this */ close( fd ); #else /* don't know if mkstemp() exists on non-Unix operating systems, and in * any case the above code won't work because directory separators, etc. * are different (at least on Windows and VMS) */ result = (char *)calloc( L_tmpnam, 1 ); if ( ! tmpnam( result ) /* INSECURE!!! */ ) { free( result ); result = 0; } #endif /* defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) */ /* note that the file with filename "result" must be remove()d and the * string "result" free()d by the calling function */ return result; } static int br_create_template( char *tmp_file, char mode ) { FILE *fp; char **s; if ( tmp_file == 0 || *tmp_file == 0 ) { /* report error */ printf( "BUGREPORT: cannot get temporary file\n" ); return MAIL_ERROR; } fp = fopen( tmp_file, "w" ); if ( fp == NULL ) { printf( "BUGREPORT: cannot open temporary file\n" ); return MAIL_ERROR; } for( s = br_tmpl_user; *s ; s++ ) { fputs( *s, fp ); fputc( '\n', fp ); } if ( mode == 'B' ) /* select a template */ s = br_tmpl_bugrep; else s = br_tmpl_comment; for( ; *s ; s++ ) { fputs( *s, fp ); fputc( '\n', fp ); } fclose( fp ); return MAIL_OK; } static int br_edit_file( int first, char * tmp_file ) { int r, ist; char * buf; if ( tmp_file == 0 || *tmp_file == 0 ) return MAIL_ERROR; /* suppress the adding of .kumac by prepending a - ... */ buf = (char *)malloc( strlen(tmp_file) + 2 ); buf[0] = '-'; strcpy( &buf[1], tmp_file ); ist = ku_edit( buf, 0 ); switch( ist ) { case 0: /* all ok */ r = MAIL_OK; break; case 1: /* user abort */ if ( first ) { printf("BUGREPORT: user abort of editing bugreport\n"); r = MAIL_ERROR; } else { r = MAIL_OK; /* second edit needs not to modify */ } break; case 2: /* error */ printf( "BUGREPORT: problem editing bugreport\n" ); r = MAIL_ERROR; break; default: printf( "BUGREPORT: ku_edit returned %d ??\n", ist ); r = MAIL_OK; break; } free( buf ); return r; } static int br_add_config( char * tmp_file ) { FILE *fp; char *k_OS; char *k_MACHINE; char *s, *buginfo(); if ( tmp_file == 0 || *tmp_file == 0 ) { printf( "BUGREPORT: problem adding version info to bugreport\n" ); return MAIL_ERROR; } fp = fopen( tmp_file, "a" ); if ( fp == NULL ) { printf( "BUGREPORT: problem adding version info to bugreport\n" ); return MAIL_ERROR; } s = buginfo(); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", pavers() ); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", ku_vers() ); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", hbvers() ); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", hplvers() ); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", igvers() ); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", sivers() ); br_uname(); /* get "uname" fields */ k_OS = ku_expr( "$OS" ); k_MACHINE = ku_expr( "$MACHINE" ); fprintf( fp, "Kuip info: $OS=%s, $MACHINE=%s\n", k_OS, k_MACHINE ); fprintf( fp, "Operating System: %s %s\n", br_uname_sysname, br_uname_release ); fprintf( fp, "Node name: %s\n", br_uname_nodename ); fprintf( fp, "Hardware type: %s\n", br_uname_machine ); fclose( fp ); free( k_OS ); free( k_MACHINE ); return MAIL_OK; } /* A very brutal gcc 4.4.x 'legacy code' fix - /usr/include/bits/stdio_lim.h */ #if !defined(L_cuserid) && defined(L_ctermid) #define L_cuserid (L_ctermid) #endif static int br_mail_file( char *addr, char *subj, char *file ) #if (defined(CERNLIB_UNIX))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_WINNT)) { FILE *mfp, *fp; char line[1024], my_addr[L_cuserid]; time_t clock; struct tm *ts; fp = fopen( file, "r" ); if ( fp == NULL ) { printf( "BUGREPORT: cannot (re)open temporary file\n" ); return MAIL_ERROR; } cuserid( my_addr ); sprintf( line, "/usr/lib/sendmail -t" ); mfp = popen( line, "w" ); if ( mfp == NULL ) { printf( "BUGREPORT: cannot run sendmail\n" ); return MAIL_ERROR; } clock = time( (time_t *) 0 ); ts = localtime( &clock ); strftime( line, sizeof( line ), "%a, %d %h %y %H:%M:%S", ts ); fprintf ( mfp, "To: %s\n", addr ); fprintf ( mfp, "Bcc: %s\n", my_addr ); fprintf ( mfp, "Date: %s\n", line ); fprintf ( mfp, "Subject: %s\n", subj ); fprintf ( mfp, "\n" ); while( fgets( line, sizeof( line ), fp ) != NULL ) { fputs( line, mfp ); } fclose( fp ); pclose( mfp ); return MAIL_OK; } #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX) { char line[1024]; sprintf( line, "mail/self/subject=\"%s\" %s. dxmint::\"\"\"%s\"\"\"", subj, file, addr ); system( line ); return MAIL_OK; } #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_NEWLIB)) { char line[1024], *p; int rc; if ( p = strchr( file, '*' ) ) { *p = ' '; } sprintf( line, "exec mail %s ( noedit noprompt file %s subject %s\n", addr, file, subj ); rc = system(line); return rc == 0 ? MAIL_OK : MAIL_ERROR; } #endif void bugreprt() { char *tmp_file, *s, *ku_proc(), *ku_getc(), mode, *addr; int r, first; r = MAIL_OK; /* determine mode B or C */ switch( ku_npar() ) { case 0: /* send bugrep */ mode = 'B'; break; case 1: /* check */ s = ku_getc(); if ( *s == 'B' || *s == 'C' ) { mode = *s; } else { printf( "BUGREPORT: Illegal option(s).\n" ); r = MAIL_ERROR; } break; default: /* huh ? */ printf( "BUGREPORT: Illegal option(s).\n" ); r = MAIL_ERROR; break; } /* create temp file */ if ( r == MAIL_OK ) { tmp_file = br_create_tempfile(); r = br_create_template( tmp_file, mode ); } /* have the user edit the temp file */ for( first = 1 ; ; ) { if ( (r == MAIL_OK) && (first || (strcmp( "EDIT", s ) == 0)) ) { r = br_edit_file( first, tmp_file ); first = 0; if ( r == MAIL_OK ) { s = ku_proc( "Type 'send' to submit, 'edit' to re-edit or 'abort' to cancel: ", NULL ); continue; } else { break; } } else if ( strcmp( "SEND", s ) == 0 ) { r = MAIL_OK; break; } else if ( strcmp( "ABORT", s ) == 0 ) { r = MAIL_ERROR; break; } else { s = ku_proc( "Please type 'send', 'edit' or 'abort' (without quotes): ", NULL ); } } /* add config info */ if ( r == MAIL_OK ) r = br_add_config( tmp_file ); /* send the temp file */ if ( r == MAIL_OK ) { s = mode == 'B' ? "PAW Bug Report" : "PAW Comment"; addr = getenv( "PAWSUPPORT" ); if ( addr == 0 ) { addr = "Paw.Support@cern.ch"; } r = br_mail_file( addr, s , tmp_file ); } if ( r == MAIL_OK ) { printf( "BUGREPORT: Report sent\n" ); } else { printf( "BUGREPORT: No report sent\n" ); } /* clean up */ if ( tmp_file && *tmp_file ) remove( tmp_file ); free( tmp_file ); } static char *br_info_str; char * buginfo() { char buf[256]; if ( !br_info_str ) { br_info_str = malloc( 2048 ); sprintf( buf, "%s\n", pavers() ); strcpy( br_info_str, buf ); br_uname(); /* get "uname" fields */ sprintf( buf, "Operating System: %s %s\n", br_uname_sysname, br_uname_release ); strcat( br_info_str, buf ); sprintf( buf, "Hostname: %s\n", br_uname_nodename ); strcat( br_info_str, buf ); sprintf( buf, "Hardware type: %s\n", br_uname_machine ); strcat( br_info_str, buf ); br_info_str = realloc( br_info_str, strlen(br_info_str) + 1 ); } return br_info_str; } #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) static #endif int br_mail_motif( char mode, char *name, char *inst, char *phone, char *email, char *message) { char *tmp_file, **s, *st, *addr; FILE *fp; int r; tmp_file = br_create_tempfile(); if ( tmp_file == 0 || *tmp_file == 0 ) { /* report error */ printf( "BUGREPORT: cannot get temporary file\n" ); free( tmp_file ); return MAIL_ERROR; } fp = fopen( tmp_file, "w" ); if ( fp == NULL ) { printf( "BUGREPORT: cannot open temporary file\n" ); free( tmp_file ); return MAIL_ERROR; } for( s = br_tmpl_user; *s ; s++ ) { if ( strcmp( "Name:", *s ) == 0 ) { fprintf( fp, "%-16s%s\n", *s, name ); } else if ( strcmp( "Institute:", *s ) == 0 ) { fprintf( fp, "%-16s%s\n", *s, inst ); } else if ( strcmp( "Phone number:", *s ) == 0 ) { fprintf( fp, "%-16s%s\n", *s, phone ); } else if ( strcmp( "Email address:", *s ) == 0 ) { fprintf( fp, "%-16s%s\n", *s, email ); } else { fputs( *s, fp ); fputc( '\n', fp ); } } fprintf( fp, "%s", message ); fclose( fp ); r = br_add_config( tmp_file ); if ( r == MAIL_OK ) { st = mode == 'B' ? "PAW Bug Report" : "PAW Comment"; addr = getenv( "PAWSUPPORT" ); if ( addr == 0 ) { addr = "Paw.Support@cern.ch"; } r = br_mail_file( addr, st , tmp_file ); if ( r == MAIL_OK ) printf( "BUGREPORT: Report sent\n" ); } /* clean up */ if ( tmp_file && *tmp_file ) remove( tmp_file ); free( tmp_file ); return r; } #endif