/* * Generated automatically by fh2h.pl * !!! DO NOT EDIT !!! * Edit the original fortran header file instead * or fix fh2h.pl if there is a translation bug. */ #ifndef FH2H_NECARDEV_H #define FH2H_NECARDEV_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef IMPLICIT #define IMPLICIT /* Only to point out implicit types */ #endif /*------ fortran header (without commons and data statements) ----------*/ /*************************************************************************/ /* ----------*/ /* NECARDVC.H*/ /* ----------*/ /**/ /* (Purpose)*/ /* COMMON for CARD on EVCT to NEUT*/ /**/ /* (Variables)*/ /* NEVTEVCD : ( EVCT-NEV ) Number of Events*/ /**/ /* IDPTEVCD : ( EVCT-IDPT ) Particle code (neutrino)*/ /**/ /* MPOSEVCT : ( EVCT-MPOS ) Flag on Vertex*/ /* 1 : Fixed*/ /* 2 : Random*/ /* POSEVCT(3) : ( EVCT-POS ) Vertex Position, */ /* used when MPOS = 1*/ /* RADEVCT : ( EVCT-RAD ) maximum Radius of vertex, */ /* used when MPOS = 2*/ /**/ /* MDIREVCT : ( EVCT-MDIR ) Flag on Direction*/ /* 1 : Fixed*/ /* 2 : Random*/ /* DIREVCT(3) : ( EVCT-DIR ) Direction if MDIREVCT = 1*/ /**/ /* MPVEVCT : ( EVCT-MPV ) Flag on Momentum*/ /* 1 : Fixed ( PEVCT(1) )*/ /* 2 : Random ( Momentum = [PEVCT(1),PEVCT(2)] )*/ /* PVEVCT(2) : ( EVCT-PV ) Momentum*/ /* */ /* (Creation Date and Author)*/ /* 2007.01.02 ; Y.Hayato*/ /**/ /*************************************************************************/ /*common nevccard was here*/ /*------ common blocks -------------------------------------------------*/ extern struct nevccard_common { int nevtevct; int idptevct; int mposevct; float posevct[3]; float radevct; int mdirevct; float direvct[3]; int mpvevct; float pvevct[2]; char filenmevct[80]; char histnmevct[80]; int inmevevct; } nevccard_; #ifndef NO_EXTERN_COMMON_POINTERS extern struct nevccard_common *nevccard; #endif #ifdef STATIC_COMMON_POINTERS static struct nevccard_common *nevccard = &nevccard_; #endif /*------ data statements -----------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef NO_STATIC_DATA #endif /* #ifndef NO_STATIC_DATA */ /*------ end of fortran header -----------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* #ifndef FH2H_NECARDEV_H */