GEANT-CALOR Interface ===================== C.Zeitnitz, T.A.Gabriel Report problems to : Christian Zeitnitz, University of Arizona e-mail : ZEITNITZ@UAZHEP.PHYSICS.ARIZONA.EDU or ZEITNITZ_C@VIPMZW.PHYSIK.UNI-MAINZ.DE The interface consists of the following program parts: - NMTC (Nucleon-Meson-Transport-Code) used for nucleons up to 3.5 GeV and charged pions up to 2.5 GeV. - Above the NMTC limit a Scaling Model is used up to 10 GeV. - FLUKA takes over above 10GeV. All particle types not implemented in CALOR are given to FLUKA independent of the energy. - Low energetic neutrons (Ekin < 20 MeV) are transported by the MICAP neutron code. All electromagnetic interacting particles are transported by GEANT. To use GCALOR in GEANT the following subroutines have to be changed: SUBROUTINE GUPHAD C get interaction probability C CALL GPGHEI C USE CALOR INSTEAD OF GHEISHA CALL CALSIG RETURN SUBROUTINE GUHADR C inelastic hadronic interaction C CALL GHEISH C USE CALOR INSTEAD OF GHEISHA CALL GCALOR RETURN The interface is expecting the data files in the CERN_ROOT directory, if existing, otherwise in the current working directory. GCALOR has been tested on the following computers: VAX under VMS SGI, HP, SUN, IBM-R6000 under UNIX (AIX) IBM 3090 under MVS Files : GCALOR.CAR - CMZ file For ALL unix machines SELECT UNIX in CMZ PILOT file *calor GEANT 3.16 sequences are needed GCALOR_VAX.FOR - FORTRAN source for VAX GCALOR_UNIX.FOR - FORTRAN source for UNIX XSNEUT.DAT - Neutron cross-section file used by MICAP XSNEUT.DAT-GZ - same, but compressed with GZIP HELIUM.DAT - Neutron cross-section file used by MICAP for Helium (He-3 and He-4) CHETC.DAT - Datafile used by HETC GCALOR.TAR-GZ - compressed (GZIP) tape archieve file. Contains all the above files, except xsneut.dat. UNIX name should be gcalor.tar.z Use GUNZIP to uncompress this file. GCALOR.CONTENTS- content of compressed files ================================== N E W S ==================================== Aug 24, 1995 C.Zeitnitz MICAP routine Photon modified in order to generate low multiplicities differently. This ensures, that for example in a p(n,gamma)D reaction always a 2.2MeV gamma is generated Aug 18, 1995 C.Zeitnitz Bug in MOXSEC removed ( size of MOX3 banks sometimes too small). 2 changes in the x-section file: - total cross section for Iodine was wrong and has been replaced by ENDF/B-VI - Some photon cross section tables did not start at 1.E-5 eV but at the threshold of the reaction, which lead to the effect, that the photon multiplicity for neutron energies below the threshold was not 0, but could get very big!! So, get the new GCALOR version 1.04/05 AND the modified x-section file XSNEUT.DAT CZ Feb 22, 1995 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.04/04 Bug in MICAP removed. Tritium now returned on the GEANT particle stack CZ Feb 20, 1995 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.04/03 Bug in TWOBOD, only a problem for Helium as target, removed and CHETC modified. CZ Feb 13,1995 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.04/02 Clash (at least for some compilers) between subroutine and common name MICFIL has been removed by renaming the common. CZ Feb 9, 1995 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.04/01 Due to technical problems it was necessary to change the method to provide the additional x-section file. There is now as separate routine: CALL MICFIL('usr$root:[zeitnitz]helium.dat') Feb 2, 1995 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.04/00 Modifications to MICAP in order to read in additional x-section files like HELIUM.DAT. The additional file has to be specified by a call to MICSET: CALL MICSET(0,10,'usr$root:[zeitnitz]helium.dat') This has to be done before GCALOR is called the first time ! Jan 20, 1995 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.03/08 Minor changes in MICAP and GCALOR concerning the mechanism stored in LMEC. Nov 24, 1994 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.03/07 Some minor changes in MICAP. Now the input files CHETC.DAT and XSNEUT.DAT are expected in the current working directory and only if not found the version in the CERN library is used. LMEC is now set correctly in GCALOR. LMEC(1)=12 and LMEC(2) contains the process which occured. In addition KCASE contains the name of the mechanism. Nov 4, 1994 C.Zeitnitz New neutron cross-section file with some more elements/isotopes. (zirconium, gadolinium, cerium, bismuth) Second line in XSNEUT.DAT should read: Wed Nov 2 13:53:35 1994 June 1, 1994 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.03/00. New neutron cross-section file generated from ENDF/B-VI. Contains now 65 isotopes. Natural composition is automatically mixed, if data are available. For example Xenon data include 7 different isotopes. An exception from this rule is uranium, for which it makes no sense to a natural composition, since only depleted uranium is used in HEP. The second line of XSNEUT.DAT should read: Fri May 27 10:19:12 1994 The subroutines MORINI and MOXSEC changed considerably. All information about the availability of an isotopes has been moved to the x-section file and is no longer directly coded in MORINI. The output file calor.out had to be changed in order to allow more than one isotope per selected element. Additional comments about isotopes are printed in addition, e.g the I-127 secondary distributions are taken from Xe-128. The new x-section file can not be used by the older GCALOR versions and vice versa. -> You have to get BOTH the x-section file AND the new code! Some new subroutines are needed now. February 16, 1994 C.Zeitnitz Missing common GCBANK added in CALINI. February 3, 1994 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.02/05. Again a chane in the material list printed in MOXSEC. The collision length for a 1 MeV neutron is printed for each isotope used. February 2, 1994 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.02/04. The material table printed in CALOR.OUT has been Changed. MOXSEC and MORINI had to be modified for this. The table gives now the material name and the A,Z used in GEANT as well as in MICAP. January 28, 1994 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.02/02. Subroutine name VERTIM changed to GCDATE in order to avoid a clash with a PAW subroutine. January 26, 1994 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.02/01. The neutron cross-section file contains Cadmium, but it was not used in the program. Morini has been changed in order to do this. January 25, 1994 C.Zeitnitz Version 1.02/00. This version works with GEANT 3.16 !! November 18,1993 C.Zeitnitz A few necessary changes lead to version 1.01/16 November 15,1993 C.Zeitnitz The version 1.01/15 will NOT work with GEANT 3.16, because the new GEANT version needs to get the position of the secondaries. Thats not provided by GCALOR yet, but easy to fix. I will change it soon. August 18,1993 C Zeitnitz There seems to be some interest in the recoil nucleus after the interaction. An example for GUHADR, how to access these informations, can be found in the file RECOIL.GUHADR. This will work ONLY with Version 1.01/15 or higher. June 4, 1993 C.Zeitnitz Release 1.01 needs a new neutron cross-section file XSNEUT.DAT. The date in the file header has to be June 2, 1993 . Some bugs in the code have been removed, which effects the elastic scattering in MICAP, the hydrogen cross-sections used in NMTC and calculation of the recoil nucleus momentum in MICAP. March 3, 1993 C.Zeitnitz Due to a precision problem in GEANT, there has been a problem with very low energetic neutrons Ekin<1.E-8. The following fix in GLTRAC will be included in the next correction cradle for GEANT 3.15 and in GEANT 3.16. Please use the corrected version if you are interested in thermal neutrons, or capture gammas etc. !!! +REP,GTRAK,GLTRAC,60-64. P2 = DBLE(PVERT(1))**2+DBLE(PVERT(2))**2+DBLE(PVERT(3))**2 IF (P2.EQ.0.D0) THEN VECT(7) = 0. ELSE VECT(7) = DSQRT(P2) +REP,GTRAK,GLTRAC,94-95. GETOTD = DSQRT(P2+DBLE(AMASS)*DBLE(AMASS)) GEKIND = GETOTD - DBLE(AMASS)