*********************************************************************** * * function returns the maximum possible differential cross-section for * a given energy, flavour, and target. event weights are then thrown * against the look up values to accept/reject them. * * *********************************************************************** * * input: * E - neutrino energy * IPAR - neutrino type (pdg) * targetType - target type (pdg) * nc - true if NC, false if CC * * output: * maxDiff - maximum differential cross-section (10^-38 cm^2) * * *********************************************************************** double precision function effSFMaxDiff(E, ipar, targ, nc, MDLQE) implicit none #include "nework.h" double precision E integer ipar integer targ integer itarg logical nc integer MDLQE c ----- looping index, i, and selected bin integer i integer bin c ----- common block for arrays - filled by readData subroutine c ----- 9 nuclei(C,O,Fe,-,-,-,-,-,-) c ----- 6 neutrino flavours (all nc are equivalent so not used) (nue,nuebar,numu,numubar,nutau,nutaubar) c ----- for nc, 2 nucleons (proton, neutron) double precision energiescc(6, 210), diffXsecscc(12,6,210)! nucleus, pdg double precision energiesnc(200), diffXsecsnc(2,2,12,200)! pdg, nucleon, nucleus common / diffXsecArrayscc / energiescc, diffXsecscc common / diffXsecArraysnc / energiesnc, diffXsecsnc integer nuc, neutrino integer i_loadDiffXseccc, i_loadDiffXsecnc save i_loadDiffXseccc, i_loadDiffXsecnc data i_loadDiffXseccc /0/ data i_loadDiffXsecnc /0/ if (nc.EQV..TRUE.)then if (i_loadDiffXsecnc .EQ. 0) then call readEffSFXsecData(ipar, targ, nc, MDLQE) i_loadDiffXsecnc = 1 endif else if (i_loadDiffXseccc .EQ. 0) then call readEffSFXsecData(ipar, targ, nc, MDLQE) i_loadDiffXseccc = 1 endif endif if (ipar .EQ. 12) then neutrino = 1 else if (ipar .EQ. -12) then neutrino = 2 else if (ipar .EQ. 14) then neutrino = 3 else if (ipar .EQ. -14) then neutrino = 4 else if (ipar .EQ. 16) then neutrino = 5 else if (ipar .EQ. -16) then neutrino = 6 endif if (targ .EQ. 1000010020) then nuc = 1 else if (targ .EQ. 1000020030) then nuc = 2 else if (targ .EQ. 1000020040) then nuc = 3 else if (targ .EQ. 1000060120) then nuc = 4 else if (targ .EQ. 1000080160) then nuc = 5 else if (targ .EQ. 1000100200) then nuc = 6 else if (targ .EQ. 1000130270) then nuc = 7 else if (targ .EQ. 1000180400) then nuc = 8 else if (targ .EQ. 1000260560) then nuc = 9 else if (targ .EQ. 1000290630) then nuc = 10 else if (targ .EQ. 1000300640) then nuc = 11 else if (targ .EQ. 1000822080) then nuc = 12 endif c ----- If using CC if (nc .EQV..FALSE.)then c ----- check for under flow of calculated tables - return 0 as xsec is small and unknown if (E .LT. energiescc(neutrino, 1)) then write(*,*) "energy lower than minumum calculated - xsec = 0" effSFMaxDiff = 0 return endif c ----- loop through energy array to find correct point do i = 0, 209 if (energiescc(neutrino, i+1) .GE. E) then bin = i goto 10 endif enddo c ----- if sat here - E is bigger than the max allowed - extrapolate linearly c ----- extrapolation based on bins N and N-2 bin = 210 write (*,*) "Selected energy greater than maximum calculated", E effSFMaxDiff = diffXsecscc(nuc, neutrino, bin-2) & + (diffXsecscc(nuc, neutrino, bin)- & diffXsecscc(nuc, neutrino, bin-2)) & *( E - energiescc( neutrino, bin-2) ) / & ( energiescc(neutrino, bin) - & energiescc(neutrino, bin-2) ) return 10 continue c ----- interpolate to correct point in effSFMaxDiff array effSFMaxDiff = diffXsecscc(nuc, neutrino, bin) & + (diffXsecscc(nuc, neutrino, bin+1)- & diffXsecscc(nuc, neutrino, bin)) & *( E - energiescc( neutrino, bin) ) / & ( energiescc(neutrino, bin+1) - & energiescc(neutrino, bin) ) return c ----- using NC else if (nc .EQV..TRUE.) then if (IPNE(2) .EQ. 2212) then itarg = 1 else if (IPNE(2) .EQ. 2112) then itarg = 2 endif c ----- check for under flow of calculated tables - return 0 as xsec is small and unknown if (E .LT. energiesnc(1)) then write(*,*) "energy lower than minumum calculated - xsec = 0" effSFMaxDiff = 0 return endif c ----- loop through energy array to find correct point do i = 0, 199 if (energiesnc(i+1) .GE. E) then bin = i goto 20 endif enddo c ----- if sat here - E is bigger than the max allowed - extrapolate linearly c ----- extrapolation based on bins N and N-2 bin = 200 write (*,*) "Selected energy greater than maximum calculated", E if ( ipar. gt. 0 ) then neutrino = 1 else neutrino = 2 endif effSFMaxDiff = diffXsecsnc(neutrino,itarg, nuc, bin-2) & + (diffXsecsnc(neutrino,itarg, nuc, bin)- & diffXsecsnc(neutrino,itarg, nuc, bin-2)) & *( E - energiesnc( bin-2) ) / & ( energiesnc( bin) - & energiesnc( bin-2) ) return 20 continue c ----- interpolate to correct point in maxDiff array if ( ipar. gt. 0 ) then neutrino = 1 else neutrino = 2 endif effSFMaxDiff = diffXsecsnc(neutrino,itarg, nuc, bin) & + (diffXsecsnc(neutrino,itarg, nuc, bin+1)- & diffXsecsnc(neutrino,itarg, nuc, bin)) & *( E - energiesnc( bin) ) / & ( energiesnc( bin+1) - & energiesnc( bin) ) return endif end