SUBROUTINE nemkjndfx implicit none #ifdef FLUX_10A #include "uhdef.fh" #else #ifdef FLUX_10C #include "uhdef_10c.fh" #else #ifdef FLUX_11A #include "uhdef_11a.fh" #else #ifdef FLUX_11B #include "uhdef_11b.fh" #else #ifdef FLUX_13 #include "uhdef_13_uwfunc.fh" #else #include "beamntpl.h" #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif INTEGER IDATA(500) REAL RDATA(500) EQUIVALENCE(IDATA(1),RDATA(1)) CHARACTER*32 CNAME integer*4 NWMAST,LSEGM,NSEGM,ierr,iseg C C -- MAKE EMB C CNAME='JNDFXVEC' C-- Version NWMAST=1 NSEGM=1 #ifdef FLUX_10A LSEGM=71 CALL KZBCR1(CNAME,NWMAST,'1I',NSEGM,LSEGM, $ '1F 2I 23F 3I 7F 2I 11F 2I 3F 2I 7F 8I',IERR) IDATA(1)=2 #else #if defined(FLUX_10C)||defined(FLUX_11A)||defined(FLUX_11B)||defined(FLUX_13) CALL KZBCR0(CNAME,IERR) IDATA(1)=3 #else LSEGM=27 CALL KZBCR1(CNAME,NWMAST,'1I',NSEGM,LSEGM, $ '1F 2I 23F 1I',IERR) IDATA(1)=1 #endif #endif IF (IERR.NE.0) GOTO 1000 #if defined(FLUX_10C)||defined(FLUX_11A)||defined(FLUX_11B)||defined(FLUX_13) CALL KZREP0(CNAME,0,'I',1,IDATA) #else CALL KZREP1(CNAME,0,NWMAST,IDATA) #endif C C -- SET DETECTOR INFORMATION C C IND+ 1 : R : Energy of neutrino C + 2 : I : pid of the parent particle C + 3 : I : decay mode of the parent particle C + 4 : R : momentum of parent particle C + 5 : R : decay position in global coord. (x) C + 6 : R : decay position in global coord. (y) C + 7 : R : decay position in global coord. (z) C + 8 : R : direction of parent particle in global coord. (x) C + 9 : R : direction of parent particle in global coord. (y) C +10 : R : direction of parent particle in global coord. (z) C +11 : R : cosine to the beam direction of the parent particle C +12 : R : normalization factor C +13 : R : momentum of the parent particle (at the generation point) C +14 : R : generated position in global coord. (x) C +15 : R : generated position in global coord. (y) C +16 : R : generated position in global coord. (z) C +17 : R : direction of parent particle at generation point C in global coord. (x) C +18 : R : direction of parent particle at generation point C in global coord. (y) C +19 : R : direction of parent particle at generation point C in global coord. (z) C +20 : R : cosine to the beam direction of the parent particle C at generation point C +21 : R : position of the neutrino at the detector C in detector coord. (r) C +22 : R : position of the neutrino at the detector C in detector coord. (x) C +23 : R : position of the neutrino at the detector C in detector coord. (y) C +24 : R : position of the neutrino at the detector C in global coord. (x) C +25 : R : position of the neutrino at the detector C in global coord. (y) C +26 : R : position of the neutrino at the detector C in global coord. (z) C +27 : I : ID of the front(near) detector RDATA( 1)=ENUFD IDATA( 2)=PPIDFD IDATA( 3)=MODEFD RDATA( 4)=ppiFD RDATA( 5)=xpiFD(1) RDATA( 6)=xpiFD(2) RDATA( 7)=xpiFD(3) RDATA( 8)=npiFD(1) RDATA( 9)=npiFD(2) RDATA(10)=npiFD(3) RDATA(11)=cospibmFD RDATA(12)=normFD RDATA(13)=ppi0FD RDATA(14)=xpi0FD(1) RDATA(15)=xpi0FD(2) RDATA(16)=xpi0FD(3) RDATA(17)=npi0FD(1) RDATA(18)=npi0FD(2) RDATA(19)=npi0FD(3) RDATA(20)=cospi0bmFD RDATA(21)=rFD RDATA(22)=xnuFD RDATA(23)=ynuFD RDATA(24)=nnuFD(1) RDATA(25)=nnuFD(2) RDATA(26)=nnuFD(3) IDATA(27)=idfd #if defined(FLUX_10A) IDATA(28)=nvtx0FD IDATA(29)=gipartFD RDATA(30)=gpos0FD(1) RDATA(31)=gpos0FD(2) RDATA(32)=gpos0FD(3) RDATA(33)=gvec0FD(1) RDATA(34)=gvec0FD(2) RDATA(35)=gvec0FD(3) RDATA(36)=gamom0FD IDATA(37)=spidFD IDATA(38)=pgenFD RDATA(39)=psi0FD RDATA(40)=xsi0FD(1) RDATA(41)=xsi0FD(2) RDATA(42)=xsi0FD(3) RDATA(43)=nsi0FD(1) RDATA(44)=nsi0FD(2) RDATA(45)=nsi0FD(3) RDATA(46)=cossi0bmFD RDATA(47)=xsiFD(1) RDATA(48)=xsiFD(2) RDATA(49)=xsiFD(3) IDATA(50)=smechFD IDATA(51)=intgtFD RDATA(52)=prvtxFD(1) RDATA(53)=prvtxFD(2) RDATA(54)=prvtxFD(3) IDATA(55)=smedFD IDATA(56)=gppidFD RDATA(57)=xgpi0FD(1) RDATA(58)=xgpi0FD(2) RDATA(59)=xgpi0FD(3) RDATA(60)=xgpiFD(1) RDATA(61)=xgpiFD(2) RDATA(62)=xgpiFD(3) RDATA(63)=pgpi0FD IDATA(64)=gpmechFD IDATA(65)=gpmedFD IDATA(66)=prmechFD IDATA(67)=prmedFD IDATA(68)=prdghtFD IDATA(69)=sdghtFD IDATA(70)=gpdghtFD IDATA(71)=chainFD #endif #if defined(FLUX_10C)||defined(FLUX_11A)||defined(FLUX_11B) IDATA(28)=nvtx0FD IDATA(29)=gipartFD RDATA(30)=gpos0FD(1) RDATA(31)=gpos0FD(2) RDATA(32)=gpos0FD(3) RDATA(33)=gvec0FD(1) RDATA(34)=gvec0FD(2) RDATA(35)=gvec0FD(3) RDATA(36)=gamom0FD RDATA(37)=EnuSKFD RDATA(38)=normSKFD RDATA(39)=anormFD IDATA(40)=ngFD #ifdef FLUX_11B if ( then ngFD = ngFDMAX endif #endif DO 100 I=1,ngFD RDATA(41+(I-1)*9)=gpxFD(I) RDATA(42+(I-1)*9)=gpyFD(I) RDATA(43+(I-1)*9)=gpzFD(I) RDATA(44+(I-1)*9)=gcosbmFD(I) RDATA(45+(I-1)*9)=gvxFD(I) RDATA(46+(I-1)*9)=gvyFD(I) RDATA(47+(I-1)*9)=gvzFD(I) IDATA(48+(I-1)*9)=gpidFD(I) IDATA(49+(I-1)*9)=gmecFD(I) #if defined(FLUX_11A)||defined(FLUX_11B) IDATA(50+(I-1)*9)=gmatFD(I) RDATA(51+(I-1)*9)=gdistcFD(I) RDATA(52+(I-1)*9)=gdistalFD(I) RDATA(53+(I-1)*9)=gdisttiFD(I) RDATA(54+(I-1)*9)=gdistfeFD(I) #endif #endif 100 continue #if defined(FLUX_13) IDATA(55+(ngFD-1)*9)=idExitFD IDATA(56+(ngFD-1)*9)=ngExitFD RDATA(57+(ngFD-1)*9)=posExitFD(1) RDATA(58+(ngFD-1)*9)=posExitFD(2) RDATA(59+(ngFD-1)*9)=posExitFD(3) RDATA(60+(ngFD-1)*9)=momExitFD(1) RDATA(61+(ngFD-1)*9)=momExitFD(2) RDATA(62+(ngFD-1)*9)=momExitFD(3) #endif ISEG=1 #if defined(FLUX_10C) LSEGM = 49 + ngFD*9 CALL KZREP0(CNAME,ISEG,'F',LSEGM,IDATA) #else #if defined(FLUX_11A)||defined(FLUX_11B) LSEGM = 54 + ngFD*9 CALL KZREP0(CNAME,ISEG,'F',LSEGM,IDATA) #else #if defined(FLUX_13) LSEGM = 49 + ngFD*9 + 8 CALL KZREP0(CNAME,ISEG,'F',LSEGM,IDATA) #else CALL KZREP1(CNAME,ISEG,LSEGM,IDATA(1)) #endif #endif #endif RETURN C C ++ ERROR MESSAGE C 1000 WRITE(6,900) 900 FORMAT(' *** ERROR *** ( BANK CREATION IN nemkjnufx )') RETURN END