subroutine rnbmom2802(idfdet,iparfx,iparbm,iptr,pos,pmom) implicit none C #include "beamntpl.h" #include "beamvectbl.h" #define IDFDET integer*4 idfdet,iparfx,iparbm,iptr real*4 pmom(3),pos(3) real*4 rlu,fntotpau external rlu,fntotpau integer*4 norgvecmax integer*4 norgvec data norgvecmax/0/ data norgvec/0/ save norgvecmax,norgvec integer*4 numntvars data numntvars/30/ C integer*4 maxntvars C parameter (maxntvars=30) real*8 rtry real*4 dum integer*4 ipartbl(4) data ipartbl/14,-14,12,-12/ integer*4 ipcond,i,ierr integer*4 moved,ipos call nerdnufxv(iparbm,idfdet,ierr) if ( then write(*,*) 'rnbmom280: Error in retriving flux info.' stop endif do 10 ipcond=1,4 if (ipartbl(ipcond).eq.iparfx) goto 20 10 continue write(*,*) 'rnbmom280: Invalid IPAR was given..' stop 20 continue rtry=rlu(dum)*totnormtbl(ipcond) if (rtry.le.normfvtbl(ipcond,1)) then iptr = idxtbl(ipcond,1) goto 200 endif if (,maxfvnpt(ipcond)-1)) then iptr = idxtbl(ipcond,maxfvnpt(ipcond)) goto 200 endif moved=maxfvnpt(ipcond)/2 ipos =maxfvnpt(ipcond)-moved 100 continue C write(*,'(A4,I8,A9,I8,A7,F10.8,A8,F10.8,A3,F10.8)') C $ 'ipos:',ipos,' / moved:',moved,' / try:', C $ rtry/totnormtbl(ipcond),' / norm:', C $ normfvtbl(ipcond,ipos-1)/totnormtbl(ipcond),' - ', C $ normfvtbl(ipcond,ipos)/totnormtbl(ipcond) if (ipos.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'rnbmom2802: Illegal condition ipos=1...' stop endif moved=moved/2 if (moved.le.1) then moved=1 endif if (rtry.le.normfvtbl(ipcond,ipos)) then if (,ipos-1)) then iptr = idxtbl(ipcond,ipos) goto 200 endif ipos=ipos-moved if (ipos.le.1) then ipos=1 endif goto 100 endif if (,ipos)) then ipos=ipos+moved if ( then ipos=maxfvnpt(ipcond)-1 endif endif goto 100 200 continue 50 continue C write(*,'(A4,I8,A9,I8,A7,F10.8,A8,F10.8,A3,F10.8)') C $ 'ipos:',ipos,' / moved:',moved,' / try:', C $ rtry/totnormtbl(ipcond),' / norm:', C $ normfvtbl(ipcond,ipos-1)/totnormtbl(ipcond),' - ', C $ normfvtbl(ipcond,ipos)/totnormtbl(ipcond) pos(1)=xnutbl(iptr) pos(2)=ynutbl(iptr) pos(3)=0. do 60 I=1,3 pmom(I)=enutbl(iptr)*nnutbl(i,iptr)*1.e3 60 continue if (idfdet.eq.0) idfdet=idfdtbl(iptr) if ( then #ifndef IDFDET write(*,*) $ "rnbmom280: Det.ID is not the one in the flux table" stop #else goto 20 #endif endif write(*,*) "Detector: ",idfdtbl(iptr) return end