C======================================================================== C Input card for Super-Kamiokande Monte Carlo simulation C======================================================================== C C Number of events ; EVCT-NEVT C EVCT-NEVT 1000000 C C-------------------------------- C C Particle Code ; EVCT-IDPT C EVCT-IDPT -14 C C-------------------------------- C C fixed VERTEX ; EVCT-MPOS 1 C random VERTEX ; EVCT-MPOS 2 C C EVCT-MPOS 1 C VECT-POS 100. 0. 0. C EVCT-MPOS 2 EVCT-RAD 100. C C-------------------------------- C C fixed DIRECTION ; EVCT-MDIR 1 C random DIRECTION ; EVCT-MDIR 2 C EVCT-MDIR 1 EVCT-DIR 0. 0. 1. C C C-------------------------------- C C fixed MOMENTUM ; EVCT-MPV 1 C random MOMENTUM ; EVCT-MPV 2 C C random MOMENTUM based on flux times cross section distribution C EVCT-MPV 3 C EVCT-FILENM : name of ROOT file containing flux histogram C EVCT-HISTNM : flux histogram name C EVCT-INMEV : flag for histograms in MeV C (MeV => 1, GeV => 0) C EVCT-MPV 1 EVCT-PV 600. CEVCT-MPV 2 CEVCT-PV 50. 1000. C CEVCT-MPV 3 CEVCT-FILENM 't2k_skflux_numu_o.root' CEVCT-HISTNM 'flux_numu' CEVCT-INMEV 0 C C C **** TARGET INFORMATION **** C C NUMBNDN : total number of neutron (Default is H2O) C (e.g. CH => 6, H2O => 8, Ar => 22, Fe => 30) C CNEUT-NUMBNDN 8 C C NUMBNDP : total number of bound proton (Default is H2O) C (e.g. CH => 6, H2O => 8, Ar => 18, Fe => 26) C CNEUT-NUMBNDP 8 C C NUMFREP : total number of free proton (Default is H2O) C (e.g. CH => 1, H2O => 2, Ar => 0, Fe => 0) C CNEUT-NUMFREP 2 C C NUMATOM : atomic number of atom heavier than hydrogen C (e.g. CH => 12, H2O =>16, Ar => 40, Fe => 56) C CNEUT-NUMATOM 16 C C C Fermi-Gas perameters are target nucleus dependent C Set by default in neutcore/nesetfgparams.F C CNEUT-PFSURF 0.225 CNEUT-PFMAX 0.225 CNEUT-VNUINI -0.027 CNEUT-VNUFIN 0.0 C C **** NEUTRINO INTERACTION **** C C FERM : Fermi motion 0 : on ( default ) 1 : off C CNEUT-FERM 0 C C PAUL : Pauli blocking 0 : on ( default ) 1 : off C CNEUT-PAUL 0 C C NEFF : Nuclear effect in O16 0 : on ( default ) 1 : off C CNEUT-NEFF 0 C C IFORMLEN: FORMATION zone effect ON/OFF C IFORMLEN= 1 : ALL ON (default) C IFORMLEN= 0 : ALL OFF C IFORMLEN= 110 : OFF for QE/Elastic C IFORMLEN= 100 : ON for mPi/DIS only C CNEUT-IFORMLEN 1 C C Resonant Pion-less Delta Decay (20% Default) C IPILESSDCY: 1: on (default), 0: off C RPILESSDCY: Fraction of 1pi events (0.2 default) C CNEUT-IPILESSDCY 1 CNEUT-RPILESSDCY 0.2 C C C ABSPIEMIT : Nucleon emission after absorption of pi 1: on (default) 0: off C CNEUT-ABSPIEMIT 1 C C C NUSIM : Toggle neutrino simulation or not (piscat/gampi) 1: yes (default) 0: no C CNEUT-NUSIM 1 C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C MODL : Toggle between low energy pion mean free path models C ( momentum of pi < 500MeV/c, but also add absorption for p > 500 MeV/c) C 0: Salcedo et al. calculation (used in productions prior to 2011) C 1: Tuned to pion scattering data (default) C CNEUT-MODL 1 C C C MODH : Toggle between high energy pion mfp models ( momentum of pi > 500MeV/c ) C 0: p/n cross sections normalized to pion-deuteron (prior to 2011) C 1: Actual p or n cross section used; Intermediate pion charge fixed; C p/n density considered for non-isoscalar nuclei (default) C CNEUT-MODH 1 C C KINMODH : Toggle between high energy pion quasielastic scattering models C (Only relevant if FEFQEHF > 0) C ( momentum of pi > 500MeV/c ) C 0: Isotropic decay of some resonance (Deprecated, do not use) C 1: SAID Phase shift analysis + Artificial Fwd. Scatter (default) C CNEUT-KINH 1 C C C ( Prior to 2011: All pion FEFMFP scaling = 1.0 ) C C FEFQE : Factor to modify pion quasi-elastic scattering mean free path C ( momentum of pi < 500MeV/c ) CNEUT-FEFQE 1. C C C FEFABS : Factor to modify pion absorption mean free path C ( Tune to pion scattering data: 1.1, default ) CNEUT-FEFABS 1.1 C C C FEFINEL : Factor to modify pion hadron production mean free path C ( momentum of pi > 500MeV/c ) CNEUT-FEFINEL 1. C C C FEFCOH : Factor to modify pion foward scattering mean free path C ( momentum of pi > 500MeV/c ) CNEUT-FEFCOH 1. C C C FEFQEH : Factor to modify quasielastic scattering mean free path C ( momentum of pi > 500MeV/c ) C ( Tune to pion scattering data: 1.8, default ) CNEUT-FEFQEH 1.8 C C C FEFCX : Factor to modify charge exchange amplitude C ( momentum of pi < 500MeV/c ) CNEUT-FEFCX 1. C C C FEFCXH : Factor to modify charge exchange mean free path C ( momentum of pi > 500MeV/c ) C ( Tune to pion scattering data: 1.8, default ) CNEUT-FEFCXH 1.8 C C C FEFQEHF: Portion of QE scattering that has inelastic-like kinematics C ( momentum of pi > 500MeV/c ) C C NEUT-FEFQEHF 0. ! all forward-like scattering (prior to 2011) C ! ( 1 = Tune to pion scattering data, mix of quasielastic C and forward-like scattering, default) CNEUT-FEFQEHF 1. C C C FEFCXHF: Portion of inel. scattering that includes true CX C ( momentum of pi > 500MeV/c , MODH=1 only) C C NEUT-FEFCXHF 0. ! pi+,neutron charge exchange and inelastic C cross sections separated (default) CNEUT-FEFCXHF 0. C C C FEFCOHF: Amount of forward scatter relative to quasi-elastic (p<500) C CNEUT-FEFCOHF 0. ! Default, no forward scattering at low momenta CNEUT-FEFCOHF 0. C C FEFCOUL: Pion trajectory modified by Coulomb field C CNEUT-FEFCOUL 0. ! Default, no Coulomb correction CNEUT-FEFCOUL 0 C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C Nucleon rescattering C C NUCRES-RESCAT 1: on (default) 0: off C CNUCRES-RESCAT 1 C C NUCRES-XNUCFACT cross-section factor to study uncertainty default = 1. C CNUCRES-FACT 1. C C C C C MODE : Interaction mode C 0 : normal ( default ) C -1 : input cross section by CRSNEUT C n : sellect one mode ( n > 0 ) See nemodsel.F C n = 1 : charged current Q.E. C n = 2 : charged current npnh (Nieves) C n = 11,12,13 C : charged current Single pi production C n = 16 : coherent Single pi production C n = 21 : charged current Multi pi production C n = 31,32,33,34 C : neutral current Single pi production C n = 36 : coherent Single pi production C n = 41 : neutral current Multi pi production C n = 51,52 : neutral current elastic C n = 22,42,43 : single eta production C n = 23,44,45 : single K production C NEUT-MODE 0 C C nu nub C 1: CC Q.E. CC Q.E.( Free ) C 2-4: CC 1pi CC 1pi C 5: CC DIS 1320 CC DIS 1.3 < W < 2.0 C 6-9: NC 1pi NC 1pi C 10: NC DIS 1320 NC DIS 1.3 < W < 2.0 C 11: NC els CC Q.E.( Bound ) C 12: NC els NC els C 13: NC els NC els C 14: coherent NC els C 15: coherent coherent C 16: CC eta coherent C 17 NC eta CC eta C 18: NC eta NC eta C 19: CC K NC eta C 20 NC K CC K C 21: NC K NC K C 22: N/A NC K C 23: CC DIS CC DIS (W > 2.0) C 24: NC DIS NC DIS (W > 2.0) C 25: CC 1 gamma CC 1 gamma C 26,27: NC 1 gamma NC 1 gamma C 28 2p2h nn/np 2p2h np/pp C C C CRS : Multiplied factor to cross section on each mode. ( neu ) C CSRB : Multiplied factor to cross section on each mode. ( neu-bar ) C C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CNEUT-CRSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 CNEUT-CRSB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEUT-CRS 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. NEUT-CRSB 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. C C PDF for DIS is set in this section C (GRV94DI -> 7, GRV98_LO -> 12 (default)) CNEUT-PDF 12 C Which PDF is used ( original=0, modified=1 (default)) CNEUT-BODEK 1 C Select Coherent pion model (Rein & Sehgal=0(default), Kartavtsev et al.=1 CNEUT-COHEPI 0 C C CCQE Axial Mass (For simulation, must be set to: 1.01, 1.11, 1.21{default}. 1.31) NEUT-MAQE 1.05 C C CC1pi Axial Mass (For simulation, must be set to: 1.21{default}, 1.11) CNEUT-MASPI 1.21 C C CCQE Vector Mass (Default: 0.84) CNEUT-MVQE 0.84 C C CC1pi Vector Mass (Default: 0.84) CNEUT-MVSPI 0.84 C C CCQE Kappa Factor (Default: 1.0) CNEUT-KAPP 1.0 C C Coherent Pion Axial Mass (Default: 1.0) CNEUT-MACOH 1.0 C C Coherent Pion Nuclear Radios (Default: 1.0 fm) CNEUT-R0COH 1.0 C C MDLQE : CC Quasi-elastic / NC elastic model C : xx1 : Smith-Moniz for CC C : xx2 : Smith-Moniz for CC with BBBA05 C : xx3 : Smith-Moniz for CC with BBBA07 C : x0x : Scaling to CCQE ( same as 5.0.x ) C : x1x : Scaling to Spectrum func. with Dipole C : x2x : Scaling to Spectrum func. with BBBA05 C : x3x : Scaling to Spectrum func. with BBBA07 C : 1xx : Transverse enhancement (0: off, default) C : 4x1 : Full spectral function with dipole C : 4x2 : Full spectral function with BBBA05 C : 4x3 : Full spectral function with BBBA07C C NEUT-MDLQE 2002 C CNEUT-MDL2P2H C 2p2h implementation C 1 : Table C 2 : Hadronic tensor C NEUT-MDL2P2H 1 C C C C RAND : random seed C 0 : Read RANDOM number from FILE C 1 : Generating RANDOM SEED from the time C NEUT-RAND 1 C C QUIET : Screen output verbosity C 0 : Default (prints all initial state info) C 1 : Print only interaction mode and neutrino energy C 2 : Prints almost nothing (except PYTHIA output) C NEUT-QUIET 2 NEUT-CRSPATH '/cvmfs/t2k.egi.eu/NEUT5.4.0/5.4.0/src/crsdat'