/* * Motif * * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved. * * These libraries and programs are free software; you can * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * HISTORY */ /* $XConsortium: LabelGP.h /main/12 1995/10/25 20:08:21 cde-sun $ */ /* (c) Copyright 1989, DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MASS. */ /* (c) Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY */ #ifndef _XmLabelGP_h #define _XmLabelGP_h #include <Xm/LabelG.h> #include <Xm/GadgetP.h> #include <Xm/ExtObjectP.h> #include <Xm/XmP.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /*************************************************************/ /* The Label Gadget Cache Object's class and instance records*/ /*************************************************************/ /* Enumerations for fill_bg_box. */ enum { _XmPLAIN_BG_BOX, _XmFILL_BG_BOX, _XmALWAYS_FILL_BG_BOX }; typedef struct _XmLabelGCacheObjClassPart { int foo; } XmLabelGCacheObjClassPart; typedef struct _XmLabelGCacheObjClassRec /* label cache class record */ { ObjectClassPart object_class; XmExtClassPart ext_class; XmLabelGCacheObjClassPart label_class_cache; } XmLabelGCacheObjClassRec; externalref XmLabelGCacheObjClassRec xmLabelGCacheObjClassRec; /* The Label Gadget Cache instance record */ typedef struct _XmLabelGCacheObjPart { unsigned char label_type; unsigned char alignment; unsigned char string_direction; Dimension margin_height; /* margin around widget */ Dimension margin_width; Dimension margin_left; /* additional margins on */ Dimension margin_right; /* each side of widget */ Dimension margin_top; /* text (or pixmap) is placed */ Dimension margin_bottom; /* inside the margins */ Boolean recompute_size; Boolean skipCallback; /* set by RowColumn with entryCallback */ unsigned char menu_type; /* * Following are color resources and instance variables for Gadgets. * Because of problems involving the history of the gadget cache these * variables appear here rather than in XmGadget. * * XmArrowButtonGadget and XmSeparatorGadget have effectively the same * set of color resources implemented for each. * * XmLabelGadget does not use all of these variables (e.g top_shadow_color). * It initializes them and maintains them but does not use all of them * to render the label gadget. They are here for use by subclasses. * * Sterling Barrett * sterling@ics.com */ GC background_GC; GC top_shadow_GC; GC bottom_shadow_GC; GC highlight_GC; Pixel foreground; Pixel background; Pixel top_shadow_color; Pixmap top_shadow_pixmap; Pixel bottom_shadow_color; Pixmap bottom_shadow_pixmap; Pixel highlight_color; Pixmap highlight_pixmap; } XmLabelGCacheObjPart; typedef struct _XmLabelGCacheObjRec { ObjectPart object; XmExtPart ext; XmLabelGCacheObjPart label_cache; } XmLabelGCacheObjRec; /* The Label Widget Class and instance records */ /*************************************************/ typedef struct _XmLabelGadgetClassPart /* label class record */ { XtWidgetProc setOverrideCallback; XmMenuProc menuProcs; XtPointer extension; } XmLabelGadgetClassPart; typedef struct _XmLabelGadgetClassRec { RectObjClassPart rect_class; XmGadgetClassPart gadget_class; XmLabelGadgetClassPart label_class; } XmLabelGadgetClassRec; externalref XmLabelGadgetClassRec xmLabelGadgetClassRec; typedef struct _XmLabelGadgetPart { _XmString _label; /* String sent to this widget */ _XmString _acc_text; KeySym mnemonic; XmStringCharSet mnemonicCharset; char *accelerator; XmFontList font; Pixmap pixmap; Pixmap pixmap_insen; /* PRIVATE members -- values computed by LabelWidgetClass methods */ GC normal_GC; /* GC for text */ GC insensitive_GC; XRectangle TextRect; /* The bounding box of the text or clip */ XRectangle acc_TextRect; /* rectangle of the window; whichever is smaller */ XmLabelGCacheObjPart *cache; Dimension acc_left_delta; /* Amount we increased the margins */ Dimension acc_right_delta; /* to accomodate accelerator text */ Dimension * baselines; /* Cached baseline information. */ XtEnum fill_bg_box; /* Computed by LabelGadget or */ /* pinned by subclasses. */ Boolean check_set_render_table; XmPixmapPlacement pixmap_placement; /* Where to place the icon label. */ Dimension pixmap_text_padding; /* padding between the icon and the text. */ XRectangle PixmapRect; /* The bounding box of the pixmap in TextRect */ XRectangle StringRect; /* The bounding box of the string in TextRect */ #ifdef FIX_1381 GC shadow_GC; #endif } XmLabelGadgetPart; typedef struct _XmLabelGadgetRec { ObjectPart object; RectObjPart rectangle; XmGadgetPart gadget; XmLabelGadgetPart label; } XmLabelGadgetRec; typedef struct _LRectangle { int x, y; int width, height; } LRectangle; /* Inherited Functions exported by label */ #define XmInheritSetOverrideCallback ((XtWidgetProc) _XtInherit) #define XmInheritResize ((XtWidgetProc) _XtInherit) #define INVALID_PIXEL ((Pixel) -1) #define INVALID_PIXMAP ((Pixmap) -1) /* Padding between label text and accelerator text */ #define LABELG_ACC_PAD 15 /* MACROS */ /******** * Macros for cached instance fields */ #define LabG_LabelType(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> label_type) #define LabG_Alignment(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> alignment) #define LabG_StringDirection(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> string_direction) #define LabG_MarginHeight(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> margin_height) #define LabG_MarginWidth(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> margin_width) #define LabG_MarginLeft(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> margin_left) #define LabG_MarginRight(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> margin_right) #define LabG_MarginTop(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> margin_top) #define LabG_MarginBottom(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> margin_bottom) #define LabG_RecomputeSize(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> recompute_size) #define LabG_SkipCallback(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> skipCallback) #define LabG_MenuType(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> menu_type) #define LabG_BackgroundGC(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> background_GC) #define LabG_TopShadowGC(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> top_shadow_GC) #define LabG_BottomShadowGC(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> bottom_shadow_GC) #define LabG_HighlightGC(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> highlight_GC) #define LabG_Foreground(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> foreground) #define LabG_Background(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> background) #define LabG_TopShadowColor(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> top_shadow_color) #define LabG_TopShadowPixmap(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> top_shadow_pixmap) #define LabG_BottomShadowColor(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> bottom_shadow_color) #define LabG_BottomShadowPixmap(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> bottom_shadow_pixmap) #define LabG_HighlightColor(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> highlight_color) #define LabG_HighlightPixmap(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.cache-> highlight_pixmap) /******** * Macros for UNcached instance fields */ #define LabG__label(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label._label) #define LabG__acceleratorText(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label._acc_text) #define LabG_Font(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.font) #define LabG_Mnemonic(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.mnemonic) #define LabG_MnemonicCharset(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.mnemonicCharset) #define LabG_Accelerator(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.accelerator) #define LabG_Pixmap(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.pixmap) #define LabG_PixmapInsensitive(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.pixmap_insen) #define LabG_NormalGC(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.normal_GC) #define LabG_InsensitiveGC(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.insensitive_GC) #ifdef FIX_1381 #define LabG_ShadowGC(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.shadow_GC) #endif #define LabG_TextRect(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.TextRect) #define LabG_AccTextRect(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.acc_TextRect) #define LabG_PixmapRect(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.PixmapRect) #define LabG_StringRect(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.StringRect) #define LabG_PixmapPlacement(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.pixmap_placement) #define LabG_PixmapTextPadding(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w)) -> \ label.pixmap_text_padding) /******** * Convenience Macros */ #define LabG_TextRect_x(w) (LabG_TextRect(w).x) #define LabG_TextRect_y(w) (LabG_TextRect(w).y) #define LabG_TextRect_width(w) (LabG_TextRect(w).width) #define LabG_TextRect_height(w) (LabG_TextRect(w).height) #define LabG_IsText(w) (LabG_LabelType(w) == XmSTRING) #define LabG_IsPixmap(w) (LabG_LabelType(w) == XmPIXMAP) #define LabG_IsPixmapAndText(w) (LabG_LabelType(w) == \ XmPIXMAP_AND_STRING) #define LabG_Cache(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w))-> \ label.cache) #define LabG_Shadow(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w))->gadget.shadow_thickness) #define LabG_Highlight(w) (((XmLabelGadget)(w))->gadget.highlight_thickness) #define LabG_Baseline(w) (_XmStringBaseline ((LabG_Font(w)), (LabG__Label(w)))) #define LabG_ClassCachePart(w) \ (((XmLabelGadgetClass)xmLabelGadgetClass)->gadget_class.cache_part) #define LabG_IsMenupane(w) ((LabG_MenuType(w) == XmMENU_POPUP) || \ (LabG_MenuType(w) == XmMENU_PULLDOWN)) #define _XmAssignLabG_MarginHeight_r(cache, val) \ cache->margin_height = val #define _XmAssignLabG_MarginWidth_r(cache, val) \ cache->margin_width = val #define _XmAssignLabG_MarginLeft_r(cache, val) \ cache->margin_left = val #define _XmAssignLabG_MarginRight_r(cache, val) \ cache->margin_right = val #define _XmAssignLabG_MarginTop_r(cache, val) \ cache->margin_top = val #define _XmAssignLabG_MarginBottom_r(cache, val) \ cache->margin_bottom = val extern void _XmQualifyLabelLocalCache(XmLabelGCacheObjPart *, XmLabelGadget); extern void _XmReCacheLabG_r(XmLabelGCacheObjPart *, XmLabelGadget); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* Close scope of 'extern "C"' declaration which encloses file. */ #endif #endif /* _XmLabelGP_h */ /* DON'T ADD ANYTHING AFTER THIS #endif */