 * Motif
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 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
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 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
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/*   $XConsortium: UilDBDef.h /main/8 1995/07/13 21:03:16 drk $ */


**      User Interface Language Compiler (UIL)
**      This include file defines the interfaces necessry to the binary 
**	data base in the WML & UIL compilers.

#ifndef UilDBDef_h
#define UilDBDef_h

****************** From UilDef.h ***************************************/
#define _BIT_INDEX(_type)	\
            (((unsigned int) (_type)) >> 3)

#define _BIT_MASK(_type)	\
  (1 << (((unsigned int) (_type)) & 0x7))

#define _BIT_SET(table_entry_addr, _type) \
  ( _BIT_MASK (_type) &  \
    ( ((unsigned char *) (table_entry_addr)) \
      [ _BIT_INDEX (_type) ] ) )

**************** From UilSymDef.h *********************************/
**  Hash table size

#define sym_k_hash_table_limit	127

**  Symbol tags.  These values are used in the tag field of every object header
**  to identify the type of the entry.

#define sym_k_error_entry		(127)
    /*	An error entry is used when compilation errors are detected in the  */
    /*	source program.  Its use reduces cascading errors caused by missing */
    /*	information and allows the compilation to continue and thus	    */
    /*	additional errors may be detected				    */
#define sym_k_value_entry		1
    /*	A value entry contains information about a UIL literal value	    */
    /*	(integer, string, compound string, xbitmapfile, argument, color,    */
    /*	icon, etc.).  The b_type field is used to determine the datatype of */
    /*	this value.							    */
#define sym_k_name_entry		2
    /*	A name entry corresponds to a name (identifier) used in the UIL	    */
    /*	source.								    */
#define sym_k_widget_entry		3
    /*	A widget entry represents a widget declaration.  It points off to   */
    /*	the arguments, callbacks, and controls lists for the widget.	    */
#define sym_k_control_entry		4
    /*	A control entry hangs off a list entry and identifes an object	    */
    /*	(widget or gadget) that is controlled.  It also contains the	    */
    /*	managed/unmanaged information.					    */
#define sym_k_forward_ref_entry		5
    /*	forward reference entries are a linked listed of objects	    */
    /*	(widgets/gadgets) that were not defined at the time of the	    */
    /*	reference.  After all objects have been seen, then this list is	    */
    /*	traversed and all objects in it should now be defined and the	    */
    /*	specified pointers can be filled-in.				    */
#define sym_k_external_def_entry	6
    /*	An external definition entry identifies a name that has been	    */
    /*	imported and thus in not declared within this source module.	    */
#define sym_k_argument_entry		7
    /*	An argument entry hangs off a list entry and identifies an object   */
    /*	argument.  It contains informtation about the argument name and	    */
    /*	argument value.							    */
#define sym_k_callback_entry		8
    /*	An calllback entry hangs off a list entry and identifies an object  */
    /*	callback.  It contains informtation about the callback name,	    */
    /*	callback procedure, and callback tag.				    */
#define sym_k_module_entry		9
    /*	A module entry contains information specified on the module	    */
    /*	statement.							    */
#define sym_k_proc_def_entry		10
    /*	A procedure definition entry is created for each procedure listed   */
    /*	in a procedure section.  I contains informaion on the number and    */
    /*	types of the arguments.						    */

#define sym_k_proc_ref_entry		11
    /*	A procedure reference entry contains information about a the use of */
    /*	a procedure (e.g. as a callback).  It also stores the tag to be	    */
    /*	passed to the procedure.					    */
#define sym_k_list_entry		12
    /*	A list entry is a typed list of other symbol table entries. It	    */
    /*	contains a count and a pointer to the next entry on the list via    */
    /*	the obj_header.az_next field.					    */
#define sym_k_child_entry		13
    /*	A child entry represents a declaration for an  			    */
    /*	automatically created child.  It points off to   		    */
    /*	the arguments, callbacks, and controls lists for the child. Since   */
    /*	the structures for widget and child are the same, the		    */
    /*	datastructure for children is really a sym_k_widget_entry_type.	    */
#define sym_k_identifier_entry		14
    /*	identifier entry tag is used for diagnostic messages only	    */
#define sym_k_color_item_entry		15
    /*	entry describing a color.					    */
#define sym_k_gadget_entry		16
    /*	A gadget entry represents a gadget declaration.  It points off to   */
    /*	the arguments, callbacks, and controls lists for the gadget. Since  */
    /*	the structures for widget and gadgets are the same, the		    */
    /*	datastructure for gadgets is really a sym_k_widget_entry_type.	    */
#define sym_k_root_entry		17
    /*	An entry used to group all the other entries together.  It is	    */
    /*	returned in the parse_tree_root field of the compilation descriptor */
    /*	when using the callable interface.				    */
#define sym_k_parent_list_entry		18
    /*	This is a list of parents of a widget.  It is used to check for	    */
    /*	constraints provided by the parent that may be used on this widget. */
#define sym_k_nested_list_entry		19
    /*  This entry occurs as a list entry for a nested list. It occupies    */
    /*  the correct position in the list for the reference to a list, and   */
    /*  points to the actual list entry.                                    */
#define sym_k_include_file_entry	20
    /*	An include file entry is used to describe the contents of an	    */
    /*	include file.  It is needed only maintain information about the	    */
    /*	source file from which this parse tree was generated.  It is not    */
    /*	used by UIL directly.						    */
#define sym_k_section_entry		21
    /*	A section entry is used to describe the contents of an source file. */
    /*	It is needed only maintain information about the structure of	    */
    /*	source file from which this parse tree was generated.  It is not    */
    /*	used by UIL directly.						    */
    /*									    */
#define sym_k_def_obj_entry		22
    /*	This entry corresponds to the default object clause on the module   */
    /*	declaration it is used to store source information about the file   */
    /*	from which this parse tree was generated.   It is not used by UIL   */
    /*	directly.							    */
#define sym_k_UNUSED23_entry		23
#define sym_k_val_forward_ref_entry	24
    /*	val forward reference entries are a linked listed of values	    */
    /*	that were not defined at the time of the			    */
    /*	reference.  After all values have been seen, then this list is	    */
    /*	traversed and all values in it should now be defined and the	    */
    /*	specified pointers can be filled-in.				    */
#define sym_k_max_entry			24
    /*	this is the largest possible value for an entry constant.	    */

**    Common attribute masks -- These values are used in the b_flags field of
**    the object_header.

#define		sym_m_private		(1 << 0)
    /*	This item is private to this source module and thus need not be	    */
    /*	output into the UID file.					    */
#define		sym_m_exported		(1 << 1)
    /*	This is an exported definition and must be put in the UID file.	    */
#define		sym_m_imported		(1 << 2)
    /*	This item is a reference external to this source module and thus    */
    /*	will be resolved at runtime by searching the resourec hierarchy.    */
#define		sym_m_reference		(1 << 3)
#define		sym_m_builtin		(1 << 4)
    /*	This item is builtin as oppose to a userdefined item.		    */
#define		sym_m_obj_is_gadget	(1 << 5)
    /*	This object is a gadget as oppose to a widget.			    */

**	Output states - order is important

#define		sym_k_not_processed	0
#define		sym_k_queued		1
#define		sym_k_emitted		2

**	Constants to define compiler-recognized data types. It is
**	important that the names used in .wml language descriptions
**	match these names. These values were once automatically generated
**	by WML. They are now maintained by hand to reduce compiler
**	dependence on WML artifacts.
**      We have also separated the values loosely into two classes:
**      values which can be used to verify operator legality and values
**      which cannot (see UilSemVal.c -- the legal_operand_type table).
**      There is a comment below denoting where the separation is. Any
**      values above the comment may be used for validation of an operator
**      while any values below may not.
**      The order of the values below is unimportant except that the
**      entries in the uil_datatype_names table in UilData.c must be
**      ordered the same way.
#define sym_k_any_value			1
#define sym_k_bool_value		2
#define sym_k_char_8_value		3
#define sym_k_compound_string_value	4 
#define sym_k_float_value		5
#define sym_k_integer_value		6 
#define sym_k_single_float_value	7
#define sym_k_localized_string_value	8
#define sym_k_wchar_string_value	9
#define sym_k_horizontal_integer_value  10
#define sym_k_vertical_integer_value    11
#define sym_k_horizontal_float_value    12
#define sym_k_vertical_float_value      13
/* Values after here may not be used for operator argument validation */
#define sym_k_argument_value		14
#define sym_k_asciz_table_value		15
#define sym_k_class_rec_name_value	16
#define sym_k_color_value		17
#define sym_k_color_table_value		18
#define sym_k_font_value		19
#define sym_k_font_table_value		20
#define sym_k_icon_value		21
#define sym_k_identifier_value		22
#define sym_k_integer_table_value	23
#define sym_k_keysym_value		24
#define sym_k_pixmap_value		25
#define sym_k_reason_value		26
#define sym_k_rgb_value			27
#define sym_k_string_table_value	28
#define sym_k_trans_table_value		29
#define sym_k_widget_ref_value		30
#define sym_k_xbitmapfile_value		31
#define sym_k_fontset_value		32
#define	sym_k_child_value		33
#define sym_k_max_value			33
#define sym_k_no_value			(sym_k_max_value+1)

 * Error values for all kind of sym_k_... literal set
#define sym_k_error_value		0
#define sym_k_error_object		0
#define sym_k_error_charset		0

 * Literals associated with character sets
 * Character set character sizes
#define sym_k_onebyte_charsize	1
#define sym_k_twobyte_charsize	2
#define sym_k_mixed1_2byte_charsize	3

 * User-defined character set
#define sym_k_userdefined_charset	1

#define sym_k_fontlist_default_tag 	0

**	value sets defining expression operators
#define sym_k_unspecified_op	0
#define sym_k_not_op		1 
#define sym_k_unary_plus_op	2
#define sym_k_unary_minus_op	3
#define sym_k_comp_str_op	4
#define sym_k_wchar_str_op	5
#define sym_k_last_unary_op	5

#define sym_k_multiply_op	6
#define sym_k_divide_op		7
#define sym_k_add_op		8
#define sym_k_subtract_op	9
#define sym_k_left_shift_op	10 
#define sym_k_right_shift_op	11
#define sym_k_and_op		12
#define sym_k_xor_op		13
#define sym_k_or_op		14
#define sym_k_cat_op		15
#define sym_k_last_binary_op	15
#define sym_k_valref_op		16	/* az_exp_op1 points to the value node
					   whose value is referenced by this
					   value node. */
#define sym_k_coerce_op		17	/* az_exp_op1 points to the value node
					   whose value is to be coerced to the
					   data type of this node. */
#define sym_k_last_special_op	17

 * Structure of an enumeration set entry
typedef struct
    short int		values_cnt;
	/* number of values in the enuemration set descriptor		*/
    unsigned short int	*values;
	/* vector of values						*/
    } UilEnumSetDescDef, *UilEnumSetDescDefPtr;

**************** From UilKeyDef.h ************************************/
 *    Token class literals
#define tkn_k_class_argument    1
#define tkn_k_class_charset     2
#define tkn_k_class_color       3
#define tkn_k_class_enumval     4
#define tkn_k_class_font        5
#define tkn_k_class_identifier  6
#define tkn_k_class_keyword     7
#define tkn_k_class_literal     8
#define tkn_k_class_reason      9
#define tkn_k_class_reserved    10
#define tkn_k_class_special     11
#define tkn_k_class_unused      12
#define tkn_k_class_class       13
#define tkn_k_class_child	14

 * Keyword table entry structure
typedef struct 
    unsigned char         b_class;
    unsigned short int    b_subclass;
    unsigned char         b_length;
    unsigned char         b_token;
    char                  *at_name;
    }  key_keytable_entry_type;

************************ New Stuff **************************************/

#define XmStringComponent "XmStringComponent"

 * Names of the tables put in the binary database

#define Constraint_Tab 1
#define Key_Table 2
#define Key_Table_Case_Ins 3
#define Allowed_Argument_Table 4
#define Argument_Type_Table_Value 5
#define Charset_Xmstring_Names_Table 6
#define Charset_Wrdirection_Table 7
#define Charset_Parsdirection_Table 8
#define Charset_Charsize_Table 9
#define Charset_Lang_Names_Table 10
#define Charset_Lang_Codes_Table 11
#define Allowed_Control_Table 12
#define Enum_Set_Table 13
#define Argument_Enum_Set_Table 14
#define Enumval_Values_Table 15
#define Uil_Widget_Names 16
#define Uil_Argument_Names 17
#define Uil_Reason_Names 18
#define Uil_Enumval_names 19
#define Uil_Charset_Names 20
#define Related_Argument_Table 21
#define Allowed_Reason_Table 22
#define Uil_Widget_Funcs 23
#define Uil_Gadget_Funcs 24
#define Uil_Urm_Nondialog_Class 25
#define Uil_Urm_Subtree_Resource 26
#define Uil_Argument_Toolkit_Names 27
#define Uil_Reason_Toolkit_Names 28
#define Child_Class_Table	29
#define Allowed_Child_Table	30
#define Uil_Children_Names	31

 * Binary Data Base Work
#define DB_Compiled_Version 2

typedef struct _db_globals_struct
    int	    version;
    int	    uil_max_arg;
    int	    uil_max_charset;
    int	    charset_lang_table_max;
    int	    uil_max_object;
    int	    uil_max_reason;
    int	    uil_max_enumval;
    int	    uil_max_enumset;
    int	    key_k_keyword_count;
    int	    key_k_keyword_max_length;
    int	    uil_max_child;
} _db_globals;
typedef struct _db_header_struct
    int	    table_id;
    int	    num_items;
    int	    table_size;
} _db_header, *_db_header_ptr;

#endif /* UilDBDef_h */