xray end :== reset --{Erases xray database.} nreflections= --{Allocates space for reflections.} reflection {} end --{Read reflections.} a= b= c= alpha= beta= gamma= --{Unit cell specifications.} symmetry=?|reset| --{Add a symmetry operator to symmetry database. Operators are from the International tables e.g. (-x,y+1/2,-z) and must include parenthesis. Reset removes all operators except identity.} scatter [fp ] [fdp ] --{Scattering factor parameters a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4, c, i The atomic form factor for selected atoms is: f(real)=sum(i=1,4) a[i] exp(-b[i] s**2/4) + c + f' + if''} scatter reset --{Remove current atomic form factors.} scatter ? --{Print info about current atomic form factors.} associate --{Associate a reciprocal space object with the specified atoms. Default: associate fcalc ( not hydrogen ). Multiple associate statements are permitted.} associate reset --{Remove all associate definitions.} aselection= --{Selected atoms with f' enabled.} method=direct|fft --{Use direct summation or fast Fourier transform. Default=fft} target=( ) --{Crystallographic target specification.} dtarget()=( ) --{Define derivative of target with respect to object.} monitor=( ) --{Refinement monitor expression.} tselection=( ) --{Target selection expression.} cvselection=( ) --{cross-validation selection expression.} lookup= --{Use lookup tables for cos, sin, exp.} fft {} end --{Set parameters for fft method.} tolerance= --{Tolerance (in Angstroms) for recalculating structure factors used in target calculation. If tolerance is exceeded, structure factors are re-calculated during calls to energy. Recommended: 0.0 for minimization and 0.2 for dynamics.} wa= --{Overall weight for target function.} do --{Manipulates crystallographic objects.} show --{Show properties of crystallographic objects.} flip --{Flip all friedel mates.} declare end --{Declare crystallographic objects.} undeclare end --{Undeclare crystallographic objects.} rename end --{Rename crystallographic objects.} query end --{Query crystallographic objects.} group end --{Groups crystallographic objects.} ungroup end --{Ungroups crystallographic objects.} generate --{Generate additional reflections to produce a full asymmetric unit of reflections for the specified resolution range.} delete end --{Delete reflections.} expand --{Expand all reflections and symmetry operations to P1.} unexpand --{Un-does the expand statement. This is only possible if reflections and/or symmetry operations were not altered since the last expand statement.} anomalous= --{Non-anomalous / anomalous data.} friedel_average --{Performs averaging of all friedel mates.} mapresolution --{High resolution limit for maps and FFT method.} bins= --{Number of reciprocal space bins. Default=8 Declares a symbol $bin_number.} binresolution --{Resolution limits of reciprocal space binning. declares symbols $bin_resolution_low and $bin_resolution_high.} print target --{Print the current value of the crystallographic target. Also defines symbols: $target, $test_target, $monitor and $test_monitor.} predict end --{Predict crystallographic data.} write reflection {} end --{Write reflection data.} write map {} end --{Write map.} write mask {} end --{Write mask.} read map {} end --{Read map.} read mask {} end --{Read mask.} mask {} end --{Compute a mask.} optimize overall {} end --{Optimize an overall B-factor.} optimize group {} end --{Optimize group B-factors or group occupancies.} optimize bfactor {} end --{Optimize individual (restrained) isotropic B-factors.} special {} end --{Obtain information about special positions.} fmap {} end --{Preparation of flagmap for smf, imf, search tsmap, psearch and lidens.} smf {} end --{Compute Symmetry Minimum Function.} imf {} end --{Compute Image-seeking Minimum Function.} mapyard {} end --{Stores and restores real-space objects in P1.} search {} end --{Rotation and translation searches for molecular replacement.} psearch {} end --{Peak search in P1 map with symmetry relations as defined with fmap.} lidens {} end --{Determine density values in P1 map by linear interpolation.} histogram {} end --{Histogram matching.} peakpick {} end --{Pick peaks from a map.} average {} end --{Average real-space object using mask and non-crystallographic symmetry.} multiscale {} end --{Scaling of structure factors to one another.} statistics {} end --{Print resolution-wise statistics about reciprocal space objects.} skeletonize {} end --{Skeletonization of real space object.} proximity {} end --{Calculate real space objects containing atom object information.}