############################################################################### # Parameter names matched in common.idb: # a # b # c # alpha # beta # gamma # coordinate_infile # grid # high_res # low_res # obs_f # obs_i # obs_pa # obs_pb # obs_pc # obs_pd # obs_sigf # obs_sigi # reflection_infile_\d+ # sg # test_flag # test_set # output_root # write_map # map_mode # xmax # xmin # ymax # ymin # zmax # zmin # minimize_nstep # num_cycles # reftarget # bfactor_nstep # map_type # anneal ############################################################################### # vars: bases_planar info: Atom selection defining bases whose planarity will be restrained. The selection of the appropriate atoms which form a plane is performed automatically. This selection should only include nucleotides, selection of other atoms may lead to inappropriate restraints for non-nucleotide residues. # vars: pucker_\d+ info: Atom selection defining residues whose ribose sugar pucker will be restrained. # vars: form_\d+ info: String defining the ribose sugar pucker for the selected atoms. Puckers can be either A-form or B-form DNA/RNA or user defined. Puckers are maintained by the application of dihedral angle restraints in the ribose ring. The restraints for A-form and B-form are:
Form | Nu2 | Nu3 | Nu4 |
A | 37.053 | -155.59 | 144.26 |
B | -34.90 | -86.40 | 106.4 |
( a11 a12 a13 ) ( a21 a22 a23 ) ( a31 a32 a33 )# vars: skew_vector info: CNS vector defining the translational component of the skew operator. The vector format is:
( a1 a2 a3 )# vars: ncs_op_\d+ info: Flag indicating whether this strict NCS operator should be used. This operator will be used to generate the full asymmetric unit for the calculation of structure factors and nonbonded interactions between NCS related molecules within the asymmetric unit. Crystallographic interactions between the input model and NCS related molecules are not calculated. # vars: ncs_matrix_\d+ info: CNS matrix defining the rotational component of the NCS operator. The matrix format is:
( a11 a12 a13 ) ( a21 a22 a23 ) ( a31 a32 a33 )# vars: ncs_vector_\d+ info: CNS vector defining the translational component of the NCS operator. The vector format is in orthogonal Å:
( a1 a2 a3 )# vars: nb_ncs_op_\d+ info: Flag indicating whether this strict nonbonded NCS operator should be used. This operator will be used to generate additional nonbonded interactions between NCS related molecules. These operators are usually used to define the full crystallographic environment around the input model. These can be used to replace the missing crystallographic interactions between the input model and NCS related molecules. # vars: nb_ncs_matrix_\d+ info: CNS matrix defining the rotational component of the nonbonded NCS operator. The matrix format is:
( a11 a12 a13 ) ( a21 a22 a23 ) ( a31 a32 a33 )# vars: nb_ncs_vector_\d+ info: CNS vector defining the translational component of the nonbonded NCS operator. The vector format is in orthogonal Å:
( a1 a2 a3 )# vars: group.\d+.weight info: The restraint weight in kcal/mole/Å^2 for this NCS group. Each NCS group defines a set of molecules, domains or atoms that are related by NCS symmetry. The restraint weight determines how tightly the NCS is restrained. A weight of 300 to 500 will result in very tight restraints (the NCS related atoms will superimpose with a low RMSD). A restraint weight of 10 will result in very weak restraints (the NCS related atoms may superimpose with a high RMSD). A high weight should be used initially, this weight can then be decreased and the free R-value monitored to determine the optimal weight. # vars: group.\d+.sigb info: The target deviation in Å^2 for B-values between NCS related atoms. This is used in restrained B-value refinement and determines the deviation from the average B-value for NCS related atoms. A value of 2 is suggested by default. NCS related molecules which show large differences in overall B-values may require a increased target deviation. # vars: group.\d+.equiv.\d+ info: Atom selection specifying a set of atoms who are related to the other atom sets by non-crystallographic symmetry. The first selected atom set is used as the reference for superimposing molecules in order to calculate the NCS restraint energy term and forces. This does not imply that the equivalent atoms will be restrainted to the reference. Instead all equivalent sets, including the reference, will be restrained to the average of all sets. # vars: map_coeff_\d+ info: Coefficients for the output electron density map. The type of map (Sigma-A weighted, phase combined etc) is set elsewhere. The possible options are: