{+ file: make_cv.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_util +} {+ description: Setup test array for cross-validation (free R) using a random selection of data. +} {+ comment: Friedel mates are conserved for anomalous data. The test set array can also be extended if it already exists in the data set. In this case, a resolution range or selection should be specified for the generation of the test set. +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {+ reference: A.T. Brunger, The Free R Value: a Novel Statistical Quantity for Assessing the Accuracy of Crystal Structures, Nature 355, 472-474 (1992) +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P2(1)2(1)2(1)"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=61.76; {===>} b=40.73; {===>} c=26.74; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {* reciprocal space array containing test set for cross-validation *} {* this array will be created if it does not already exist and defined for the selected reflections. If it exists the test set will be (re)defined for the selected reflections. *} {===>} test_set="test"; {* number for selection of test reflections: required *} {* ie. reflections with the test set array equal to this number will be used for cross-validation, all other reflections form the working set *} {===>} test_flag=1; {* reflection file - to which test set array will be added *} {===>} reflection_infile="make_cv.hkl"; {======================= test set generation ==========================} {* To generate a new test set, use the whole resolution range and select all reflections. To extend a test array (e.g. to a higher resolution data set), use the xtal_util/merge.inp task file to merge the test set and the new diffraction data, and then use this task file to extend the test set. *} {* percentage of reflections to be used for TEST set - ie. 10% *} {===>} percentage=10.0; {* Resolution limits for generation of test set *} {* Normally, the full resolution range (or larger) of observed data should be used. Use a restricted set when extending an existing test array (e.g, to high resolution). *} {+ table: rows=1 "resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +} {===>} low_res=500.0; {===>} high_res=1.0; {* Additional selection for generation of test set *} {* Normally, select all reflections. Specify this additional selection if the test set needs to be expanded for specific subset(s) of reflections. *} {===>} ref_sel=( all ); {=========================== output files ============================} {* output reflection file *} {===>} reflection_outfile="amy_start.cv"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) xray @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;) a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma reflection @&reflection_infile end if (&test_flag=0) then evaluate ($work_flag=-1) else evaluate ($work_flag=0) end if set echo=off end if ( &BLANK%test_set = true ) then display display *********************************** display Error: test set array not specified display *********************************** display abort else query name=&STRIP%test_set domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then declare name=&STRIP%test_set domain=reciprocal type=integer end do ( &STRIP%test_set = $work_flag ) ( all ) else {- test array can be of type INTEGER or REAL -} if ( $object_type = "COMPLEX" ) then display display ******************************************************** display Error : test set array &test_set has the wrong data type display ******************************************************** display abort end if end if end if set echo=on end do ( &STRIP%test_set = $work_flag ) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sel ) anomalous ? if ($result=FALSE) then do (&STRIP%test_set=&test_flag*int(random()+&percentage/100.)) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sel ) else {- make sure both Friedel mates are included for each test reflection -} do (&STRIP%test_set=&test_flag*int(random()+&percentage/100.)) ( centric and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sel ) do (&STRIP%test_set=&test_flag*int(random()+&percentage/200.)) ( acentric and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sel ) do (&STRIP%test_set=max(&STRIP%test_set,friedel(&STRIP%test_set))) ( acentric and &low_res >= d >= &high_res and &ref_sel ) end if write reflection output=&reflection_outfile end end stop