{+ file: scale.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_util +} {+ description: Relative and quasi-absolute dataset scaling. +} {+ comments: Scales specified datasets relative to a reference dataset. Optionally computes Wilson scale factor for specified "reference" dataset and applies the k(wilson) scale factor to it before relative scaling. Scaling factors are applied to both Fs and corresponding sigmas. +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {+ reference: Wilson, A. J. C. The probability distibution of X-ray intensities, Acta. Cryst. (1949) vol 2, 318 +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P2(1)2(1)2(1)"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=65.508; {===>} b=72.216; {===>} c=45.035; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {* reflection file(s) *} {* specify non-anomalous reflection file(s) (if any) before anomalous reflection file(s) *} {===>} reflection_infile_1="merge.hkl"; {===>} reflection_infile_2=""; {===>} reflection_infile_3=""; {====================== reference dataset ============================} {* amplitude *} {===>} f_ref="f_w4"; {* sigma *} {===>} s_ref="s_w4"; {============= optional Wilson scaling of reference dataset ==========} {* apply Wilson scaling to reference dataset *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} wilson_scale=true; {* resolution range for Wilson statistics computation *} {* Note: Wilson statistics are invalid below 3 A resolution for macromolecules *} {+ table: rows=1 "Wilson resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +} {===>} low_res_wilson=3.0; {===>} high_res_wilson=1.82; {* approximate number of amino acid residues in the asymmetric unit *} {===>} aa_residues=228; {* give any additional atoms of the specified chemical type and the number of these atoms in the asymmetric unit *} {+ table: rows=9 cols=2 "chemical type" "number of atoms in ASU" +} {===>} atom_type_1="C"; {===>} atom_number_1=0; {===>} atom_type_2="N"; {===>} atom_number_2=0; {===>} atom_type_3="O"; {===>} atom_number_3=0; {===>} atom_type_4="S"; {===>} atom_number_4=12; {===>} atom_type_5="Yb"; {===>} atom_number_5=4; {===>} atom_type_6=""; {===>} atom_number_6=0; {===>} atom_type_7=""; {===>} atom_number_7=0; {===>} atom_type_8=""; {===>} atom_number_8=0; {===>} atom_type_9=""; {===>} atom_number_9=0; {=========== datasets to be scaled relative to reference set ==========} {* list datasets which are to be scaled to the reference data set *} {+ table: rows=15 cols=2 "amplitude array" "sigma array" +} {===>} f_1="f_w1"; {===>} s_1="s_w1"; {===>} f_2="f_w2"; {===>} s_2="s_w2"; {===>} f_3="f_w3"; {===>} s_3="s_w3"; {===>} f_4=""; {===>} s_4=""; {===>} f_5=""; {===>} s_5=""; {===>} f_6=""; {===>} s_6=""; {===>} f_7=""; {===>} s_7=""; {===>} f_8=""; {===>} s_8=""; {===>} f_9=""; {===>} s_9=""; {===>} f_10=""; {===>} s_10=""; {===>} f_11=""; {===>} s_11=""; {===>} f_12=""; {===>} s_12=""; {===>} f_13=""; {===>} s_13=""; {===>} f_14=""; {===>} s_14=""; {===>} f_15=""; {===>} s_15=""; {===================== relative scaling options ======================} {* note: scale factors will be computed iteratively using rejection criteria, but will be applied to all reflections *} {* resolution range for relative scaling *} {+ table: rows=1 "resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +} {===>} low_res_scale=500.; {===>} high_res_scale=1.82; {* overall k-scaling between each dataset and reference dataset *} {+ choice: "yes" "no" +} {===>} kscale="yes"; {* overall B-scaling between each dataset and reference dataset *} {+ choice: "no" "isotropic" "anisotropic" +} {===>} bscale="anisotropic"; {* scaling iterations *} {* number of iterations using rejection criteria listed below *} {===>} nscale_iter=3; {* |F|/sigma{F} amplitude cutoff for relative scaling *} {* reflections with |F|/Sigma{F} < cutoff will be rejected if true for one or both F *} {===>} cut_f=1.; {* rms outlier cutoff for relative scaling *} {* reflections with |delta F| > cutoff*rms(|delta F|) will be rejected *} {===>} max_df=8; {* delta F cutoff criterion for relative scaling *} {* reflections with |delta F|/Sigma{delta F} < cutoff will be rejected *} {===>} cut_df=0.0; {=========================== output files ============================} {* merge input data arrays with output arrays, otherwise only the scaled data will be written *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} merge_inout=false; {* reflection filename for scaled data *} {===>} reflection_outfile="scale.hkl"; {* list file for scale factor information *} {===>} list_outfile="scale.list"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) if (&wilson_scale=true) then {- BEGIN MODIFICATION -} topology {- create a dummy residue for isolated point atoms -} residue scat atom=scat type scat mass 10. end end end if (&aa_residues>0) then {- approximate number of atoms: 5 C + 3 N + 1 O -} evaluate ($atom_number=&aa_residues * 5) if ($atom_number > 9999999 ) then display ERROR: number of residues too large (resulting in more than 999,9999 atoms) abort else evaluate ($counter=0) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_number) while ($atom_nn > 0) loop aac evaluate ($atom_ii=min(9999,$atom_nn)) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_nn-$atom_ii) evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) evaluate ($seg="C" + encode ( $counter )) segment name= $seg mole number=$atom_ii name=scat end end do (chemical="C") ( segid $seg ) end loop aac end if evaluate ($atom_number=&aa_residues * 3) if ($atom_number > 9999999 ) then display ERROR: number of residues too large (resulting in more than 999,9999 atoms) abort else evaluate ($counter=0) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_number) while ($atom_nn > 0) loop aan evaluate ($atom_ii=min(9999,$atom_nn)) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_nn-$atom_ii) evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) evaluate ($seg="N" + encode ( $counter )) segment name=$seg mole number=$atom_ii name=scat end end do (chemical="N") ( segid $seg ) end loop aan end if evaluate ($atom_number=&aa_residues ) if ($atom_number > 9999999 ) then display ERROR: number of residues too large (resulting in more than 999,9999 atoms) abort else evaluate ($counter=0) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_number) while ($atom_nn > 0) loop aao evaluate ($atom_ii=min(9999,$atom_nn)) evaluate ($atom_nn=$atom_nn-$atom_ii) evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) evaluate ($seg="O" + encode ( $counter )) segment name=$seg mole number=$atom_ii name=scat end end do (chemical="O") ( segid $seg ) end loop aao end if end if evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&atom_type_$ii=true) loop atm if ( &BLANK%atom_type_$ii = false ) then if (&atom_number_$ii > 9999) then display ERROR: number of atoms too large (> 9999) for &atom_type_$ii abort elseif (&atom_number_$ii > 0) then evaluate ($atom_type_$ii=capitalize(&atom_type_$ii)) segment name=$atom_type_$ii mole number=&atom_number_$ii name=scat end end do (chemical=$atom_type_$ii) ( segid $atom_type_$ii ) end if end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop atm {- coordinates are not required for Wilson scaling but we must initialize the coordinates in order to avoid warning messages -} do (x=0.) ( all ) do (y=0.) ( all ) do (z=0.) ( all ) {- END MODIFICATION -} end if xray a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;) @CNS_XRAYLIB:scatter.lib if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_1 = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_1 end end if if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_2 = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_2 end end if if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_3 = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_3 end end if set echo=off end if ( &BLANK%f_ref = true ) then display display ******************************************************* display Error: reference data set amplitude array not specified display ******************************************************* display abort else query name=&STRIP%f_ref domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display **************************************************************** display Error : reference data set amplitude array &f_ref does not exist display **************************************************************** display abort end if {- note: this array can be of any type -} end if if ( &BLANK%s_ref = true ) then display display *************************************************** display Error: reference data set sigma array not specified display *************************************************** display abort else query name=&STRIP%s_ref domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************************************ display Error : reference data set sigma array &s_ref does not exist display ************************************************************ display abort end if if ( $object_type # "REAL" ) then display display ********************************************************************* display Error : reference data set sigma array &s_ref has the wrong data type display ********************************************************************* display abort end if end if evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop ccc if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then query name=&STRIP%f_$ii domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ********************************************************** display Error : data set $ii amplitude array &f_$ii does not exist display ********************************************************** display abort end if {- note: this array can be of any type -} if ( &BLANK%s_$ii = true ) then display display ********************************************* display Error: data set $ii sigma array not specified display ********************************************* display abort else query name=&STRIP%s_$ii domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ****************************************************** display Error : data set $ii sigma array &s_$ii does not exist display ****************************************************** display abort end if if ( $object_type # "REAL" ) then display display *************************************************************** display Error : data set $ii sigma array &s_$ii has the wrong data type display *************************************************************** display abort end if end if end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop ccc set echo=on end binresolution &low_res_scale &high_res_scale statistics overall completeness selection=( &low_res_scale >= d >= &high_res_scale ) end evaluate ($total_compl=$expression1) show sum (1) ( &low_res_scale >= d >= &high_res_scale ) evaluate ($total_read=$select) evaluate ($total=int(1./$total_compl * $total_read)) end if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if if (&wilson_scale=true) then xray associate fcalc ( all ) {- put reference dataset on an quasi-absolute scale using Wilson statistics -} @CNS_XTALMODULE:wilsonplot ( bins=8; f1=&STRIP%f_ref; wilson_low_res=&low_res_wilson; wilson_high_res=&high_res_wilson; sel=( &low_res_wilson > d > &high_res_wilson and amplitude(&STRIP%f_ref)>0 ); disp=OUTPUT; mess=LONG; KW=$absolute_scale; BW=$absolute_bw; atom_sel=( all ); ) evaluate ($absolute_scale=sqrt($absolute_scale)) buffer harvest display display ******************************************************************** display quasi-absolute scale factor $absolute_scale was applied to reference display data set &STRIP%f_ref (sigma= &STRIP%s_ref) display ******************************************************************** display end do (&STRIP%f_ref=$absolute_scale * &STRIP%f_ref ) ( all ) do (&STRIP%s_ref=$absolute_scale * &STRIP%s_ref ) ( all ) end else buffer harvest display ******************************************************************** display no scaling applied to reference dataset &STRIP%f_ref (sigma= &STRIP%s_ref) display ******************************************************************** end end if xray {- scale all data sets relative to the reference dataset -} declare name=df domain=reciprocal type=real end declare name=s_df domain=reciprocal type=real end evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop rsc if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then buffer harvest display display ************************************************************************ display dataset &STRIP%f_$ii (sigma= &STRIP%s_$ii ) was scaled to reference dataset &STRIP%f_ref (sigma= &STRIP%s_ref) display display k-scaling = &kscale b-scaling = &bscale display display all reflections of both &STRIP%f_$ii and &STRIP%s_$ii were iteratively scaled using : display display k*exp(-(B11 h^2 a*^2 + B22 k^2 b*^2 + B33 l^2 c*^2 display + 2 B12 h k a* b* + 2 B13 h l a* c* + 2 B23 k l b* c*)/4) display end @CNS_XTALMODULE:scalef ( kscale=&kscale; bscale=&bscale; sel=( amplitude(&STRIP%f_ref)>0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 and &low_res_scale > d > &high_res_scale); apply="all"; f=&STRIP%f_$ii; fref=&STRIP%f_ref; s=&STRIP%s_$ii; buffer_name=harvest; ) buffer harvest concatenate (iteration no. 0) end {- compute differences for rejection criteria -} do (df=abs( amplitude(&STRIP%f_ref) - amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) )) ( all ) do (s_df=sqrt(&STRIP%s_ref^2 + &STRIP%s_$ii^2) ) ( all ) show rms (df) ( amplitude(df)>0) evaluate ($rms_df=$result) if ($rms_df=0) then display display Datasets &STRIP%f_ref and &STRIP%f_$ii are identical display else evaluate ($iter=0) {- iterate scale factor using rejection criteria -} while ($iter < &nscale_iter) loop sitr evaluate ($iter=$iter+1) @CNS_XTALMODULE:scalef ( kscale=&kscale; bscale=&bscale; sel=( amplitude(&STRIP%f_ref) > &cut_f * &STRIP%s_ref and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > &cut_f * &STRIP%s_$ii and df > &cut_df * s_df and df < &max_df * $rms_df and &low_res_scale >= d >= &high_res_scale ) ; apply="all"; f=&STRIP%f_$ii; fref=&STRIP%f_ref; s=&STRIP%s_$ii; buffer_name=harvest ) buffer harvest concatenate (iteration no. $iter) end do (df=abs( amplitude(&STRIP%f_ref) - amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) )) ( all ) do (s_df=sqrt(&STRIP%s_ref^2 + &STRIP%s_$ii^2) ) ( all ) show rms (df) ( amplitude(df)>0) evaluate ($rms_df=$result) end loop sitr show ave (1) ( amplitude(&STRIP%f_ref) > &cut_f * &STRIP%s_ref and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii) > &cut_f * &STRIP%s_$ii and df > &cut_df * s_df and df < &max_df * $rms_df and &low_res_scale >= d >= &high_res_scale ) eval ($total_used=$select) eval ($per_used=100*$total_used/$total) show sum ( 1 ) ( &low_res_scale >= d >= &high_res_scale and ( amplitude(&STRIP%f_ref)>0 and amplitude(&STRIP%f_$ii)>0 ) ) eval ($total_rejected=$select-$total_used) eval ($per_rejected=100*($total_rejected)/$total) eval ($total_unobserved=$total-$select) eval ($per_unobserved=100*($total_unobserved)/$total) buffer harvest display display reflections used for computing the scale factor: display resolution range &low_res_scale > d > &high_res_scale display reflections with &STRIP%f_ref / &STRIP%s_ref < &cut_f \ and/or &STRIP%f_$ii / &STRIP%s_$ii < &cut_f rejected display reflections with | &STRIP%f_ref-&STRIP%f_$ii | / \ sigma(| &STRIP%f_ref-&STRIP%f_$ii |) < &cut_df rejected display reflections with | &STRIP%f_ref-&STRIP%f_$ii | > \ &max_df * rms(| &STRIP%f_ref-&STRIP%f_$ii |) rejected display display theoretical total number of refl. in resol. range: \ $total[I7] ( 100.0 % ) display number of unobserved reflections (no entry or f=0):\ $total_unobserved[I7] ( $per_unobserved[F5.1] % ) display number of reflections rejected: \ $total_rejected[I7] ( $per_rejected[F5.1] % ) display total number of reflections used: \ $total_used[I7] ( $per_used[F5.1] % ) display display display ************************************************************************ display end end if end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop rsc undeclare name=df domain=reciprocal end undeclare name=s_df domain=reciprocal end set message=on end set echo=on end set display=&list_outfile end buffer harvest to=display dump end if ( &merge_inout = true ) then write reflection output=&reflection_outfile sele=( all ) end else write reflection &STRIP%f_ref &STRIP%s_ref evaluate ($ii=1) while (&exist_&f_$ii=true) loop rsc if ( &BLANK%f_$ii = false ) then &STRIP%f_$ii &STRIP%s_$ii end if evaluate ($ii=$ii+1) end loop rsc output=&reflection_outfile sele=(all) end end if end stop