coordinate end :== {} swap [selection=] --{Exchanges main and comparison coordinate sets: x,y,z <--> xcomp,ycomp,zcomp; b and q remain unaffected.} copy [selection=] --{Copies main set into comparison coordinate set: xcomp:=x, ycomp:=y, zcomp:=z; b and q remain unaffected.} init [selection=] --{Initializes main set: x:=9999.0, y:=9999.0, z:=9999.0} rotate [center=] [selection=] --{Rotates selected atoms in x,y,z coordinate set by about the defined rotation center. Default center is (0,0,0).} symmetry [selection=] --{Apply symmetry operation to main set. is from the international tables, e.g. (-x,y+1/2,-z), and must include parenthesis. The operator is applied in fractional space. The unit cell constants must be defined.} translate [selection=] vector= [distance=] --{Translate the main set by vector or if a distance is also specified by this distance along the vector .} orient [mass=] [lsq=] [sele=] --{Transforms coordinates into principal axis system.} fit [mass=] [lsq=] [sele=] --{Calculate and apply least squares fit to comparsion coordinate set.} rms [mass=] [sele ] --{Show RMS difference between main and comparison coordinate sets.} orthogonalize [selection=] --{Orthogonalize main set using unit cell dimensions defined in xray.} fractionalize [selection=] --{Fractionalize main set using unit cell dimensions defined in xray.} rgyration [mass=] [factor=] [sele=] --{Calculate radius of gyration for selected atoms.} :== disposition=main|comp|reference|derivative --{Destination for read coordinates.} selection= atom --{Brookhaven Protein Databank atomic coordinate record.} remark --{Brookhaven Protein Databank remark statement.} :== --{The following format is expected: 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 | | | | | | | | ATOM 1223 O GLY 153 -11.704 -9.200 .489 1.00 0.80 MOL1 ccccc ''''Iyyy O,,,,L ........>>>>>>>>////////ppppppiiiiii iii iiii ^ atom number ^ resid ^ x ^ y ^ z ^ q ^ b ^ segid ^ atom name ^ insertion character ^ additional character for some atom names (mostly hydrogens) ^ residue name ^ chain identifier }