danisotropy {<danisotropy-statement>} end <danisotropy-statement> :== assign <atom-selection> <atom-selection> <atom-selection> <atom-selection> <atom-selection> <atom-selection> <real> <real> --{Atom-i atom-j atom-k atom-l atom-m atom-n anis-obs anis-err. Atom-i=center, atom-j=z, atom-k=x, atom-l=y.} class=<classname> --{Starts a new class which applies to all assignment and force entries until another class entry is issued.} coefficient <real> <real> <real> <real> <real> --{Coefficients are: tc anis rhombicity wh wn where, tc = 1/2(dx+dy+dz) anis = dz/0.5*(dx+dy) rhombicity = 1.5*(dy-dx)/(dz-0.5*(dy+dx)) tc is in nanoseconds, wh and wn are in MHz.} forceconstant=<real> --{Force constant for all assignments in the current class. Default = 50.} nrestraints=<integer> --{Number of slots for diffusion anisotropy restraints to allocate in memory. Default = 200.} potential=square|harmonic --{Whether to use anisotropy error or not.} print threshold <real> --{Print anisotropy violations greater than the specified value.} reset --{Erase the anisotropy assignment table but keep nrestraints the same.}