optimize overall end :== name= --{Structure factor whose overall B-factor is optimized. Default=fcalc} drop= --{Expected initial drop in energy. Default=40} nstep= --{Number of optimization steps. Default=20} tolerance= --{Minimum gradient that forces exit of optimization. Default=0.0001} anisotropic= --{If true then the anisotropic components are refined. Default=false} isotropic= --{If true then the isotropic thermal factor is refined. If false, the trace is restricted to zero. Default=true} kscale= --{Refine overall scale. Default=false} bscale= --{Refine overall B-tensor. Default=true} k= --{Initial overall scale. Default=1.0} b= --{Starting isotropic B-factor shift. Default=0} b11= b22= b33= b12= b13= b23= --{Starting anisotropic B-factor shifts. Default=0} restriction=all|offd|none --{Restrictions due to symmetry: - all: all parameters (this is the default). - offd: off-diagonal elements only. - none: no restrictions.} --{The following must be defined: - the reciprocal space object . - target and dtarget(). The following symbols will be declared: - for isotropic B-factor refinement: $kscale * exp(-$bscale s^2 )/4.0 * - for anisotropic B-factor refinement: $kscale * exp(-( $b2_11*h*h*$astar*$astar +$b2_22*k*k*$bstar*$bstar +$b2_33*l*l*$cstar*$cstar +2.0*$b2_12*h*k*$astar*$bstar +2.0*$b2_13*h*l*$astar*$cstar +2.0*$b2_23*k*l*$bstar*$cstar)/4.0) * }