{+ file: model_minimize.inp +} {+ directory: general +} {+ description: conjugate gradient minimization with no experimental energy terms +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger and Paul D. Adams +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file - the selections store1 through store8 are available for general use -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {======================= molecular structure =========================} {* structure file *} {===>} structure_infile="amy_hydrogen.mtf"; {* parameter files *} {===>} parameter_infile_1="CNS_TOPPAR:protein.param"; {===>} parameter_infile_2=""; {===>} parameter_infile_3=""; {===>} parameter_infile_4=""; {===>} parameter_infile_5=""; {* coordinate file *} {===>} coordinate_infile="amy_hydrogen.pdb"; {===================== crystallographic symmetry =====================} {* use crystallographic symmetry *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} use_cryst=true; {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P2(1)2(1)2(1)"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=61.76; {===>} b=40.73; {===>} c=26.74; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {=================== non-crystallographic symmetry ===================} {* NCS-restraints/constraints file *} {* see auxiliary/ncs.def *} {===>} ncs_infile=""; {========================== atom selection ===========================} {* select atoms to be included in refinement *} {* it is essential to include hydrogen atoms if anything other than regularization of geometry is being performed *} {* this should include all conformations if multiple conformations are used *} {===>} atom_select=(known); {* select fixed atoms *} {===>} atom_fixed=(none); {* select atoms to be harmonically restrained during minimization *} {===>} atom_harm=(none); {* harmonic restraint constant - for harmonically restrained atoms *} {===>} k_harmonic=10; {* select atoms in alternate conformation 1 *} {===>} conf_1=(none); {* select atoms in alternate conformation 2 *} {===>} conf_2=(none); {* select atoms in alternate conformation 3 *} {===>} conf_3=(none); {* select atoms in alternate conformation 4 *} {===>} conf_4=(none); {* additional restraints file *} {* eg. auxiliary/dna-rna_restraints.def *} {===>} restraints_infile=""; {===================== minimization parameters =======================} {* number of minimization steps *} {===>} minimize_nstep=200; {* number of cycles *} {===>} num_cycles=1; {* nonbonded cutoff (Angstroms) *} {===>} nonb_cutoff=13; {* dielectric constant *} {===>} dielectric=1; {=========================== output files ============================} {* output coordinate file *} {===>} coordinate_outfile="model_minimize.pdb"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) structure @&structure_infile end coordinates @&coordinate_infile if ( &use_cryst = true ) then xray @@CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg; sgparam=$sgparam;) a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma end end if parameter if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_1 = false ) then @@¶meter_infile_1 end if if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_2 = false ) then @@¶meter_infile_2 end if if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_3 = false ) then @@¶meter_infile_3 end if if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_4 = false ) then @@¶meter_infile_4 end if if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_5 = false ) then @@¶meter_infile_5 end if end if ( &use_cryst = true ) then flags exclude * include bond angle impr dihe vdw elec pvdw pele ? end else flags exclude * include bond angle impr dihe vdw elec ? end end if param nbonds tolerence=? end end evaluate ($toler=$result) evaluate ($ctofnb=&nonb_cutoff-(2*$toler)) evaluate ($ctonnb=$ctofnb-1.0) param nbonds cutnb=&nonb_cutoff ctonnb=$ctonnb ctofnb=$ctofnb eps=&dielectric ? end end if ( &BLANK%ncs_infile = false ) then inline @&ncs_infile end if if ( &BLANK%restraints_infile = false ) then @&restraints_infile end if do (store9=0) (all) evaluate ($nalt=1) evaluate ($alt=1) evaluate ($done=false) while ( $done = false ) loop nalt if ( &exist_conf_$alt = true ) then show sum(1) ( &conf_$alt ) if ( $result > 0 ) then evaluate ($nalt=$nalt+1) end if else evaluate ($done=true) evaluate ($nalt=$nalt-1) end if evaluate ($alt=$alt+1) end loop nalt evaluate ($alt=1) while ( $alt <= $nalt ) loop alt do (store9=$alt) ( &conf_$alt ) evaluate ($alt=$alt+1) end loop alt igroup interaction ( &atom_select and not(attr store9 > 0)) ( &atom_select and not(attr store9 > 0)) evaluate ($alt=1) while ( $alt <= $nalt ) loop alcs interaction ( &atom_select and ( attr store9 = $alt or attr store9 = 0 )) ( &atom_select and ( attr store9 = $alt )) evaluate ($alt=$alt+1) end loop alcs end fix selection=( &atom_fixed ) end fastnb grid end show sum(1) (&atom_harm) if ( $result > 0 ) then evaluate ($harmonic=true) else evaluate ($harmonic=false) end if if ( $harmonic = true ) then do (refx=x) (all) do (refy=y) (all) do (refz=z) (all) do (harm=0) (all) do (harm=&k_harmonic) (&atom_harm) flags include harm end end if evaluate ($cycle=1) while ($cycle <= &num_cycles) loop main if ( &minimize_nstep > 0 ) then minimize lbfgs nstep=&minimize_nstep nprint=5 drop=10.0 end end if evaluate ($cycle=$cycle+1) end loop main print threshold=20.0 bond evaluate ($rmsd_bond=$result) print threshold=50.0 angle evaluate ($rmsd_angle=$result) set display=&coordinate_outfile end display REMARK coordinates from energy minimization display REMARK rmsd bonds= $rmsd_bond[f8.6] rmsd angles= $rmsd_angle[f8.5] display REMARK nonbonded cutoff= &nonb_cutoff Angstroms dieletric= &dielectric display REMARK cycles= &num_cycles steps= &minimize_nstep if ( &use_cryst = true ) then display REMARK sg= &STRIP%sg a= &a b= &b c= &c alpha= &alpha beta= &beta gamma= &gamma end if if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_1 = false ) then display REMARK parameter file 1 : &STRIP%parameter_infile_1 end if if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_2 = false ) then display REMARK parameter file 2 : &STRIP%parameter_infile_2 end if if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_3 = false ) then display REMARK parameter file 3 : &STRIP%parameter_infile_3 end if if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_4 = false ) then display REMARK parameter file 4 : &STRIP%parameter_infile_4 end if if ( &BLANK%parameter_infile_5 = false ) then display REMARK parameter file 5 : &STRIP%parameter_infile_5 end if display REMARK molecular structure file: &STRIP%structure_infile display REMARK input coordinates: &STRIP%coordinate_infile if ( &BLANK%restraints_infile = false ) then display REMARK additional restraints file: &STRIP%restraints_infile end if if ( &BLANK%ncs_infile = false ) then display REMARK ncs= &STRIP%ncs_type ncs file= &STRIP%ncs_infile else display REMARK ncs= none end if remark write coordinates output=&coordinate_outfile end stop