{+ file: cross_rotation.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_mr +} {+ description: Cross-rotation function for molecular replacement +} {+ comment: Real-space rotation function or direct rotation function +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger and Paul D. Adams +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {+ reference: R. Huber, Die Automatisierte Faltmolekuelmethode. Acta Cryst. A19, 353-356 (1965) +} {+ reference: W. Steigemann, Ph.D. Thesis, Technische Universitaet Muenchen. (1974) +} {+ reference: W.L. DeLano and A.T. Brunger, The Direct Rotation Function: Rotational Patterson Correlation Search Applied to Molecular Replacement, Acta Cryst. D 51, 740-748 (1995). +} {+ reference: L.Tong and M.G. Rossmann, Rotation function calculations with GLRF program. Meth. Enzymol. 276, 594-611 +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {======================= molecular structure =========================} {* structure file *} {===>} structure_infile="fab2hfl.mtf"; {* coordinate file *} {===>} coordinate_infile="fab2hfl.pdb"; {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P2(1)"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=44.144; {===>} b=164.69; {===>} c=70.17; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=108.50; {===>} gamma=90; {* reflection file *} {===>} reflection_infile="fab2hfl.hkl"; {* reciprocal space array containing observed amplitudes: required *} {===>} obs_f="fobs"; {* reciprocal space array containing sigma values for amplitudes: required *} {===>} obs_sigf="sigma"; {* resolution limits *} {+ table: rows=1 "resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +} {===>} low_res=15.0; {===>} high_res=4.0; {* Observed data cutoff criteria: applied to amplitudes *} {* reflections with magnitude(Obs)/sigma < cutoff are rejected. *} {===>} sigma_cut=0.0; {* rms outlier cutoff: applied to amplitudes *} {* reflections with magnitude(Obs) > cutoff*rms(Obs) will be rejected *} {===>} obs_rms=1000; {* number of bins for bin-wise resolution-dependent operations and functions *} {===>} bins=10; {* memory allocation for FFT calculation *} {* this will be determined automatically if a negative value is given otherwise the specified number of words will be allocated *} {===>} fft_memory=-1; {========================== atom selection ===========================} {* Select atoms to be included in rotation function. *} {===>} atom_select=(known and not hydrogen); {======================== rotation function ==========================} {* method for cross-rotation function. *} {* The realspace search is fastest, whereas a full direct search takes a long time but is more likely to find a correct solution when the realspace method fails. The fastdirect search takes significantly less time while still preserving much of the accuracy of the full direct search *} {+ list: time requirement for searches "realspace": short "fastdirect": short "direct": long +} {+ choice: "realspace" "fastdirect" "direct" +} {===>} rot_method="fastdirect"; {===================== extent of rotation search =====================} {* use the automatically determined asymmetric unit for the cross-rotation function *} {* if this is disabled the limits defined below will be used instead *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} auto_asu=true; {* rotation convention for user defined limits *} {+ choice: "lattman" "euler" "spherical" +} {===>} rot_mode="lattman"; {* user defined limits on the extent of the rotation search *} {* these are used if automatic extent determination is disabled *} {+ list: limits depend on the rotation convention used. If the Euler mode is used then the limits are expressed in equidistant Euler angles: (1) theta_1 = rotation around the initial Z-axis (2) theta_2 = rotation around the new X-axis (3) theta_3 = rotation around the new Z-axis If the Lattman mode is used then the limits are expressed in pseudo-orthogonal Lattman angles: (1) theta_minus = theta_1 - theta_3 (2) theta_2 = theta_2 (3) theta_plus = theta_1 + theta_3 If the Spherical mode is used then the limits are expressed in spherical polar angles: (1) psi = the inclination versus the Y-axis (2) phi = the angle between the x-axis and its projection onto the x,z plane (3) kappa = rotation about the axis +} {+ table: rows=3 "rotation 1" "rotation 2" "rotation 3" cols=2 "minimum" "maximum" +} {===>} rot1_min=-10; rot1_max=10; {===>} rot2_min=-10; rot2_max=10; {===>} rot3_min=-10; rot3_max=10; {* rotation function angular grid size. *} {* If the parameter is set to -1, the grid will be automatically set to 2 ArcSin[ high resol / (2(a+b+c)/3) ] for the realspace and fastdirect searches. For the direct search the grid will be set to 3 ArcSin[ high resol / (2(a+b+c)/3) ]. *} {===>} angle_grid=-1; {=============== fastdirect rotation search parameters ===============} {* fastdirect: coarseness of initial grid search *} {* the initial coarse search will use the fine angular grid size, defined above, multiplied by this factor *} {+ choice: 3 4 5 6 +} {===>} fastd_gridfac=5; {* fastdirect: maximum number of peaks from coarse direct search to be analysed in subsequent fine grid searches *} {===>} fastd_npeaks=20; {=============== real-space rotation search parameters ===============} {* Patterson vector range - for real-space rotation function only. Patterson vectors with lengths between the two limits are included. Note: the direct rotation function includes all Patterson vectors. *} {* minimum Patterson vector length (in A) *} {===>} patterson_low=5; {* maximum Patterson vector length (in A), if set to -1, the maximum length will be set to the maximum distance between the geometric center of the molecule and any atom in the model. *} {===>} patterson_high=-1; {* Number of Patterson function peaks used - for real-space rotation function only. The specified number of highest peaks are used. *} {===>} npeaks=3000; {========================= cluster analysis ==========================} {* peak cluster analysis threshold (in degrees). Two peaks are defined to belong to the same cluster if the corresponding orientations differ by less than the specified amount. *} {===>} cluster_threshold=10; {* number of highest grid points that will be analysed by the cluster procedure. *} {===>} nlist=1000; {=========================== output files ============================} {+ list: Definition of Eulerian angles appearing in the list file: theta_1 is the rotation around the z axis theta_2 is the rotation around the new x axis theta_3 is the rotation around the new z axis. The maximum range is: 0} rf_list_outfile="cross_rotation.list"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) structure @&structure_infile end coordinates @&coordinate_infile evaluate ($sg_crystal=&sg) evaluate ($cluster_epsilon=sqrt(4*(1-cos(&cluster_threshold)))) evaluate ($angle_grid=&angle_grid) if (&angle_grid=-1) then evaluate ($angle_grid= 2 * asin(&high_res/(2*(&a+&b+&c)/3))) if ( &rot_method = "direct" ) then evaluate ($angle_grid= 1.5 * $angle_grid) end if end if if ( &rot_method = "realspace" ) then evaluate ($grid=0.25) else evaluate ($grid=0.33) end if xray @CNS_XRAYLIB:scatter.lib method=fft fft grid=$grid if ( &fft_memory < 0 ) then automemory=true else memory=&fft_memory end if end bins=&bins query name=fcalc domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then declare name=fcalc domain=reciprocal type=complex end end if end if (&rot_method="realspace") then {- Specify location of Patterson map files.-} evaluate ( $p1_map="cross_rotation_p1.map" ) evaluate ( $p2_map="cross_rotation_p2.map" ) {- Compute center of geometric center. -} show ave (x) ( &atom_select ) evaluate ($xcent=$result) show ave (y) ( &atom_select ) evaluate ($ycent=$result) show ave (z) ( &atom_select ) evaluate ($zcent=$result) {- Compute maximum distance between geometric center and any atom. -} show max (sqrt ((x-$xcent)^2 + (y-$ycent)^2 + (z-$zcent)^2) ) ( &atom_select ) {- Set the outer radius of the integration volume to this value. -} evaluate ( $max_vector = $result ) evaluate ($box_size=3 * $max_vector) if (&patterson_high > 0) then evaluate ( $max_vector=&patterson_high ) end if {- Set the P1 box size. -} xray {- Make Patterson map of model in P1 box.-} a=$box_size b=$box_size c=$box_size alpha=90.0 beta=90.0 gamma=90.0 @@CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg="P1"; sgparam = $sgparam ) binresolution &low_res &high_res mapresolution &high_res generate &low_res &high_res tselection=( &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) predict mode=reciprocal to=fcalc atomselection=( &atom_select ) selection=( &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) end {- Get corresponding Patterson symmetry. -} evaluate ($sg_patt=$sgparam.patt_symm) symmetry reset @@CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=$sg_patt; sgparam = $sgparam ) {- Compute Patterson function with origin removal. -} do (fcalc=combine( amplitude(fcalc)^2-sAVE(amplitude(fcalc)^2) , 0)) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) declare name=map1 domain=real end do (map1=ft(fcalc)) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) write map from=map1 {- Write a hemisphere of Patterson vectors with -} extend=box {- lengths less than $max_vector. -} evaluate ( $m_max_vector=-$max_vector ) xmin=$m_max_vector xmax=$max_vector ymin=$m_max_vector ymax=$max_vector zmin=0.0 zmax=$max_vector automatic=true formatted=false output=$p1_map end undeclare name=map1 domain=real end symmetry reset reflection reset end end end if xray @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg; sgparam = $sgparam ) a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma reflection @&reflection_infile end binresolution &low_res &high_res mapresolution &high_res set echo=off end if ( &BLANK%obs_f = true ) then display display ********************************************************* display Error: required observed amplitude array is not specified display ********************************************************* display abort else query name=&STRIP%obs_f domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************************************** display Error: required observed amplitude array &obs_f does not exist display ************************************************************** display abort end if {- note: this array can be of any type -} end if if ( &BLANK%obs_sigf = true ) then display display ***************************************************** display Error: required observed sigma array is not specified display ***************************************************** display abort else query name=&STRIP%obs_sigf domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************************************* display Error: required observed sigma array &obs_sigf does not exist display ************************************************************* display abort end if if ( $object_type # "REAL" ) then display display ********************************************************************** display Error: required observed sigma array &obs_sigf has the wrong data type display ********************************************************************** display abort end if end if set echo=on end evaluate ($reject_obs=&obs_f) evaluate ($reject_sig=&obs_sigf) evaluate ($obs_lower_limit=0) declare name=ref_active domain=reciprocal type=integer end do (ref_active=0) ( all ) do (ref_active=1) ( ( amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs) > $obs_lower_limit ) and ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) ) statistics overall completeness selection=( ref_active=1 ) end evaluate ($total_compl=$expression1) show sum(1) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($total_read=$select) evaluate ($total_theor=int(1./$total_compl * $total_read)) show rms (amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs)) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($obs_high=$result*&obs_rms) show min (amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs)) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($obs_low=$result) do (ref_active=0) ( all ) do (ref_active=1) ( ( amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs) >= &sigma_cut*$STRIP%reject_sig ) and ( $STRIP%reject_sig # 0 ) and ( $obs_low <= amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs) <= $obs_high ) and ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) ) show sum(1) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($total_used=$select) evaluate ($unobserved=$total_theor-$total_read) evaluate ($rejected=$total_read-$total_used) evaluate ($per_unobs=100*($unobserved/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_reject=100*($rejected/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_used=100*($total_used/$total_theor)) associate fcalc ( &atom_select ) tselection=( ref_active=1 ) end evaluate ($dcoarse_grid=$angle_grid*&fastd_gridfac) set display=&rf_list_outfile end if (&rot_method="fastdirect") then display ! fast direct rotation search: display ! target= E2E2 bins= &bins display ! coarse angular grid= $dcoarse_grid display ! maximum number of coarse grid peaks analysed= &fastd_npeaks elseif (&rot_method="direct") then display ! direct rotation search: display ! target= E2E2 bins= &bins else display ! real-space rotation search: display ! Patterson lengths between &patterson_low and $max_vector display ! npeaks= &npeaks end if display ! at resolution: &low_res - &high_res A if ( &auto_asu = true ) then display ! extent of search: automatic else display ! extent of search: if ( &rot_mode = "lattman" ) then display ! theta_minus: min=&rot1_min max=&rot1_max display ! theta_2: min=&rot2_min max=&rot2_max display ! theta_plus: min=&rot3_min max=&rot3_max elseif ( &rot_mode = "euler" ) then display ! theta_1: min=&rot1_min max=&rot1_max display ! theta_2: min=&rot2_min max=&rot2_max display ! theta_2: min=&rot3_min max=&rot3_max elseif ( &rot_mode = "spherical" ) then display ! psi: min=&rot1_min max=&rot1_max display ! phi: min=&rot2_min max=&rot2_max display ! kappa: min=&rot3_min max=&rot3_max end if end if display ! angular grid= $angle_grid nlist= &nlist cluster_threshold= &cluster_threshold display ! sg= &STRIP%sg a= &a b= &b c= &c alpha= &alpha beta= &beta gamma= &gamma display ! molecular structure file: &STRIP%structure_infile display ! input coordinates: &STRIP%coordinate_infile display ! reflection file= &STRIP%reflection_infile display ! reflections with |Fobs|/sigma_F < &sigma_cut rejected display ! reflections with |Fobs| > &obs_rms * rms(Fobs) rejected display ! theoretical total number of refl. in resol. range: $total_theor[I6] ( 100.0 % ) display ! number of unobserved reflections (no entry or |F|=0): $unobserved[I6] ( $per_unobs[f5.1] % ) display ! number of reflections rejected: $rejected[I6] ( $per_reject[f5.1] % ) display ! total number of reflections used: $total_used[I6] ( $per_used[f5.1] % ) set display=OUTPUT end if (&rot_method="realspace") then xray {- Make Patterson map of crystal.-} evaluate ($sg_patt=$sgparam.patt_symm) symmetry reset {- Switch to Patterson symmetry space group. -} @@CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=$sg_patt; &sgparam = $sgparam ) {- Compute Patterson function with origin removal. -} do (fcalc=0) ( all ) do (fcalc=combine(amplitude(&STRIP%obs_f)^2-sAVE(amplitude(&STRIP%obs_f)^2),0)) (ref_active=1) declare name=map1 domain=real end do (map1=ft(fcalc)) ( amplitude(fcalc)>0 ) write map from=map1 extend=unit automatic=true formatted=false output=$p2_map end undeclare name=map1 domain=real end set abort=off end search rotation p1input=$p1_map formatted=false p2input=$p2_map range=&patterson_low $max_vector threshold=0.0 npeaks=&npeaks if ( &auto_asu = true ) then @@CNS_XTALLIB:cross-rf-asu.lib ( laue_class = $sgparam.laue_class; rfparam = $rfparam ) tmmin=$rfparam.tmmin tmmax=$rfparam.tmmax t2min=$rfparam.t2min t2max=$rfparam.t2max tpmin=$rfparam.tpmin tpmax=$rfparam.tpmax else if ( &rot_mode = "lattman" ) then tmmin=&rot1_min tmmax=&rot1_max t2min=&rot2_min t2max=&rot2_max tpmin=&rot3_min tpmax=&rot3_max elseif ( &rot_mode = "euler" ) then t1min=&rot1_min t1max=&rot1_max t2min=&rot2_min t2max=&rot2_max t3min=&rot3_min t3max=&rot3_max elseif ( &rot_mode = "spherical" ) then psimin= &rot1_min psimax= &rot1_max phimin= &rot2_min phimax= &rot2_max kappamin=&rot3_min kappamax=&rot3_max end if end if delta=$angle_grid list=&rf_list_outfile nlist=&nlist epsilon=$cluster_epsilon end end elseif (&rot_method="fastdirect") then evaluate ($rfave=0.) evaluate ($rf2ave=0.) evaluate ($rfcount=0.) xray tolerance=0.0 lookup=false expand {- Expand data to a P1 hemisphere.-} associate fcalc (&atom_select) bins=10 target=(E2E2(amplitude(&STRIP%obs_f),fcalc)) search direct @@CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg; sgparam = $sgparam) if ( &auto_asu = true ) then @@CNS_XTALLIB:cross-rf-asu.lib ( laue_class = $sgparam.laue_class; rfparam = $rfparam ) tmmin=$rfparam.tmmin tmmax=$rfparam.tmmax t2min=$rfparam.t2min t2max=$rfparam.t2max tpmin=$rfparam.tpmin tpmax=$rfparam.tpmax else if ( &rot_mode = "lattman" ) then tmmin=&rot1_min tmmax=&rot1_max t2min=&rot2_min t2max=&rot2_max tpmin=&rot3_min tpmax=&rot3_max elseif ( &rot_mode = "euler" ) then t1min=&rot1_min t1max=&rot1_max t2min=&rot2_min t2max=&rot2_max t3min=&rot3_min t3max=&rot3_max elseif ( &rot_mode = "spherical" ) then psimin= &rot1_min psimax= &rot1_max phimin= &rot2_min phimax= &rot2_max kappamin=&rot3_min kappamax=&rot3_max end if end if if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal end else set message=off end end if delta=$dcoarse_grid symbol=dcoarse nlist=&nlist epsilon=$cluster_epsilon end set message=on end if ( &fastd_npeaks > $dcoarse_nlist ) then evaluate ($fastd_npeaks=$dcoarse_nlist) else evaluate ($fastd_npeaks=&fastd_npeaks) end if evaluate ($peak=1) while ( $peak < $fastd_npeaks ) loop peaks if ( &auto_asu = true ) then evaluate ($d_tp=$dcoarse_theta1_$peak+$dcoarse_theta3_$peak) evaluate ($d_t2=$dcoarse_theta2_$peak) evaluate ($d_tm=$dcoarse_theta1_$peak-$dcoarse_theta3_$peak) evaluate ($d_tmmin=$d_tm-$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_tmmax=$d_tm+$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_t2min=$d_t2-$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_t2max=$d_t2+$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_tpmin=$d_tp-$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_tpmax=$d_tp+$dcoarse_grid) else if ( &rot_mode = "spherical" ) then evaluate ($d_psimin=$dcoarse_psi_$peak-$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_psimax=$dcoarse_psi_$peak+$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_phimin=$dcoarse_phi_$peak-$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_phimax=$dcoarse_phi_$peak+$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_kapmin=$dcoarse_kappa_$peak-$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_kapmax=$dcoarse_kappa_$peak+$dcoarse_grid) else evaluate ($d_tp=$dcoarse_theta1_$peak+$dcoarse_theta3_$peak) evaluate ($d_t2=$dcoarse_theta2_$peak) evaluate ($d_tm=$dcoarse_theta1_$peak-$dcoarse_theta3_$peak) evaluate ($d_tmmin=$d_tm-$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_tmmax=$d_tm+$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_t2min=$d_t2-$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_t2max=$d_t2+$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_tpmin=$d_tp-$dcoarse_grid) evaluate ($d_tpmax=$d_tp+$dcoarse_grid) end if end if search direct @@CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg; sgparam = $sgparam) if ( &auto_asu = true ) then tmmin=$d_tmmin tmmax=$d_tmmax t2min=$d_t2min t2max=$d_t2max tpmin=$d_tpmin tpmax=$d_tpmax else if ( &rot_mode = "spherical" ) then psimin= $d_psimin psimax= $d_psimax phimin= $d_phimin phimax= $d_phimax kappamin=$d_kapmin kappamax=$d_kapmax else tmmin=$d_tmmin tmmax=$d_tmmax t2min=$d_t2min t2max=$d_t2max tpmin=$d_tpmin tpmax=$d_tpmax end if end if if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal end else set message=off end end if delta=$angle_grid nlist=&nlist epsilon=$cluster_epsilon symbol=dfine end search cluster if ( &auto_asu = true ) then mode=euler else if ( &rot_mode = "spherical" ) then mode=spherical else mode=euler end if end if set echo=off end evaluate ($fpeak=1) while ($fpeak <= $dfine_nlist) loop fine if ( &auto_asu = true ) then peak $dfine_theta1_$fpeak $dfine_theta2_$fpeak $dfine_theta3_$fpeak $dfine_rfvalue_$fpeak else if ( &rot_mode = "spherical" ) then peak $dfine_psi_$fpeak $dfine_phi_$fpeak $dfine_kappa_$fpeak $dfine_rfvalue_$fpeak else peak $dfine_theta1_$fpeak $dfine_theta2_$fpeak $dfine_theta3_$fpeak $dfine_rfvalue_$fpeak end if end if evaluate ($rfave=$rfave+$dfine_rfvalue_$fpeak) evaluate ($rf2ave=$rf2ave+($dfine_rfvalue_$fpeak)^2) evaluate ($rfcount=$rfcount+1) evaluate ($fpeak=$fpeak+1) end loop fine set echo=on end end evaluate ($peak=$peak+1) end loop peaks evaluate ($rfave=$rfave/$rfcount) evaluate ($rf2ave=sqrt($rf2ave/$rfcount-$rfave^2)) set display=&rf_list_outfile end display ! mean of rotation function: $rfave[F9.4] display ! standard deviation around mean: $rf2ave[F9.4] set display=OUTPUT end set message=on end search cluster @@CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg; sgparam = $sgparam) if ( &auto_asu = true ) then mode=euler else if ( &rot_mode = "spherical" ) then mode=spherical else mode=euler end if end if list=&rf_list_outfile nlist=&nlist epsilon=$cluster_epsilon cluster=true end end elseif (&rot_method="direct") then xray tolerance=0.0 lookup=false expand {- Expand data to a P1 hemisphere.-} associate fcalc (&atom_select) bins=10 target=(E2E2(amplitude(&STRIP%obs_f),fcalc)) search direct @@CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg; sgparam = $sgparam) if ( &auto_asu = true ) then @@CNS_XTALLIB:cross-rf-asu.lib ( laue_class = $sgparam.laue_class; rfparam = $rfparam ) tmmin=$rfparam.tmmin tmmax=$rfparam.tmmax t2min=$rfparam.t2min t2max=$rfparam.t2max tpmin=$rfparam.tpmin tpmax=$rfparam.tpmax else if ( &rot_mode = "lattman" ) then tmmin=&rot1_min tmmax=&rot1_max t2min=&rot2_min t2max=&rot2_max tpmin=&rot3_min tpmax=&rot3_max elseif ( &rot_mode = "euler" ) then t1min=&rot1_min t1max=&rot1_max t2min=&rot2_min t2max=&rot2_max t3min=&rot3_min t3max=&rot3_max elseif ( &rot_mode = "spherical" ) then psimin= &rot1_min psimax= &rot1_max phimin= &rot2_min phimax= &rot2_max kappamin=&rot3_min kappamax=&rot3_max end if end if if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal end else set message=off end end if delta=$angle_grid list=&rf_list_outfile nlist=&nlist epsilon=$cluster_epsilon end set message=on end end else display "unknown search method" end if stop