{+ file: mad_phase.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_phase +} {+ description: Computes phase probability distributions from MAD experiment and refine anomalous scatterer parameters against the MAD data. +} {+ comment: The algorithm is a combination of the Phillips & Hodgson method with maximum-likelihood refinement using an error model similar to that of Terwilliger & Eisenberg. Refer to the CNS on-line tutorial for more information. +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {+ reference: J.C. Phillips, K.O. Hodgson, The use of anomalous scattering effects to phase diffraction patterson from macromolecules. Acta Cryst. A 36, 856-864 (1980). +} {+ reference: G. Bricogne, Maximum entropy and the foundation of direct methods. Acta Cryst. A40, 410-445 (1984). +} {+ reference: T.C. Terwilliger, D. Eisenberg, Isomorphous replacement: effect of errors on the phase probability distribution. Acta Cryst. A 43, 6-13 (1987). +} {+ reference: W.A. Hendrickson, J.L. Smith, R.P. Phizackerley, and E.A. Merritt, Crystallographic structure analysis of lamprey myoglobin from anomalous dispersion of synchrotron radation, Proteins 4, 77-88 (1988) +} {+ reference: W.A. Hendrickson, Determination of macromolecular structures from anomalous diffraction of synchrotron radiation, Science 254, 51-58, (1991). +} {+ reference: Z. Otwinowski, In: Proc. CCP4 study weekend 25-26 January 1991 (W. Wolf, P.R. Evans, A.G.W. Leslie, eds.), SERC Daresbury laboratory, 80-85, (1991). +} {+ reference: A.T. Brunger, The free R value: a novel statistical quantity for assessing the accuracy of crystal structures, Nature 355, 472-474 (1992). +} {+ reference: F.T. Burling, W.I. Weis, K.M. Flaherty, A.T. Brunger, Direct observation of protein solvation and discrete disorder with experimental crystallographic phases, Science 271, 72-77 (1996). +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {====================== IMPORTANT NOTE ===============================} {* This input file requires that the data have been properly scaled prior to running this file (absolute scale of "reference" and relative scale between other wavelengths and "reference"). Otherwise, the reflection selection definitions and the occupancies will be ill-defined. *} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P2(1)2(1)2(1)"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=65.508; {===>} b=72.216; {===>} c=45.035; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {* reflection file(s) containing scaled data *} {* specify non-anomalous reflection file(s) (if any) before anomalous reflection file(s) *} {===>} reflection_infile_1="mbp_scale.hkl"; {===>} reflection_infile_2=""; {===>} reflection_infile_3=""; {* Prior phase probability distribution. *} {* Leave blank if not used. *} {* Hendrickson-Lattman coefficient arrays *} {+ table: rows=1 "HL coefficients" cols=4 "A" "B" "C" "D" +} {===>} priora=""; {===>} priorb=""; {===>} priorc=""; {===>} priord=""; {* reciprocal space array containing test set for cross-validation: optional *} {* Leave blank if not used *} {===>} testcv=""; {* number for selection of test reflections. *} {* ie. reflections with the test set array equal to this number will be used for cross-validation, all other reflections form the working set *} {===>} test_flag=1; {* Names of amplitude and sigma arrays for each wavelength that is to be used *} {* Leave empty ("") for unused slots (up to 5 wavelengths) *} {+ table: rows=5 numbered cols=2 "amplitude array" "sigma array" +} {===>} f_w_1="f_w1"; {===>} s_w_1="s_w1"; {===>} f_w_2="f_w2"; {===>} s_w_2="s_w2"; {===>} f_w_3="f_w3"; {===>} s_w_3="s_w3"; {===>} f_w_4="f_w4"; {===>} s_w_4="s_w4"; {===>} f_w_5=""; {===>} s_w_5=""; {============================ sites ==============================} {+ list: Heavy atom database files are obtained from: - Heavy atom searching (xtal_patterson/heavy_search.inp). - Conversion of pdb and mtf files (xtal_phase/cns_to_sdb.inp). - Conversion of pdb file (xtal_phase/pdb_to_sdb.inp). - Manual entry (auxiliary/heavy_atom.sdb). +} {* CNS heavy atom site database files containing heavy atom sites *} {===>} sitedatabase_infile.1="mbp_sites.sdb"; {===>} sitedatabase_infile.2=""; {===>} sitedatabase_infile.3=""; {===>} sitedatabase_infile.4=""; {===>} sitedatabase_infile.5=""; {* reset initial B-values to specified value. If set to -1 then the original values are used *} {===>} initial_bvalue=20; {* reset initial occupancies to specified value. If set to -1 then the original values are used *} {===>} initial_qvalue=1; {* NCS-restraints/constraints file *} {* only strict NCS is allowed *} {* see auxiliary/ncs.def *} {===>} ncs_infile=""; {=================== wavelength-dependent form factors ================} {* List the initial (guessed or theoretical) f' and f'' values for each wavelength *} {* set to zero if not used *} {+ table: rows=5 numbered cols=2 "f-prime" "f-double-prime" +} {===>} fp_w_1=-25.2; {===>} fdp_w_1=10.1; {===>} fp_w_2=-19.7; {===>} fdp_w_2=22.8; {===>} fp_w_3=-9.3; {===>} fdp_w_3=18.2; {===>} fp_w_4=-10.8; {===>} fdp_w_4=10.0; {===>} fp_w_5=0.; {===>} fdp_w_5=0.; {============ selection criteria for phased reflections ==============} {* Resolution range. *} {+ table: rows=1 "resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +} {===>} low_res=500; {===>} high_res=1.8; {======== selection criteria for scaling and refinement target =======} {+ list: for each wavelength specify: - the amplitude cutoff - the dispersive difference cutoff to reference wavelength - the dispersive difference outlier cutoff to reference wavelength - the anomalous difference cutoff - the anomalous difference outlier cutoff +} {+ list: the cutoffs are defined: - amplitude cutoff: f_wav > cutoff * s_wav - dispersive difference: abs(f_wav-f_ref ) > cutoff * sqrt(s_wav^2+s_ref^2) - dispersive difference outlier: abs(f_wav-f_ref ) < cutoff * rms[abs(f_wav-f_ref)] - anomalous difference: abs(f_wav-f_wav_fried) > cutoff * sqrt(s_wav(+)^2 + s_wav_fried^2) - anomalous difference outlier: abs(f_wav-f_wav_fried ) < cutoff * rms[abs(f_wav-f_wav_fried)] NB: dispersive differences are fairly weak, so the cutoff should be small NB: remote wavelengths or weak data require low anomalous difference cutoffs NB: use histograms to determine outlier cutoffs at requested phasing resolution range NB: the rms value is defined with respect to requested phasing resolution range +} {+ table: rows=5 numbered cols=5 "amplitude cutoff" "dispersive difference cutoff" "dispersive difference outlier cutoff" "anomalous difference cutoff" "anomalous difference outlier cutoff" +} {===>} cut_f_1=1; {===>} cut_disp_df_1=0.1; {===>} max_disp_df_1=6; {===>} cut_anom_df_1=0.1; {===>} max_anom_df_1=6; {===>} cut_f_2=1; {===>} cut_disp_df_2=0.1; {===>} max_disp_df_2=6; {===>} cut_anom_df_2=0.1; {===>} max_anom_df_2=6; {===>} cut_f_3=1; {===>} cut_disp_df_3=0.1; {===>} max_disp_df_3=6; {===>} cut_anom_df_3=0.1; {===>} max_anom_df_3=6; {===>} cut_f_4=1; {===>} cut_disp_df_4=0.1; {===>} max_disp_df_4=6; {===>} cut_anom_df_4=0.1; {===>} max_anom_df_4=6; {===>} cut_f_5=1; {===>} cut_disp_df_5=0.1; {===>} max_disp_df_5=6; {===>} cut_anom_df_5=0.1; {===>} max_anom_df_5=6; {* Flag for common selection *} {* If true then all the above criteria are combined to produce a common working set for the target otherwise each LOC has its own selection according to the specified criteria *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} common_work_set=true; {====================== refinement parameters ========================} {* Define reference wavelength. *} {* Usually, a remote wavelength (with small anomalous signal) is used. *} {+ choice: 1 2 3 4 5 +} {===>} ref_wave=4; {* Refinement method *} {+ choice: "maxlike" "chisquare" +} {===>} mad_method="maxlike"; {* K-scaling *} {+ choice: "yes" "no" +} {===>} mad_kscale="yes"; {* B-scaling *} {+ choice: "no" "isotropic" "anisotropic" +} {===>} mad_bscale="anisotropic"; {* Number of positional refinement steps *} {===>} mad_xstep=15; {* Number of individual isotropic B factor refinement steps *} {===>} mad_bstep=15; {* Refine individual atomic B-values for each atom in a group *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} mad_bindgroup=false; {* Number of scale factor refinement steps. *} {===>} mad_kstep=20; {* Number of individual occupancy refinement steps *} {* (do not use if individual f' and f'' are refined) *} {===>} mad_qstep=0; {* Number of f' refinement steps. *} {===>} mad_fpstep=15; {* Number of f'' refinement steps. *} {===>} mad_fdpstep=15; {* Form factor wavelength constraints. *} {* If true, f' and f'' will be constrained to be equal for all atoms at a particular wavelength. If false, f' and f'' will be refined individually for each atom and wavelength. *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} mad_fpconst=true; {* Number of refinement macro cycles. *} {===>} mad_macrocycle=15; {* Integration step size (in degrees) for phase centroid and figure of merit calculation *} {===>} mad_phistep=10; {* Convergence criterion for iterating the estimated model error *} {* The same criterion is used for convergence of the gradients during minimization *} {===>} mad_tolerance=0.01; {* sigma LOC cutoff for automatic outlier detection. *} {===>} mad_cutoff=4; {* minimum b-factor allowed. *} {===>} mad_bmin=1; {* maximum b-factor allowed *} {===>} mad_bmax=300; {* minimum occupancy allowed *} {===>} mad_qmin=0.01; {* maximum occupancy allowed *} {===>} mad_qmax=20; {* minimum f' allowed *} {===>} mad_fpmin=-300; {* maximum f' allowed *} {===>} mad_fpmax=300; {* minimum f'' allowed *} {===>} mad_fdpmin=-300; {* maximum f'' allowed *} {===>} mad_fdpmax=300; {* Centric phase probability distribution *} {* If "yes" uses full 0...360 range for the phase probability distribution of centric reflections in the case of anomalous data. If "no", only the centric phase choices are allowed regardless of the presence of an anomalous signal at the reference wavelength. "yes" is useful if the reference wavelength has a very strong anomalous signal and the phase will thus deviate from the centric phase choices. *} {+ choice: "yes" "no" +} {===>} mad_cen360="no"; {* summation method for structure factor calculation *} {* for small numbers of sites use the direct summation method, for large numbers (more than 10), the fft method may be more efficient *} {+ choice: "direct" "fft" +} {===>} sum_method="direct"; {* grid spacing relative to high resolution limit (for fft summation method only) *} {* use 0.2 for data at or below 3 A, use 0.3 for higher resolution *} {===>} fft_grid=0.2; {* memory allocation (for fft summation method only) *} {* this will be determined automatically if a negative value is given otherwise the specified number of words will be allocated *} {===>} fft_memory=-1; {================ output phase probability distribution ======================} {* Output: combined MAD phase probability distribution (WITHOUT including prior phase information). *} {* Hendrickson-Lattman coefficient arrays *} {+ table: rows=1 "HL coefficients" cols=4 "A" "B" "C" "D" +} {===>} pa_name="pa"; {===>} pb_name="pb"; {===>} pc_name="pc"; {===>} pd_name="pd"; {================ output centroid phases and figure of merit =================} {* Output: name of structure factor complex array with centroid phases and native amplitudes (including prior phase information) *} {* Note: this must have a distinct name different from arrays already in use *} {===>} centroid_phase_name="mad"; {* Output: name of corresp. figure of merit array (including prior phase information) *} {===>} fom_name="fom"; {======================= output files and options ============================} {* Write scaled input data arrays with output arrays, otherwise only output arrays will be written *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} merge_inout=false; {* Calculate structure factors that can be used to compute a gradient map *} {+ list: for example by using the xtal_util/fourier_map.inp input file The quantity - d target / d fcalc will be returned in array "grad" in file [output_root]_grad.hkl +} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} gradient_map=true; {* Root name for output files. *} {+ list: Ouput filenames will be .hkl: scaled data, phases, foms, hl coefficients .summary: summary of refinement. .fp: summary of final f' and f'' values. .sdb: refined coordinate heavy atom database. +} {===>} output_root="mad_phase"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) @CNS_XTALMODULE:read_multi_sdb (filegroup=&sitedatabase_infile; use_array=store3; fix_array=store4; sg_expected=&sg; sg_read=$sg_read;) show sum (1) (store3) eval($n_use_sites = $select) show sum (1) (store4) eval($n_fix_sites = $select) @CNS_XTALMODULE:coord_to_sdb (sitedb=$allsites; use_array=store3; fix_array=store4; selection=(all);) if (&initial_bvalue > 0) then do (b=&initial_bvalue) ( all ) end if if (&initial_qvalue > 0) then do (q=&initial_qvalue) ( all ) end if evaluate ($n_wave=5) { maximum number of wavelengths: 5 (fixed)} evaluate ($ref_wave=&ref_wave) {- Create duplicate anonalous scatterer sites for each LOC. The segids are encoded according to the particular LOC, e.g., TO+2 refers to the F->Fref LOC and TO-2 refers to the Friedel(F)->Fref LOC. -} delete sele=(not(store3)) end do (segid="") ( all ) evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop dup if ($i_wave # $ref_wave) then if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then evaluate ($UP="TO+"+encode($i_wave)) evaluate ($DOWN="TO-"+encode($i_wave)) duplicate selection=( segid "" ) segid=$UP end duplicate selection=( segid "" ) segid=$DOWN end end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop dup {- Make the site for the reference wavelength. -} evaluate ($DOWN="TO-"+encode($ref_wave)) do (segid=$DOWN) ( segid "" ) xray @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;) a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma if (&blank%reflection_infile_1 = false) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_1 end end if if (&blank%reflection_infile_2 = false) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_2 end end if if (&blank%reflection_infile_3 = false) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_3 end end if set echo=off end anomalous ? if ( $result = false ) then display >>>> error: Anomalous must be true for MAD refinement display check input reflection files for ANOMalous=FALSE end if set echo=on end {- declare zero array -} declare name=null domain=reciprocal type=real end do (null=0) ( all ) if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if {- check that all reciprocal space objects are defined -} evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop ccc if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then query name=&strip%f_w_$i_wave domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display **************************************************************** display wavelength $i_wave : amplitude array &f_w_$i_wave does not exist display **************************************************************** display abort end if {- this array can be of any type -} if (&blank%s_w_$i_wave = true) then display display ********************************************** display wavelength $i_wave : sigma array not specified display ********************************************** display abort else query name=&strip%s_w_$i_wave domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************************************ display wavelength $i_wave : sigma array &s_w_$i_wave does not exist display ************************************************************ display abort end if if ( $object_type # "REAL" ) then display display ********************************************************************* display wavelength $i_wave : sigma array &s_w_$i_wave has the wrong data type display ********************************************************************* display abort end if end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop ccc {- note: the test array is optional -} if (&blank%testcv = false ) then query name=&strip%testcv domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************* display test set array &testcv does not exist display ************************************* display abort end if if ( $object_type = "COMPLEX" ) then display display ********************************************** display test set array &testcv has the wrong data type display ********************************************** display abort end if end if {- note: the prior phase probability distribution is optional -} if (&blank%priora = false ) then @@CNS_XTALMODULE:check_abcd (pa=&priora; pb=&priorb; pc=&priorc; pd=&priord;) end if evaluate ($testcv=&testcv) if (&blank%testcv=true) then evaluate ($testcv="null") end if evaluate ($priora=&priora) evaluate ($priorb=&priorb) evaluate ($priorc=&priorc) evaluate ($priord=&priord) if (&blank%priora=true) then evaluate ($priora="null") evaluate ($priorb="null") evaluate ($priorc="null") evaluate ($priord="null") end if if (&blank%pa_name=true) then display display *********************************************************** display output phase probability distribution A array not specified display *********************************************************** display abort elseif (&blank%pb_name=true) then display display *********************************************************** display output phase probability distribution B array not specified display *********************************************************** display abort elseif (&blank%pc_name=true) then display display *********************************************************** display output phase probability distribution C array not specified display *********************************************************** display abort elseif (&blank%pd_name=true) then display display *********************************************************** display output phase probability distribution D array not specified display *********************************************************** display abort elseif (&blank%fom_name=true) then display display ****************************************** display output figure of merit array not specified display ****************************************** display abort elseif (&blank%centroid_phase_name=true) then display display ***************************************************** display output amplitude / centroid phase array not specified display ***************************************************** display abort end if buffer harvest display sg= &strip%sg display a= &a b= &b c= &c alpha= &alpha beta= &beta gamma= &gamma display display number of used sites = $n_use_sites display number of fixed sites = $n_fix_sites display display Selection criteria for scaling and refinement: end evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop prt if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then if ($i_wave=$ref_wave) then buffer harvest display wavelength $i_wave: ampl= &strip%f_w_$i_wave sigma= &strip%s_w_$i_wave\ <- reference wavelength display sigma-cut= &cut_f_$i_wave display anomalous diff.: sigma-cut= &cut_anom_df_$i_wave\ rms-cut= &max_anom_df_$i_wave end else buffer harvest display wavelength $i_wave: ampl= &strip%f_w_$i_wave sigma= &strip%s_w_$i_wave display sigma-cut= &cut_f_$i_wave display anomalous diff.: sigma-cut= &cut_anom_df_$i_wave rms-cut=\ &max_anom_df_$i_wave display dispersive diff.: sigma-cut= &cut_disp_df_$i_wave rms-cut=\ &max_disp_df_$i_wave (vs. &strip%f_w_$ref_wave ) end end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop prt buffer harvest display end if (&blank%priora = false) then buffer harvest display Prior phase probability distribution &priora , &priorb , &priorc , &priord end else buffer harvest display No prior phase probability distribution used end end if display if (&blank%testcv = false) then buffer harvest display Using cross-validation with test set &testcv end else buffer harvest display No cross-validation is used end end if buffer harvest display display Reflections in the range &low_res < d < &high_res A \ are phased regardless of the above criteria. end declare name=&strip%pa_name domain=reciprocal type=real end {type=hl } declare name=&strip%pb_name domain=reciprocal type=real end {type=hl } declare name=&strip%pc_name domain=reciprocal type=real end {type=hl } declare name=&strip%pd_name domain=reciprocal type=real end {type=hl } group type=hl object=&strip%pa_name object=&strip%pb_name object=&strip%pc_name object=&strip%pd_name end declare name=&strip%centroid_phase_name domain=reciprocal type=complex end declare name=&strip%fom_name domain=reciprocal type=real end {- Store reference data set in &strip%centroid_phase_name -} do (&strip%centroid_phase_name=amplitude(&strip%f_w_$ref_wave )) ( all ) { Declare and store Friedel mates for all wavelengths in separate arrays. } { For each observed reflection the value of the Friedel mate is stored } { in the F_W*_FRIED arrays if it exists (existence of the Friedel mate is } { indicated by the friedel_pair operator. } evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop frd evaluate ($f_w_fried_$i_wave=&f_w_$i_wave+"_FRIED") evaluate ($s_w_fried_$i_wave=&s_w_$i_wave+"_FRIED") if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then declare name=$strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave domain=reciprocal type=real end declare name=$strip%s_w_fried_$i_wave domain=reciprocal type=real end do ($strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave=friedel(amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave))) ( friedel_pair(true)) do ($strip%s_w_fried_$i_wave=friedel(amplitude(&strip%s_w_$i_wave))) ( friedel_pair(true)) end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop frd { define selections for all LOCs } { amplitude-based cutoffs and anomalous cutoffs. } { exclude centrics from anomalous cutoffs. } evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop selc if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then evaluate ($sha_$i_wave="sha_"+encode($i_wave)) declare name=$strip%sha_$i_wave type=integer domain=reciprocal end do ($strip%sha_$i_wave=1) ( all ) {- amplitude-based cutoffs -} do ($strip%sha_$i_wave=0) ( &strip%f_w_$i_wave = 0 or $strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave = 0 or amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave) <= &cut_f_$i_wave * &strip%s_w_$i_wave or amplitude($strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave) <= &cut_f_$i_wave * $strip%s_w_fried_$i_wave) {- anomalous difference based cutoffs -} show rms (abs(amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave)-amplitude($strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave))) ( friedel_pair(amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave)>0) and &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) evaluate ($rms_df=$result) if ($rms_df < 0.001) then buffer harvest display display ******************************************************** display no anomalous signal present for wavelength &strip%f_w_$i_wave display anomalous difference of this wavelength not used for phasing display ******************************************************** display end evaluate ($anom_$i_wave=false) else evaluate ($anom_$i_wave=true) do ($strip%sha_$i_wave=0) (( abs(amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave)-amplitude($strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave) ) <= &cut_anom_df_$i_wave * sqrt(&strip%s_w_$i_wave^2 + $strip%s_w_fried_$i_wave^2) or abs(amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave)-amplitude($strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave) ) >= &max_anom_df_$i_wave * $rms_df ) and not centric ) end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop selc {- dispersive cutoffs (for both Friedel LOCs) -} evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop sel2 if ($i_wave # $ref_wave) then if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then show rms (abs(amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave)-amplitude(&strip%f_w_$ref_wave) )) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave)>0 and amplitude(&strip%f_w_$ref_wave)>0 ) evaluate ($rms_df=$result) if ($rms_df < 0.001) then buffer harvest display display *************************************************************** display no dispersive signal present between wavelengths \ &strip%f_w_$i_wave and &strip%f_w_$ref_wave display aborting program display *************************************************************** display abort end else do ($strip%sha_$i_wave=0) ($strip%sha_$i_wave=0 or abs(amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave)-amplitude(&strip%f_w_$ref_wave) ) <= &cut_disp_df_$i_wave * sqrt(&strip%s_w_$i_wave^2 + &strip%s_w_$ref_wave^2) or abs(amplitude(&strip%f_w_$i_wave)-amplitude(&strip%f_w_$ref_wave) ) >= &max_disp_df_$i_wave * $rms_df ) do ($strip%sha_$i_wave=0) ($strip%sha_$i_wave=0 or abs(amplitude($strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave)-amplitude($strip%f_w_fried_$ref_wave) ) <= &cut_disp_df_$i_wave * sqrt($strip%s_w_fried_$i_wave^2 + $strip%s_w_fried_$ref_wave^2) or abs(amplitude($strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave)-amplitude($strip%f_w_fried_$ref_wave) ) >= &max_disp_df_$i_wave * $rms_df ) end if end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop sel2 if (&common_work_set=true) then { produce a common working set (for the phasing and refinement target) for all LOCs } declare name=w_sel domain=reciprocal type=real end do (w_sel=1) ( all ) evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop comm if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then do (w_sel=0) ( $strip%sha_$i_wave =0 ) end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop comm evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop com2 if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then do ( $strip%sha_$i_wave = w_sel ) ( all ) end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop com2 undeclare name=w_sel domain=reciprocal end end if {- check that all working sets are large enough -} {- get number of phased reflections -} show sum ( 1 ) ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&strip%f_w_$ref_wave)>0 ) evaluate ($n_phase_set=$result) display TAB total # of reflections to be phased : $n_phase_set evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop chck if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then show sum ( $strip%sha_$i_wave ) ( all ) display TAB wavelength $i_wave: # of refl. selected for scal. and ref. target: $result evaluate ($threshold=0.2 * $n_phase_set ) if ($result < $threshold) then display display ******************************************************** display Error: selection of reflections used for scaling and display refinement target for wavelength $i_wave produces display only $result reflections out of $n_phase_set display reflections that will be phased. This is less than 20% display and may produce unstable refinements. Check your display selections and increase the number of selected reflections. display abort end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop chck end { define gradient maps } xray if (&gradient_map=true) then declare name=grad type=complex domain=reciprocal end end if evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop fr3 evaluate ($grad_map_f_$i_wave=&f_w_$i_wave+"_fgrad") evaluate ($grad_map_$i_wave=&f_w_$i_wave+"_grad") if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then if (&gradient_map=true) then declare name=$strip%grad_map_f_$i_wave type=complex domain=reciprocal end do ($strip%grad_map_f_$i_wave=0) ( all ) if ($i_wave # $ref_wave) then declare name=$strip%grad_map_$i_wave type=complex domain=reciprocal end do ($strip%grad_map_$i_wave=0) ( all ) end if else evaluate ($grad_map_$i_wave="") evaluate ($grad_map_f_$i_wave="") end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop fr3 end @CNS_XTALMODULE:get_subgroups (selection=(all); subgroups=$subgroups;) xray {Reference wavelength.} evaluate ($fp_ref=&fp_w_$ref_wave) evaluate ($fdp_ref=&fdp_w_$ref_wave) if (&mad_fpconst=true) then { constrained f', f'' refinement - make step number positive } evaluate ($mad_fpstep=abs(&mad_fpstep)) evaluate ($mad_fdpstep=abs(&mad_fdpstep)) else { constrained f', f'' refinement, make step number negative } evaluate ($mad_fpstep=-abs(&mad_fpstep)) evaluate ($mad_fdpstep=-abs(&mad_fdpstep)) end if { Set up scattering tables. } evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop sct if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false ) then evaluate ($UP="TO+"+encode($i_wave)) evaluate ($DOWN="TO-"+encode($i_wave)) {fref+ -> f_w+} evaluate ($fp=&fp_w_$i_wave - $fp_ref) evaluate ($fdp=&fdp_w_$i_wave - $fdp_ref) evaluate ($counter=1) while ( $counter <= $subgroups.num ) loop sub if (&mad_fpconst=true) then SCATter ( segid $UP and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fp $fp fdp $fdp else for $indx in id ( tag and segid $UP ) loop in1 SCATter ( byresidue ( id $indx ) and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fp $fp fdp $fdp end loop in1 end if evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) end loop sub {fref+ -> f_w-} evaluate ($fp=&fp_w_$i_wave - $fp_ref) evaluate ($fdp=-(&fdp_w_$i_wave + $fdp_ref)) evaluate ($counter=1) while ( $counter <= $subgroups.num ) loop sub if (&mad_fpconst=true) then SCATter ( segid $DOWN and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fp $fp fdp $fdp else for $indx in id ( tag and segid $DOWN ) loop in2 SCATter ( byresidue ( id $indx ) and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fp $fp fdp $fdp end loop in2 end if evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) end loop sub end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop sct end { Set up flags that indicate which lack-of-closure expressions should be used. } { Set up flags for fp refinement. } evaluate ($iloc=1) evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop flag if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = true) then evaluate ($on_off_$iloc="off") evaluate ($fp_$iloc=0) evaluate ($iloc=$iloc+1) evaluate ($on_off_$iloc="off") evaluate ($fp_$iloc=0) evaluate ($iloc=$iloc+1) elseif ($i_wave = $ref_wave) then { For the reference wavelength don't use the trivial Fref->Fref LOC. } evaluate ($on_off_$iloc="off") evaluate ($fp_$iloc=0) evaluate ($iloc=$iloc+1) { For the reference wavelength just use the Friedel(Fref)->Fref LOC. unless anomalous signal is missing } if ($anom_$i_wave=true) then evaluate ($on_off_$iloc="on") { fp is not refined for the Friedel(Fref)->Fref LOC. } evaluate ($fp_$iloc=0) evaluate ($iloc=$iloc+1) else evaluate ($on_off_$iloc="off") evaluate ($fp_$iloc=0) evaluate ($iloc=$iloc+1) end if else { For all other available wavelengths: } evaluate ($on_off_$iloc="on") evaluate ($fp_$iloc=$mad_fpstep) evaluate ($iloc=$iloc+1) { don't use if no anomalous signal is present } if ($anom_$i_wave=true) then evaluate ($on_off_$iloc="on") evaluate ($fp_$iloc=$mad_fpstep) evaluate ($iloc=$iloc+1) else evaluate ($on_off_$iloc="off") evaluate ($fp_$iloc=0) evaluate ($iloc=$iloc+1) end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop flag if (&blank%ncs_infile = false) then inline @&ncs_infile end if evaluate ($summary_out_file=&output_root+".summary") set display=$summary_out_file end buffer harvest to=display dump end set display=OUTPUT end @CNS_XTALMODULE:siterefine( list= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; fp=&strip%centroid_phase_name; sp=&strip%s_w_$ref_wave; priora=$strip%priora; {prior probability} {HL} priorb=$strip%priorb; {prior probability} {HL} priorc=$strip%priorc; {prior probability} {HL} priord=$strip%priord; {prior probability} {HL} pa=&strip%pa_name; {output probability Hendrickson and Lattman A array} pb=&strip%pb_name; {output probability Hendrickson and Lattman B array} pc=&strip%pc_name; {output probability Hendrickson and Lattman C array} pd=&strip%pd_name; {output probability Hendrickson and Lattman D array} fom=&strip%fom_name; scatter="" ; summary=$summary_out_file; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 1: wavelength 1 vs. reference.} {===============================================================} on_off_1=$on_off_1; fph_1=&f_w_1; sph_1=&s_w_1; target_set_1=($strip%sha_1=1) ; target_set_a_1=( none ); h_1=(segid "TO+1"); hfix_1=(none); xstep_1=&mad_xstep; qstep_1=&mad_qstep; bstep_1=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_1=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_1=$fp_1; fdpstep_1=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_1=&mad_kstep; kscale_1=&mad_kscale; bscale_1=&mad_bscale; grad_map_1=$strip%grad_map_1; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 2: friedel(wavelength 1) vs. reference.} {========================================================================} on_off_2=$on_off_2; fph_2=$strip%f_w_fried_1; sph_2=$strip%s_w_fried_1; target_set_2=($strip%sha_1=1) ; target_set_a_2=( none ); h_2=(segid "TO-1"); hfix_2=(none); xstep_2=&mad_xstep; qstep_2=&mad_qstep; bstep_2=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_2=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_2=$fp_2; fdpstep_2=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_2=&mad_kstep; kscale_2=&mad_kscale; bscale_2=&mad_bscale; grad_map_2=$strip%grad_map_f_1; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 3: wavelength 2 vs. reference.} {===============================================================} on_off_3=$on_off_3; fph_3=&f_w_2; sph_3=&s_w_2; target_set_3=($strip%sha_2=1) ; target_set_a_3=( none ); h_3=(segid "TO+2"); hfix_3=(none); xstep_3=&mad_xstep; qstep_3=&mad_qstep; bstep_3=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_3=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_3=$fp_3; fdpstep_3=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_3=&mad_kstep; kscale_3=&mad_kscale; bscale_3=&mad_bscale; grad_map_3=$strip%grad_map_2; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 4: friedel(wavelength 2) vs. reference.} {========================================================================} on_off_4=$on_off_4; fph_4=$strip%f_w_fried_2; sph_4=$strip%s_w_fried_2; target_set_4=($strip%sha_2=1) ; target_set_a_4=( none ); h_4=(segid "TO-2"); hfix_4=(none); xstep_4=&mad_xstep; qstep_4=&mad_qstep; bstep_4=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_4=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_4=$fp_4; fdpstep_4=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_4=&mad_kstep; kscale_4=&mad_kscale; bscale_4=&mad_bscale; grad_map_4=$strip%grad_map_f_2; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 5: wavelength 3 vs. reference.} {===============================================================} on_off_5=$on_off_5; fph_5=&f_w_3; sph_5=&s_w_3; target_set_5=($strip%sha_3=1) ; target_set_a_5=( none ); h_5=(segid "TO+3"); hfix_5=(none); xstep_5=&mad_xstep; qstep_5=&mad_qstep; bstep_5=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_5=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_5=$fp_5; fdpstep_5=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_5=&mad_kstep; kscale_5=&mad_kscale; bscale_5=&mad_bscale; grad_map_5=$strip%grad_map_3; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 6: friedel(wavelength 3) vs. reference.} {========================================================================} on_off_6=$on_off_6; fph_6=$strip%f_w_fried_3; sph_6=$strip%s_w_fried_3; target_set_6=($strip%sha_3=1) ; target_set_a_6=( none ); h_6=(segid "TO-3"); hfix_6=(none); xstep_6=&mad_xstep; qstep_6=&mad_qstep; bstep_6=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_6=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_6=$fp_6; fdpstep_6=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_6=&mad_kstep; kscale_6=&mad_kscale; bscale_6=&mad_bscale; grad_map_6=$strip%grad_map_f_3; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 7: wavelength 4 vs. reference.} {===============================================================} on_off_7=$on_off_7; fph_7=&f_w_4; sph_7=&s_w_4; target_set_7=($strip%sha_4=1) ; target_set_a_7=( none ); h_7=(segid "TO+4"); hfix_7=(none); xstep_7=&mad_xstep; qstep_7=&mad_qstep; bstep_7=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_7=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_7=$fp_7; fdpstep_7=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_7=&mad_kstep; kscale_7=&mad_kscale; bscale_7=&mad_bscale; grad_map_7=$strip%grad_map_4; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 8: friedel(wavelength 4) vs. reference.} {========================================================================} on_off_8=$on_off_8; fph_8=$strip%f_w_fried_4; sph_8=$strip%s_w_fried_4; target_set_8=($strip%sha_4=1) ; target_set_a_8=( none ); h_8=(segid "TO-4"); hfix_8=(none); xstep_8=&mad_xstep; qstep_8=&mad_qstep; bstep_8=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_8=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_8=$fp_8; fdpstep_8=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_8=&mad_kstep; kscale_8=&mad_kscale; bscale_8=&mad_bscale; grad_map_8=$strip%grad_map_f_4; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 9: wavelength 5 vs. reference.} {===============================================================} on_off_9=$on_off_9; fph_9=&f_w_5; sph_9=&s_w_5; target_set_9=($strip%sha_5=1) ; target_set_a_9=( none ); h_9=(segid "TO+5"); hfix_9=(none); xstep_9=&mad_xstep; qstep_9=&mad_qstep; bstep_9=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_9=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_9=$fp_9; fdpstep_9=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_9=&mad_kstep; kscale_9=&mad_kscale; bscale_9=&mad_bscale; grad_map_9=$strip%grad_map_5; {Lack-of-closure (LOC) expression 10: friedel(wavelength 5) vs. reference.} {========================================================================} on_off_10=$on_off_10; fph_10=$strip%f_w_fried_5; sph_10=$strip%s_w_fried_5; target_set_10=($strip%sha_5=1) ; target_set_a_10=( none ); h_10=(segid "TO-5"); hfix_10=(none); xstep_10=&mad_xstep; qstep_10=&mad_qstep; bstep_10=&mad_bstep; bindgroup_10=&mad_bindgroup; fpstep_10=$fp_10; fdpstep_10=$mad_fdpstep; kstep_10=&mad_kstep; kscale_10=&mad_kscale; bscale_10=&mad_bscale; grad_map_10=$strip%grad_map_f_5; {GLOBAL PARAMETERS} {=================} phase_set=( &low_res >= d >= &high_res and amplitude(&strip%f_w_$ref_wave)>0 ) ; test_array=$strip%testcv ; test_flag=&test_flag ; text="this is a test"; messages="normal"; method=&mad_method; integration="analytic"; sum_method=&sum_method; fft_grid=&fft_grid; fft_memory=&fft_memory; macrocycle=&mad_macrocycle; tolerance=&mad_tolerance; iteration=4; cutoff=&mad_cutoff; epsilon="yes"; resetzero=0.001; zerovar=0.001; phistep=&mad_phistep; workbin=8; bmin=&mad_bmin; bmax=&mad_bmax; qmin=&mad_qmin; qmax=&mad_qmax; fpmin=&mad_fpmin; fpmax=&mad_fpmax; fdpmin=&mad_fdpmin; fdpmax=&mad_fdpmax; anomalous_mode="deltaf"; ref_wavelength=$ref_wave; ref_fp=$fp_ref; cen360=&mad_cen360; qmaxshift=0.4; fpmaxshift=10.; fdpmaxshift=10.; bmaxshift=20; ) buffer harvest to=remarks dump end if (&gradient_map=true) then { add all gradient structure factor arrays, multiply with refined f' f'' form factors } xray do (grad=0) ( all ) end evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop fr1 if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then evaluate ($DOWN="TO-"+encode($i_wave)) show ave (scatter_fp) (segid $DOWN) evaluate ($r_fp=$result) show ave (scatter_fdp) (segid $DOWN) evaluate ($r_fdp=$result) xray do (grad=grad+($r_fp - i*$r_fdp)*$strip%grad_map_f_$i_wave) ( all ) end if ($i_wave # $ref_wave) then evaluate ($UP="TO+"+encode($i_wave)) show ave (scatter_fp) (segid $UP) evaluate ($r_fp=$result) show ave (scatter_fdp) (segid $UP) evaluate ($r_fdp=$result) xray do (grad=grad+($r_fp - i*$r_fdp)*$strip%grad_map_$i_wave) ( all ) end end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop fr1 xray { scale gradient array and change the sign } { take the negative gradient in order to get positive peaks } show ave (amplitude(grad)^2) ( amplitude(grad )>0 ) if ($result>0) then do (grad =grad /sqrt($result)) ( all ) end if do (grad = -grad ) ( all ) evaluate ($grad_file=&output_root+"_grad.hkl") write reflection grad sele=( amplitude(grad )>0 ) output=$grad_file end evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop fr4 if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then undeclare name=$strip%grad_map_f_$i_wave domain=reciprocal end if ($i_wave # $ref_wave) then undeclare name=$strip%grad_map_$i_wave domain=reciprocal end end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop fr4 undeclare name=grad domain=reciprocal end end end if xray evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop wrt if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then undeclare name=$strip%f_w_fried_$i_wave domain=reciprocal end undeclare name=$strip%s_w_fried_$i_wave domain=reciprocal end undeclare name=$strip%sha_$i_wave domain=reciprocal end end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop wrt undeclare name=null domain=reciprocal end evaluate ($refl_out_file=&output_root+".hkl") if (&merge_inout=true) then write reflection output=$refl_out_file sele=( all ) end else write reflection &strip%centroid_phase_name &strip%pa_name &strip%pb_name &strip%pc_name &strip%pd_name &strip%fom_name output=$refl_out_file sele=( all ) end end if end { Write refined delta f' and absolute f'' values. } evaluate ($fp_out_file=&output_root+".fp") set display=$fp_out_file end display From Friedel(F)->Fref LOCs f' f'' type display ========================================================== evaluate ($DOWN_REF="TO-"+encode($ref_wave)) { Get f' and f''. } evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop scn if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then evaluate ($DOWN="TO-"+encode($i_wave)) {fref+ -> f_w-} if (&mad_fpconst=true) then evaluate ($counter=1) while ( $counter <= $subgroups.num ) loop sub show ave (scatter_fp) (segid $DOWN and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter) evaluate ($fp=$result) evaluate ($fp_w_$i_wave=$fp + $fp_ref) show ave (scatter_fdp) (segid $DOWN and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter) evaluate ($fdp=$result) show ave (scatter_fdp) (segid $DOWN_REF and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter) evaluate ($fdp_ref=-$result/2) evaluate ($fdp_w_$i_wave=-($fdp + $fdp_ref)) display wavelength ($i_wave) \ $fp_w_$i_wave[F8.2] $fdp_w_$i_wave[F8.2] $subgroups.type.$counter evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) end loop sub else for $indx in id ( segid $DOWN ) loop in5 show elem (scatter_fp) (id $indx ) evaluate ($fp=$result) evaluate ($fp_w_$i_wave=$fp + $fp_ref) show elem (scatter_fdp) (id $indx ) evaluate ($fdp=$result) show elem ( resid ) ( id $indx) evaluate ($resid=$result) show elem (scatter_fdp) (segid $DOWN_REF and resid $resid ) evaluate ($fdp_ref=-$result/2) evaluate ($fdp_w_$i_wave=-($fdp + $fdp_ref)) show elem (resid) ( id $indx ) evaluate ($resid=$result) show (chemical) ( id $indx ) evaluate ($type=$result) display wavelength ($i_wave) site ($resid) \ $fp_w_$i_wave[F8.2] $fdp_w_$i_wave[F8.2] $type end loop in5 display end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop scn display display From F->Fref LOCs. f' f'' type display ========================================================== evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop scc if (&blank%f_w_$i_wave = false) then if ($i_wave # $ref_wave) then evaluate ($UP="TO+"+encode($i_wave)) {fref+ -> f_w+} if (&mad_fpconst=true) then evaluate ($counter=1) while ( $counter <= $subgroups.num ) loop sub show elem (scatter_fp) (segid $UP and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter) evaluate ($fp=$result) evaluate ($fp_w_$i_wave=$fp + $fp_ref) show elem (scatter_fdp) (segid $UP and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter) evaluate ($fdp=$result) show ave (scatter_fdp) (segid $DOWN_REF and chemical $subgroups.type.$counter) evaluate ($fdp_ref=-$result/2) evaluate ($fdp_w_$i_wave=$fdp + $fdp_ref) display wavelength ($i_wave) \ $fp_w_$i_wave[F8.2] $fdp_w_$i_wave[F8.2] $subgroups.type.$counter evaluate ($counter=$counter+1) end loop sub else for $indx in id ( segid $UP ) loop in6 show elem (scatter_fp) (id $indx) evaluate ($fp=$result) evaluate ($fp_w_$i_wave=$fp + $fp_ref) show elem (scatter_fdp) (id $indx) evaluate ($fdp=$result) show elem ( resid ) ( id $indx) evaluate ($resid=$result) show elem (scatter_fdp) (segid $DOWN_REF and resid $resid) evaluate ($fdp_ref=-$result/2) evaluate ($fdp_w_$i_wave=$fdp + $fdp_ref) show elem (resid) ( id $indx ) evaluate ($resid=$result) show (chemical) ( id $indx ) evaluate ($type=$result) display wavelength ($i_wave) site ($resid) \ $fp_w_$i_wave[F8.2] $fdp_w_$i_wave[F8.2] $type end loop in6 display end if end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop scc {- average results for each wavelength and write out as site database file -} evaluate ($nsites=1) evaluate ($done=false) while ( $done = false ) loop count if ( $EXIST%allsites.action_$nsites = false ) then evaluate ($done=true) evaluate ($nsites=$nsites-1) else evaluate ($nsites=$nsites+1) end if end loop count evaluate ($count=1) while ($count <= $nsites) loop zero if ( $allsites.action_$count # "ignore" ) then evaluate ($allsites.x_$count=0) evaluate ($allsites.y_$count=0) evaluate ($allsites.z_$count=0) evaluate ($allsites.b_$count=0) evaluate ($allsites.q_$count=0) end if evaluate ($count=$count+1) end loop zero evaluate ($ntotal=0) evaluate ($i_wave=1) while ($i_wave <= $n_wave) loop dup if ($i_wave # $ref_wave) then if (&f_w_$i_wave # "") then evaluate ($UP="TO+"+encode($i_wave)) evaluate ($DOWN="TO-"+encode($i_wave)) for $segid in ( $UP $DOWN ) loop segid evaluate ($id=1) evaluate ($count=1) while ($count <= $nsites) loop add if ( $allsites.action_$count # "ignore" ) then show (resid) (id $id) evaluate ($resid=$result) show (resname) (id $id) evaluate ($resname=$result) show (name) (id $id) evaluate ($name=$result) show (x) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.x_$count=$allsites.x_$count+$result) show (y) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.y_$count=$allsites.y_$count+$result) show (z) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.z_$count=$allsites.z_$count+$result) show (b) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.b_$count=$allsites.b_$count+$result) show (q) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.q_$count=$allsites.q_$count+$result) evaluate ($id=$id+1) end if evaluate ($count=$count+1) end loop add evaluate ($ntotal=$ntotal+1) end loop segid end if end if evaluate ($i_wave=$i_wave+1) end loop dup evaluate ($ntotal=$ntotal+1) evaluate ($segid="TO-"+encode($ref_wave)) evaluate ($id=1) evaluate ($count=1) while ($count <= $nsites) loop add if ( $allsites.action_$count # "ignore" ) then show (resid) (id $id) evaluate ($resid=$result) show (resname) (id $id) evaluate ($resname=$result) show (name) (id $id) evaluate ($name=$result) show (x) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.x_$count=$allsites.x_$count+$result) evaluate ($allsites.x_$count=$allsites.x_$count/$ntotal) show (y) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.y_$count=$allsites.y_$count+$result) evaluate ($allsites.y_$count=$allsites.y_$count/$ntotal) show (z) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.z_$count=$allsites.z_$count+$result) evaluate ($allsites.z_$count=$allsites.z_$count/$ntotal) show (b) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.b_$count=$allsites.b_$count+$result) evaluate ($allsites.b_$count=$allsites.b_$count/$ntotal) show (q) (segid $segid and resid $resid and resname $resname and name $name) evaluate ($allsites.q_$count=$allsites.q_$count+$result) evaluate ($allsites.q_$count=$allsites.q_$count/$ntotal) evaluate ($id=$id+1) end if evaluate ($count=$count+1) end loop add evaluate ($sitedatabase_outfile=&output_root+".sdb") @CNS_XTALMODULE:write_sdb (sitedb=$allsites; sg=&sg; output=$sitedatabase_outfile;) stop