{+ file: optimize_ncsop.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_phase +} {+ description: Improve NCS operators for density averaging +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger and Paul D. Adams +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) must not be quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subcripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P4(1)2(1)2"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=101.4; {===>} b=101.4; {===>} c=199.5; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {* reflection file *} {===>} reflection_infile="eg1_abcd.cv"; {* reciprocal space array containing observed amplitudes: required *} {===>} obs_f="fobs"; {* reciprocal space array containing sigma values for amplitudes: required *} {===>} obs_sigf="sigma"; {* reciprocal space array containing observed intensities: optional *} {* may be used for reflection rejection *} {===>} obs_i=""; {* reciprocal space array containing sigma values for intensities: optional *} {* may be used for reflection rejection *} {===>} obs_sigi=""; {* experimental phase probability distribution: required *} {* required for phase combination *} {* reciprocal space arrays with Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients A,B,C,D *} {+ table: rows=1 "HL coefficients" cols=4 "A" "B" "C" "D" +} {===>} obs_pa="pa"; {===>} obs_pb="pb"; {===>} obs_pc="pc"; {===>} obs_pd="pd"; {* resolution limits for improvement *} {+ table: rows=1 "resolution" cols=2 "lowest" "highest" +} {===>} low_res=500.0; {===>} high_res=5.0; {* apply rejection criteria to amplitudes or intensities *} {+ choice: "amplitude" "intensity" +} {===>} obs_type="amplitude"; {* Observed data cutoff criteria: applied to amplitudes or intensities *} {* reflections with magnitude(Obs)/sigma < &sigma_cut are rejected. *} {===>} sigma_cut=0.0; {* rms outlier cutoff: applied to amplitudes or intensities *} {* reflections with magnitude(Obs) > &obs_rms*rms(Obs) will be rejected *} {===>} obs_rms=10000; {================== non-crystallographic symmetry ====================} {* NCS-restraints/constraints file *} {* only strict NCS is allowed *} {* see auxiliary/ncs.def *} {===>} ncs_infile="eg1_ncs_strict.def"; {============================== mask =================================} {* O mask file *} {* the mask should cover the primary molecule - the other NCS masks will be generated from this and the NCS operators *} {===>} ncs_mask_infile="eg1.mask"; {======================== search parameters ==========================} {* rotation parameters *} {* theta1, theta2 and theta3 define realspace Euler angles. maximum, minimum and increment size are required for each angle *} {+ table: rows=3 "theta1" "theta2" "theta3" cols=3 "minimum" "maximum" "increment" +} {===>} theta1_min=-0.1; {===>} theta1_max=0.1; {===>} theta1_inc=0.1; {===>} theta2_min=-0.1; {===>} theta2_max=0.1; {===>} theta2_inc=0.1; {===>} theta3_min=-0.1; {===>} theta3_max=0.1; {===>} theta3_inc=0.1; {* translation parameters *} {* dx, dy, dz define realspace translations in orthogonal Angstroms. maximum, minimum and increment size are required for each translation *} {+ table: rows=3 "dx" "dy" "dz" cols=3 "minimum" "maximum" "increment" +} {===>} dx_min=-0.5; {===>} dx_max=0.5; {===>} dx_inc=0.5; {===>} dy_min=-0.5; {===>} dy_max=0.5; {===>} dy_inc=0.5; {===>} dz_min=-0.5; {===>} dz_max=0.5; {===>} dz_inc=0.5; {* grid spacing as a fraction of the highest resolution limit *} {===>} grid=0.25; {* memory allocation for FFT calculation *} {* this will be determined automatically if a negative value is given otherwise the specified number of words will be allocated *} {===>} fft_memory=-1; {* phase step for integration of combined phase probability *} {===>} np_phistep=5; {=========================== output files ============================} {* output listing file *} {===>} list_outfile="optimize_ncs.list"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) xray @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;) a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma binresolution &low_res &high_res mapresolution &high_res generate &low_res &high_res reflection @&reflection_infile end declare name=fobsold domain=reciprocal type=complex end declare name=testold domain=reciprocal type=integer end do (fobsold=&STRIP%obs_f) (all) {- check that all data arrays are well-defined -} set echo=off end if ( &BLANK%obs_f = true ) then display display ********************************************************* display Error: required observed amplitude array is not specified display ********************************************************* display abort else query name=&STRIP%obs_f domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************************************** display Error: required observed amplitude array &obs_f does not exist display ************************************************************** display abort end if {- note: this array can be of any type -} end if if ( &BLANK%obs_sigf = true ) then display display ***************************************************** display Error: required observed sigma array is not specified display ***************************************************** display abort else query name=&STRIP%obs_sigf domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************************************* display Error: required observed sigma array &obs_sigf does not exist display ************************************************************* display abort end if if ( $object_type # "REAL" ) then display display ********************************************************************** display Error: required observed sigma array &obs_sigf has the wrong data type display ********************************************************************** display abort end if end if @@CNS_XTALMODULE:check_abcd (pa=&obs_pa; pb=&obs_pb; pc=&obs_pc; pd=&obs_pd;) if ( &BLANK%obs_i = false ) then query name=&STRIP%obs_i domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = true ) then do (iobs_orig=&STRIP%obs_i) (all) else display display ******************************************** display Error: intensity array &obs_i does not exist display ******************************************** display abort end if end if if ( &BLANK%obs_sigi = false ) then query name=&STRIP%obs_sigi domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = true ) then do (sigi_orig=&STRIP%obs_sigi) (all) else display display ***************************************************** display Error: intensity sigma array &obs_sigi does not exist display ***************************************************** display abort end if end if set echo=on end if ( &obs_type = "intensity" ) then evaluate ($reject_obs=&obs_i) evaluate ($reject_sig=&obs_sigi) show min (amplitude(&STRIP%obs_i)) (all) evaluate ($obs_lower_limit=$result-0.1) else evaluate ($reject_obs=&obs_f) evaluate ($reject_sig=&obs_sigf) evaluate ($obs_lower_limit=0) end if declare name=ref_active domain=reciprocal type=integer end declare name=tst_active domain=reciprocal type=integer end do (ref_active=0) ( all ) do (ref_active=1) ( ( amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs) > $obs_lower_limit ) and ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) ) statistics overall completeness selection=( ref_active=1 ) end evaluate ($total_compl=$expression1) show sum(1) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($total_read=$select) evaluate ($total_theor=int(1./$total_compl * $total_read)) show rms (amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs)) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($obs_high=$result*&obs_rms) show min (amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs)) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($obs_low=$result) do (ref_active=0) ( all ) do (ref_active=1) ( ( amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs) >= &sigma_cut*$STRIP%reject_sig ) and ( $STRIP%reject_sig # 0 ) and ( $obs_low <= amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs) <= $obs_high ) and ( &low_res >= d >= &high_res ) ) do (tst_active=0) (all) do (tst_active=1) (none) show sum(1) ( ref_active=1 and tst_active=0 ) evaluate ($total_work=$select) show sum(1) ( ref_active=1 and tst_active=1 ) evaluate ($total_test=$select) evaluate ($total_used=$total_work+$total_test) evaluate ($unobserved=$total_theor-$total_read) evaluate ($rejected=$total_read-$total_used) evaluate ($per_unobs=100*($unobserved/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_reject=100*($rejected/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_used=100*($total_used/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_work=100*($total_work/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_test=100*($total_test/$total_theor)) tselection=( ref_active=1 ) cvselection=( none ) method=FFT fft grid=&grid if ( &fft_memory < 0 ) then automemory=true else memory=&fft_memory end if end end if ( &BLANK%ncs_infile = false ) then inline @&ncs_infile end if ncs strict ? end evaluate ($1=1) evaluate ($2=2) evaluate ($3=3) evaluate ($4=4) evaluate ($num_op=1) evaluate ($done=false) while ( $done = false ) loop ncsop if ( $exist_ncsop_$num_op_$1_$1 # true ) then evaluate ($done=true) evaluate ($num_op=$num_op-1) else evaluate ($num_op=$num_op+1) end if end loop ncsop if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if xray declare name=m domain=reci type=complex end {(fom_obs, phi_obs)} declare name=fcomb domain=reci type=complex end {combined FOM*Fo,phi} declare name=map domain=real end {density map} declare name=dm_fom domain=reci type=real end declare name=maptmp domain=real end {density map} @CNS_XTALMODULE:getfom ( pa=&STRIP%obs_pa; pb=&STRIP%obs_pb; pc=&STRIP%obs_pc; pd=&STRIP%obs_pd; m=m; phistep=&np_phistep; ) do (dm_fom=0) (all) do (dm_fom=amplitude(m)) ( (abs(&STRIP%obs_pa) > 0 or abs(&STRIP%obs_pb) > 0 or abs(&STRIP%obs_pc) > 0 or abs(&STRIP%obs_pd) > 0) ) do (fcomb=0) (all) do (fcomb=combine( dm_fom amplitude(&STRIP%obs_f), phase (m) )) (dm_fom > 0) do (map=ft(fcomb)) (&low_res >= d >= &high_res and dm_fom > 0) declare name=mask domain=real end read mask to=mask type=omask input=&ncs_mask_infile end end set display=&list_outfile end display ======================== Summary of density averaging ======================== display display input data ----> display >>> resolution: &low_res - &high_res display >>> sg= &STRIP%sg a= &a b= &b c= &c alpha= &alpha beta= &beta gamma= &gamma display >>> reflection file= &STRIP%reflection_infile display >>> NCS-strict file= &STRIP%ncs_infile display >>> number of NCS operators= $num_op display >>> NCS mask for primary molecule read from: &STRIP%ncs_mask_infile display display data usage ----> if ( &obs_type = "intensity" ) then display >>> reflections with Iobs/sigma_I < &sigma_cut rejected display >>> reflections with Iobs > &obs_rms * rms(Iobs) rejected else display >>> reflections with |Fobs|/sigma_F < &sigma_cut rejected display >>> reflections with |Fobs| > &obs_rms * rms(Fobs) rejected end if display >>> theoretical total number of refl. in resol. range: $total_theor[I6] ( 100.0 % ) display >>> number of unobserved reflections (no entry or |F|=0): $unobserved[I6] ( $per_unobs[f5.1] % ) display >>> number of reflections rejected: $rejected[I6] ( $per_reject[f5.1] % ) display >>> total number of reflections used: $total_used[I6] ( $per_used[f5.1] % ) display >>> number of reflections in working set: $total_work[I6] ( $per_work[f5.1] % ) display set display=OUTPUT end evaluate ($ncsop=2) while ($ncsop <= $num_op) loop ncs set display=&list_outfile end display display =================================================================== display display >>> initial matrix for operator $ncsop display matrix= ( $ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$1 $ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$2 $ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$3 ) display ( $ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$1 $ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$2 $ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$3 ) display ( $ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$1 $ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$2 $ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$3 ) display display >>> initial translation for operator $ncsop display vector= ( $ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$4 $ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$4 $ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$4 ) set display=OUTPUT end coord matrix= ( $ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$1 $ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$2 $ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$3 ) ( $ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$1 $ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$2 $ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$3 ) ( $ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$1 $ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$2 $ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$3 ) end evaluate ($euler_$ncsop_$1=$theta1) evaluate ($euler_$ncsop_$2=$theta2) evaluate ($euler_$ncsop_$3=$theta3) evaluate ($ncsop=$ncsop+1) end loop ncs evaluate ($ncsop=2) while ($ncsop <= $num_op) loop aver xray do (maptmp=map) (all) average from=maptmp group mask=mask euler=( 0 0 0 ) translation=( 0 0 0 ) end group euler= ( $euler_$ncsop_$1 $euler_$ncsop_$2 $euler_$ncsop_$3 ) translation= ( $ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$4 $ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$4 $ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$4 ) end end end evaluate ($startcc_$ncsop=$av_corr) evaluate ($bestcc_$ncsop=$av_corr) evaluate ($bestt1_$ncsop=0.0) evaluate ($bestt2_$ncsop=0.0) evaluate ($bestt3_$ncsop=0.0) evaluate ($bestdx_$ncsop=0.0) evaluate ($bestdy_$ncsop=0.0) evaluate ($bestdz_$ncsop=0.0) set display=&list_outfile end display >>> starting correlation for 1 -> $ncsop[i3] $av_corr[f6.4] set display=OUTPUT end evaluate ($ncsop=$ncsop+1) end loop aver set display=&list_outfile end display display =================================================================== display display NCS_op theta1 theta2 theta3 CC display set display=OUTPUT end evaluate ($t1=&theta1_min) while ( $t1 <= &theta1_max ) loop t1 evaluate ($t2=&theta2_min) while ( $t2 <= &theta2_max ) loop t2 evaluate ($t3=&theta3_min) while ( $t3 <= &theta3_max ) loop t3 evaluate ($ncsop=2) while ($ncsop <= $num_op) loop aver evaluate ($ncstmp_1=$euler_$ncsop_$1 + $t1) evaluate ($ncstmp_2=$euler_$ncsop_$2 + $t2) evaluate ($ncstmp_3=$euler_$ncsop_$3 + $t3) xray do (maptmp=map) (all) average from=maptmp group mask=mask euler=( 0 0 0 ) translation=( 0 0 0 ) end group euler= ( $ncstmp_$1 $ncstmp_$2 $ncstmp_$3 ) translation= ( $ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$4 $ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$4 $ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$4 ) end end end if ( $av_corr > $bestcc_$ncsop ) then evaluate ($bestcc_$ncsop=$av_corr) evaluate ($bestt1_$ncsop=$t1) evaluate ($bestt2_$ncsop=$t2) evaluate ($bestt3_$ncsop=$t3) end if set display=&list_outfile end display 1 -> $ncsop[i3] $t1[f8.4] $t2[f8.4] $t3[f8.4] $av_corr[f8.4] set display=OUTPUT end evaluate ($ncsop=$ncsop+1) end loop aver evaluate ($t3=$t3+&theta3_inc) end loop t3 evaluate ($t2=$t2+&theta2_inc) end loop t2 evaluate ($t1=$t1+&theta1_inc) end loop t1 set display=&list_outfile end display display =================================================================== display display NCS_op dx dy dz CC evaluate ($dx=&dx_min) while ( $dx <= &dx_max ) loop dx evaluate ($dy=&dy_min) while ( $dy <= &dy_max ) loop dy evaluate ($dz=&dz_min) while ( $dz <= &dz_max ) loop dz evaluate ($ncsop=2) while ($ncsop <= $num_op) loop aver evaluate ($ncstmp_1=$euler_$ncsop_$1 + $bestt1_$ncsop) evaluate ($ncstmp_2=$euler_$ncsop_$2 + $bestt2_$ncsop) evaluate ($ncstmp_3=$euler_$ncsop_$3 + $bestt3_$ncsop) evaluate ($ncstmp_4=$ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$4 + $dx) evaluate ($ncstmp_5=$ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$4 + $dy) evaluate ($ncstmp_6=$ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$4 + $dz) xray do (maptmp=map) (all) average from=maptmp group mask=mask euler=( 0 0 0 ) translation=( 0 0 0 ) end group euler= ( $ncstmp_1 $ncstmp_2 $ncstmp_3 ) translation= ( $ncstmp_4 $ncstmp_5 $ncstmp_6 ) end end end if ($av_corr > $bestcc_$ncsop) then evaluate ($bestcc_$ncsop=$av_corr) evaluate ($bestdx_$ncsop=$dx) evaluate ($bestdy_$ncsop=$dy) evaluate ($bestdz_$ncsop=$dz) end if set display=&list_outfile end display 1 -> $ncsop[i3] $dx[f8.4] $dy[f8.4] $dz[f8.4] $av_corr[f8.4] set display=OUTPUT end evaluate ($ncsop=$ncsop+1) end loop aver evaluate ($dz=$dz+&dz_inc) end loop dz evaluate ($dy=$dy+&dy_inc) end loop dy evaluate ($dx=$dx+&dx_inc) end loop dx evaluate ($ncsop=2) while ($ncsop <= $num_op) loop aver set display=&list_outfile end evaluate ($ncstmp_1=$euler_$ncsop_$1 + $bestt1_$ncsop) evaluate ($ncstmp_2=$euler_$ncsop_$2 + $bestt2_$ncsop) evaluate ($ncstmp_3=$euler_$ncsop_$3 + $bestt3_$ncsop) coord euler=( $ncstmp_1 $ncstmp_2 $ncstmp_3 ) end evaluate ($ncstmp_4=$ncsop_$ncsop_$1_$4+$bestdx_$ncsop) evaluate ($ncstmp_5=$ncsop_$ncsop_$2_$4+$bestdy_$ncsop) evaluate ($ncstmp_6=$ncsop_$ncsop_$3_$4+$bestdz_$ncsop) display display =================================================================== display display >>> optimized matrix for operator $ncsop display >>> correlation coefficient= $bestcc_$ncsop display matrix= ( $rot_1_1[f9.6] $rot_1_2[f9.6] $rot_1_3[f9.6] ) display ( $rot_2_1[f9.6] $rot_2_2[f9.6] $rot_2_3[f9.6] ) display ( $rot_3_1[f9.6] $rot_3_2[f9.6] $rot_3_3[f9.6] ) display display >>> optimized translation for operator $ncsop display >>> correlation coefficient= $bestcc_$ncsop display vector= ( $ncstmp_4[f12.6] $ncstmp_5[f12.6] $ncstmp_6[f12.6] ) set display=OUTPUT end evaluate ($ncsop=$ncsop+1) end loop aver set display=&list_outfile end display display =================================================================== stop