{+ file: solvent_mask.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_phase +} {+ description: Calculate solvent mask from experimental phases +} {+ comment: uses either the reciprocal space Wang-Leslie method or the real space density fluctuation method +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger, Alison Roberts and Paul D. Adams +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) must not be quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subcripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P4(1)2(1)2"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=101.4; {===>} b=101.4; {===>} c=199.5; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {* reflection file(s) containing scaled data *} {* specify non-anomalous reflection file(s) (if any) before anomalous reflection file(s) *} {===>} reflection_infile_1="eg1_abcd.cv"; {===>} reflection_infile_2=""; {===>} reflection_infile_3=""; {* reciprocal space array containing observed amplitudes: required *} {===>} obs_f="fobs"; {* reciprocal space array containing sigma values for amplitudes: required *} {===>} obs_sigf="sigma"; {* reciprocal space array containing observed intensities: optional *} {* may be used for reflection rejection *} {===>} obs_i=""; {* reciprocal space array containing sigma values for intensities: optional *} {* may be used for reflection rejection *} {===>} obs_sigi=""; {* experimental phase probability distribution: required *} {* required for phase combination *} {* reciprocal space arrays with Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients A,B,C,D *} {+ table: rows=1 "HL coefficients" cols=4 "A" "B" "C" "D" +} {===>} obs_pa="pa"; {===>} obs_pb="pb"; {===>} obs_pc="pc"; {===>} obs_pd="pd"; {* upper resolution limits for mask creation *} {===>} high_res=4.0; {* apply rejection criteria to amplitudes or intensities *} {+ choice: "amplitude" "intensity" +} {===>} obs_type="amplitude"; {* Observed data cutoff criteria: applied to amplitudes or intensities *} {* reflections with magnitude(Obs)/sigma < &sigma_cut are rejected. *} {===>} sigma_cut=0.0; {* rms outlier cutoff: applied to amplitudes or intensities *} {* reflections with magnitude(Obs) > &obs_rms*rms(Obs) will be rejected *} {===>} obs_rms=10000; {=================== mask generation parameters ======================} {* solvent content of crystal *} {===>} solcon=0.55; {* mask generation method *} {* the reciprocal space Wang-Leslie method is faster but can be less accurate than the real space RMS method *} {+ choice: "wang-leslie" "rms" +} {===>} mask_method="rms"; {* sphere radius in Angstrom for calculation of average (Wang-Leslie method) or standard deviation of density (RMS method) *} {* for the Wang-Leslie method this should be approximately twice the highest resolution limit of the experimental phases. for the RMS method this should be approximately the highest resolution limit of the experimental phases *} {===>} ave_radius=4.0; {* extent of map *} {+ choice: "asymmetric" "unit_cell" "box" "fract" +} {===>} map_mode="unit_cell"; {* limits in orthogonal angstroms for box mode or fractional coordinates for fract mode *} {+ table: rows=3 "x" "y" "z" cols=2 "minimum" "maximum" +} {===>} xmin=0; {===>} xmax=0; {===>} ymin=0; {===>} ymax=0; {===>} zmin=0; {===>} zmax=0; {* memory allocation for FFT calculation *} {* this will be determined automatically if a negative value is given otherwise the specified number of words will be allocated *} {===>} fft_memory=-1; {=========================== output files ============================} {* output mask file *} {===>} mask_outfile="solvent_mask.mask"; {* mask format *} {+ choice: "cns" "omask" +} {===>} mask_type="omask"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) evaluate ($low_res=999) xray @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;) a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma binresolution $low_res &high_res mapresolution &high_res generate $low_res &high_res if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_1 = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_1 end end if if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_2 = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_2 end end if if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_3 = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_3 end end if declare name=fobsold domain=reciprocal type=complex end declare name=testold domain=reciprocal type=integer end do (fobsold=&STRIP%obs_f) (all) {- check that all data arrays are well-defined -} set echo=off end if ( &BLANK%obs_f = true ) then display display ********************************************************* display Error: required observed amplitude array is not specified display ********************************************************* display abort else query name=&STRIP%obs_f domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************************************** display Error: required observed amplitude array &obs_f does not exist display ************************************************************** display abort end if {- note: this array can be of any type -} end if if ( &BLANK%obs_sigf = true ) then display display ***************************************************** display Error: required observed sigma array is not specified display ***************************************************** display abort else query name=&STRIP%obs_sigf domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = false ) then display display ************************************************************* display Error: required observed sigma array &obs_sigf does not exist display ************************************************************* display abort end if if ( $object_type # "REAL" ) then display display ********************************************************************** display Error: required observed sigma array &obs_sigf has the wrong data type display ********************************************************************** display abort end if end if @@CNS_XTALMODULE:check_abcd (pa=&obs_pa; pb=&obs_pb; pc=&obs_pc; pd=&obs_pd;) if ( &BLANK%obs_i = false ) then query name=&STRIP%obs_i domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = true ) then do (iobs_orig=&STRIP%obs_i) (all) else display display ******************************************** display Error: intensity array &obs_i does not exist display ******************************************** display abort end if end if if ( &BLANK%obs_sigi = false ) then query name=&STRIP%obs_sigi domain=reciprocal end if ( $object_exist = true ) then do (sigi_orig=&STRIP%obs_sigi) (all) else display display ***************************************************** display Error: intensity sigma array &obs_sigi does not exist display ***************************************************** display abort end if end if set echo=on end if ( &obs_type = "intensity" ) then evaluate ($reject_obs=&obs_i) evaluate ($reject_sig=&obs_sigi) show min (amplitude(&STRIP%obs_i)) (all) evaluate ($obs_lower_limit=$result-0.1) else evaluate ($reject_obs=&obs_f) evaluate ($reject_sig=&obs_sigf) evaluate ($obs_lower_limit=0) end if declare name=ref_active domain=reciprocal type=integer end declare name=tst_active domain=reciprocal type=integer end do (ref_active=0) ( all ) do (ref_active=1) ( ( amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs) > $obs_lower_limit ) and ( $low_res >= d >= &high_res ) ) statistics overall completeness selection=( ref_active=1 ) end evaluate ($total_compl=$expression1) show sum(1) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($total_read=$select) evaluate ($total_theor=int(1./$total_compl * $total_read)) show rms (amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs)) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($obs_high=$result*&obs_rms) show min (amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs)) ( ref_active=1 ) evaluate ($obs_low=$result) do (ref_active=0) ( all ) do (ref_active=1) ( ( amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs) >= &sigma_cut*$STRIP%reject_sig ) and ( $STRIP%reject_sig # 0 ) and ( $obs_low <= amplitude($STRIP%reject_obs) <= $obs_high ) and ( $low_res >= d >= &high_res ) ) do (tst_active=0) (all) do (tst_active=1) (none) show sum(1) ( ref_active=1 and tst_active=0 ) evaluate ($total_work=$select) show sum(1) ( ref_active=1 and tst_active=1 ) evaluate ($total_test=$select) evaluate ($total_used=$total_work+$total_test) evaluate ($unobserved=$total_theor-$total_read) evaluate ($rejected=$total_read-$total_used) evaluate ($per_unobs=100*($unobserved/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_reject=100*($rejected/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_used=100*($total_used/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_work=100*($total_work/$total_theor)) evaluate ($per_test=100*($total_test/$total_theor)) tselection=( ref_active=1 ) cvselection=( none ) method=FFT fft if ( &fft_memory < 0 ) then automemory=true else memory=&fft_memory end if end end if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if xray declare name=m domain=reci type=complex end {(fom_obs, phi_obs)} declare name=fcomb domain=reci type=complex end {combined FOM*Fo,phi} declare name=map domain=real end {density map} declare name=sol_fom domain=reci type=real end @CNS_XTALMODULE:getfom ( pa=&STRIP%obs_pa; pb=&STRIP%obs_pb; pc=&STRIP%obs_pc; pd=&STRIP%obs_pd; m=m; phistep=5.0; ) do (sol_fom=0) (all) do (sol_fom=amplitude(m)) ( (abs(&STRIP%obs_pa) > 0 or abs(&STRIP%obs_pb) > 0 or abs(&STRIP%obs_pc) > 0 or abs(&STRIP%obs_pd) > 0) ) do (fcomb=0) (all) do (fcomb=combine( sol_fom amplitude(&STRIP%obs_f), phase (m) )) (sol_fom > 0) do (map=ft(fcomb)) ($low_res >= d >= &high_res and sol_fom > 0) declare name=mask domain=real end if ( &mask_method = "wang-leslie" ) then declare name=w_recip domain=reci type=real end declare name=w_temp domain=reci type=comp end evaluate ($rtod=180.0/$pi) do (w_recip=2.0*$pi*s*&ave_radius ) ($low_res >= d >= &high_res) do (w_recip=3(sin(w_recip*$rtod) - w_recip cos(w_recip*$rtod)) / w_recip^3 - 3(2 w_recip sin(w_recip*$rtod) - ( w_recip^2-2) cos(w_recip*$rtod) - 2) / w_recip^4) ($low_res >= d >= &high_res) anomalous ? if ($result=true) then do (w_temp=w_recip*ft(combine(max(0.0,real(map)),0))) (all) else do (w_temp=w_recip*ft(max(0.0,map))) (all) end if do (mask=ft(w_temp)) ($low_res >= d >= &high_res) undeclare name=w_recip domain=reci end undeclare name=w_temp domain=reci end else do (mask=sdev[radius=&ave_radius](real(map))) (all) end if histogram mbins=9999 solcon=&solcon from=mask end evaluate ($cutoff=$result) declare name=solmap domain=real end do (solmap=mask) (all) do (mask=1) (real(solmap) < $cutoff) do (mask=0) (real(solmap) >= $cutoff) undeclare name=solmap domain=real end end if ( &map_mode = "asymmetric" ) then evaluate ($map_mode_string=ASYM) elseif ( &map_mode = "box" ) then evaluate ($map_mode_string=BOX) elseif ( &map_mode = "fract" ) then evaluate ($map_mode_string=FRAC) elseif ( &map_mode = "unit_cell" ) then evaluate ($map_mode_string=UNIT) end if xray if ( &mask_type = "cns" ) then write map from=mask output=&mask_outfile type=cns extend=$map_mode_string if ( &map_mode = "box" ) then xmin=&xmin xmax=&xmax ymin=&ymin ymax=&ymax zmin=&zmin zmax=&zmax end if if ( &map_mode = "fract" ) then xmin=&xmin xmax=&xmax ymin=&ymin ymax=&ymax zmin=&zmin zmax=&zmax end if end elseif ( &mask_type = "omask" ) then write mask from=mask output=&mask_outfile type=omask extend=$map_mode_string if ( &map_mode = "box" ) then xmin=&xmin xmax=&xmax ymin=&ymin ymax=&ymax zmin=&zmin zmax=&zmax end if if ( &map_mode = "fract" ) then xmin=&xmin xmax=&xmax ymin=&ymin ymax=&ymax zmin=&zmin zmax=&zmax end if end end if end stop