{+ file: manipulate.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_util +} {+ description: Performs operations and analysis on reciprocal space arrays and can create new arrays. +} {+ authors: Axel T. Brunger +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="P2(1)2(1)2(1)"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=65.508; {===>} b=72.216; {===>} c=45.035; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {* input reflection file(s) *} {* specify non-anomalous reflection file(s) (if any) before anomalous reflection file(s) *} {===>} reflection_infile_1="mbp_refine.hkl"; {===>} reflection_infile_2=""; {===>} reflection_infile_3=""; {=========================== output file =============================} {* output reflection file *} {===>} reflection_outfile="manipulate.hkl"; {======================== global operations ==========================} {* flip Friedel mates of all reciprocal space arrays *} {* this will operate on all array types, including complex and Hendrickson-Lattman groups *} {+ choice: true false +} {===>} flip=false; {===================== declaration of new arrays =====================} {* declare new arrays reciprocal space arrays, give name (must not exist) and type *} {* note: for Hendrickson-Lattman type arrays, the name refers to the base name. Four arrays will be created with name "base-name"a, "base-name"b, "base-name"c, and "base-name"d. *} {+ table: rows=9 cols=2 "name" "type" +} {===>} new.1.name=""; {+ choice: "integer" "complex" "real" "hendrickson-lattman" +} {===>} new.1.type=""; {===>} new.2.name=""; {+ choice: "integer" "complex" "real" "hendrickson-lattman" +} {===>} new.2.type=""; {===>} new.3.name=""; {+ choice: "integer" "complex" "real" "hendrickson-lattman" +} {===>} new.3.type="complex"; {===>} new.4.name=""; {+ choice: "integer" "complex" "real" "hendrickson-lattman" +} {===>} new.4.type="complex"; {===>} new.5.name=""; {+ choice: "integer" "complex" "real" "hendrickson-lattman" +} {===>} new.5.type="complex"; {===>} new.6.name=""; {+ choice: "integer" "complex" "real" "hendrickson-lattman" +} {===>} new.6.type="complex"; {===>} new.7.name=""; {+ choice: "integer" "complex" "real" "hendrickson-lattman" +} {===>} new.7.type="complex"; {===>} new.8.name=""; {+ choice: "integer" "complex" "real" "hendrickson-lattman" +} {===>} new.8.type="complex"; {===>} new.9.name=""; {+ choice: "integer" "complex" "real" "hendrickson-lattman" +} {===>} new.9.type="complex"; {===================== operations on arrays ==========================} {* remarks *} {+ list: please note: 1. operations on grouped structure factor arrays (e.g., Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients) must be performed on the individual arrays. 2. specify () for all operations not in use 3. specify (none) for all reflection selections not in use +} {* operation 1 *} {===>} op.1.expression=(); {* reflection selection for operation 1 *} {===>} op.1.selection=(none); {* operation 2 *} {===>} op.2.expression=(); {* reflection selection for operation 2 *} {===>} op.2.selection=(none); {* operation 3 *} {===>} op.3.expression=(); {* reflection selection for operation 3 *} {===>} op.3.selection=(none); {* operation 4 *} {===>} op.4.expression=(); {* reflection selection for operation 4 *} {===>} op.4.selection=(none); {* operation 5 *} {===>} op.5.expression=(); {* reflection selection for operation 5 *} {===>} op.5.selection=(none); {* operation 6 *} {===>} op.6.expression=(); {* reflection selection for operation 6 *} {===>} op.6.selection=(none); {* operation 7 *} {===>} op.7.expression=(); {* reflection selection for operation 7 *} {===>} op.7.selection=(none); {* operation 8 *} {===>} op.8.expression=(); {* reflection selection for operation 8 *} {===>} op.8.selection=(none); {* operation 9 *} {===>} op.9.expression=(); {* reflection selection for operation 9 *} {===>} op.9.selection=(none); {============================ analysis ===============================} {* remarks *} {+ list: please note: 1. specify () for all expressions not in use 2. specify (none) for all reflection selections not in use +} {* output analysis file *} {===>} analyse_outfile="manipulate.list"; {* analysis expression 1 *} {+ choice: "average" "sum" "element" "min" "max" "rms" "norm" +} {===>} analysis.1.property="average"; {===>} analysis.1.expression=(); {* reflection selection for analysis 1 *} {===>} analysis.1.selection=(none); {* analysis expression 2 *} {+ choice: "average" "sum" "element" "min" "max" "rms" "norm" +} {===>} analysis.2.property="average"; {===>} analysis.2.expression=(); {* reflection selection for analysis 2 *} {===>} analysis.2.selection=(none); {* analysis expression 3 *} {+ choice: "average" "sum" "element" "min" "max" "rms" "norm" +} {===>} analysis.3.property="average"; {===>} analysis.3.expression=(); {* reflection selection for analysis 3 *} {===>} analysis.3.selection=(none); {* analysis expression 4 *} {+ choice: "average" "sum" "element" "min" "max" "rms" "norm" +} {===>} analysis.4.property="average"; {===>} analysis.4.expression=(); {* reflection selection for analysis 4 *} {===>} analysis.4.selection=(none); {* analysis expression 5 *} {+ choice: "average" "sum" "element" "min" "max" "rms" "norm" +} {===>} analysis.5.property="average"; {===>} analysis.5.expression=(); {* reflection selection for analysis 5 *} {===>} analysis.5.selection=(none); {* analysis expression 6 *} {+ choice: "average" "sum" "element" "min" "max" "rms" "norm" +} {===>} analysis.6.property="average"; {===>} analysis.6.expression=(); {* reflection selection for analysis 6 *} {===>} analysis.6.selection=(none); {* analysis expression 7 *} {+ choice: "average" "sum" "element" "min" "max" "rms" "norm" +} {===>} analysis.7.property="average"; {===>} analysis.7.expression=(); {* reflection selection for analysis 7 *} {===>} analysis.7.selection=(none); {* analysis expression 8 *} {+ choice: "average" "sum" "element" "min" "max" "rms" "norm" +} {===>} analysis.8.property="average"; {===>} analysis.8.expression=(); {* reflection selection for analysis 8 *} {===>} analysis.8.selection=(none); {* analysis expression 9 *} {+ choice: "average" "sum" "element" "min" "max" "rms" "norm" +} {===>} analysis.9.property="average"; {===>} analysis.9.expression=(); {* reflection selection for analysis 9 *} {===>} analysis.9.selection=(none); {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) xray a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;) if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_1 = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_1 end end if if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_2 = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_2 end end if if ( &BLANK%reflection_infile_3 = false ) then reflection @@&reflection_infile_3 end end if if (&flip=true) then flip end if if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if evaluate ($jj=1) while ($jj<10) loop cpp if ( &BLANK%new.$jj.name = false ) then if ( &BLANK%new.$jj.type = true ) then display display *************************************** display Error, new array $jj: no type specified display *************************************** abort end if if (&new.$jj.type="hendrickson-lattman") then evaluate ($namehl.a=&new.$jj.name+"a") evaluate ($namehl.b=&new.$jj.name+"b") evaluate ($namehl.c=&new.$jj.name+"c") evaluate ($namehl.d=&new.$jj.name+"d") declare name=$STRIP%namehl.a type=real domain=reciprocal end declare name=$STRIP%namehl.b type=real domain=reciprocal end declare name=$STRIP%namehl.c type=real domain=reciprocal end declare name=$STRIP%namehl.d type=real domain=reciprocal end group type=hl object=$STRIP%namehl.a object=$STRIP%namehl.b object=$STRIP%namehl.c object=$STRIP%namehl.d end do ( $STRIP%namehl.a= 0 ) ( all ) do ( $STRIP%namehl.b= 0 ) ( all ) do ( $STRIP%namehl.c= 0 ) ( all ) do ( $STRIP%namehl.d= 0 ) ( all ) else declare name=&STRIP%new.$jj.name type=&STRIP%new.$jj.type domain=reciprocal end do ( &STRIP%new.$jj.name = 0 ) ( all ) end if end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop cpp evaluate ($jj=1) while ($jj<10) loop opp if ( "E%op.$jj.selection # "( none )") then do &STRIP%op.$jj.expression &STRIP%op.$jj.selection end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop opp evaluate ($jj=1) while ($jj<10) loop ana if ( "E%analysis.$jj.selection # "( none )") then if ( &BLANK%analyse_outfile = false ) then if (&analysis.$jj.property="element") then set display=&analyse_outfile end set print=&analyse_outfile end display display Components of &STRIP%analysis.$jj.expression for \ selected reflections with &STRIP%analysis.$jj.selection end if end if show &STRIP%analysis.$jj.property &STRIP%analysis.$jj.expression &STRIP%analysis.$jj.selection if ( &BLANK%analyse_outfile = false ) then set display=&analyse_outfile end if (&analysis.$jj.property # "element") then display display &STRIP%analysis.$jj.property of &STRIP%analysis.$jj.expression for \ selected reflections with &STRIP%analysis.$jj.selection : $result end if end if set display=OUTPUT end end if evaluate ($jj=$jj+1) end loop ana set message=on end set echo=on end if ( &BLANK%reflection_outfile = false ) then write reflection output=&reflection_outfile sele=( all ) end end if end stop