{+ file: matthews_coef.inp +} {+ directory: xtal_util +} {+ description: Compute Matthews coefficient and estimated solvent content. +} {+ authors: R. Bryan Sutton and Axel T. Brunger +} {+ copyright: Yale University +} {+ reference: Matthews, B.W. J. Mol. Biol 33, 491-497 (1968). +} {+ reference: Drenth, Jan. Principals of Protein X-ray Crystallography (1994), p.71 +} {- Guidelines for using this file: - all strings must be quoted by double-quotes - logical variables (true/false) are not quoted - do not remove any evaluate statements from the file -} {- begin block parameter definition -} define( {====================== crystallographic data ========================} {* space group *} {* use International Table conventions with subscripts substituted by parenthesis *} {===>} sg="I222"; {* unit cell parameters in Angstroms and degrees *} {+ table: rows=1 "cell" cols=6 "a" "b" "c" "alpha" "beta" "gamma" +} {===>} a=100.06; {===>} b=113.04; {===>} c=199.80; {===>} alpha=90; {===>} beta=90; {===>} gamma=90; {========================= molecular information =====================} {* molecular weight of molecule (in Daltons) *} {* There are on average 110 Daltons per amino acid *} {===>} mr=41000; {* estimated number of molecules in asymmetric unit *} {===>} nmol=3; {* estimated macromolecular density (g/cc) *} {===>} density=1.30; {* partial specific volume (cc/g) *} {===>} mu_bar=0.74; {* output listing file *} {===>} list_outfile="matthews_coef.list"; {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not normally need to be changed } {===========================================================================} ) {- end block parameter definition -} checkversion 1.2 evaluate ($log_level=quiet) xray a=&a b=&b c=&c alpha=&alpha beta=&beta gamma=&gamma @CNS_XTALLIB:spacegroup.lib (sg=&sg;) end evaluate ($Navogadro = 6.022E23) {1 mole} evaluate ($hmass=1.67E-24) {g} evaluate ($vm=$volume / (&nmol * &mr * $symmetry ) ) evaluate ($mol_fract= 1/($vm * $Navogadro * &density * 1.E-24 )) evaluate ($mol_fract2=&mu_bar/($vm * $Navogadro * 1.E-24 )) evaluate ($sol_fract=(1-$mol_fract) *100) evaluate ($sol_fract2=(1-$mol_fract2) *100) set display=&list_outfile end display display sg= &STRIP%sg a= &a b= &b c= &c alpha= &alpha beta= &beta gamma=&gamma display molecular weight= &mr Daltons display number of molecules/ASU= &nmol display display Note: display The value of Vm ranges from 1.7 to 3.5 A^3/Da depending display on the solvent fraction of the crystal. display However, Matthews coefficients of about 2.2 A^3/Da are more display typical for protein crystals with 50% solvent content. display display Matthews coefficient: $vm[f6.3] display display Solvent fraction: $sol_fract[f6.2] % (assuming molecular density of &density g/cc) display Solvent fraction: $sol_fract2[f6.2] % (assuming partial specific volume of &mu_bar cc/g) display stop